a No passes Blacks TENT SHOW KING JAMES YOUTH CLUB Lower St. James' Street, Newport Saturday 16th June 2005 10am until 4pm The Adventure Starts Here! Browse with no obligation! STAFF ON HAND TO HELP NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME Gardens Open for Charity THORLEY MANOR THORLEY, YARMOUTH Sunday 19th June 2.30 pm-5 pm £2.50 Child free TEAS No Dogs Reg Charity No 279284 5 GARAGE SALES BEMBRIDGE uNCOLN WAY AND CLOSE Sunday, June 19 at 10 am FRIDAY 17TH JUNE TO THURSDAY 23RD JUNE BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN STAR WARS: OF THE WORLDS It (12A) EPISODE III (12A) (contains moderate fantasy violence (contains sustained menace.threat and scary ry scenes) and moderate horror) 11.10am+ 12.20, 2.10+ (3.20 OPENS THURSDAY 30tH JUNE xcept Moo) 5.10 (6 20 except 11.00am+ 11.45+ 12.45+ 2.30 3:30 4.15 5.15 6.15 7.00 Wed) 8.10 9.20pm 8.00 9.00 9.45pm THE PACIFIER (PG) 11.COam+ 1 10. 3.20 5.30 7 40pm MONSTER-IN-LAW (12A) 0. references) THU 23RD JUNE 11.20am+ 1.40+ (4.00 6 20pm KUNG RI HUSTLES (15) except Thur) 4.30pm 650 9.10pm THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN'S OPENS. FRIDAY 24TH JUNE APOCALYPSE (15) I 4 st.
NOW SHOWING laiOpm except Thur) BATMAN BEGINSII12A) WEDNESDAY SPECIALS ce (c ontains ang fa tasy and moderat LIFE AQUATIC WITH 10 11.30+ 1 STEVE ZISSOU (15) VI CO 2.45 4.00 500 600 7.15 8 15 7.00Om 9.15pm MONDAY CLASSIC DELUXE SCREEN AMADEUS (PG) a 1-7 10.30am+ 1 500 8.15pm 3 gagm MR MRS SMITHO (15) MOVIES FOR JUNIORS 5.0040 630 8.0000 9.30pm 500pm Mon will be subtitled MOVIE (U) for the hearing impaired. SIN CITY 1181 FUN GAMES AND Please note 2.00pm on Sun POOH'S HEFFALUMP 11.30am+AD 12.30+ 2.00+AD 3.30 ARE WE THERE YET? (PG) BARGAIN SHREK 2 (U) SATURDAY 10 00AM 12.10pm+ 3.00 5.50 840 9.50pm A MOVIE FOR E1.00 DELUXE SCREEN 11.45am+ 2.30 515 8.00pm ADVANCE SCREENINGS (contains moderate CINEWORLD 11 SCREEN CINEMA 0 language and sea 3 0 co 0 vry 10z ry col 0 )o. 0 a 0 0 it, f3.80 TUESDAY Fn Sat only Sat 8 Sun only (S) Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired IAD) Audio Description UK FILM COUNC IL All details are correct at time of oing to press Register at www.cineworld.co.uk for showtimes Atherfield Bay Holiday Pk, Nr. Chale, Isle of Wight £45 per or £25 per adult per day CHILDREN FREE! Plus accommodation £5 per person, per night camping, children £2.50, pets free Chalet with £20 per night per adult YOGA MEDITATION ART SINGING WALKS THAI CHI THERAPISTS ALL ages, absolute beginners and advanced pupils will receive a very warm welcome For further details tall: Alma (01983) 404581 or Nickie 611625 Page 14 entertainments Friday, June 17, 2005 Another jam-packed concert full of orchestral favourites old and new. A "must see" island event.
