The Imperial House of Dragon - Chapter 15 - ladyjane025 (2024)

Chapter Text

Hakoda wakes to a cacophony of utter pandemonium. The sounds of confusion, anger, and terror intermingle into bedlam. It is deafening, but there are snatches of clarity—my jewels, my diamonds, and my children! The last explanation triggers Hakoda out of his daze. A semblance of perceptibility and panic shove past the bile threatening to issue forth; Hakoda must locate his children.

"Sokka, Katara, where are you!" Hakoda's voice breaks through the noise, and his plea rouses his son.

Sokka rises from his blackout with a groan. He is lying on something soft but can't identify it. His last memory consisted of being lulled into a deep sleep from the melodic operatic singing. No, he hadn't typically nodded off during an opera performance; he had succumbed to an explosion of sleeping dust released into the opera house. Shifting on the soft surface beneath him, he hears a decided groan and backs down onto the comforting support.Is that me?Sokka checks his body for any broken bones. No, but his stomach lurches, and he swallows down the bile. Sokka hasn't felt this sick since his last bout with cactus juice at the Sandibar in Imperial City's lower rim.

"Sokka, Katara, where are you?"

Sokka pushes up further to respond to his father and hears a yelp. He starts. It's been many years since his voice-cracking days. He tentatively speaks, "Hello?" A deep timber issues forth. Sokka, very much relieved, pushes forward again.

"Do you mind, you Platypus Bear! I'm under you."

"Who are you?"

"Suki, you dingus!"

Sokka rolls off Suki. "Sorry I didn't see you there."

"Obviously." Suki raises to her elbows. She glances around and can't see beyond a small perimeter. The air is thick with gray smoke. "To be fair, I can hardly see anything."

"There is a thick haze," Sokka mumbles and winces from his stomach and headache. His head is pounding from the loud noise surrounding them.

Suki shoves Sokka off her as she leans closer. "What did you say?"

Sokka's eyes are closed as he wills the pain from his head away. Leaning forward, he is almost nose to nose with Suki and shouts into her face. "A thick haze!"

"I'm not deaf." Suki deadpans, but it lowers to a silky tone as she stares into the blues of Sokka's eyes.

Hakoda peers through the haze and calls out. "Sokka, speak again; I can't see you."

"Dad, I'm here," Sokka answers, forcing his voice to push past the dryness in his mouth and throat.

Hakoda claws his way down the steps. His eyes are adjusting to the miasma around him. Relief floods through him at the sight of his child. "By the Moon, you are alright." Hakoda grabs his son and hugs Sokka. Hakoda pulls away as panic resumes that his daughter isn't near her brother. "Where is Katara?"

"Katara? I was..." Sokka explains that he also revived himself in a slightly disorienting manner.

Suki interjects, "Kinda busy laying on top of me."

"Sokka, that is not proper." Hakoda glares over his son's lack of manners.

"Dad, I kinda..." Sokka stresses the word while staring at Suki to explain how she was used as a mattress: "passed out." Sokka wishes he had known, while he takes in Suki's form appreciatively. He hopes to get Suki under him again, giving her his full attention.

"Well, apologize, son!"

Sokka stands long enough to bow, holding his hand to Suki to help her rise. "My apologies, Captain Suki; I hope you will forgive my ungallant behavior. "

Suki slips her hand into Sokka's. With a slow smile and meaningful gaze, she leans towards him. Her breasts brush against Sokka's tuxedo. Suki replies in a suggestive tone that strokes Sokka, awakening sensations in his loins. She weaves her gaze from Sokka's eyes down his body towards his pants. "I'm sure you will make it up to me somehow." The brief exchange concludes with an efficient response.

"Sir Sokka, your transgression was one done merely without your knowledge or will; thank you for your apology. If you will excuse me..." Suki bows to Sokka's father. "Lord Hakoda, I must immediately locate Crown Prince Iroh and assure him of his well-being."

Iroh yawned and stretched. "A long winter's nap that was unintended for sure." He struggles to his feet with a somewhat bemused expression. He dusts off his finery, adjusts one medal, and seems content with his current person and attire.

Suki is immediately at Iroh's elbow, trying to lead the Crown Prince back to the Royal chair. "Your Royal Highness, please, we need to assess your well-being."

"I am quite well, Captain Suki." Iroh gently removes Suki's hand from his elbow. "Thank you for your concern. You have honored your station, but I can assure you that I am made of sterner stuff than my gray hair might hint. I hid in a puffin-seal nest for three days during the Great Northern Seige. Tree bark makes an excellent tea, and I must say that puffin seals are very accommodating bedfellows. I am not as pampered as one might assume." Iroh looks about him for his son. "Lu Ten, my son, are you near?"

