Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (2025)

Quick Links

  • How Saving Places on Google Maps Helps You

  • Create Custom Saved Lists and Add Notes to Them

  • Use Voice Search to Find Places

  • Find Directions and Busy Times at Your Saved Places

  • How to Save Places in Google Maps for Mobile

  • How to Save Places in Google Maps for Desktop

Key Takeaways

  • Save places on Google Maps to quickly find and return to them even years later without remembering their names or locations.
  • Create custom saved lists to categorize places and add personal notes for easy organization and access.
  • Use voice search in Google Maps to find places by speaking labels, and easily find directions and busy times at your saved locations.

Have you come across an interesting place and don’t want to forget where it is? Google Maps allows you to save locations to various lists. You can then easily retrieve as well as find directions to these places without needing to search for them again.

How Saving Places on Google Maps Helps You

Let’s say you’re at a really good restaurant, and you’d like to come back again. The problem is it’s easy to forget the names of places and their locations. It can be very frustrating when you're trying to remember a place and you just can't seem to recall it. This is where Google Maps' saved locations feature comes in handy.

Luckily, when you save a place on Google Maps, the service saves the place’s name, location, and other information. Later, when you come back to your saved location list, you can find all your saved places and other information about them.

This means you can find and return to your favorite places even years later without having to recall their names or locations. But that's not all it can do.

Create Custom Saved Lists and Add Notes to Them

Google Maps allows you to create custom saved lists so you can categorize the places to your liking. For example, you can have all your favorite restaurants in one category while all your favorite entertainment venues go into another. This organizational feature helps ensure you quickly find the places you want to visit.

Another option Maps offers is the ability to add notes to your saved places. This allows you to add your own thoughts about a place while saving it. For example, if a restaurant offers a buffet between 12 PM and 3 PM, you can add that information as a note while adding the restaurant to the list. The next time you check your saved location list, you’ll find this personal note.

Use Voice Search to Find Places

Google Maps supports voice search, meaning you can find places by just speaking into your phone (as opposed to typing the names of places). This is especially useful when you’re driving, and it's another reason to save locations.

You can label places in Maps and speak those labels to find your favorite places. For example, I could add “Mahesh’s Favorite Bakery” as a label to a bakery. The next time I want to find this place using voice search, simply say, “Find me directions to Mahesh’s favorite bakery" instead of reciting the bakery's name. Google Maps will locate that place and show you the directions to it.

To add a label to a place, launch Google Maps on your phone. Find your favorite place, select it, and tap "More" (in the same bar where you see "Directions"). From the open menu, select "Add Label." Type a label for the selected place and tap the flag icon. And that’s it.

Find Directions and Busy Times at Your Saved Places

Once you save a place, you can quickly find all kinds of directions to that place. For example, you can find driving directions, public transport options, walking directions, and more. You can choose your preferred transport method, and Maps will show you directions accordingly.

Maps also show you the busy times of the selected location. Once you access your saved location list and tap a place, you can see how busy (or not busy) it is. This helps you plan your visit to that place.

How to Save Places in Google Maps for Mobile

Saving a place in Google Maps’ mobile app is as easy as tapping a few options. To start, launch Maps on your phone. Tap the search bar, find the place to save, and select that place from the list. Then, in the same bar where you see the "Directions" button, tap "Save."

On the "Save to List" screen, either choose an existing list to add your place to or create a new list. I’ll make a new list by tapping "New List" at the top.

On the "New List" screen, tap the text box and type the list name. In the second text box, optionally, enter the list description. You can tap the "Choose Icon" option to add an icon to this list.

From the List Type section, choose "Private" to keep your list only accessible to you, or choose "Shared" to share the list with others. Then, tap "Create" in the top-right corner.

You’ve created a list and added your favorite place to it. To add a note to your saved place, find the place on the list and tap the "Add a Note About This Place" textbox.

To access the saved location list in the future, tap "You" in the bottom bar and tap your list.

How to Save Places in Google Maps for Desktop

You can save places using Google Maps’ desktop website as well. To do that, launch a web browser on your computer, open the Google Maps site, and sign in to your account. Find the place to save on the map and click that place. In the left sidebar listing, choose "Save."

Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (1)

In the Save in Your Lists prompt, select an existing list to add your place to or create a new list. I’ll go for a new list by choosing "New List."

Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (2)

In the "List Name" box, type a name for your new list and click "Create."

Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (3)

Maps will save the chosen place in your new list. To add a note for this place, click "Add Note" in the left sidebar.

Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (4)

You can access your saved lists in the future by visiting the Google Maps site and clicking "Saved" in the left sidebar. And that’s all there is to it.

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Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using (2025)


Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using? ›

Google Maps' Saved Locations Is the Handiest Feature You're Not Using. Save places on Google Maps to quickly find and return to them even years later without remembering their names or locations. Create custom saved lists to categorize places and add personal notes for easy organization and access.