Music includes Jerusalem, British Sea Songs, Dambusters March and Land of Hope and Glory. Tickets: El 7 before 22nd June; fl 9 Advance; £23 on the day (concessions and discounts available) Available at all Isle of Wight TICs and The County Press Shop, Newport. 01202 669925 01983 866151 www.bsoLlVE.com RYDE Sea Front Car Boot Sale Every Thursday at 6pm Every Sunday at 12pm Cars £4 The Isle of Wight Natural Therapies Trust present An Evening of Classical Music with the Island Piano 'Frio Miranda Fulleylove Violin Zoe Martlew Cello Clive Williamson -Piano Featuring works by: Ravel. Shostakovich, Part and Harvey at Memorial Hall, Freshwater Friday 24th June 2005 7.30pm Licensed Bar Tickets £7.50 each Call to book tickets on 01983 522477 or order by cheque by post to: Isle of Wight Therapies Trust, Watchbcll House. Lugley Street, Newport.
Isle of Wight P030 54ID come just ,11 O'criestta et ar 'west Orchestra Osborne PROMS Saturday 23 July 2005 8.00pm (gates open at 6.00pm) OSBORNE HOUSE, Isle of Wight Michael Lloyd conductor, Stewart Collins presenter The world's most popular concert with huge fireworks finale! GARAGE SALE 59 Solent View Rd Seaview Saturday, June 18th 10am-4pm Furniture, Carpets, Mowers Fish Tank, Books plus more! (proceeds to RNLI) CAR BOOT SALE BRADING CAR PARK Every Saturday 8 am Vans £5, Cars £3 NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ri am till late BAR SNACKS. RESTAURANT AND CAFE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY NIGHT FREE ENTRY INFO TEL: (01983) 721800 2 1 .7 SATURDAY MTN JIINR frartiRING Pus NNW lakev HIPHOP RMB -r 4 FLAIMS URBAN £5 entry -10 pm-3am BUY1 GET1 FREE ON ALL DRINKS B412AM 16 St Jomes Street, Newport. www.temptationnightdubecom Tel 525235 CINEMAS Amadeus (PG): The Oscar-winning story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told in flash- back by a fellow composer. Cin Are We There Yet? (PG): Two children derail romance between their mother and her new boyfriend on holiday. Comedy starring Ice Cube.
Cin Batman Begins (12A): The story of how Bruce Wayne became the caped superhero. All-star cast with Michael Caine, Liam Neeson and Rutger Hauer. Cin, Corn Kung Fu Hustle (15): Residents of a hous- ing complex exhibit extraordinary powers to fend off a notorious gang from taking over their patch. Martial arts comedy. Cin Monster-in-Law (12A): When a woman meets the man of her dreams, his mother tries to scupper her chances of happiness.
Romantic comedy starring Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. Cin Mr and Mrs Smith (15): A bored married couple learn they are assassins hired to kill each other. Comedy starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Cin, Corn Pooh's Heffalump Movie (U): Animated children's adventure based on A. A.
Milne's popular Winnie the Pooh books. Cin Shrek 2 (U): Animated family adventure about the trials and tribulations of a couple of newlywed ogres. Cin Sin City (18): Adapted from Frank Miller's stories based in a morally bankrupt metropo- lis.Starring Bruce Willis. Cin Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (12A): Anakin Skywalker risks his friendship with Obi-Wan Kenobi by switching to the Dark Side of the Force. Cin, Com The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse (15): The notorious fictional town of Royston Vasey is under threat and its inhabitants are forced to leave.
Black comedy based on pop- ular cult BBC series. Cin The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (15): An oceanographer rallies a crew to exact revenge on a shark that killed his partner. Comedy adventure starring Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldblum. Cin The Pacifier (PG): A disgraced Navy SEAL is handed an assignment to protect the chil- dren of the enemies of their recently deceased father, a government scientist. Starring Vin Diesel.