Lu Ten is at his father's side. He adjusts his jacket and runs a hand through his hair, but he is wholly respectable, considering he only woke moments ago. "I am here."

Iroh clasps his son to him. "Thank, Agni."

Lu Ten returns the embrace but then quickly resumes his station's duty. His voice takes on a serious tone as he relays his assessment of the attack. "Father, it must have been saxifrage sleeping dust. I haven't seen something so potent since the Great Northern Seige."

Iroh slightly indicates his head to the Southern Water Chief, who is within earshot. Iroh gives his son a look to be mindful of any insights and smoothly changes the subject. "You were saying about our citizens?"

Lu Ten immediately understood there was a better time to start with theories, especially in a public venue. His father's comment about the puffinseals wasn't anecdotal. Lu Ten switches to the obvious matter at hand: "We need to get our citizens to safety."

"Lu Ten, the first thing we must do is calm all the people." General Iroh took a deep breath and projected his assurances to the consternation below. The sounds of order penetrated through the panic.
"Citizens and guests of Imperial City, we will find the culprits that have done this. The Koshi Warrior guards and police will escort you to safety. Please give them your names and report any stolen items. The Royal Opera House stewards will bring to you refreshments to help ease any unpleasantness." Iroh smiles as he contemplates the proper tea blend for himself. "Mint and Rosehip will do nicely."

Lu Ten almost chuckles, thinking that his father cannot help but seize any opportunity to provide tea. The room lifts in spirit, and the noise quiets to a settled atmosphere. Lu Ten marvels at his father's ability to provide comfort.

Several Koshi Warriors appear at their Captain's side. Suki relays the Crown Prince's commands. Their matching makeup makes them almost indistinguishable from one another, except for Suki's captain badge, which distinguishes her superior status. The warriors disperse to execute the commands.

"Dad, over here! I can't wake Katara!" Sokka is holding his sister in his arms. Katara's eyes are closed. Her body is pliable, but she seems slightly cold.

Hakoda rushes to his son and daughter's sides. "Katara!" His anguish and fear are evident in his voice.

Katara's pale face revealed Sokka's worst fears. "Katara, please wake up!" He resists the urge to shake his sister.

A sound penetrates Katara's consciousness, shaking her from the grip of the dark entity and all the pleasurable sensations. Opening her eyes, Katara feels something leave her. There is a sensation of nakedness, a vulnerability. Katara touches her mother's necklace, which always has a calming effect when she feels lost and alone. Her necklace is gone. She claws at her neck, frantically glancing around her. Then she remembers the Blue Spirit and the dust.He must have taken it, but why?The Blue Spirit had helped her, and wasn't he in her dream? The truth becomes jumbled with the reality that the last tangible piece of her mother is gone. The tears flow in conjunction with Katara's vocal abject misery.

Hakoda takes Katara from Sokka and cradles her to him, speaking soothingly into her ear. Not since Kya's death had Hakoda seen his daughter this overwrought with grief. It is like Katara is possessed.
Dr. Hama appears in the Royal box, followed closely by her two assistants. Her long skirt rustles urgency as she scans for the most senior royal. She sees Iroh staring towards the stage with a pinched look. As Hama pulls water from her pouch, she tries to assess the Crown Prince for injuries.

Iroh deftly removes the doctor's ministrations and indicates to the family of three at the bottom of the royal box, closest to the stage. "Dr. Hama, your services with Lady Katara are more urgently needed. She has only awakened and is quite distraught."

Dr. Hama kneels by Hakoda. "How long has Lady Katara been like this?" The dark sensation radiates from Katara's core.

"It has been since she awoke from the Blue Spirit attack. She was almost unconscious when my son found her. Doctor Hama, I can't calm her." His assurances of locating the necklace had done nothing to calm Katara. If Hakoda hadn't possessed a steely resolve, he might have broken under his distress for his children's well-being. Sokka could be joining the spirit world in days, and now Katara seems almost possessed by a demonic spirit.

Katara starts to shiver; her clattering teeth stop her endless weeping. Hakoda clutches his daughter to him, pleading for a rapid remedy. "Doctor Hama, please save her!"