How do I see all saved locations on Google Maps? ›

Recently saved
  1. Open Google Maps .
  2. At the bottom of your screen, tap You .
  3. You can scroll through “Recently saved” to find places you have recently added to your lists.
  4. Tap a place for more details and its location on the map.
  5. Tap the list name to jump directly to the list.

How do I change my saved location on Google Maps? ›

How to set or change your Home on Google Maps
  1. In the Google Maps iPhone or Android app, tap Saved at the bottom-center of the screen.
  2. In the menu that appears, tap Labeled. ...
  3. Tap Home to set it, or if you've already got a Home location, tap the three dots next to it and then Edit home.
  4. The search bar will appear.
Oct 13, 2021

Why does my Google Maps show places I haven't been? ›

This is because Google Maps uses a combination of different data sources to provide users with information about sites, street view, satellite imagery, and user-contributed content. This means that if you have never visited a place physically, you may still be able to see it on Google Maps.

How do I delete saved places on Google Maps? ›

Here are the steps to delete saved place.
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Tap Saved .
  3. In the list that includes the place you want to remove, tap More Edit list.
  4. Next to the place you want to remove, tap Remove.
Jul 27, 2022

Does Google Maps save your locations? ›

When you turn on Location History, your precise device location is regularly saved — to your devices and Google's servers, even when Google apps aren't being used, and creates your Timeline.

Where do saved maps go? ›

Find all your maps in the Your Places menu on Google Maps. Chart your favorite places or explore a new city. Save maps you find on the web and use them on-the-go.

How do I change my saved location? ›

Option 1 for changing the default save path:

Under This PC, right-click Desktop and select Properties. 2. Select the Location tab and click Move to change the system default save location.

How do I change my Google location settings? ›

Turn location permission on or off for your browser
  1. On your Android device, open the Settings app .
  2. Tap Location. App permission.
  3. Tap on your browser app, like Chrome.
  4. Choose location access for the browser app: Allow or Deny.

How do you hide saved places on Google Maps? ›

Open the Google Maps app on your device and tap on the "Saved" tab at the bottom of the screen. In the "Saved" tab, you will see a list of all your saved places, including your pinned locations. Find the pin that you want to hide and swipe left on it. You should see an option to "Hide" the pin.

Are there hidden places on Google Maps? ›

Marcoule Nuclear Site, France:

Tucked away in the serene French countryside, the Marcoule Nuclear Site remains veiled in secrecy on Google Maps. This facility, renowned for its nuclear research and processing, plays a pivotal role in France's energy sector.

Why is Google Maps not showing locations? ›

If you're using a cellular data connection, try moving to a different location or using a Wi-Fi connection. Second, check to see if there are any outages in your area. Google Maps relies on real-time data, so if there's an issue with the servers, it can affect the service.

Why does my Google location say I'm somewhere I'm not? ›

Common reasons may include a weak GPS signal, an outdated version, or incorrect location settings on your device.

How do I edit saved locations in Google Maps? ›

Edit or delete a list
  1. On your computer, open Google Maps.
  2. Click Menu Saved .
  3. To erase a list, click More. Delete list.
  4. To edit a list, at the top, click More. Edit list. From here you can: Edit the list: Click the name or description you want to change. Add notes: Click the box below the address.

How do I not show saved places on Google Maps? ›

To toggle a list's visibility on Google Maps, click the "…" beside any of your lists and select "Show on your map" or "Hide on your map."

How do I remove unwanted places from Google Maps? ›

Follow the instructions below to remove a location on either platform.
  1. Open the Google Maps app.
  2. Tap your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Tap Maps history.
  5. Click Delete to see the timeframe options you have. ...
  6. Select Delete activity by.
  7. Choose a date range and tap Delete to confirm.
Apr 6, 2022

How can I see all the places I've been on Google Maps? ›

Find your travels
  • On your computer, open Google Maps.
  • Sign in with the same Google Account that you use on your mobile device.
  • At the top left, click Menu .
  • Click Timeline .
  • To find another date, at the top, choose a day, month, and year.

How do I see saved pins on Google Maps? ›

You can put that destination into default lists like Want to go and favourites, once you click Save. you can check out these saved pins in the hamburger icon that is inside the Your places tab in the Maps setting area.

Where do I find my saved items on Google? ›

Find all saved items
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app .
  2. At the bottom, tap Saved .
  3. Scroll to the end of the carousel.
  4. Tap View all saved items.

How do I find my favorites on Google Maps? ›

  1. Open the Google Maps app.
  2. Tap the "Saved" tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. You'll see two sections: "Recently saved" and "Lists."
  4. Search for your desired place in the search bar located within either section. ...
  5. Alternatively, scroll through the lists to find the place visually.
Jan 9, 2024

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.