1:1111 110111 - City of Newport Beach - [PDF Document] (2024)

Artukovic arrested

SEAL BEA C H (AP)-A Yugoslav i mm i . gra·nr ac­cused of Nazj war crimes was ar­rest .e d today on a fed era I war r a n t 'AR'tUKOVIC following an extradition request from the Yugoslavian govern­ment.

f\ndrija Artukovic, 84, was arrested at his Surfside Colony home by U.S. marshals with the 'cooperation of Seal Beach authorities. U.S. Atto rney Rob­ert Bonner said.

Because be is ailing, Artukovic was taken to County­USC Medical Center, where an arraignment was set for later today, Bon ner said.

U .S. Magistrate James J. Pcnne issued the arrest" warrant after the government of Yugoslavia filed an extradition request in federal court · in Washington, D.C.

Artukovic is charged in his homeland with war ~rimes and ' murder stemming from his service as minister of the in­terior and minister of justice of the Nazi puppet state known as the Independent State of Croatia.

Coaat Gambler offers some tips on making money at the the blackjack tables./ A3

_Nation Reagan 'taken aback ' by newest estimates of the deficit./ A6

World A Sikh police commahdo was arrested the day of Indira Gancmt'a ae­sasslnatlon./ A4-

Home .The new,eat laboratory at UC<Jrvine involves swlvel chairs and video ter­minals, not test tubes and microscopes./D1

·Food The customary battle of the bulge after the hol­ld~s won'.t be necessary with festive, calorie con­trolled dishes./C1

Sport& Corona del Mar High holds off Marina and Newport Harborln CIF water polo./81 Golden West College Is top seeded for the Sou_tne~n California com­munity college water polo tournament.183

Entertainment .. Flddter on.the Roof' Is back for Its fifth pro­duction at Sebastian's West.I Al

ll'fDltX-F=-= Bridge 85

A3 A 10-11


Bulletin Board Bualneu Callfornla News Clultfled Com lea Croeaword Death Notices F•turea Food HelpYoor..,f Horoecope Ann Landers Mutuet Funds National News Opinion Poffoe Log Pubttc Notaa In The Servtce 8portt Stock Marketa TeleYtalon Thea ten Weether Wortd N.w.

03-6 85 05 86

01·2 C1-14

02 a. 02

A10 A4

A13 A3

86, 03 A7

81·4 A12 02

A8-9 A2 A~

1:1111 110111 OR AN G E COUN TY C ALIFOH N IA 25 CFNT S

Laura. stakeout o-n Coast •

Police in Costa Mesa, Huntington conduct surveillance in desert-=--=-k-id..,,-n_a_p_·

firmed the 5Urveillance by at least two detectives requested assistanct about unmarked police units from Costa 10 a.m .. Mesa and Huntington Beach. McErlain would not elaborate

By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .., Oellr "°4 .....

kidnaping ol 3-ycar-old Laura Brad-bury. •

Costa Mesa pohce refused ' ta dis- . oth~r than to say that Costa Mesa cl<Jlf where in Huntington Beech the plamclothes ~ffice~ w~rc follow1na stakeout had been set up and· would up on a possib&c. s1aht"'& of a van not release any more details. conn~ted to the d1~ppcatal)ce of tl\e

. Huntington Beach ir.trl. A San Bernardino County Sheriffs detective was at the scene of a· stakeout this aftemooo in Hunt· ingtoo Beach. where officers were investigating a "solid lead" in the

" It's at least as solid as we've t\ad for awhile," said Jim Bryant, a spokesman for the Sheriffs d~part­ment.

Costa MC'Sa police officials con-

Hun~1ogt0Jt ~each Sgt. .Ed Bryant also would not discuss McErla1n oonfinned an unmarked details However he said other leads Huntington Beach unit was dis.- oointed to the H1lntin1ton Beach area ,pinched to tbejsccne ~f\er Costa Mesa (Pleue eee LAua.A/ A2)

OellrPllot,........, ... ..,_

Ed Melott, Steve Keefe and Ken Cdnden (above) remo•e boa. Camden, (below) grabe a tail.

Mechanic finds s ·feet of trouble

By ROBERT BARKER ··1 reached in and I touched _gf.Jtte,llel!JJ'!!o• .~1.1!!! ' omethin&c and..iLwas _real mush}'.,'.:

Auto mechanic Bruno Steimer got Steimer said. " My boss shined a the surpnse of his life Tuesday while flashlight and then we could tell it was removj ng the dashboard of a 1982 a snake." Volkswagen Je tta to find out why the And the snake didn't want to come the car's temperature light flashed on out. and off and the das h lights wouldn't It was then that Stcimcr who said work ---------he doesn ' 1 like..snakes - especially-in

A 5-foot boa constrictor had cars he's working on-turned the job ..snaked its way through a hole near the over 10 Ed Melott. another mechanic steering wheel column and wrapped at South County Volkswagen and itself around the wiring and heater Isuzu in Huntington Beach. ducts behind the dashboard. · (~leue eee SNAKE/ A2)

Spspect sketch· sparks callS

--1nvestt tors hope drawing will lead to missing HB rl By STEVE MARBLE OllM.,.., ........

Since releasing a sketch of a sray­haired man wanted forqucstion instn the kidnapping of a 3-yea.r-old Hunt­ington Beach girl, 'San Bernardino Shentrs deputies have been provided .with more than 150 names of possible suspects.

~The ~ has been refueled and so as everyone slil"im~-- sncriJrs­

spokesman James Bryant said today. Sheriff's investigators have been

unable to loca1t the man or little Laura Bradbury but now a.re concen­trating their scarc.b in the San Bernardino Monnwns and around La~emnorc.

1.aura •was abducted oeady a month ago from her parent's campsite at Joshua Tree NauonaJ Monument near Twentynine Palms. Leads to the little girl's whereabouts

(PJeue .ee 8DTCB/ ill

Driver sought in hit ... and~run that injured two

Bullet train plan scrapped for lack of required funds

By STEVE MARBLE Of IM Dally Pllol a 18fl

A motonst who ran down two rcsra\Jrant kitchen workers and droYC off leavi ng them sprawled on a Newport Beach roadway with critical injuries refuses to come forward .

Newport Beach traffic officers said they recovered the silver Datsu n 280Z involved in Sunday's hit-and· run accident but have not made an

arrest because they can' t prove who was dnvin~ the car.

The registered owner of the ca r. whi'<'h bears license plate 437Y AU. has been interviewed by police who determined she appa rently was not driving the car. Police would no t release the name of the car's owner or say whether they have a suspect.

Witnesses to the 2 a .m. accident on (Pleue see IUT· RU1'f/A3)


Car involved in hit-and-run

Reagan 's trade adviser cites U~ S .. product counterfeiting - -

By PHIL SNEIDEJlMAN Of tM Oellr ..........

