Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1884, p. 4 (2024)

is 5 w f i 1 r f lrjx 4 v ttmtgreegnss tkuassir btounxo jot 10 1884 a oood druggist a maa who kept a atbre onoe wrote upon his door oh loan make a pill that shall ease evry ill i keep here a plaster to preveat disaster also mm good ointment to soothe disappointment when customers applied theee words are what he cried kow patience is the pill that o ev ry ill takefare is a plaster which prevents disaster good krnnor an ointment soothing disappointment i awl in a cheese factory is being built at otter born the btardyes are unexcelled for cheap nesasnd brilliant fast colors 10 give mouajrats com core trial it removed tw corns from one pair of feet without any pain coal has been discovered at lngeven station pleasant as syrup nothing equals it as a worm medicine the name is mother graces worm exterminator an ohiaiemale institute contains 30 red headed girle and tiie pnuanel dispenses wilhgaa and all other artiflcal inzhl use only the triangle dyes i0e7 j e ilc- garyin there are 468 men and zi teams engaged on winnipeg sewers the success with which the triangle dres have met proves them the moat re- ma of the past or present they are attracting attention from all claasee of soeietv 10c at j e hcgamns 49 dont despair of belief if troubled with chnoic dyspepsia or cooatipalioa these ailments as well as biliousness kidney rnnruuties and feminine troubles sreerad icated by northrop lymatfs vegetable dtscotery and dyspeptic cure an alter- atite of long tried and clearly proven effi cacy it is a fine blood depurent as well as corrective and contains no ingredients which an not of the inchest stndaid of punty half breed ponies are fyflinc from 30 to 1125 each at begma the triangle dyes are such as one fnend can take pleaaure in recommending to another mirk well that you get a three oomered package for they are the only re- hable dyes in the market 10c at j e mcgamns 49 mrs barnhart cor pntt and 6 roadway has been a sufferer for twelve years through rheumatism and has tned etery remedy ahe could hear of but received no benefit until ahe tried dr thomas eclectrtc oil ahe says she cannot express the satisfaction ahe feels at having her pain entirely remov ed and her rheumatism cured there are base imitations of this medicine for sale s that yon get dr thomas eetecfae ob a rise of water is driving the miners off the saskatchewan river terr keaurfcable keatedy mr geo v willing of manchester mich writes my wife has been almost helpless r farfive years to helpless that she could not turn over in bed alone she used two bottles of electric bitters and is so much improved that she is able now to do her own work electric bitters will do all that la claimed for them hundreds of testimonials attest their curative powers only fifty cents a m bottle at j e mcgamns lfe whats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near lolls me wife why dont you go to j e mc- gaxvms drug store and get a bottle of fluid lightning stou know it cures all such things as toothache neuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc ft gives instant rdicf- 33 almost every person has some form of scrofulous poison latent in his veins when this develops in scrofulous sores ulcers or eruptions or takes theform of rheumausm or organic diseiwn the suffering that en sues is terrible beyond description hence f the gratitude of those who discover as thousands yearly do that arers sarsapar- ola will thoroughly eradicate this evil from the system trial if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor parkes car bobjc cerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansmar and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is out of order tako with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from s e ucgar- vms drug store- 29 to mosf ohqdfen the hare suggestion of a dose of castor oil is nauseating why not then when ph ysic is necessary for the little ones use avers cathartic fills they combine every essential and valuable prin ciple of a cathartic medicine and being sugarcoated are easily taken fusts tooth powdie the peerless dentifrice contains nothing that can injure the enamel in the slightest degree by its constant use the teeth retain their efficiency and beauty even to the extreme duration of life sold by j e mcgamu druggist price 25 cents fteaceirover walking the source of so much misery to many becomes after using putuana pain less corn extractor a service of pleasure corns are small in size as any one fond of a tramp can testify try pntnams ex tractor for corns 2to discomfort no caustic application no blood letting and yet splen didly efficacious n c pol80it co kingston proprietors lb w jl laser