Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)

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TULSA DAILY WORLD MONDAY OCTOBER 7 1957 23 'Unrealistic' SBA Killings Draw rire to 9500 Co 43 Co lays a 12 inch line which will bring WENDELL BARNES at hold the Tax Room 506 Sooner pro fi nd and $25000 with approved at the office of the Su field and 6lz town of Ray Kirby VenSyn Petroleum Co of Houston has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Kirby Production Co will acquire all of the assets of Toklan Oil Corp of Tulsa The deal is subject to the ap proval of Toklan stockholders Toklan will receive 863950 shares of Kirby VenSyn common stock Kirby VenSyn will assume all of liabilities It was announced that operation of properties will con tinue to be conducted from Tulsa No changes are planned in per sonnel Co the rmt BORGER OIL SHOW DELAYED A MONTH TOKLAN TO BE SOLD TO KIRBY VENSYN a Problem problem during 1 Louisiana 11000 30 Zone 2 State Iase 8500 30 Zone 2 State Lease 3 WELLS IN KANSAS INALED BYSUNRAY Oun Servlet Tex Oct Con new IG story office is waiting on No 1 Becker Kiowa KANSANSPLAN NEV WILDCATS HEAVY WINTER DEMAND EYED Canada Directory The 1958 issue of the Canadian Oil Director has been issued by Cooper publisher of the Midwest Oil Register TEXACO PLANS NEW BUILDING END CATC PROiECT NEAR Wright vice president who will be operations manager was transferred from The Texas Pe troleum Co in Venezuela All three will be located in Caracas Harsh and oster are associ ated with Cities Service Co while Saul is with the Ohio Oil Co All three will continue in their present positions with Cities Service and Ohio while serving as officers of Parla and will con tinue to make their headquarters in New York City our drilling platforms are now being erected in Paria Opera concession area and drill ing of the first exploratory well is expected to start by mid Octo ber A drilling tender has ar rived in the Gulf of Paria and will be used with' the platforms In drilling the wells Wendell Barnes former Tulsan and now administrator of the Small Business administration will be the principal speaker at the 7th annual convention of the National Assn of Oil Equipment Jobbers scheduled for Oct 20 22 in Memphis Tenn Howard Upton Tulsa execu tive secretary of NAOEJ an nounced that Barnes will address a luncheon session of the conven tion on the final day of the meet ing Be will describe ways in which the SBA can assist owners of small businesses Barnes who practiced law here prior to becoming head of the SBA is originally from Ponca City A graduate of Brown uni versity and the University of Michigan school of law was as sistant attorney for the Oklahoma tax commission from 1935 to 1939 To Tulsa in 1939 lie moved to Tulsa in 1939 and became a partner in the firm of Gavin and Barnes During the war years he served as general counsel of the Douglas Aircraft plant in Tulsa Barnes served in the Oklahoma legislature 1950 52 and was ap pointed in ebruary 1954 to his present position by President Ei senhower The SBA administrated by Barnes has 1360 employes It operates 26 branch offices and 15 regional offices throughout the nation About 450 oil marketing equip ment men are expected to hear address at the NAOEJ convention in Memphis Mem bers of the association are manu facturers and distributors of equipment used in petroleum marketing operations They are located all over the US and in Canada and Cuba Address by Reinhardt Another Oklahoman scheduled to make an important address at the NAOEJ conclave is Clarence Reinhardt of Bartlesville projects co ordinator for Phillips Petroleum engineering de partment He also will speak on the final day of the convention subject will be Its Place in Petro leum Merchandising" Kelleher president of the Kelleher Equipment Co 'Tulsa is a member of the board of directors Officers in addition to Upton include Marshall Jr Atlanta president II Andersen Minneapolis vice president and de Penaloza St Louis treasurer Deep Sea Connection for CATC Wells The pipe laying barge of Marine Gathering production from CATC platforms to a terminal at Grand Isle La The CATC platform 40 back ground is the target for this section of pipe Cason vice president and treasurer of Interstate Oil Pipe Line Co Shreveport La has ac cepted a special loan assignment requested by Standard Oil Co (N J) Cason will be based at Santiago Chile as consultant and advisor on organizational finan cial and accounting matters of a new pipeline firm there Cliff Nolte has resigned as ex ploration manager in the Denver office of Sterling Drilling Co He will continue