No dramatic changes are expected in America's intemationaJ business policies during President Ronald Reagan' s second fou r-year term, Am­bassador William E. Brock., Reqap 's chief international trade adviwr. ~id

Tuesday during a news conference in Irvine. 1

" We continue to believe in free tradt," he said. "We also believe it ha{to be fair:· ~k. who is · the U.S. Trade

ReprcScntative. said a major priority will be to persuade other nation to

QQ businesses ,,.

continue their vrgorous growtn

' When the Parker-Hanni fin Corp.

discovered 1 year ~ that it wa5 outarowina iu facilities in Irvine, company officials took a Iona look at the Oranae County area. its employ­ment base and how much an u ­pension here would cost.

When the decision wa finally made. t~ aircraft components dcsian and manufacturina firm chose to stay In Oranae County. with 'Plahs for con•trucuon of a 3J(),()()()..tquarr-foot facihty in the lrv11lC' lndustrjal Com· p1C'l.

Bob Rau. pmident of the firm's aerospace group, sa•d one of the main rtasons for $\Jy1na was the ~­ploy~.

"The pnncipel conttm to us was rctJining the people we had in Irvine. We didn't want to move 9Q far away that "'c'd lose thC'm," Rau said.

And wuh the opponun1ty to e,. pand it cumnt "-'Ork force of 2,800 employees 1n \he new facHiucs. Rau sald,Oranae.Councyprovide u&OOO an area to draw upon a any 1n tbt <itatc or country

·, \

part1c1pa tc in new talks aimed at easing internationa l trade restnc­tions.

Brock was at the Reg1st1") Hotel to speak to members of the World Trade Center Assoc1aton of Orange Count>, a • 300-member o rganization that

(Pleue eee BROCK/ A2)



Focus ON THE NEws Parkcr-Hannift"'s dcci ion to ex­

pend in Oranae County while o ther compenies move or . bcain here 1s typical of the economic arowth coun· ty bu incss leaders say the) are now secint-

Todd N1cbooon. c ecuthc direc-tor of the Oranse County lndusmal ~aauc. aid tht"rc arc no ptte1sc numbers )'Ct av11lable, but it t\ clear the number of firms stan1na or mov1na hcrt far out~1ahs ~llo~ leavina.

··Thrre·, 1ust trcmcndou arowth (Pl~ eee 8Usm&ss/A2)

Irvine mayor says f undswoUidbe better spent-on highways By PHIL SNEIOERMAN Ofttle~"9taWt

A failure to raise $50 million from investors has derailed plans for a controversial bullet tram connecting Los Angeles and San Diego. wnh a key stop in Irvine.

Lawrence Gilson. president and chief executive of the .\mcncan High Speed Rail Corp .. announced Tues·

- day that tl is compan~ nas tap~~ l J.yea r-old plan to build the h1gh­speed train because the firm has exhausted its funds. Cost of building the California bullet tram. patterned after a Japanese S)Stem. had bc'en est1ma1d at $3. l billion

'\f CI n@WS-amference. Gilson sa~ the company spent SI 0 mil hon on the project but fell shon of ra1sine the addnional $50 m1llron 11 said 11 necdc~ to make down paymen\s on nghts of way and to keep opcra11n~ throu~b earl) next )Car. when con­struction ""as to begin.

" I feel like the .dm er of a

' stagecoach wbo survived ' all The Indian raids only to die of a heart attack within sight of the trading post." Gilson said, according to i\ssoctatcd Press reports.

The 160 mph trajn was.to cover the 132 m1leibcrwecn San Diego and Los Angeles in 59 minutes, less tb.an half the time It takes conventional Am­trak trains. As recently as August, .\merican High Speed had an­nounced that ' construction would begin next year, with completion due m 1986.

o\t that lime. the company released a timetable and a hst of fares for 114 tnps daily i>etwttn t.os ~la lrul San Diego. Company offioals stood by their pr«liction that the system would carry 100.000 passengersdaily. with Orange County tops m Anaheim. Santa Ana and lrvine. "-Thtics o( the proJect. however. clai~d. -tht-Auiust announcement was Just a last. desperate attempt to interest mvcstors. American High Speed had pledged It would build the bullet tram without tax dollars.

But the project drew opposition from environmental croups along the route and five city councils. F.ocs

. (Pleu&MeBULLSTTltAIN/A2J ..

Heather leaving hospital today

Newport Beaeh C It) Coun­cilwoman Jad1e Heather said this morning she planned to return home toda~ followena treatment for a brain hemoffhagc that left her hosp1tali1ed Stn«' ThUTSda • No\· .

·•1 fed fine," Htather )&ld from her room at li<>lf Memonal Hospital.

· " I' m ju\t wo1tu\g fol m y husband to come end spnng me l'vt' sWttt· talked all the doctn" 3nd they 5a~ n's O K to lca\C ..

Heather ~ufTcf'l"C.1 the hcmonh c earl la t Thunda)' and was rushed from her ewpon Beach home to Hong h) p.'\ramC'd1c-' ~h" had recent!\ retumC<l from a


Iona tnp to the Middle East. she \31d, and the tt"tum O•ahi. coupled wnh the election act1v1ues Tucsda). Id\ her physlcall) worn out.

le'tt this w~k determmed \~ hemorrhage wu s1m1lar to the U'Oke , he utTered 1n March 19 . Heather

Id. ,

The former mayor rccovcrtd from ttlt 19 2 stroke with the help . of occu p.a11on1I therapv and kept up with hC'f constant round of 1(\po1n\ .. mC"in w-.tbin \\'eek, af\er le.vina the ho p1tal •

Hc:11her has sen:cd o n the \nun< 11 'llOCC 197 •

'· 1\




. • .• , • )





claimed &he bullet tr.Un would trcate • no1~ and other cnvironmeotalf prob­

lems :ind eventual!) would require a eovcmment bailout.

Galson 'laid Tue<Wjl)' &hat s~ • cntamm played no role in the

dCCl!l.JOn to &JVC up the prOJCCl; he pointed only to finanraal hurdle .

.. I here as no suflk1ently lar&e-scak fundinJ souroc of risk capital in tht LI S financial world:' 'latd Gilson. The bulk of the 1n11ial funding came from Japan Thc. lshi htba Corp. put up $7 million. whale um1tomo Bani... put up SI rnllhon

,• Linder Amcncan High SpeNJ's oualine, bullet trains would havt• made more than 80 stops daily an Jrv1ne. The Irvine City Council took no formal stand on the project:

Hut an an rntervu.·w Tuesday night. Irvine Mn)'or David Salls said Amen­c-.in High peed'~ ,mnouncement

,,.didn' t surpn$C him.

··1 thought their ftnanung pr0Jec­t1ons made this a pipe dream," he said. " I wasn' t 10oconcerned it would

'~ ever exist." • Sills added ... Rapid transit as one of

• those things that 1f you ask people 1f they favor 11, they S3) )CS. But 1f you

'"- ask a second question, whether they will use it, they say no. Everybody want~ their automobile. We are an

automob1lc-onentcd ucatty in Cali­fornta, and n's not go1na \0 ao away."

l'he Irvine mavor uid fund would be better spent on improvlllg the suite'!. h1ghw11y \ )'Stem

The bullet trJin propo~I dad provoke trona protest from 50me central Irvine homeowner groups, including the Colleac P rk Home· owners Association and the lrvtnc: C11w~·ns League. The C ollcae Park. group cont1butcd S 1.000 to a lawsui t opposing the train

Pat Kenned) . a board member of both organamt1on\, ~•d today. "The bullet train would ha' e cut riJhl down the center ol lr" inc. coming wi thin SO feet of our homes - that'~ where vur concern originated."