Cin, Corn Cinemas: Cin Cineworld, Corn Commodore, Med Medina Theatre, Qy Quay Arts, Ap Apollo Theatre. The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Pictures. All rights reserved. 1rd ABTA FOR A BROCHURE CALL ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS ON IW 526741 (Office Hours) or post to: IW County Press Ltd, 123 Pyle Street, Newport, IW P030 1ST le of Reader Holiday otot ottnIP Offer Notce i Board with departures from Bournemouth Airport and London Gatwick 4 I Maine and Boston Departing December 23, The Costa's Glamour Capital Marbella The Glorious 'City of Parts and the Seine DEPARTING BOURNEMOUTH AIRPORT Canals and Hidden 4 days c239 from Delights -z-z Departing Oct 20i.d12006 Treasures of TUSC Departing October 14 Andalucia Naga, Seville, Granada Sottihda 7 days by air Nig beater 2005,110 20N Lake Gatila I mil ewe, 8 days by air DSept eParlill anciOctober £489 hristmas Markets Departing December; 05 DEPARTING LONDON GATWICK Athens Classical Greece Florence the Rolling A NEW ENGLAND Italy 6 days by as Departing 13 27 October 2005 1.
6 days by air 1299 Odder 2005, Apike I days from £7 39 ANN1--1- DEPARTING LONDON HEATHROW ORGANISED BY NEWMARKET PROMOTIONS AIR HOLIDAYS. ABTA 2 ATOL 2325. What's On MUSIC TONIGHT Jazz concert with Unity Stompers and Ryde School Swing Band Old Rectory, Whitwell, 7pm. Abba Gold tribute band The Venue, Ryde Theatre, 8.30pm. Freeway Junction -The Fountain Inn, Sandown, 9pm.
TOMORROW Dirty Habit -The Fountain Inn, Sandown, 9pm. Orpheus Singers A Summer Miscellany of Music concert St John's Church, Sandown, 7.30pm. SUNDAY Island Concert Band concert Medina Theatre, Newport, 2.45pm. TUESDAY Formula 2 -The Fountain Inn, Sandown, 9pm. Orpheus Singers A Summer Miscellany of Music concert St Blasius's Church, Shanklin, 7.30pm.
EVENTS TOMORROW The Ramblers Walk Ventnor Park, Park Avenue, 10am, 6 miles. SUNDAY The Ramblers Walk Brading Car Park, 10am, 8 miles. 100 Years of Austin Cars celebration IW Steam Railway, Havenstreet, MONDAY The Ramblers Walk Former Kitty Linnington Is exhibiting at Quay Arts. CONTRIBUTED Merstone Railway Station car park, 10am, 6 miles. TUESDAY The Ramblers Walk -Yarmouth bus shelter, 9.30am, 17 miles.
Open Mic Poetry part of the IW Literature Festival Quay Arts, Newport, 7.30pm. WEDNESDAY The Ramblers Walk Bemebridge Harbour Point, 10.30am, miles. Kate Adle talk -part of the IW Literature Festival Quay Arts, Newport, 8pm, THURSDAY The Ramblers Walk Buddle Inn, Niton Undercliff, 6pm, miles. ART EXHIBITIONS ALL WEEK Kitty Linnington Cafe Wall, Quay Arts, Newport. Ventnor Middle School Learning Curve Gallery, Quay Arts, Newport.
Alfred (Paddy) Kerr painting group exhibition Ryde Library Gallery. On The Road Guildhall, Newport. Colin Riches From a Place of Unknowing Michael West Gallery, Quay Arts, Newport. TODAY TO SUNDAY Maritime Cowes staged by Cowes Heritage Bonhams, 84 High Street, Cowes, 10am-4pm. ALL WEEK EXCEPTTODAY John Reilly exhibition George Street Centre, Ryde, 10am-2pm.
ALL WEEK EXCEPT MONDAY Mary McCartney Donald Dimbola Lodge Museum, Freshwater. Chris Avery Three of a Kind Dimbola Lodge Museum, Freshwater. FROM TOMORROW Maria Ward A Seaside Island Rope Store Gallery, Quay Arts, Newport. THEATRE TONIGHT Writer's Block by Graham Macfarlane part of the IW Literature Festival- Quay Arts, Newport, 8pm. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by the Reduced Shakespeare Company Medina Theatre, Newport, 8pm.
To submit your event contact Mandy on 522210 by Monday at 5pm. Friday, June 17, 2005 entertainments Page 15.