with the firm as geologist on a retainer and will conduct a geological consultation practice at 305 Majestic building Walter Whittingler has retired as district landman for Cities Service Oil Co in Casper Wyo He has been replaced by Hawley Kilpatrick formerly of La fayette La office World's Own Service GRAND ISLE La Oct 6 The deepest offshore pipeline yet laid another first for both the owner and the contractor is well on the way to completion in the Grand Isle area despite some of the toughest handicaps ever encoun tered in the marine oil industry One of the leading operators in the Gulf of Mexico the CATC group consists of Continental Oil Co Atlantic Refining Co Tide water Oil Co and Cities Service Production Co Conoco serves as operator for the group The con tractor Marine Gathering Co is the construction division of Com monwealth Oil Co Houston Unsuspected Curents Two tropical huricanes weird and unsuspected currents and thick delta mud were among the factors which combined to delay the 25 mile CATC project in its initial phases Robert Ledford operating vice president of Commonwealth said the 100 foot water depth near the point of origin of the line com pounded the early difficulties However new techniques were developed and equipment was modified to help hold Marine lay barge the in place while laying Pipe Despite the shutdown of opera tions during hurricanes Audrey and Bertha when the Magic was brought into the sheltered waters of Barrataria bay the entire project is expected to be ready for use this month 31000 Barrels Daily The contract calls for connect ing three of platforms offshore means of 6 inch and 8 inch pipelines and transporting their oil and gas production to a terminal at Grand Isle approxi mately 25 miles north of the wells by means of a 12 inch line The design capacity of the 12 inch main line is approximately 31000 barrels a day of liquids and 46000000 cubic feet a day of gas A 6 inch pipeline 9600 feet long and connecting two of the platform is complete The 114 OOO foot 12 inch main line and the 5700 foot 8 inch line connect ing the third platform to the sys tem are nearing completion Whiel lengths of pipe are welded into place on the line" ramp four pairs a pair at each" corner of the Magic in place Soft Mud biggest the early stages of the Led ford said to hold the barge in place in the face of a whirlpool current in the backwaters of the Mississippi river with 30 feet of soft mud on the bottom answer" he said to redesign our anchors increasing the fluke or grabbing area to compensate for the lack of sheer strength in the mud other he said been to discard the previ ously held theory that lay barge anchors must remain perfectly stationary As the current pulls the anchors through the oozy bot tom our anchor winch operators merely take in or let out the anchor cables so that the barge itself will remain (Published in The Tulsa Dally World Tulsa Oklahoma September 30 October 7 14 19571 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Of fice of Assistant Regional Com missioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Revenue Service Dallas Texas Date of first publi cation September 30 1957 Notice is hereby given that on Septem ber 11 1957 one 1940 Chevrolet pickup one half ton Motor No 2891352 with accessories was seized in Muskogee County Okla homa for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws Section 7301(e) Internal Revenue Code Any per son claiming an interest in said property must file a claim and deliver a cost bond in the penal sum of sureties pervisor in Charge Alcohol and obacco Building 7 Harvey Oklahoma City Oklahoma on or before Oc tober 30 1957 otherwise the prop erty will be forfeited and disposed of according to law Joseph Black Assistant Regional Com missioner DOWNTOWN 205 Enterprise Building TELEPHONE Gas Distillate ind Nearing Completion Oversupply Problem Hurting US Oilmen Deepest Line aced Many Hard Problems (Published in The Tulsa Daily World Tulsa Oklahoma September 30 October 7 14 19571 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Of fice of Assistant Regional Com missioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Revenue Service Dallas Texas Date of first publi cation September 30 1957 Notice is hereby given that on Septem ber 13 1957 one 1949 ord club coupe Motor 98BA440746 with accessories was seized in Creek County Oklahoma for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws Section 7301(e) Internal Revenue Code Any person claiming an in terest in said property must file a claim and deliver a cost bond in the penal sum of $25000 with approved