Regarding Tuesday's an ­nouncement b~ American Hjgh

peed. '>he ~ad. " M} rcac11on wa!> tllat I'm so glad 11's q\cr It was t.wo )Ca~ out of many pcopt.:'s IJ\es."

Kenned} .~ad the homeowners do not oppose rapid 1ran!>1t 1n gen~r . but had cnv1ronmcn1al and finan ial concerns about American 'gh Sp<.-ed's plan.

" It was !tam ply the wrong train and the' wrong tt-chnology goi ng through the wrong place at the wrong tame," she said. •

Although the city of Irvine took.no official stand . nearby 1 ustan joined

several other ca tic alona the route in fihn1n lawsuit aimed at . toppin~ the bullet train. Even thouah Amencan High Speed's plan has be-en dropped, Tu~lln City Manager Ball Hu ton sud the lawc;ui1 wouJd continue 1hrouah the coun \) tem.

He \31d tl\e state law 1h111 allowed the bullet 1ra11i proJCCt io procee<l remain~ on the books. Huston said the law allows tax cxl"mpt financing and free~ such projects from meeting !.omc en\ 1ronmerital guidelines.

Thr Tusun ollk1uls ~1d the lawsuit -.celo..o; to have that l~w ruled un­const1tu11onal. thu~ preventing an) other bullet train company from taking ad\antage of11s provisions.

American High Speed has sold its plans and market studies to Amtrak for $200,000. Gilson said.

But Amtrak ~as no plans to bUJld the bullet train Itself. spokesman A.nhur Lloyd told the Associated Press. The federalry subs1d1zed cot­poration bought the plans and market studjes because they were "very detailed. very good" and it would have COM Amtrak more to produce its own. he said.

American High Speed as laying off tls 30 employees, but the company will remain as an "inactive entity," Gilson said.


Ken Camden. another mechanic, 1dentifiied the snake as a boa constnc­tor. Camden said he had one as a boy.

Meanwhile. a small group of on­lookers gathered 10 witness the drama.

With Melott doing the 1ntncate work and Camden unwinding the snake's tail, the two were able to remove the reptjJe an ubout two hours.

The mechanics gentl y placed the snake in a cardboard box hnd at­tempted to keep it warm in a blanket. Service wnter Jeff Durling also i.prung for the snake's dinner.

He bought a hve mouse for SI lrom a pet store and put it an the box. with

the boa. "We thank he au: 11 ~lowly .'· Durling said. "The snake d1dn'1 do anything for a whale hut we checked back an hour later and the mouse was gone." .

The snake, the mechanacc, said. turned out to belong to the car's owner, Jack Rausch. who claimed it Tuesday night.

Rausch told rescuers that the boa slithered away when he wa~ bnngang 11 home for the first time from a ~t store about 1wo weeks ago.

Durling said Rausch hrought the car 1n for repairs because the cooling temperature hght nashed and the dashboard lights didn' t work. The snake was guilty on both counts.

Durling s~ud. Dr. Tom Scholseth. the new owner

of the Bal-Mesa Veterinary Hospital in Costa Mesa said he wasn·1 suprised by the tenacity that the snake dis­played in trying to stay put.

" Boas arc -not wont to go where · humans want them to," he said. "They use the environment to regu­late lemperatures. It probably was seek1n.g heat."

But boa constrictor!> aren' t t.he dangerous things portrayed in the "Tarzan" movies. according to Scholscth. "They make great pets. They aren' t vcnemous bu• their bites ca n do damage."

BUSINESS GROWTH CONTINUES ... From Al in the count} that really <;tarts w11h the changartg altitude an ~acramen­to." Nicholson. said . .. Under the (Gov.) Deukme11an admin1strat1on, a

pon Econo"mics. which charts the where the pnces of land 1s cheaper.'' movement of businesses into as well Sam or;a1d. as within Orange County, said 80 Aul tho'c companies don' t take a

.-- "'-heahhy busi~hmnte 11 bcing developed and Orange County is in a u naq ue pos1 t ion to take ad' an tage of II."

percent of the new businesses rn t!l~t oC;ob ilh...tbem.. Sim salci.~.nc:i-county11rc fi rmnhat ar~ expanding. arc more than made up fo r by the About 15 percent move here from Loi. burgeon in~ growth of the ha -tech Angeles County and other areas. industries an the county

"The internal growth an Orange -Accordan@ to Nicholson. Orange

County as an auracuve area for businesses because of several factors.

"There's a healthy t>conomic d i­versi ty here,.. he said. ..We tr:ive manufactunng firms. research and development and an C:\ tensavt• sup­port services andustl) ."

Nicholson said the large number of ~mall- and med1um-s1zcd businesses found an Orange County attracts large bu!tancsl><!s, because the smaller firms can provide supplies and admin1s­trat1ve support. Bu~1 nesses are also attracted by the

work fo rce. wh ich generally 1s better educated than in other area~ . accord­ing to Nicholson .

Tht locauon of the count\ , with prox1m1t) to Long Beach and Los Angeles harbors and 11'> posauon on

Co1JT1ty has been stror'lg." Durnham For each high-tech JOb that as said. "Companies arc movi ng out of created. Sam said eight othe_rs·follow their older facilities and into newer. to suppon that new pomaon. The larger ones." growth of the "suppl ier 1nfra.struc-

There has been a shift of ih~ ture" in manufacturing. and the JObs industrial firms to the nonhern pan that it creates, could be an impo.na~L of the county where relatively less byproduct of the current growth an h1-expens1vc housing for their em- tech andustnes. ployees 1.s located. -he said, but the Steve Badolato. execu tive director firms do remain in Orange County. of the W,~ld Trade Center Assoc1a-

Busancsscs looking to move or stan uon of nge Count) . said he a nd an Orange Count y tend to study the the group' 00 members see Orange ava1lab1lat y of housing to sec 1f an County growing into a .. tremendous adequate work force call be fo und. metropolitan area."

But Irvine Co. officials, among But besides the widely shared o ther!>. maintain 1ha1 the need is predictions for a sui.tained healthy being fill ed. sa)'> Dick Sam. president business climate an Orange County. of the Irvine lndustnal Research and Badolato says problems with trans­Dc,elopmcnt Co .• a d1v1!t.lon of the portataon and housing need to be In inc Co addressed.

• the Pac1fil Rim. makes its attracti ve to busi nesse., 10 vol ved 1 n 1 n !er· national trade. he said.

Other factors that attract bu.-.1ness include the growing cultural and recreational opportunit1e\ fou nd 1n the lOUnt)

"What v.t"vc been dcung w11h our Cou nty oflicia!s have recognaz~ housing is rccogmzing thl' fact that the need 10 provide an. adeq uate air there's an inadequate supply for the and surface transportation system as young. the seniors. the first-time well as a stock of affordable housing.


