Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (2024)

← Signaturely + Telegram Bot integrations

Pipedream makes it easy to connect APIs for Telegram Bot, Signaturely and 2,000+ other apps remarkably fast.

Trigger workflow on

Signature Request Sent (Instant) from the Signaturely API

Next, do this

Create Chat Invite Link with the Telegram Bot API

No credit card required

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (5)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (6)

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (7)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (8)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (9)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (10)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (11)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (12)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (13)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (14)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (15)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (16)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (17)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (18)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (19)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (20)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (21)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (22)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (23)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (24)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (25)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (26)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (27)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (28)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (29)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (30)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (31)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (32)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (33)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (34)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (35)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (36)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (37)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (38)

Developers Pipedream

Getting Started#

This integration creates a workflow with a Signaturely trigger and Telegram Bot action. When you configure and deploy the workflow, it will run on Pipedream's servers 24x7 for free.

  1. Select this integration
  2. Configure the Signature Request Sent (Instant) trigger
    1. Connect your Signaturely account
  3. Configure the Create Chat Invite Link action
    1. Connect your Telegram Bot account
    2. Configure Chat ID
    3. Optional- Configure Invite link name
    4. Optional- Configure Invite link expire date
    5. Optional- Configure Maximum number of users
    6. Optional- Configure Creates join request
  4. Deploy the workflow
  5. Send a test event to validate your setup
  6. Turn on the trigger


This integration uses pre-built, source-available components from Pipedream's GitHub repo. These components are developed by Pipedream and the community, and verified and maintained by Pipedream.

To contribute an update to an existing component or create a new component, create a PR on GitHub. If you're new to Pipedream component development, you can start with quickstarts for trigger span and action development, and then review the component API reference.


Signature Request Sent (Instant) on Signaturely

Description:Triggers when a new signature request has been sent. [See the documentation](,Webhook,-Get%20a%20Free)



Signaturely Overview#

Signaturely API lets you automate document signing processes within your apps. You can harness this functionality on Pipedream to create, send, and manage legally-binding signatures on documents without manual intervention. Whether you're sending contracts, onboarding new employees, or needing signatures from clients, integrating Signaturely with Pipedream can streamline your workflow, save time, and reduce errors.

Trigger Code#

import common from "../common/webhook.mjs";import events from "../common/events.mjs";import constants from "../../common/constants.mjs";export default { ...common, key: "signaturely-signature-request-sent", name: "Signature Request Sent (Instant)", description: "Triggers when a new signature request has been sent. [See the documentation](,Webhook,-Get%20a%20Free)", type: "source", version: "0.0.1", dedupe: "unique", methods: { ...common.methods, getResourcesFn() { return; }, getResourcesFnArgs() { return { params: { orderingKey: "updatedAt", orderingDirection: "DESC", searchType: constants.SEARCH_TYPE.DOCS, status: [ constants.DOC_STATUS.COMPLETED, ], }, }; }, getResourcesName() { return "items"; }, getEvents() { return [ events.DOCUMENT_COMPLETED, ]; }, generateMeta(resource) { const ts = Date.parse(resource.updatedAt); return { id: `${}-${ts}`, summary: `Request Sent: ${resource.title}`, ts, }; }, },};

Trigger Configuration#

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI and CLI.

SignaturelyappappThis component uses the Signaturely app.
N/Adb$.service.dbThis component uses $.service.db to maintain state between executions.
N/Ahttp$.interface.httpThis component uses $.interface.http to generate a unique URL when the component is first instantiated. Each request to the URL will trigger the run() method of the component.

Trigger Authentication#

Signaturely uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Signaturely account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Signaturely APIs in both code and no-code steps.

To retrieve your API key,

  • Navigate to your Signaturely account and sign in
  • Go to “Settings” > “API”

About Signaturely#

Simple E-Signature software for small businesses.


Create Chat Invite Link on Telegram Bot

Description:Create an additional invite link for a chat, [See the docs]( for more information



Telegram Bot Overview#

The Telegram Bot API allows you to build bots that can interact with users on the Telegram platform. Using Pipedream, you can automate messaging, handle commands, and trigger actions based on conversations or alerts. Pipedream's serverless execution model enables you to create complex workflows involving Telegram messages without managing any infrastructure. With Pipedream's integration, you can process inbound messages, send outbound notifications, and connect the Telegram Bot API with numerous other services to create powerful automation solutions.