sureties at the office of the Supervisor in Charge Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Room 506 Soon er Building 7 Harvey Okla homa City Oklahoma on or be fore October 30 1957 otherwise the property will be forfeited and disposed of according to law Jo seph Black Assistant Regional Commissioner Worlds HOUSTON struction of a building for the Texas Co will be started early next spring here adjacent to the present Texaco office building Barrett senior vice president of the com pany has announced When the project is completed the two buildings will accommo date all employes including those now located in other Houston office buildings and xVill provide for future expansion Plans and specifications are being prepared and the site is being cleared for the new struc ture which will harmonize in architectural design with the pres ent 13 story building Arcade Planned Texaco's office buildings will extend one block along Rusk ave and approximately half a block along both annin and San Ja cinto sts toward Capitol ave A feature will be the extension of the attractive arcade a Hous ton landmark for more than 40 years blending and unifying the street level floor of the two build ings A row of arcade columns will be erected at the property line instead of the curb on the Rusk and annin sts fronts of the new office The arcade will set inside the first floor and will be approxi mately 10 feet in width The outer walls of the new buliding will be constructed of Indiana limestone and buff brick Main entrance to the building will be on Rusk ave Assembly Room Set Occupying the Rusk and annin corner on the ground floor will be the Houston Texaco Touring Service center Part of the first floor will be leased Among the special facilities will be an assembly foor for the use of Texaco employe organizations and for other purposes It will be especially equipped for film pro jection and closed circuit tele vision All floors will be at the same level and the two buildings will be complementary in all other respects Combined office space will be in excess of 200000 square feet Year around air conditioning and special acoustical treatment and lighting are included in the planning Kenneth ranzheim of Houston is the architect Houston Structure Will Be 16 Stories Lowell Puckett has been named Colorado State supervisor of the US Bureau of Land Man agement in Denver He is for merly state supervisor for the bureau in Wyoming He suc ceeds Max Caplan in the Denver office Caplan was promoted and transferred to Washington Donald Davis senior sales engineer for the Schlumberger Well Surveying Co in the Den ver Julesburg basin has been transferred from Denver to armington NM where he will cover the Paradox San Juan ba sins He is succeeded by Rex Curtis now sales engineer in ort I Morgan Colo Operators In Kansas have started two new wildcats and a gas distillate discovery is await ing potential test for completion Sterling Drilling Co and Halli burton Oil Producing Co have run 200 feet of surfacecasing at the No 1 Koltz SE NW SE 33 12 16w a 3550 foot exploratory ven ture east of the W'ildholz pool an dnorth of the Emmeram pool Ellis county In Rice county Schermerhorn Oil Co has dug cellar and pits at the No 1 Byron SW SE NW 32 21 lOw about 3 miles south west of the air miles south of the mond Petroleum Inc potential test at the SW NW 13 26 19W county 5 miles northeast of the Mullinville pool On its latest test the well gauged 4360000 cubic feet of gas at 4841 50 feet and 2218000 cubic feet with dis tillate at total depth of 4850 feet Production is in the Mississippian Other Kansas Reports BARTON Thunderbird Drilling Co was making hole below 1750 feet at the No 1 Kimpler Bailey field stepout in SE SW NW 29 18 Hw Plans call for a 3450 foot hole Thunderbird has a failure at the No 1 Robl wildcat in NE SE NW 35 18 llw east of production in the East St Peter field Abandonment depth was 3365 feet with these tops: Heebner shale 2861 feet Lansing lime 2992 feet Arbuckle 3343 feet Very light oil and gas shows were logged in the Lansing Crest Petroleum Inc opening an old hole drilled in 1952 at the No 1 Waldschmidt NE NE NW 18 34 6e in the Waldschmidt (Mississippian) field area The formation at the 3000 foot level will be tested ELLSWORTH Cherry Drilling Co 19 making hole at the No 1 Rathbun 3350 foot test in SW SW NE 7 17 8w southwest of production in the Andrews field II Wagner Drilling Co is making hole at the No 1 Henley 1220 font exploratory venture in E(4 SE 4 25 9e north of the Wilkerson field Ed Adair Oil Co is drill ing below surface casing cemented at 150 feet at the