The mo'>t "'''hie grov. th of I.Ill' ha~ been the '>urge 1n thl· numt>t:r of companat'> working 1n hagh-tcl h field!>. N 1chohon ~aid

The bw-mcdu.:al uin1r}.1111c\ for example arc attracted both h) the sk illed work torte and '>l houl' hh· UC lrHnl· that pro'"ldl· fl'c,l·ar<h and de velopment into an.:U'> thl· firm~ arc pursuing. In add1t1on \U< h ti rm\ lend to a11ract other'> 111 lht• '"me area hl· o;a 111

Rut dc\pllc the lhtl'r'.r l'U>numll pu;turc. Orange C ount) ha' <,topped attracting. 1f ll 1<.n·1 lo\ang. lho'>C.· bU!ilOe'i\C\ lhJt fl'QUlrl' d lo! of \PJ\.l.

and a large number ol ks\-\lo..1llnt worker.

.. , don' t than k )OU Jrl· go1ni! tll \l·l· any titrong labor-1 ntl'n\1H· nianulal tunng andu\lrtt•s locating 111 Orang1 C.ountv:· N1cho~on sa1CJ · l hl·re\ less 'p1c lo. -up-and-lca' l' · though than compan1c!. v.ho dclidc not 111 11111\l here because of the rO\ t "

Bob Dumham prc\1dcnt of Ntv. ·

Just Call 642-6086

0 .. 1, Piiot Oettvery

I• OuerentMd ~ ""Glly f• • I! rOJ 00 !IOI Ill•• f - Dy

~ '°""' '" '""'"'" I 1• ... • ....,(0...l"PY -l'WI


homebuH·rs." Sam said. And though improvements can To cn~ure that a compan v·s work alwayi. be made. several programs i n

forlt c:an find adequate housing an place ha' c been helpful. accord~ng to Orange ( ount\ . \am !>aid the Inane John Ste, ens, an cxccufrvc assistant < o hullds 86 pcrtcnt uf its new 10 upcn 1sor Tom Riley homl·'> w11hin the prn:c rarige of those Through mortgage bond financ~ng tir<11-t1mc bu\c~. and mull1-fam1ly bond financing

\1m \311.l rcpon-. of firrm lea\ 1ng program<:.. the county provides help < >rangl· ( ounty ma} he l' \a&gcratcd. forc~n,truc taon of homes and aims at

.. I don't knov. ul an) no<lus. an making those home\ affordable to a fact. I rnn·1 think of an} I firms) that larger group of homebuyers. Stevens art Jca, tng fhc cmplo~ml·n1 base 1s said in plac:e i.o }OU c:an·t ..ay v..e·rc In add111on. the Orange County 1.h<1-.1ng people av..a}:· hl' 'ta1d lndu'>lnal Development Bond pro-

l l hn1ng 1'1c hol'>on's v1cwpoin1. gram pro\ ides low-interest loan!> and \1m 'aid if rnmpanic:'> arc indeed bond\ to busancs'les who want to ka\ 1ng Orangt C-oun t\ tor 1{1 \ers1de l'>.pand their operation!.. anJ ~.1n Hernardano rnunttc!t. the) 're Even !io. Nicholson s~ud , members I \ p1lall} 1ho'>t' that fl·4u1rt• the u~c of of the Industrial League believe mu.ch lar~c amount'> of ,pace. indudang o f the problems associated with \.\Jrehou'>l.0 't lurd1Mnhu11on and other 1ransponat1on and hou~ang arc exag-hU\IOl" \\ gerated.

I ho\l' bu!tlncs!.Cc. 1,..J)1G1ll-. have .. , thank we tend to get s-ome bad kv..cr cmrln)Cl'!> 1n rcla1111 11 to the s11t press ahout the horrendous home ol thr fllJnt than 1h1"1' found in pnt:e.,,. and so fonh an Southern Oran~c County. where real estate Cahlornaa." he sa11.l. "There arc pmt''> .ire adm itted!} h1gh1:r problems that need to be addressed.

·· •\ \ dn area become\ urhan11cd, but tho'>t' prohlems are by no mc~ns 'nu·11 .,.,·c the compan1l'' that require keeping compan1e'i from locating ,, lot ul space nat urall) mo\ e to area" here ··

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Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill

Publis her

Circulation 71.,W-...U:S C .... lfted edYertl9lng 714fM2...M71 AU otMf depertmente Mt.~ MAJN OFFICE 330 w .. 1 e.,,y St eo.te M91e CA M1~ tdd!• Bo• 15e0 CO.la~ CA 0~

Copy.!Qht 1963 ()9f111t C:O.SI P~ Ccffll*'V No - '"",. l!Wllraha•,. td>ll>f.et me11ar OI adlltll­_., ,,....,. INiy l>9 •aptCICIUC:ed """'°"' ~ -

Frank Zlnl ManaQing £.aitor

Karen Wittmer Advertising Director

,,_ d ( Ofl'f'lo/'I

c~ T1hP'WM_.


ROMmary Churchman Controller

Aot>.rt Cantrell Production Manager

t Oorutld L. Wiiiiama Circulation Manager

• ..

VOL. n , NO. 311

.... I

By TIM Auoclated Pr ... Skiff will be partly CIOIJdY and tem1>9ratur .. Ju•t a bit

warmer around Southern Callfornla on Thureday H weak hlQh prnaure fills In behind the etorm tyattm that moved through tfie •tale thl• week.

After overnight !owl down to 50. Lot Anoet•• wm warm up to • high ln the 709, the Natlooal Weather SerVic:e aald.

Lows from 25 to 35 were tO<eCa1t fOf the mountafna, with hight In the 50s .

Cool nights and mild daya were predicted for lht d ... rtt. Low. \'Will ra~ from 35 10 4'8 In uppet desert• and 45 to 53 In lower are••· ~lgh1 wlll be In the 8()j In the upper deMrtl and range from 70 to 71 In low deserts.

From Point Conception to the MeKlc n borde<: Wind• soothweslerly to wtst 5 to 15 knots In through Thursday wllti. 1 to 2 foot wind waves. Westerly awell 2 to 3 leet Variable cloudiness.