bailiff c belleville writes i find dr thomas eclectne oil the best mediane i hare ever used la my stables i have need it for bruises scratch- a wind puffs and cuts and in every case it tre die best satisfaction we use it as a household remedy for colds bums 4c ud it is a perfect panacea it will remove hrts by paring them down and applying there art taws in diamonds lies in amber and faults in every man perfec tion is attained ouly by tat tnengt dye their colon are truly beautiful 10c at je mogarvin puiutu vjpeubix a superior cathar tic for family use a ipeoific for headache a safe and effectual remedy for all bilious disorders funt sj mandrake pills sold by j e hcqarmi druggist price 25 cents all taeam taxed are you troubled with salt rheum bough skin pimples or canker sons if so go at once to j i mcgarrius drug store and get a package of calvsits carbolic cerate price twenty five cents it was never known to fail 47 leaaeauber that eeward t pure concentrated alkali will do juit what we advertise it to do and no more it will soften the water it will remove all slams from woodwork and it will save timej labor and expense try it again it is north trying i e mc- gatvm sole ageat for acton oh how tired and weak i feel i don believe i will ever get thiough tne spring house cleaning oh yea you will if you takes bottle or lwo of dr carsons stom ach bitters to punfy your blood and tone the great sale at the right floiise is an immense success the exceeding low prices which the goods are now selling o at attract teoarf thru 1 of customers whcjhrong these enormous stores so that fana jjjjj ly room at the counters for them all and the whole length of both stores 275 feel loi j is crowded daily customer extra good value in all they buy while some hold lotteries in which only one iu perhsps 5000 will i fortune for our wants baa an immoral luflatnce on all who do so sod is ruinous to both the public and pnvafe vuun auutv umuw i goods by abusing their competitors who would not stoop to such a digradmg mode of procedure and make statements about them which have not the rtigntert foewuimw i truth instead ol resortlog to cowardly modes of defence lal them show by moral law that lotteries are harmless and give op their quibbling thair aboat aud f locations just tee a lew of our pnoes white quilts marked don n lo two ihirus their value white quilts from 1 to 4 yards loog french crepe all wool ureas uwjui at45c which is good value lor 87 c all wool french twills well worth me are lellingoff at s5c erinta which would be cheap at 12jc are selling off at jk oiner n i i i a r n a f r a ii j u1t i if okaiha m trait flfil who throng these enormous stores so that frussaut tbere is soen- y ithugieaisalehafbseogotnpoattaprfiwritorf ill gel anything whils the principle of depending on the wheel o ivale welfare some defend tbia wiokjd plan of getting on up the system in large bottles 50 cents 45 ten ol uhuareas ew oiyies oi iouars nn ewugi ii veteeoj in blick sod the newest colors sll very cheap xew styles of table oil cloths in illuminated marble granite and jfsocy patterns at 12h- per l u prices a big reduction off laafrseasoui prices in carpels bole exists here for ihe ttikox unequalled carpet sneiper iciug street east close to hugbton sueei ido hamilkujunc 12 1884 thomas c watkins hamiltok doiur apoa dilkr n freqaeally spent on the futfi of recomaieadtioas for ixtjdes entirely wortkliss xot o with he- gregnrssdeedyjcare yoaaro not uked toparchxseit nttiiits ments ire protea ctxl it j e jiegimni drag stow nd get a free trul bottle ind if not conrinccd it will care you if the wont forms of dys- pepcis liver cotnpuint etc no matter of how bag jtinding it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 1 bottle see testimon- us cram peisaas in ywir cra town 29 umlur1 tribute thereon p ktutor editor of ft wayne ind gixctta writes for the put hive alwayi usid dr kings new ducot ery for congha u most severe eharacter u well as for those of a icilder ivpe it never fa to effect i peedy cure my friends to whom i have recommended it apeak of ft m wune tugu term hanog been cored by it of every caagn i haye had for five years i consider it thd only reliable and bare core for congha colia etc call at j e he gimni drag store and get a frtc tnal bottle large s lie ii 00 i tlaldlfsfctmlif there are ba t few that have ne ver mff ered almost mtolerajble pun from toothache kearalgia cr like acute pains to them such in instant relief u fluid lightning u an untold tlessuig in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicmea to be taken for days one application oi fluid lum- mnjt cares sold at j e ilcgarnna drag store 29 are yoa troibled with salt kheura eooh handi or old sores of any kind that