No 1 Nickel 2900 foot wildcat In SW SW NE 19 19 3e 2 miles southeast of the Hillsboro field To Test Shows Drilling Co Inc and Hansen are preparing to take tests of strong oil shows in the Ar buckle topped at 3686 feet at the No 1 Tlivfault Gra Rook field stepout In NE NE SW 8 9 20W Best of several drillstent tests of the Arbuckle was at 3715 26 feet where with the tool open 116 hours recovery included 100 feet of muddy oil 40 feet of slightly muddy oil and 60 feet of clean oil with bottomhole pressure 983 pounds Shelly Miller Drilling Co was making hole below 3125 feet at the No 1 Kunz wildcat In SE SE SW 29 14 15w 2 miles east of the Wagner field and 5(4 miles south of the town of Gorham SEDGWICK A Sutton Is making hole at the No 1 Sanders A 3000 foot exploratory venture in NW SW NE 3 25 2e northwest of the Buttwick field SEWARD Graham Michaelis Drilling Co is making hole below 4850 feet at the No 1 Davis wildcat in NW 30 31 31w northwest of the Plains field and on the east fringe of the shallow sand Hugoton gas field Sunray Mid Continent Oil Co has completed three field pro ducers in Kansas The No 1 Wallace 34 29s 7w Kingman county flowed at the rate rtf 360 barrels of oil a day through a inch choke from an open hole at 4140 to 4159 feet The well was completed in the Mississippi zone Total depth was 4159 feet Also in Kingman county the No 1 Bates SW SW NE 15 29s 7w Basil field was completed in the Viola at 4503 feet pumping 134 barrels of oil a day The No 1 Schnack SE SE 15 24s 16w Edwards county was completed as a gas well in the Kinderhook zone in the Embry field with a flow of 3560000 cubic feet of gas a day on a 1964 inch choke following perforations 4253 68 feet Wendell Barnes to Speak At Equipment Jobber Meet Seven representatives of Tulsa oil industry organizations attended a 5 day course last week at the University of Oklahoma on credit management for the Petroleum equipment and service industry The Tulsans were William Wil son and Robert Cleveland both of Bethlehem Supply Co Donald Bringaze Dowell Inc Robert Rosebush Oil Well Supply Co Richard Schlicker Continental Emsco Co John Bayless William Rapp both of Jones Laughlin Supply division Republic Natural Gas Dallas Tex has re elected following directors: Karl Hoblit zelle MacNaughton Mayer Miller and Wildes all of Dallas Ralph Euler Pittsburgh Pa Ken nedy New York Ralph Pryor Wichita Kans and Turner of Chicago A Knerlcr has joined the staff of Jones and Laughlin Sup ply Division as sales promotion publie relations supervisor Wolfe vice president of sales has announced Knerler comes from the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp Pittsburgh Pa tit Mrs Elizabeth Hart was honored here by Gulf Oil Corp for 10 years of service to the company She was given a dia mond lapel emblem and certifi cates of award She is in division services branch of the Tulsa of fice 5 irm Organization ormed To Work Venezuela Acreage Research to Rescue Mass producing purified penicil lin for war time emergencies had top American and British scien tists stymied back in the until petroleum researchers came up with extraction processes that more than doubled the yield of pure penicillin from each mold crop and made mass production of the drug possible Co and Pan American Petroleum Corp No 42 20s 30e to 15000 feet wildcat (exploratory) Tidewater Oil Co No'l Louisiana State 3155 4 21s 29e to 16000 feet Ajax Johnson No 2 Bowden 23 10nllw to Oil Nacatoch Zwolle Sam Malls No 1 Robert Leone 30 8n 12u' to Annona Zwoll Ark La Tex Oil Co No 1 Ezcrnack Estate 2 7n 13w to chalk Zwolle Wm Hurwitz Trustee No 1 Kimbrell Jr 3 7n 13w to chalk ST Lake Salvador The Texas Co No 53 State Lake Salvador 16s 22e to 11250 feet St Mary's Wildcat ST North Cankton Drew Cornell Inc and Lawrence No 10 Lucien Savoie 13 8n 3e to 4400 feet Sherburne Trice Production Co No 1 Haas Hirsch 8 6s 7e to 9700 feet ST Bateman Lake The Texas Co No 16 A Wax Bayou Co Inc 4 17s 12e to 12950 feet Cote Blanche Island The Texas Co (State Lease 340) No 36 State Cote Blanche Island 15s 7e to 13900 feet: Eugene Island Block 175 Zone 3 Sinclair Oil Gas Co No Bl OSC 0438 offshore to 6000 feet wildcat British American Oil Pro ducing Co No 1 Whitney National Bank 44 16s 13c to 16000 feet Miocene wild cat Quintana Petroleum Corp No 1 Allee Robichaux 21 15s 6e to 14000 feet Wildcat Greyhound Drillingo and others No 1 Dale 26 10n 9e to 9300 Tuscaloosa Bay St Elaine The Texas Co (State lease No 199) No 5 6 Bay St Elaine Unit 7 22s 18e to 6300 feet: Bay St Elaine The Texas Co (State lease No 199) No 33 6 Bav St Elaine Unit 21s 18e to 11375 Bay St Elaine