Water encases Dr. Hama's hands, glowing an eery green. The doctor exhales her negative chi and pours all her positive force into the water, turning it from green into a bright blue. Sweat pops out on Hama's forehead as she concentrates her energy on Katara's abdomen. Hama pants as the darkness fights against her treatments. She is baffled that this malevolent force has so tightly entrenched itself with this young girl. Hama only experienced this level of intertwinement when she had treated Prince Zuko's extensive injuries.

Hama manages to draw out enough power from the area to ease its grip on Katara. Hama, exhausted, sags onto the carpet; water drops from her hands. The nurses rush to their medical Chief; both women have water in their hands, infusing energy back into the drained doctor.

Hama is regaining enough strength to speak. Her voice starts weakly but slowly regains its authoritative command. "Chief Hakoda, do you have the draught I prescribed for Lady Katara?"

"Yes." Hakoda had wanted to keep the medication close and was glad once again that he had heeded his intuition. He retrieves the bottle from his pocket and gives it to Dr. Hama.
With the aid of her assistants, Hama sits up. She unscrews the bottle's top and pulls a stream of medicine from it, directing it past Katara's chattering teeth.

A calmness descends over Katara's being, a veil lifts, and her mind clears. She touches her bare neck and feels sadness. "Dad, mom's necklace is gone."

"By the moon, my daughter, you have returned to us." Hakoda grips his daughter to him and doesn't hide his joy in knowing that his daughter is alright. He places his hands on his daughter's cheeks.
"Katara, no necklace could ever replace you."

"But Dad, it was Mom's."

"We will return your mother's necklace; I promise, Katara." Hakoda's heart feels light.

Katara touches her neck, but there is hope in her eyes. "I know you will." She rests her head against her father.

Hakoda won't lose any of his children; he has already lost so much to Koh. His face is full of resolve and steadfast love for his children. He hugs his daughter and pulls his son to his side. "By the moon, I love you both."

Sokka pretends to pull away with little effort. "Dad, we're not kids anymore."

Iroh descends with a cup of tea in his hands. "Sir Sokka, children will always be children to their loving parents."

Lu Ten smirks and folds his arms. "It is a true and a curse."

Iroh kisses his son's cheek. "Even truer, being the Crown Prince, I can get away with kissing my grown son in public." Everyone laughs, dispelling the last pall that descended over the Royal Opera House since the Blue Spirit's attack.

Iroh carries a small circular silver tray with a delicate teacup and saucer; steam wafts in the air. He leans forward for Katara, holding out the tray and indicating to Katara to take it. "Lady Katara, chamomile, and lemon balm, a blend that will calm any unsettled chi."

Katara lifts the cup and saucer from the tray and feels her cheeks rosy- less from her ordeal and more from embarrassment. "Thank you, Crown Prince; I apologize profusely for my reaction." She sits more upright. "I honestly don't know what came over me."

"Lady Katara, you aren't alone in being upset." Iroh's eyes narrow. "The Blue Spirit's appearance was quite unnerving for us all."

Katara balances the tea on her palm. "Dad, Sokka, I'm sorry for causing you both to worry."

Sokka boasted with extra bravado in hopes of annoying his sister. "Katara, we both know you must do something to get attention."

Katara glowered, "Sokka, I do not!"

Sokka winked at Katara. "No worries. We all know that my older brother's status overshadows your lowly sister station." Sokka's infectious grin tempers Katara's flash of anger.

Katara takes a drink of tea and sighs. "You are right, Sokka; you are a gift that keeps giving.

Sokka pretends to dust off his shoulders. "It is a terrible burden, but bear it, I must."

Hakoda shakes his head in despair and good humor. "Yes, son, you bear it well; one would never accuse you of an inflated ego."

"Thanks, Dad." Sokka squints at his sister. "Katara, are you back to normal now?"

"Son, don't you have something else to do?" Hakoda glares at his son for his rudeness.

"Not really," Sokka shrugs.

Hakoda ignores the urge to retort, searching his daughter's face for any lasting effects from her episode. "Katara, did the Blue Spirit hurt you?"

"Hurt me?" Katara flashes to her dream. "No." A blush colors her cheeks as she recalls the dark void, sensual building, and a release.Was it a dream, or did it happen?

Hakoda notes the change of color to Katara's cheeks. He touches his daughter's forehead. "Dr. Hama, Katara looks like she is flushed. Should we bring her to your infirmary?"

Katara's cheeks get redder. "Dad, I'm fine." She tries to stand up and gets to her feet with only a little help from Hakoda. Katara holds out her gloved hands. "See, I'm on my own two feet."

Sokka squeezes his sister's shoulders and arms. "Dad, Katara feels alright."