cannot be heale even thoagh it be of years standing afcgregor parkes car oobc cente wil care it beyond the ihadow of a doubt it it the beat healing compound ever known boils featenngi frost bites bnroi or wv skin troable are alike cored by it id at 25 cents by j e if c gamn draggial 33 boufccyt puis any dyspeptic sufferer aware of thf purifying regulating and gentlv apenent powers of theae pills fihonld permit no one to cloud ins judgment or to wrap hu coarse with a bar of holluwairs fills and attention to it vccompanying direcuonat he may feel thoroughly situfied that he can safely and effectually release himself from his miseries without impairing his appetite or wealcening his jgestion this most excel lent medicine ts is a nervine and bodily tonic by aiding nutrition and banishes a thoasind unoy ng forms of nervous com pkints an oca isional resort to holloways remedy will prove highly nlaury to ill persons whethc r well or ill whose diges tion is slow or id perfect a condition nmaily evidenced by v eanneas languor iistless- ness and despondency if acw grainfi of commoa sense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetaally and alternately imtate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgakpes they would use the highly accredited and hel thiol 1 native and toaic korthrop lyman s teirelable dis covery and dyspeptic care which causes gooddigestiorjto wait an appetite and health on botht 23 peotona pedtona pcctona the great remedyf or coughs colds bronchitis sore throat inflaenm horseness and ail affec tions of the lungs and throat or chest pectoris loosens j the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle don t give op until yoa have tned pectoris all druggist and general storekeepers sell it j 23 a4riee t huen are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at onoe and get a bottle of 3n win starts sooditng bgrvpfor children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufffirer immediately de pend upon it mithero there is no mistake about it it cares dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the guns reduces in- nnunfttion and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wimloyftsoooubg syrup for cmtdirn tcdhag is pleasant to the tete and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians in the united states anil is for bale by all drnggist4 throughout uw world price 25 cents a ottle 44 kings evil wu the name formerly rrren to scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a kings loach the world is wiser sow and knows that sceokjla eanoulj be cored by a thorough porinca- uon of the blood if this la neglected the disease perpetuates its taint through gssmrauoa after itsratioo among jts earlier symptomatic developments are eczema cotauieotu empuoos tu- mors bolls carbuncles errsiptlas poxuient cloers nerroos and phy- atcatcolupae ete if allowed to con tinue ihiiswm fh iw acrofnlons oa- tartk kmney 4af unr d tubenaur consumption and vari ous other dsngerau or fatal maladies are produced byu aprs sarsapanfa it as nit powerful ad afiran rdicbu bloo4pnfing medicine jt is so eflect- aal an alterative that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula end the kindred poisons of contagious diseases sad mercury at the same time it en riches and vitalises the blood restoring healthful action to the vital organs sad rejuvenating the entire system thbgreat regenerative medicine ii composed of the genuine bondtmu sartaparma with tefiou dock stil- lingla the iodides 0 potaaium and 7ro and other rngredlenls of great po tency earefuut and sctentlncauy com- tiotmded its formula is generally known to the medical profession and the best physicians constantly prescribe arms rittwiipttti mm sn absolnte cure for all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood it is concentrated to the high est practicable degree far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed and is therefore file cheapest as wed u the best blood purifying medi cine in lie world ayers sarsaparilla fbztaeedby or j c ajar or co lowtll mom analytical chemists sold by all druggists price 1 six bottles for 9 speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c a rttajtu5 autfl i othepresidenuotuiecs the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our pnee the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free eillsttbooe go portland maine are prepared to furnish everything in tfyeir line from- the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowt5jerrffl fcall calls eitfer night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed m every case a firstclass hearse for hire 83weareina position lo satisfactorily fill orders for vagqoos carnages ac of every description m reasonable time