reeport Sulphur Co No 179 Bay SI Elaine Unit 17 22s 18e to Sulphur 900 feet Caillou Island The Teas Co (State of fxxiisiana lease No 301) No 127 State Terrebonne Bay 11000 feet Caillou Island Union Oil Co of California and Louisiana Land and Exploration Co No 9 State lease 2826 to 12700 feet Point au er No 8 Mary A Smyth Nelson and others 36 20s lle to 11500 feet South Pclto Block 20 Zone 2 Magnolia Petro leum Co No State lease 792 CS 072 offshore to 9590 feet Monroe Louisian Gas Pro duction Co No 13 Louisiana gas lands 21n 3e to Monroe Gas Rock Monroe Ixnnsiana Gas Production Co No 14 Louisiana Gas Lands 21n 3e to Monroe Gas Rock Wildcat Simco Oil Co Inc 1 500 an ky J' 0 HOUSTOIMkt 6 GR Crude oil producers are hopeful a heavy winter demand will ease prob lems of oversupply The current situation however Is not too encouraging More heating oil is being held In storage at present than ever before New all time highs have been recorded the past 3 weeks The annual peak prior to start of heavy winter demand normally is not recorded until early Novem ber Cutbacks in crude oil produc tion allowables for October were expected to drop domestic out put this week to approximately 6600000 barrels a day compared to a record 7800000 in late March The October allowables prompted immediate adjustments in plans of two major crude pur chases Oversupply Cited Esso Standard Oil Co The Standard Oil Co (New Jersey) affiliate said critical oversupply necessitated a further 5 per cent reduction in its Louisiana and Mississippi crule purchases Magnolia Petroleum Co the Texas subsidiary of Socony Mobil announced the end of pipeline proration in Texas and Louisiana because of allowable cutbacks in those states Proration will con tinue however in Oklahoma New Mexico and Illinois Esso Standard had reduced its Louisiana and Mississippi pur chases 15 per cent in August Esso officials expressed hope a heavy winter demand will per mit its proration policies to be eased American Petroleum Institute statistics last week however placed light fuel oil stocks at 169 million barrels an increase of seven million since a new all time high was set the week of Sept 13 The old record of 160 million was set the week of Nov 16 last year Above Last Year Part of the responsibility for the new records can be traced to the level of storage at the end of last winter Heating fuel stocks reached a 1957 low of 72 million barrels the week of April 19 but this was 12 million barrels above the 1956 low Texas oilmen were told last week shifts in market patterns in various areas of the nation have been responsible for the sharp cutbacks in Texas allowables rench Robertson retiring president of the Texas Mid Conti nent Oil Gas Assn said the southwest 5 years ago supplied 48 per cent of the East crude requirements but supplies only 36 per cent today He said the fig ures for the Midwestern area have dropped from 42 to 31 per cent Robertson told the 1000 major and independent oilmen attend ing the 38th annual con vention all segments of the in dustry must work together if to problems are to be over come Own Service BORGER Tex Oct 6 Borg Magic Plains Oil Exposition previously scheduled Oct 17 19 has been postponed a month due to a snag in the construction of the $125000 aluminum dome ex hibition hall Chamber of Commerce direc tors said the delay would assure a perfect background for exhib itors across the nation when the show opens on its new dates Nov 14 16 Already 66 exhibits have been signed up for display in the futuristic beehive building first for the west Show officials report that all side features of the oil show including a midway fireworks display and other public enter tainments will be on the gram Meeting Called The Oklahoma Nomenclature committee of the Mid Continent Oil and Gas Kansas Okla homa division will meet Oct 17 at the offices here World' Own Service BARTLESVILLE Oct ormation of Paria Operations Inc to operate a 152000 acre concession in the Venezuelan waters of the Gulf of Paria between the Venezuelan mainland and the island of Trinidad was announced jointly Sunday by five oil companies The five companies are The Texas Co Continental Oil Co and the Ohio Oil Co each with a 25 per cent Interest in the con cession Cities Service Co 16 per cent and Richfield Oil Corp 8 per cent Officers of Paria Operations are Van Griethuysen presi dent Wright executive vice president Wright and Harsh vice presidents oster secretary treasurer and Saul assistant secre tary treasurer Van Griethuysen who will be chief executive officer of Paria also is president of Continental Oil Co of Venezuela a