Outer waters: Moatly northwest winds tO to 20 knot• through Thursday with col"l)blned sea and a~r 6 IQ 10 feet. Variable cloudlneu. mostly Mgh clouds

Temperatures Grend R111>1d1 •8 28 a -1r111a 00 26 . G1Mn1bofo N C 541 21


HI LO MerllOtCI 311 31 AlbW>y 33 28 H-• 411 4 1 Albucl-cwe .. 43 H()l\()lulu M 75 Calif. Temps Surf report A,...,illo ao 57 Ho<;t1on 841 511 AllCllOt9iQe ~

14 01 1~ .. so 30 Hlgn 10W preapll11oon tOt , 4 llOurl

endlflO el 5 • m )IV.on.tc11y LOCATIOfC M\lflhnglon 8eKll

11.D ~ 7-4t~o

OOocl 4 ta11 10

so n Jacuon Ml Al=

62 32 &.i.••llelcl ell 46 ~ 32 JllCkl(lnY~le 63 31 Al Coly Eut•a 60 44 R1-.i.11y ~I 46 31 J una.., 21 23 . Aullln n 511 K..,MaColy 8allimott 50 34

65 51 Freeno 67 46 lancnl., 60 45 401n SlrMI N4!wporf

OOocl 4telr 10

8llHng1 • 5S 46 La1 Vegas 67. • 3 l09 Ano.i.• • 611 64 OOOd

4ftlr 10 Blrm1nghat11 &6 lillll Root. 51 41

Oakltn<I 64 49 ;o?nd s1r .. 1 Newporl 811marck Bolte

55 32 Loi A::Lelee 611 30 lovtavo 49

&• 29 Puo Roblaa 63 41 ~ Blolt IJO 42 SalbOa Wedqe

llQOO• e.1en 9911 Clemefltt W11 .. 1emp 63

OOocl 4 fair 57 40 Lul>bOcl< 74 so

Boelon 44 33 M *"l)l>la 58 41 Btownt,..... eo

2·3 ,.., ,.. OOocl

RedWOO<l Coy 85 49 '*'° 47 31 87 Miami~ 72 eo llllftlllO s.ctamenlo 87 • 5 31 9u11ington VI

26 MO(lln(l.00- 71 so SahnU 64 4S Swell ., ..... 11on t<>ulh-• c..., 33 28 MllwliUl<ee 44 JO S en IHgo 68 S 7 63 38 Mpl .. 51 Paul 48 4 1 ChtrlMlon.S C st 38 San Francu1co tl3 52 NNIWtlle so 29 Chet•1on.w v 48 24 New Orleent 82 35 Chetlotlt .N C 58

San11 81<1H11e 86 • 6 -----------S1odtton &6 47 29 New Yon 41 :le

~ Tides 82 35 HOt!0411, Va ChlCllQO 47 36

so 40 High 10w PfllClplllllon fO< 24 hWrt ene11nga16pm l~y ~nnatl

HOHi\ Pilllt 63 32 46 27 Oklahoma Ctly

Cleveland 0 25 .. 5e Bartlow 70 50 TOOA'I'

Omal'la 61 5 1 Co4umbla.s c 111 25 Orlando 117 42

Big flHr 50 34 Second tugtt 11 •II• m 5 0

ColumOU., Oh 46 23 PhH~ 43 34 Conc:«Cl,N:H 40 32 p,._,.._ 8 1 58 0....-FI Wo'11'1 70 6e Ceylon 45 26

8W>op Stl 38 Blythe 77 S4 long 8Mcn 68 5't MontO'olll 7 I S6

S«ono iow 8 12 p m o 7

t HutllOAY rotil noon 4 18 . m 3 7 F111110w 1 33 1 m 3 S '*'- n 37 Extended 0.. MOW- eo 46

Detron •2 20

~.... 62 54 Mt WQofl 62 40 ~ 8eacll tl6 60

s.cono "'Oil 1 1 e p m 4 7 ~io.. t 18pm 02

Duluth 41 38 On1• 10 as ss Sun N1• IOClay el 4 !IO p m • •­T ~Mlty al 6 2S a m end Hit llOllf1 II 4 49pm EIP- 77 51 Pattly CIOu<ly fh(;rldey M<*ly deer P9MOena 68 S 1

Evena\lflle 4 11 30 end • I/Ille wlrrN< F~•Y Ind S etur - R1-elele 64 S6 F11rt>1 nkJ 00 ·21 d•y Miglll •n lht vpper 60t Tnursc:l•y San O..n•Olno 85 58 Moon "- a1 10 05 pm , Mii Th...-e­

C11yt111 S&am andr1- aoa1n at 1tl3 pm F1tgo 44 311 and 68 to 7S Frl<leieend S11urday Sen Oabflel 73 56

Fl.a'1att 'I'\ 11 O...ernlghl lows 46 10 San JON 65 50


had all but disappeared until Tuesda) when authonues released a .drawing of a man suspected of being the kidnapper.

Laura Bradbury

Bryant said several people at the cam~round recall seeing the man . He !ta1d another witness 1dent1fied the man as the person he saw dnvang a metallic blue van along a back road about 1111 hours after the girl van­ished.

The back road, usuall) nly tra"cled by four-wheel dm e veh1 C'!I.. leads from Yucca Va lley w Big Bear, Bl)an1 sa id. He said the 11me and location of the confirmed saghtang as con!.l'ttCIH ·-Wit~ me- gir~~ --disap­pearance.

The sketch released Tuesday dc­p1Ct!t a bearded man an his 50s wuh unkempt shoulder-length graying hair The man as shown wearing glas~s and a baseball cap. Dcputac:s said the man'.s_beard. though graying. as believed to ha ve a strawberry hue.

Detecti ves also believe the man was driving a shiny blue van with large side windows and poss1bl) ha ving beige curtains in its rear


fosters in1ernat1onal trade. At the new!! conference. Brock

predicted increasingly lucra11 ve trade with Pacific Ram nauon' 1n pan thanks to the strength of the dollar overseas. But Brock said one of the key problems in th is region is wide­spread c:oun1crfeiti ng of Amencan products.

"'American (computer) 'ioftware 1s being rouunely stolen. espcr1all) an certain areas of t he Pacific:· I.he trade official ~•d

Brod l!t a lormer U '. !.Cnator and conl'~e.ssman who served as national chairman of the Republican Part y before being named to his current post .

Regarding Reagan'o; landslide elec­tion wan last week. Brock qu1p~d. ' 'I'm a b11 surpnscd at how quickly people decided we don't ; have a

manda te." He added. "We do have one and

wall follow 11." Brock said, " It was a fun elecuon.

but I am troubled by what happened an the congressional races. not as a partisan but as someone who as in terested an the political system_"

He said post-Watergate reforms ha\e limited the amount of monq that indi viduals and political parties can donate to a candidate. In the wake of this, political action committee, or PACS. have been formed to back candidates on behalf of special interest itroups, he said.

Brock said these PACS almost always back only incumbents. a trend he descnbed as "dangerous ...

He said the U.S. Consutution set up the two federal legislative bodies w11h different lengths of terms so that

wandov. s. Br)an t said I · esponse to the

composite dr ing ha!t been !ttagger­ing.

.. • 'e rccc1 \ l'd up to 150 calls and m sure w\11 have 300 h\ the end of

the da)." Bryant said

LAURA ... From Al r·

- I!'. ' and the possible sighting was consa~ tent with a " patlern that \Ccmed 10 be de\ clop1 ng."

Laura Aradbur) disappeared from a campground an Joshua Tree Na­tional Monument near Twentynine Palms on OcL 18. San Bernardine Count) Shcnffs an' esllgatorssuspect the girl was abducted near her parl'nt '\ campsite.