Dr. Hama watches the Chief's son, speculating that the Chief may need to reconsider who inherits his title. The boy seems a little off. "Thank you, Sir Sokka, but since I am the waterbender healer, I shall determine whether Lady Katara is alright." Hama gloves her hands with the water again and lays her hands on Katara. The water turns green and then blue. Hama senses that the darkness has receded but not disappeared. It has retreated deeper, lying in wait.

Hakoda stands behind his daughter. "Well, Doctor, is Katara alright?"

"She is," Hama examines the girl before her, who, on the surface, seems well. "Lady Katara, I would like you to come to the Royal Infirmary tomorrow morning," Hama interjects with assurances for the family, who begin to protest. I promise it is routine." She adds for the worried father, more fretful than a new mother. Katara seems fully recovered; she is Southern Water Tribe, after all."

Hakoda stands taller, "Yes, she is, Dr. Hama."

Sokka hugs his sister. "Southern Water Tribe is made of sterner stock, right, sis?"

"Right, Sokka," Katara punches her brother lightly on the top of his arm. She is embarrassed that she has generated such fuss over her. "Dr. Hama, thank you for attending to me once again."

Dr. Hama bows to the girl before her. "I'm glad that I could assist a fellow tribeswoman."

Iroh interjects, "Now, about that matter of a necklace."

Katara touches her bare neck. "I can't believe that my necklace is gone." She squashes down the well of sadness, threatening to rise. "It was my mother's. It is priceless."

Iroh steps aside and motions Suki forward. "Captain Suki, I would like you to lead this case. Chief Hakoda, Captain Suki is the best; she will find your daughter's necklace."

Suki bows, "Lord Hakoda, I am at your service."

"Captain Suki, what do you suggest is the best course of action?"

"Chief Hakoda, the necklace will be tried to be pawned." Suki refrains from offering the worst-case scenario: the necklace had been deposited into the smelting pits and lost forever.

Katara gasps, "Will we be able to get it back?"

Sokka moves forward, "Katara, we will find Mom's necklace, don't worry."

Katara squeezes her brother's hand. "I know, Sokka, I know."

Aang walks into the box and bows before Iroh. "Your Royal Highness, the guests' missing items have been cataloged. Those guests that have any injuries have been transported to the hospital."

"Thank you for your assistance, Lieutenant Aang."

"Aang, it was so kind of you to help the people." Katara grins at him.

Aang's heart soars, and his feet above the ground at the sight of Katara and words' admiration. "Thank you, Lady Katara."

Katara glances around and sees Prince Zuko nowhere to be seen. "Where is Prince Zuko?"

Iroh begins, "Prince Zuko..."

Azula appears from the shadows. "Prince Zuko is of no concern to you...Lady Katara."Ladyis issued with such distaste that it is evident in its execution to offend.

Iroh negates chastising or being offended over Azula's cutting off the Crown Prince in mid-speech; instead, Iroh responds jovially. "Princess Azula, it is good to see you are well and fit after such an unpleasant experience."

Azula bristles over Iroh's happy greeting. "I am quite capable of handling myself, Uncle."

Iroh laughs from his belly. "The Blue Spirit didn't harm you?"

"Uncle, the Blue Spirit wouldn't dare attack me."

Iroh claps his hands gleefully, facing Lu Ten. "Son, the Blue Spirit has been apprehended. What good news." Iroh faces Aang. "Lieutenant, please alert the guards that the manhunt may cease; Princess Azula dealt with this most dangerous foe alone."

Azula answers in a razor-thin voice. "Uncle, I did not deal with the Blue Spirit."

Iroh pretends to be puzzled. "Did you not say the Blue Spirit wouldn't dare attack you." He shakes his head and waves off his hand to Aang, who hasn't moved from his spot. "Lieutenant, I apologize for being presumptuous over my niece's prodigious abilities. She, too, was bested by the Blue Spirit."

Azula hisses, "I would never be bested. The coward knocked me out with sleeping dust."

Iroh shrugs. "As you, niece, perhaps you would like some tea to settle your chi since you were waylaid like all of us."

Azula's nostrils flare. She smiles through gritted teeth. "I will not want any tea, Uncle." Azula's eyes glitter over an observation before the dust places her in slumber. She faces Katara. "The Blue Spirit seemed quite friendly with you, Lady Katara."

Katara blushes, remembering how taken she had been with the Blue Spirit. Katara states vehemently, "The Blue Spirit is no friend of mine; he stole from me."