subsidiary of Continental Oil Co Wright executive vice president also Is manager of Texas Petroleum Co's Venezuelan division ALEXANDER ALEXANDER AND ASSOCIATES PEARCE PORTER MARTIN UTICA SQUARE Utica Square National Bank Building LUther 4 1301 20 Wildcats Listed Among 110 New Louisiana Permits Higher Post At Phillips or Neptune The board of directors of Phil lips Pipe Line Co a wholly owned subsidiary of Phillips Pe troleum Co has elected Neptune executive vice president and general manager and A Roach vice president Neptune succeeds 0 John son who was recently named manager of Phillips Petroleum newly formed computing de partment which is devoted to pro gramming work and processing data for all departments of the company through use of elec tronic computers and auxiliary equipment Neptune also has been named manager of the newly created pipeline division of Phillips Pe troleum supply and trans portation department He was formerly manager of the products pipeline division of that depart ment Roach and Wallace have been made assistant managers of the new division Roach who had been chief engineer of the engineering divi sion will be in charge of engi neering and will also serve as part interest pipeline representa tive Wallaee formerly manager of the crude oil pipeline division will be in charge of operations of the new division By HARRY WILSON SHARPE Hr tecl Press staM Correspondent WASHINGTON Oct 6 (UR) Donald O'Hara associate counsel of the National Petroleum Assn thinks it is time the government eased some rules to give small reuners a oeiter competitive: Break He aired the problem last week In a speech to the Quartermasters Assn in San rancisco The NPA had a hand in winning military petroleum set aside orders for re finers unable to compete with big suppliers In the first place said the Small Business administra tion's definition of small business doesn't fit the petroleum industry Add to this conflicting definitions from other agencies and you have confusion and uncertainty he said Needs Protection inally the refiners should have some protection against so called open end supply contracts which the government can cancel on economy grounds and leave the refiner holding the bag he added O'Hara was not entirely critical of the small busi ness policies But he said experi ence had proved some are un realistic He cited for example the SBA's rule that plants em ploying more than 500 persons are not entitled to government help unless they can show they are not dominant in their field He said this simply does not fit petroleum but conceded the SBA had shown some leniency to re finers A better gauge he said would be a put" capacity such as the 15000 barrels a day rule used by the Interior department under the O'Mahoney law But even this he said should be increased to 65 000 to 75000 barrels igures too Low "The figure of 15000 is too low to be of any use for procurement O'Hara said I think a higher standard would be generally accepted by the indus try If the cut off point were established between 50000 and 100000 barrels you would have a standard which would leave no borderline cases" He also thought the government should adopt and stick to a tanker transport rate formula that would equalize competitive bidding be tween the East Gulf and West Coasts on overseas business He said the rates must be considered in estimating bids but that day to day policy changes keep the suppliers in a state of uncertainty would he said the government should adopt a fixed formula which would be used on all occasions and which would be known to all Own Service BATON ROUGE La Oct Operators in Louisiana were issued 110 drilling permits during last week the state depart ment of conservation has an nounccd here Twenty wildcats were included in the new locations Three ex ploratory ventures will be drilled in ranklin parish and Cata houla Concordia Plaquemines and St Mary parishes each had two Parishes with one venture were Allen Claiborne Grant LaSalle Ouachita Tensas and Winn The permits follow by parishes: Church Point Tidewater Oil Co No 1 David Bergeron 83 8s 2e to 15000 feet wildcat Cheyenne Oil Corp of Delaware and George Caulkins Jr No 1 Phillip Amy 22 8s lw to 10400 feet wildcat Cheyenne Oil Corp of Dela ware George Caulkins Jr and Edwin Cox No 1 Roy Horecky 21 7 2e to feet Wildcat II Hunt No 1 Keny wener co ine 7 os zw feet Napoleonville Sterling untie ixo i armense rug 12s 13e to 5000 oil Rasley Temple Har grove and Bayview Oil Corp No 1 Paul Barbe 24 6s 9w to 9700 feet BIEN Lucky Placid Oil Co No A 9 Nebo OU Co 7 15n 6w to 3700 feet Busy Caddo Area Miller's Bluff