Action Code#

import telegramBotApi from "../../";export default { key: "telegram_bot_api-create-chat-invite-link", name: "Create Chat Invite Link", description: "Create an additional invite link for a chat, [See the docs]( for more information", version: "0.0.5", type: "action", props: { telegramBotApi, chatId: { propDefinition: [ telegramBotApi, "chatId", ], }, name: { propDefinition: [ telegramBotApi, "link_name", ], }, expire_date: { propDefinition: [ telegramBotApi, "expire_date", ], }, member_limit: { propDefinition: [ telegramBotApi, "member_limit", ], }, creates_join_request: { propDefinition: [ telegramBotApi, "creates_join_request", ], }, }, async run({ $ }) { const resp = await this.telegramBotApi.createChatInviteLink(this.chatId, { name:, expire_date: this.expire_date, member_limit: this.member_limit, creates_join_request: this.creates_join_request, }); $.export("$summary", `Successfully created chat invite link, "${this.chatId}"`); return resp; },};

Action Configuration#

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI.

Telegram BottelegramBotApiappThis component uses the Telegram Bot app.
Chat IDchatIdstring

Enter the unique identifier for the target chat (e.g. 1035597319) or username of the target public chat (in the format @channelusername or @supergroupusername). For example, if the group's public link is, the username is @mygroup.

Invite link namenamestring

Invite link name; 0-32 characters

Invite link expire dateexpire_dateinteger

Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire, in unix time (e.g. 1567780450).

Maximum number of usersmember_limitinteger

Maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999

Creates join requestcreates_join_requestboolean

True, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators. If True, member_limit can't be specified

Action Authentication#

Telegram Bot uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Telegram Bot account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Telegram Bot APIs in both code and no-code steps.

To use the Telegram Bot API, you must first create a new bot by chatting with the BotFather.

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (59)

After you create your bot, copy the bot token and add it below.

About Telegram Bot#

Telegram, is a cloud-based, cross-platform, encrypted instant messaging (IM) service.

More Ways to Connect Telegram Bot + Signaturely#

Other Popular Integrations#

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (60)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (61)

Create Signature Request with Signaturely API on New Channel Updates (Instant) from Telegram Bot API

Telegram Bot + Signaturely

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (62)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (63)

Create Signature Request with Signaturely API on New Updates (Instant) from Telegram Bot API

Telegram Bot + Signaturely

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (64)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (65)

Create Signature Request with Signaturely API on New Bot Command Received (Instant) from Telegram Bot API

Telegram Bot + Signaturely

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (66)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (67)

Create Signature Request with Signaturely API on New Message Updates (Instant) from Telegram Bot API

Telegram Bot + Signaturely

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (68)

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (69)

Delete a Message with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API

Signaturely + Telegram Bot

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Popular Triggers#

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (70)

Document Sent (Instant) from the Signaturely API

Triggers when a document is sent. See the documentation

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (71)

Signature Request Sent (Instant) from the Signaturely API

Triggers when a new signature request has been sent. See the documentation

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (72)

New Bot Command Received (Instant) from the Telegram Bot API

Emit new event each time a Telegram Bot command is received.

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (73)

New Channel Updates (Instant) from the Telegram Bot API

Emit new event each time a channel post is created or updated.

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (74)

New Message Updates (Instant) from the Telegram Bot API

Emit new event each time a Telegram message is created or updated.

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Popular Actions#

Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (75)

Create Signature Request with the Signaturely API

Creates a new signature request. See the documentation

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (76)

Create Chat Invite Link with the Telegram Bot API

Create an additional invite link for a chat, See the docs for more information

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (77)

Delete a Message with the Telegram Bot API

Deletes a message. See the docs for more information

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (78)

Edit a Media Message with the Telegram Bot API

Edits photo or video messages. See the docs for more information

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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (79)

Edit a Text Message with the Telegram Bot API

Edits text or game messages. See the docs for more information

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Explore Other Apps#






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Create Chat Invite Link with Telegram Bot API on Signature Request Sent (Instant) from Signaturely API - Pipedream (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.