P9hcc are looking fo r a gra)-haared. hca\ >'>Ct man 1n has 50s.

the Senate. with ~•X·} ear terms. would remain rclatl\ cl} <.table while the House. with twcr}car ll'rms. would renect more current changes in the publil mood.

In rc<"l'nl year'>. Hrol·k said, "The Senate ha., become le's stable and the House ha\ becomr more stagnant."

Brcx·k aho said the Republican Part} 's gains 1n leg1'1lat1vc races did not match the outcome of the popular vote' bct:ause Democrat1c-controlled ~talc legislatures ha ve gelT}mandered or aligned represenat1on district to help their candidate<,

Hl' called for scrnppang of the current reapportionment or · re­dastncung system that allows such gelT}mandcring so that elected rep. rescnt.nt1on more clo!>el)' fo llows the popular vote.

• ,. --~-~

Buurr1N BoAHD . Success at blackjack Chapter slates· can b"e ln the cards Thursday meet Bannedarmostcas1nos,

!he "'Showboat Chapter." Ora nae County Per· ~0!11)ina Ans Center. invites individuals interested in JOtni':'i its diversified voup to attend a aenerel breakfast meetina at 10 a.m. on Thursday and tour tbe Center io h s present .c~nstruction phase. ·

'f.h1s 1S to encourage possib_le membership as patrons or active members. Rcaular meetinas are held bi·monthly ~ the Corona del Mar area. For more i nforma,tion call

vonno H.udson, president, at 744-7007, or Cail Foor, membership, at 496·8079.

Toa•tma•tera meet Tbunday " Rise and Shiners" Toastmaster.s Breakfast Club

meets on Tbursda_ys at 6:30 a.m. at Rosalynn's Resta.urant. 7402 Edinger, across from Levitt, in Huntington Beach.

For mort information, call Jack Williams ~t 963· 7165 or Gene Goodman at 893·4133after1 p,m,

gambler now teaches · ·1aws of probabtltty• By ROBE RT HYNDMAN Of Ille 0.-W ..........

When Bobby Sin.aer puts his Clrds on the table, you can bet ho' ll ltavt that table wi'lh hit walletseveral bills fauer.

For 20 years, the 44-year·old pmbler caused some financial damaae to blackjack tables in casinos all over the world.

His ability to apply simple ~rlnciples of probabili!y to the pme ofblac · ack tu med 1\itn'in.to a multi·millionaire w · ile makina him less than popular with casino owners.

His reputation caught up with him and SinJcr is now banned at most of the world's casinos.

But forced retirement didn't suit Singer well, and hededdcd five years ago that if.he

'Calleo Chriatma• • aet can't walk away from blac~ack tabtcs with . his poclcets stuffed with cash, he can at leut

The women of the Salvation Army Advisory Boar~ teach otherU10w they could. • and ~he Home Lca•ues of the Santa Ana Corps invite the And his new career, though.not provid­pubhc to attcf!d their annual "Calico Christmas" Holiday ing the same financial rewards, is provina Tea and Bo.uuquc on Friday. from l to 4 e.m. to be nearly as successful, as thousands

Featunng handcrafted collectables and g.if\ items as attend his seminars to learn how they, too, w~ll as an antique corner and a bakery corner the event can win at blacltjack. w11.1 be held at the Salvation Army Irvine Hali. 1710 w. Singer will hold seminars today at the Edinger Ave., Santa Ana. Reaistry Hotel in Irvine and Thursday at

Plaque dedication Saturday The Fountain Valley City Council invites the public

to attend the plaque dedication for the new police department facility at 10200Slater Ave., on Saturday at I 0 a.m.

the NewPQiter in Newport Beach. Both begin at 7: 15 p.m. with a free hour-long discussion of why people lose money at blackjack. The second hour, in which his winning method is explained, costs S 10.

But why is this man, who says he's won enough money to last two lifetimes, out on the road, hawking a system that many mif!!t view as a aei.rich.quick scheme'?

days USJ"I his method. A pair can doub~ their money in a wttkeod.

If you sh down at a blackjack table w1lh S 1,000 and follow Siniet's method, he uy1 )IOU leave foufOr five hours later with more than Sl ,300.

In simple terms, Si .. r is a card counter. Card counters in. blackjack keep track of the hi&h and low valued cards that are dealt from the deck. If more tow cards have been dealt! the Chances of a hiaher card ·comilll ne.itt ncrease. I

Sinaet's method is based on that simple fact usins. what he calls, "founb pde mathematic•."

A system is tau&ht that tells·you what to bet based on the card count and the amo"nt of money in the bankroll. How to manaae one's money, Sinaer says, is one of the touahcst aapects of the system to learn u it requires consistency aoss discipline.'

But card counters are wilrsponcd by casino dealers who are quick to suaac1t such blac.ltjack spoil1pon1 try roulette, or slot machlnes ... oranother casino down the road. ·

To combat that Sinaer teaches his students how to work in teams, so as not to call attention to those auddenjumps in bets that redden the faces and quicken the pulses of casino operators.

"They just have no sense of humor," SinJer says.

Singer. who now makes his home in Phoenix, has been kicked out of some of the ni~cst casinos in the world, ·despite a H'o111wood backJot's ranae of disguises.

"I d walk in wearing a college T·shirt, holding a tennis racket and just playing the role of a tourist ready to lose some money." Sinaer says. Refreshments will be served in the council chambers

preceding the dedication ceremonies. For more infor· mation, call 963-8321 , Ext. 289.

Gold~n We•t offers workahop

• First of a11, you can't look at this as a way to get rich overnight," Singer said. "The method is based on mathematical formulas that simply gi ve you an advan· tage if you stick to it. h's not even

Despite the costumes, Sinaer proved to be a better winner than an actor.and his pursuit of casinos where h.is reputation hadn't yet arrived led him to exotic casinos as far away as Africa and the Middle East.

............ -.&.­

Bobby St.ncer will •hare hi• blackjack tlpe with Cout card p1a,_..

Golden West College will hold a o~-day workshoe on curren1 concepts in menur health on a1uroay .- rom -g­a. m. to 5 p.m.

pmbling; • The casinos in Beirut. where he has

played, are a farcryfrom the-pool haJls-and­backrooms he frequented as a hustling "Damon Runyon character" growing up in Detroit.

By most accounts, Singer doesn't plan to &r"°w o_µt ofit, either.

His earnings liave made 1ife comfortable­for himself, bis wife of 24 years and their three children. He skis and plays tenms all over the world and he plans on tacldinJ new challenges in coming years by attend· ing law school.

But take him to the dqa races. or IO wau:tl the harness races _at LoJ ~ ad Sinau ..&a)'S_the_c.u:item.ent and ch•llcn• of __ _,,,.-1 "As for why I do it, I have to admit I like

the attention from the audience. It's a lot of fun."

The fun for the blackjack player who sits through the seminar. Singer says, is when I)~ or she lea ms to double a baAlctoll ip 10

"Everyone in my neighborhood would play cards. pool, bet on the horse races, you name 1t," he says. " I grew up with 1t."

betting returns. "That's the way I am ... be says without

apoloay. " I can't even watch a football pme on TV without somethina rid.in.a on the outcome."