Bob Slack and others No 2 Doles and others 11 22n 14w to oil Paluxy Caddo Pine Island Pan Amer ican Petroleum Corp No 4 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annon chalk: Pan American Petroleum Corp No 5 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 5 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 7 Janies Noel 24 21n 15w to Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 8 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 9 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Pe troleum Corp No 10 James Noel 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Alvin Johnson No 48 Askew 28 21n 15w to 1500 chalk Pan American Pe troleum Corp No 9 Nora Bradford 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk: Pan American Petroleum Corp No 10 Gen eral Bradford 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 9 General Bradford 24 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petro leum Corp No 16 Lane Co Inc 13 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 17 Lane Co Ine 13 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk Pan American Petroleum Corp No 174 Dillon Heirs 13 21n 15w to OU Annona chalk Carnes No 1 Booth 7 21n 15w to Nacatoeh Marjorie Hilburn No 10 Goodwin 33 21n 15w to oil Annona chalk II Heart well No 3 (Hassell 23 20n 15w to oil Woodbine Alvin Johnson No 49 Askew 28 21n 15w to 2400 Woodbine Allen No 1 Underwood 7 20n 15w to oil chalk Greenwood Waskom Wentworth No 4 lournoy 29 17n 16w to 2450 feet: Greenwood Waskom Wentworth No 3 lournoy 29 17n 16w to 2450 feet Greenwood Waskom Markham Drilling Co Ine No 6 red Wappler 20 17n 16w to oil reder icksburg Greenwood Waskom Plymouth Oil Co and others No 18 Sidney Harold and others 13 17n 16w to 4000 feet Wildcat in Catahoula East Bell Citv Sohlo Pe troleum Co No 6 34 10s 6w to 13500 feet Cib Haz South Lake Charles Signal Oil and Gas Co No 2 Chas Houssiere Jr and others 9 lls 8w to 9500 feet Starks Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co No 187 Lutcher Moore 19 9s 12w to Sul phur Block 4 East Cameron Zone 1 Natural Gas and Oil Co a di vision of Mississippi River uel Corp No 3 State Lease 1172 offshore to oil or gas 14000 feet Little Chenier Com monwealth Oil Co and others No 1 Mi ami Corp 10 14s 6w to 12500 Lower Miocene West Cameron Block 110 Zone 2 Magnolia Petroleum Co No 4 State Lease 1153 offshore to 9500 feet Wildcat Alagood No 1 Link Cassell 27 9n 6e to 4800 feet wildcat A Hodges Industries Inc and others No 1 Louisiana Central Oil and Gas Co International Paper Co 3 9n 6e to 8800 Tuscaloosa Colquitt Pan American Corp No 2 Luta Ward 2G 23n 6w to Taylor Sugar Creek Union Producing Co and others No A Sims Unit 29 20n 5w to Bodcaw West Lisbon Spartan Drilling Co No 1 West Unit 30 21n 5w to test Pettit undent Wheelock Weinschell No 1 Geo Tig ner Jr 5 22n 6w to oil or Smack over Lisetnore Landing Carlton Green and others No 1 Beard Estate 15 6n 7e to 5850 feet Wilcox North Extension Esperance Point Mag nolia Petroleum Co No 2 State Junkln VP 13 6n 9e to Campbell sand Midcat Jusfiss Mears Oil Co Billups No 1 Sharp 17 4n 9e to Wilcox 7300 feet wildcat Marlin Exploration Inc No 1 McNeely 10 6n 7e to 6200 Wilcox In DeSoto Parish Clear Lake Petroleum Inc No 1 George Small 23 14n 12w to Tuscaloosa Grogan John Bowers No 1 Hartley ll 10n llw to Nacatoeh Grogan Johnson No 1 Boone 10n llw to Nacatoeh Gro gan Three Bros Oil Co of Louisiana No 1 John Barron 36 lln llw to oil Grogan Three Bros Oil Co of I ouisiana No 2 John Barron 36 lln llw to oil Grogan Three Bros Qi No I Ram sey WUson 36 lln llw to Nacatoeh Grogan Three Bros Oil Co of Louisiana No 2 Ramsey Wilson 36 lln llw to Nacatoeh Naborton Nabors Drilling Co Inc No A 17 Nabors ee 25 13n 12w Wildcat A Harper and Co No 1 Taylor and Shipman 15n 7e to 4000 feet wildcat rancis Scott No 1 Ayer Chicago Mill 9 13n 9e to 7500 feet Paluxy wildcat Murphv Sun No 1 Brady 12 15n 8e to Lower Cretaceous Wildcat Bert Loe and others No 1 Strong 5 8n le to Wil 1800 feet Bayou des Glaise Hum ble Oil and Refining Co No 5 Wilbert Mineral Corp 77 8s 8e to oil 12 500 feet Grand Isle Block 18 Zone 2 Humble Oil and Refining Co state 803 offshore to 11500 feet LAOUItcnE Bay de Chene The Texas Co (State Lease No 356) No 41 Bay de Chene Unit 19s 24e to 9300 feet Clovelly Humble Oil and Re I l'nnK 01 No 22 Lafourche Land Co 31 18s 22e to 13000 feet Timballer Bav Union Oil Co of California and 1 state lyase 3088 to 15000 New Valentine Joe Brown No 24 Doussan 100 17s 20e to oil or 11500 feet Catahoula Lake Placid Oil Co No 1 Urania State Unit No 1 2 6n 3e to 4500 feet wildcat Hunt