good workmanahip ood firstclass materlalalways used w e have also a splendid lot or furoitore both common aad extra quality cheap srlf you will pay us cash we will sell you anything in oor line cheap j a 3pei0ht managar co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing yon will find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my sll 812 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting a a i ffar the working claw send 10 tttvlijceat for postage nd wo will nuil yoa free a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot yoa in the wy of making more money in a few days than yon ever thought pouible at any bnainess capital not required we will start you toa can work all the time or in your spare time only the wort u omveraady adapt ed to both sexes yoang and old yoa can easily earn from 50 cents to 15 every even ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 1 to pay or the troable of writing as fall particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great sac- cess absolutely bare dont delay start now address stikrox co portland maine 323 acres 335 acres fonthill nurseries the lwffnt ia tsu dominion 8ale8menwanted to begin work at once on fallsales steady employment at fixed salines to all willing to work hes and women can hare pleasant work he tear bound good agents arc earning from 40 lo 175 per month and expenses- terms and out fit free address stone waliiartoa toronto ont underclothing mrs r creech has a tall assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity facashmere net mow in underclothing hade to order mbs r ceeeoh acton may 7th 1884 the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every waj guaranteed at tho east end clothing store j fyfe fb a ivrjes an endle8s variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photocraph8 the latest style taken by the new process no long sittanirs bnw your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in nratclass tyle cwhill acton 4 fb ivtes laa mi mjt who is unaoquawtto with thc okooftapht of thmooifsty wiu d by txah this smp that tm jtjtnsadotiit mhe free pbe88 power printlbar floiue itehlaa riles siwytsau ud cast the symptoms ire moisture hko perspir ation intense ltd ing increased by scratch ing rery distress nfr partlcolaily at night seems as if pin w rms were crawliiig in and aboat the rectan the prirf te parts an sometimes affeetel if allowed to ooniume rerr serious rsnl s may follow swathiii odtthest is a pi sasant snre ears also for tetter itch salt sheom all soar crusty 8fcia disss iss sent by mail for a cents 8 boxes ii 2j u stamps ad dress dr 8 wayke k 80k philadelphia pat sold by druggists 7 exacntetyob vobeof alldesczlptions is a tery aafiafaetory ntaaner at moderate rates with de spatch in the time promised scsiiess ciacclaes lettes heads bill heads letter cihctjlabs kote cihculaes bcsikess casus wsrmc cabds pamphlets bumdbill8 posters etc etc particular attention siren to tssb wobk sad sxsra oar sstowsd witti a tiewto aeenrhig oroarsfrom toa country attended to with dt- spawihi stirtwcsleforwari1ifliitiins11atlybymad or chicago rock island pacific rt m n its jnrrnleetaso- wonhaast ami una- tr oraat ostitral una afford to trarsssrs by raaaon paphleal position ttio shortsatand bt rotita batwaan the soiraissut and tt west morttnrast and atottthsrast jllf l2 tj ttat to wnwo r all i tte pilrwlpal aaas of road between theatianwo and m paolfle t slhl branohas it reaohas ohtoaco lit pawta ottawa la aalto cl asoltoaawd atook mand in iwnolai tmanport aluaoatlrss towaoty ttocar iori hartan outhrs osntarlmd ooanod stuffs jnlcmra i qalaan trenton flsunsroa andkansaa orty in meowi and leaiert worth ail atomaon in kanaaa aatttw hundred of oltls sanwn- intermadlata th great rock island route a it tt farrjbarly caltaa otsara to tra th r lj owaiaoiayrsawrsapanogi sxyttatmbpasw lob ofiee for prinhng h p moobe paowijtok nmmmj wmw wag iww wbs1i shtswh twotkjaeniray it uw sansoia t j alaswsrt atosaiplnii mtttmn iswbbffpoflamswt rribbwi rm iiinieatlilliiaall aaal rnaa acablb landrtfaia the bennett churn the vrayatt artiou in tbi kaikitt thunlae la4 t plmtatf ittlad of s vapltanat tuk ramshawsonacttjil hare ascored the sol coatrol of th sale of th faauws bennett churn this chum mannfactored upon the moat practical and commonsense principle ei- unt and only requires to be seen atwork to be understood appraciated and pur chased a member of the shore firm will call opon yoa with a sample cham saxshaw sour acton jan is 84 c c speicht pirties de8ir1ng thkitt buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revamished and made equal to oew on shortest possible aotio and at low est pneer should leare their orders at ones with mr i a speight undertaker