Titled "Perspectives ...:.. New Dimensions for Per· sonal Well Being." the workshop will feature a keynote address by Don· Fowls. M.D., medical director of the eating disorders unit at Corona Community Hospitals, who will speak at 9 a.m. in Math-Science 123. FoJlowing the address. a series oL14 mini·work1hops will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ~ving each participant a choic:e of two workshops in addition to the opening and closing addresses.

Admission to the workshor is by donation of $5 by the general public, $4 genera student. and $2 GWC student, to the psychiatric 1echnician student scholarship fund. For more information. call 895-8367.

Retrial sought in diver lawsuit . -Newport says ert Burnham co~fi~ed .tha.t the su~ered amid-<?crvical. fracturcofrus Alexander Miller

anorney representing the city in the spine when he Jogged into the ocean ·Trip to Hawaii prize

The Women's Auxiliary to New Directions will hold a Christmas Boutique from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m .. Saturday, at the WestCliff Shopping Center. Irvine and Seventeenth, Newport Beach. Handmade items and baked goods will be so~ and~ tri t<?._ Hawaii JVill ~ a~arde2:_ _ .,

ft Can 't Warn civil lawsuit. Pa~rick Quinlivan, has and djved into an in-coming swell services today filed for a new tnal. and struck an underwater sandbar.

f 11 d lf Judge Lloyd Blanpied. the trial A jury ~warded Tayl~r $6 million 0 a a ngers judge, denies the city's motion, the to cover his f1;1ture medical expenses. case then will be appealed. Burnham the largest Judgment ever levied said. against the bcaeh city.

John Ta lor a__ID!_adrieleg!c ~· Jurors agreed the city was aware Of .,.. 0•1'1 l'llOt lt• lf By JEFF ADLER

Twilight dance announced

Services arc scheduled this afternoon forAkunder Ernst Miller, a JI.year resident of Costa Mesa. wlio died Saturday at MCTCyGeneral Hospital in Santa Ana. He was

...8L ~- -Mr. Miller, a carpentenn buildin&construction for45

.. I he City orNewport""'Beadl -has asked an Orange Coun~y Superior Court judge to overturn a $6 million

The Newport Harbor Chapter of the City of Hope will jury award and order a new trial in the hold a Thanksgivii:ig Twilight Dance on Sunday, from case of a 23·year-old Claremont man 6:30 to l 0:30 p.m .. in ·Ballroom Plaza I at the Newpo.rter left paralyied after a 1980 swimming Rei~. 1J 07.Jamboree.Jtd .. __Nt.wpo_n Be~ch. Tb.un.ix_e_r -ac<'ident near the Balboa Pi~r. for s1nf:1es will fe~ture Lee Farrell and his .band. A tax- Newport Beach City Attorney Rot>-

med to a w ~chair smc.c bis Aj)flf th~roff-sho--r-~~~nditi'olTS'imd~Tn" 1980 swimming accident sued the ming and d1Vlng dangerous m the city claiming the city -~gligently area, but took no precauttons to warn failed to place signs warning of beachg~rs. . hazardous off-shore conditions along The city contended 1t would be the popular streteh of sand near the impo.s~iblt to warn people of all lhc

-piet.- conditionsal~lhe.bcach that could The athletic, 6-foot· I former surfer lead to 1n1ury.

years, was born in ilson. Kan. Ke also owned the Broadway Florist shop in Costa Mesa, managed by bis vMe, Olive. for 25 years. .

Among his local construction projects w~ the remodeling of the Balboa Pavilion, Pacesetter Homes in San Clemente and several Catholic churches. H.e was a member of Carpenters' Union Local 1453 in Huntington Beach. dcducuble donation of }l;t-f per persop is requested . . ·

Reservations. limited to ~~c first 15 men and the first 75 Ill women, arc requested by ca(hog 551-3932, 63()..9492. or _(!JIJ\llllllJll~(IJ - -------------------540..1 338. Refreshments will be served. · -• •••H• ••-•• -SadClleback off ere wo~shop


He 1s sun•1v«I by his wife and daughters Donna Dea Broward of Newport Beach and Ahx Kay Burns of Norco. Also sur\J v1ng are a brother. Henry G. Miller, of Santa A.na and a sister. Mollie Frederick, ofWilson, Kan., as well as five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were scheduled for 2 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Costa Mesa. wnh the Rev. Lotbar V. Tofnow presiding. Interment was to follow at Pacific View Mcmonal Park 1n Corona del Mar.

From Al Dover Drive are being sough1 by Newport Beach police aJoog with anyone who saw the car before or af\er the accident.

paralyzed. Officials at Hoag Mem­onal Hospital in. Newport Beach would not speculate whether he would walk again .

Newpon man was killed as he crossed Balboa Boulevard while walking home.

Saddleback College North will conduct a workshop designed to aid professionals to make better use of personal and staff time on Saturday, Nov. 17. from 8 a.m. to noon. in Room A213. Topics to be discussed by Jeff Figler, author, editor. college instructor and trainer, will include analy'Zing your job, getting rid of time-wasters. delegating responsibility. setting_ priorities and time· saving tips.

Fee for the workshop is $25. For more information or to register, call 559- 1313.

The driver of the sports car re­portedly rammed into the lwo 19· year-old Costa Mesa men as the!< rode home on their bicycles in a marked bike lane. Newport Beach 1n· vestigator Rick Bradley said.

Margarito Aceves and Salvador Diaz, who had just fin ished their shift at the Reuben E. Lee restaurant. apparently were thrown into the car's

Aceves suffered major head in­juries and a fractured leg which required emergency surgery.

The hit-and-run car was found later the same day hidden between two condominium complexes on 20th Street.in Costa Mesa - less than a mile from the accidoot scene.

The death car was found a da)' later abandoned at a Whituer shopping center.

Police initially had difficult} estab­lish ins who was driving.the car even though they knew who q,wned the vehicle and had been contacted b> the owner's attorney. who refused to let his chent a-n1wera-ny dirttt quesnons.

Aspiring officers co111plete tr~inlng

Sc'enf~·Three aspinng pou c.c offiCCrs ~uatcd lhtS mon1h from 1he Cnmmal Justice Traimng Center at Golden ~ t"'it College in Huntington Beach.

, windshield and carried for an un· • 7 p.m., Orange Couty Water Dlatrlct Board of known distance before tumbling to

Olrectort , District Headquaners, 10500 Elli's Ate. the road.

Wedneeday,Nov.14 "The windshield was shattered so

badl)' that it'sjust about impossible to see out of it." Bradley said.

He said hair from both v1ct1ms was found imbedded 1n the windshield and -thnt other strands of hair from one of the victims was discovered on the sports car's sunroof.

Through descriptions from wit­nesses. officers ultimatelv arrested the car's owner. The dn ver later was convicted and sentenced to a year in Orange Count} Ja1I.

Ba'ill academ ~ graduates and their sponsonng pohcc agencies "'ere:

• ( o.-.l3 Mesa Pohce lXpartment: Manin P. Carver, Robert P ( 1s1ck. Paul W. Elhs, Larry M. Hicks. Lori L Hont'ycutt. Ke" in L<}\elady and Aaron Thomas Jr.