"He?" Azula arches an eyebrow.

"I assume he." Katara's irritation at her flub helps mask her lie.

"One should never assume." Azula doesn't assume Katara is lying; she knows Southern Water tripe is lying. It will be such a fun game to find out the truth. She realizes that her chi has settled since her unfortunate sleep spell from the cowardly Blue Spirit.

Sokka interjects. "Dad, perhaps we could help with the search." His sister is not ready for a word-sparring contest with Princess Curoxy.

Hakoda concurs that the sooner he gets his children away, the better. "Yes, son, please take your sister with you." He turns to Suki. "Thank you, captain, for your assistance on this matter."

"Of course, Chief Hakoda."

Sokka holds out his arm to his sister. "Lady Katara." He uses the formal title to help lighten Katara's spirit from interacting with Azula.

Katara bit the inside of her cheek to hold back the laugh. She adds with a regal tone. "Thank you, Sir Sokka."

Hakoda glances from his daughter to his son. "Please, be careful." Hakoda thinks of Azula and her itching talons priming for another attack. He turns to Aang, rather wistfully staring at Katara, unaware of his obvious affection. "Lieutenant, would you be so kind as to accompany my son and daughter on this expedition?"

Aang can barely contain his excitement about joining. "Yes, yes, Lord Hakoda, thank you. I am honored."

Hakoda replies dryly with barely a hint of humor as he indicates that Suki has already whisked Katara and Sokka out of the Royal box. "I would hurry."

Aang whirls around, races away then stop abruptly with a skidding halt of wind; the curtains billow up, swatting Azula in the process. Aang twirls around, blowing the curtains up again. Azula has moved behind her Uncle, avoiding getting hit this time. Aang zips back to Hakoda and Iroh. He bows to both men, barely nodding his head at Azula. As the Aang whirls around, Iroh keeps his niece's hand from shooting fire at the Lieutenant. The Airbender casts a gust of air before him, and the Royal box doors fly open. In the process, the curtains blow from the rods and float down onto the stage. Aang doesn't notice as he dashes after Katara, Sokka, and Suki.

As Katara enters a carriage cab with its engine running, Aang arrives on a cloud of air. He pulls up short and lands lightly on the ground.

"Aang!" Katara pauses and smiles at the Airbender. "Are you joining us?"

"Yes." Aang wants to say much more but is rendered breathless. It wasn't from the airbending that made him weak but Katara's smile.

Suki leans out, "Come on, we don't have a long time to dally."

Katara ducks inside with Aang zooming in behind her. Suki latches the door closed and then types something on a panel near her. The car lurches forward and zips through the darkened streets.

"Who is driving the car?" Sokka opens the curtain behind Katara's back to see that it is the front window.

"The car is driving itself," Suki says, settling back on the plush seating material. It's a marvel of ingenuity and curiosity from the mechanist." She rubs the cushion affectionately.
"It may seem like a regular, old jalopy, but..."

"Appearances are deceiving." She winks at Sokka.

Sokka scoots closer to Suki. His thigh rubbed against her own. "Indeed, appearances are deceiving and intriguing."

Katara rolls her eyes. "We must focus on the problem, mainly getting back mom's necklace."

Suki swivels around and opens a lid behind the Sokka and Suki's bench. She pulls out a bundle and tosses them at Sokka and Katara. "Put that on. Where we're going, the society types aren't welcome."

"Here?" Katara avoids looking at Aang. "Can't we go somewhere first?"

"Do you want to find your necklace or not?"

Katara scrunches down her seat. "I want to find it."

"Then stop talking and start changing." Suki pushes a button next to her, and the windows darken.

Katara doesn't reply. She knew the Kyoshi warriors were formidable, but Suki was rather demanding.

Aang averts his posture in politeness but hides his growing excitement at Katara, who is undressing only inches from him.

Katara and Sokka manage to do quick work out of changing from their finery. Fear and embarrassment make Katara hurry under a coat. Sokka makes quite a show of undressing in front of Suki, who appreciates the spectacle. The carriage grows quite warm as Sokka becomes more daring.

Katara spies her brother flexing his muscles in front of Suki. Katara squeaks out a warning to remind her brother that others are present. "Suki, where are we going?"

Suki smirked as he glared at his sister for interrupting him. Suki is okay with an audience. "We're going to the best source with their pulse on Imperial City's black market."

"Who is that?"

"I know them as the Runaway, but some call them the Blind Bandit; others call them Toph."

The Imperial House of Dragon - Chapter 15 - ladyjane025 (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.