No 3 La Delta Hdw Lbr Co 13 5n 4e to 5500 feet Wilcox Wildcat United Producing co Inc No 1 Ouachita arms Corp 25 18n 5e to Gas Cotton Valley Plaquemines Active Black Bay (West) Gulf Oil Corp No 12 Louisiana State 'QQ 195 S17s 16e to 9300 Miocene Garden Island Bay The Texas Co (State Lease 214) No 131 State Garden Island Bay 108 23s 32e to 8800 feet Garden Island Bav The Texas Co No 132 State Garden Island Bay 49 23s 33e to feet Lake Hermitage Hum ble Oil and Refining Co No 10 Louisi ana Land Exploration Co 41 17s 25e to 14000 feet Lake Washington John Mecom and reeport Oil Co co*ckrell Jr and others 19s 26e to ield 14806 feet: Lake Washington Richardson and Bass (Ixu isiana Account) No 2 39 19s 27e to 20000 Miocene: Main Pass Block 40 Zone 1 Magnolia Petroleum Co No A 7 State Lease 2726 offshore to 9800 feet South Pass Block 24 The California Co No 15 Louisiana State 1924 to 8680 TVD South Pass Block 24 Hassle Hunt Trust No 3 State Lease 2484 and Buras Levee Dis trict 12 23s 31e to 10000 feet South Pass Block 24 Hassle Hunt Trust and others No 8 State Lease 2484 and Buras Levee District 12 23s 3le to 9000 feet: South Pass Block 24 Hassie Hunt Trust and others No 9 State lyase 2484 and Buras Levee District 12 23s 31e to 9000 feet West Delta Block 25 zone 1 Gulf on corp no Slate 192 offshore to Miocene West Delta Block Continental Oil Co No 4 970 (OCS 0138) offshore to Miocene West Delta Block f'nnfinpnffil Oil On Nfl C5 970 (OCS 0138) offshore to 8500 feet West Delta Block 30 The California Co' No 6 Louisiana State 1069 (OCS 0385) offshore to 8600 TVD West Delta Block 30 Continental Oil Co No 3 State Lease 969 (OCS 0137) offshore to 10500 feet Mocene wildcat Hunt Oil Xi ify Oil Aiding Crops ields carpeted with oil based polyethylene film will soon be a common sight if test areas are any indication Rural researchers said the film slit to let plants grow through may result in in creased vegetable yields up to 50 per cent (Published In The Tulsa Dally World Tulsa Oklahoma September 30 October 7 14 1957) TREASURY DEPARTMENT Of fice of Assistant Regional Com missioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Revenue Service Dallas Texas Date of first publi cation September 30 1957 Notice is hereby given that on September 20 1957 one 1949 Chevrolet sedan Motor Number GAM426384 with accessories was seized in Creek County Oklahoma for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws Section 7301(e) Internal Revenue Code Any person claiming an interest in said property must file a claim and deliver a cost bond in the penal sum of $25000 with approved sureties at the office of the Supervisor in Charge Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Room 506 Sooner Building 7 Harvey Oklahoma City Oklahoma on or before October 30 1957 otherwise the property will be forfeited and disposed of according to law Joseph Black Assistant Re gional Commissioner (Published In The Tulsa Daily World Tulsa Oklahoma September 30 October 7 14 1957) TREASURY DEPARTMENT Of fice of Assistant Regional Com missioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Revenue Service Dallas Texas Date of first publi cation September 30 1957 Notice is hereby given than on July 11 1957 one 410 gauge Iver Johnson shotgun Serial 2110 was seized in Oklahoma County Oklahoma on July 8 1957 one set of automo tive tools and one electric emery wheel were seized in Tulsa Coun ty Oklahoma on September 20 1957 600 pounds of cane sugar were seized in Creek County Oklahoma on July 31 1957 one Shedrick 17 jewels wrist watch was seized in Kingfisher County Oklahoma August 29 1957 ap proximately 18125 gallons of tax paid liquor were seized in Creek County Oklahoma August 29 1957 approximately 141375 gal lons of taxpaid liquor were seized in Creek County Oklahoma and on July 19 1957 approximately4375 gallon of taxpaid liquor was seized in Muskogee County Okla homa for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws Section 7301 (e) 5691 5121 and 5124 Internal Reve nue Code Any person claiming an interest in said property must file a claim and deliver a cost bond in the penal sum of $25000 with approved sureties at the of fice of the Supervisor in Charge Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Room 506 Sooner Building 7 Harvey Oklahoma City Oklahoma on or before October 30 1957 otherwise the property will be forfeited and disposed of according to law Joseph Black Assistant Re gional Commissioner IN TULSA INSURANCE SINCE 1918 A TltSACTla WORlB JW iii K'1 SV rvr' tr 'SOW i jmuiiimiMn I HI Iij I I Ill'll 'z'J.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.