and carnage builder or with c c sfeioht acton march 20th 1881 tw woo outfit frae pay uuabeolutely sure no nek capital not required reader if yoa want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the tune they work with absolute certainty wnt for parttcn lars to h hittrri co portlandm aine amerfgan agriculturist i rlnsaas and eacrarlais to each lasae ord tea w j j xtmt send three fc stamps for sample oopy ensuah or oermanl of ths meet aad beat axrteal raljaaraailaike werid 0rnjnad0o datuwjudpraa way tew terk tape worm an eminent german scientist ha recent ly discovered from a root extract au ab nbat tftafc for tape worn it is pleasant to take and la not distress ing to th patient but la peouliaxly sicken ing and stupefying to the tape worm which loosens it bold of it viohm and puses away in a natural and easy manner entirely whole with hud and while etiu alive one physiqian has used this speoflo in orer 400 cases withont a single failure to roid worm entire sacoeta guaranteed no pay required nntil remored with bead send stamp for circsjarjand terms srrwaaitdtcsi 19 park pkea sew york hills tin k stove depot good assortment on sttfvks cheap foe cash tinrvark of all kinds bottom pbioe8 at nowce a call soliottkd biatmtwjbwttsaylaawhtnia awarai at lawascrial bddmslo tomato wi iss sow austtaorosxsa quariaho opriqht piamos ban rs tsa kaxxit ams jeadftrcjastrstes cat- alofae mailed free address donrstojr oboajc ato haio ooatpakt bowsuarrrxu osr worth their weight in gold hollo ways pills 01ntmenft tals incomparable hedicwk luu tared for felf an tmperuhaiu fatfe tknnqlumt ike world for tke allenatwm and enrtofmmhmuuuwlochkitmanuyukeo- the pills punfy reaxijstsj and improve the qntbty of the blood they assist ibe digestive organs cleaom tbe stomach and bowels uicreau the secretory power of the liver brace tbe oenooi iilcm ind throw into the clrcuiahun ihe purett meota for sostauqiafa and repainog the frame thousands of person hare testified that by their pse alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other meaiuhid proved onsucceasfal tmf ointment will be found luraloable ijevery household in the core of open sores hard tumors bad ltd old wound oonglu colds bore throats bronchitis and si disorders of the throat aad chest as also gout kheumatim scrofula ami oriry kind of skin disease hadnlscured oolr at professor hoilo- ways esublishment 533 oxfokd street london and sold at la lid 2a m as 6d 22s sod s3 each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cent and tl atj and the larger sues in proportion 3csono 1 have no agent in the united stales ucr are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to tbe label on the pots and boies if the sddres is not 5s3 oxford street london they are spurious tbe trade mark of my said medicines ta registered at ottawa and also at wash losjton signed thomas holloay ms oxford htrrt ixnihnn send siyeente for post- ejje andreceive free a is whrasfwiil help yon to it iwu than anything else au ofither sex succeed the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely anre at once addres tnrs co angnsta maine y aprl oosti box of more monev l in thu world from first hoar mm yrthoi h awrwrtas- istoarprlm dm exact east of any paper or hat ef papers c fttrnia stmoopamoearloa fir8eadir hew catalogne j c hough awaauoa detrott mka relawali faig for sale title tea rer act sl ohemdblwclttaleiuu agtat aeastea dataware theae farms are lmprowad with buildings fences fruit trees and bernes of all unas ood water plenty of timber land good roads sc aadvoharobe good markete only 95 miles tram philadelphia plenty of flah oysters and game very prodootire land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be eonnneed i am prepared with team and carnage to take riauors to see the farms free of charge j d haxnucss horston delaware manhood w iiost bo ss we harerem ukmp permanepi e el of heitonkdebtut how liost bow kestskclt we harereeenllj snusahedaaaw ratterwairs eclw it on ta radical era ear wiibtmt redl asaiaassr permajoeiii our wiibtmt reol- x e ulenii pnyiie aliampastojmtldmmsormnitteie raalvtngrromexeeaa aiic jbsprtelnasaledent10mobr eta ortwoboasaie stasap and put dp on shortest tb celebrated author in this adsatraale elerty dmontria rrrm tatrtl j nay mirajlcaaiteuraotawii i in oaaierooi vttfl interul mctslae tsnaoitbeknll tatinuagournilsrash a at anas initu ua tmm teau j llbqut iar of i ii wannarivm ircii lb ssmusmawawr first class material only wssssonjs tthmtn aaaaa or whten ererr snawrerxo ntaar u8ja s vhi rr abonm oe 1 thai aa ran tm saaal sjm m this ue cur i ffce oblfarwett lya ijjajrufkmf


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1884, p. 4 (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.