• Huntington Beach Pohc.e Department: Dale R.

• 7:30 p.m., Sanitation Dl1trlct1 of Orange Coanty An unidentified passer-by later

I l11n·man

Boards of Directors, District Headquarters. I 0844 Ellis spotted tbe injured men and called Ave., Fountain Valley. police. Bradle) said he also 1s at­

• 8 p.m., C.platrano-Laguna Beach RegJoaaJ tempting to locate that witness. OccupatJonal Program board meell11g, 31522 El Camino Diaz sustained a broken neck and Real. San Juan Capistrano. head injunes that have lef\ him

The case bears some s1m1lantics to a 1981 hit-and-run accident in New­port Beach in wh1t h a 26-year-old

In a later newspaper 1nterv1ew. the you1hful h1t·and-run driver said he was so troubled b} what he had done that he wanted to confess 1mmcd1-atel) . He said his attorney. howncr. advised him to stonewall police.

• In 1nl· Police Department: Abbe A. Horst and Shari L Lohman


Kidnap· victim held 3 days, raf>~d before being released

A 23-year-old Laauna Niaucl woman was reportedfy kidnapped from a Costa Mesa partins lot by (our men ao.d held captive for 3VJ days at a house where she was aJao raped, Poficesaid today.

Colla Mesa detectives an in· vcstiaatina the woman's rq>e>rt th• t she was abducted around 6 p.m. Friday by four men while walkilll to

Newport Beach A typewriter and a small amount of

c.ash were stolen from an office on Quail Street by someone who prob­ably used a pns key to enter.

• • • A red beach crui~r bicycle was

stolen from its resting spot near me NeWJ)OT1 Pier. The bike is worih nearly $200. • • • Four potted plaots worth $40 were stolen from the front porch of a residence on the 600 block of Marlaold Street.

M====--= • • · ·- ~ Abouts 1,800 worth of Je"'elr1 WIS stolen from the bathroom of a rnidence on Vienna. • • • • More than S.S,.SOO worth of car stereo equipment was stolen from three autos parked .at 2040 Quail St. The crooks broke into the cars by smathin& wiodow~ or J)l')'i"J locks.

A dw1c 19 .SO Roadster bicycle was

her car in a parking lot at Park A venue and l 9th Street.

S1t. Dennis Cost said the woman waa apparentJr forced into the back of a van and dnvcn to· a house at an unknown location, when she was raped at least once. Cost saiCS the victim was dri vcn back to the parking lot and released around 6 a.m. Tuesday.

stolen from al\ open. unlocked garage on the 100 block'. of 42nd Street. The bike was wonh $I .SO.

• • • A Ruger handgun worth about S2SO was stolen from the alove box of fl car parked on the 200 block of 29th

trcet. •

LapnaBeacb Vehicle paru valued at $75 were

reported stolen Tuetday momina on Carribcan Way. • • • Two vacuums wonh S700 wete taken ftonra busrncss on SOuth Coast Hiahway on Tuesday mornina. . . ~

then of "chicle pans worth S300 was reported Tuesday on Victoria

venue. ••• Stereo and camera equipment

toatthcr wonh about S 10.000 ~ere re90ntd stolen Tuc~ay momma on Laauna Canyon Road .

. t ,

Cost would not elaborate on the incident. but said the woman did not receive any further injuric,s. He added that some ofber property was stolen. but would not identify the items because of their impotU.n<le to tbe investiption.

Police reported the assailants were all described as white.

Co.ta Mesa The windshield of a c.ar parked at

810 W, 19th St. was smashed some­time between 5 a.m. and .S:20 p.m. on Sunday. Damaac wu. estimated at $200. .

• • • A $$0 briefcase was rcooned stolen

from a car parked at l701 Harbor Blvd. sometime between 8:1.S and 10:30 p.m. Entry was throuf'! an unlockcd door on l~ driver•s s1de.

• • • Some cash was stolen ftom a house

in tttc-?00-btoct-of Ames S\ftftWtttte the resident slept 1rouncl, 6 1,m. Mooday. Pohct reported S l $ wa taken from the woman'~purst. Entry was apparen'1y throuah 1 lou,cttd window.

• • • l'he front and rear ~at& wcrt stolen

ftom a car (>llt~cd at 333 Mcmma Way omct1me bct\\oetn 9: 30 p.m. Monday and 9 n.m Tuc1d1y h.o


~ stolen were a stereo and speakers. with the total loss C'lt1mated at $2.900. Entf) wasapparentl) through the car's T-top.

Fountain Valley The manager of a bus mess at I 7229

Newhope Street told police Tuesday that a wallel was stolen from her unattended purse while she was 1n a back room talking to a repairman. The loss was estimated at $9.

• • • A resident of the 16100 block of

Cache tree1 re.ported Tucsda~ t~at the wires were cut and the battery stolen ftom her silver 1983 Buick RegaJ. which had been parked in the dnvewa~ Damage was estimated at SI 00, and the m1s~rng battery was valued at SI 00. • • •

A locked gray 1983 Toyota C'orotla was broken into while parked on the 18000 block of San Jose • trect over the weekend. The loss included stereo equ1pmeJlt wonh S 00.

' lnine The rendip1t) shop, 5319 Uni-

vcrs1t)' Onve, was robbed of an undetermined amount of mcrchan· disc earl)' Wcdncsd•> morn1n Pohot believe someone backed n truck Into the store's plate alass window. smashini 1t, and took ctotb1na-and b

• • • tereos were removed from two urs parted in the 2100 block of McOaw Avenue ovcmJlht

• • • James f . Rutland, 33. of Los

Anacle wasarre5tcd for posse strtJ a loaded han<laun and manJuan" aner p0lice stopped him on Lquna <.'•· n)'on Road for a traffit "1olat1on.

• ••

Office equipment and supptes were taken from the Mem ll b nch bro-­kerage finn . 19000 Mac .\rthur Blvd. An emplo)ec reported that a lamp. clock and vanous offiC't' ~upph~ ., oJ undetermined valu(' wl're 'tolt.'n Tuesday . . . .

Willlam V. Ast. .!(). '-'' Santa .\n.i. wa~ arrested Tue!.da) mom1n~ 1<1r possession of l 9 grams of manJuana

• • • Two urcs " ere slashed on a 'eh1dc

parked 1n an open stall a1 a <. ireenfiC'ld Park apartment house

• • • .\small amount of com<. "as takr-n

from a Walnut A\ cnue home Tucs­da) .

••• Robin L Cnu-.C\ 1.S no addre~

a\a1lable. was am~ted for pos.~u1on of amphe1:im 1 n~ :ibout I .! : S ~ am Wednesda ) on Ma t. .\ rt hur Boulevard

Hunttnct on Beach BufJIR" t'hoppt'd oO a ~ra11.c door

to ael into a hou~ 1n lhe 8000 bhx l of Ma~1llc nnd \ tok 11 $4 SO ' 1deo tt<COrder and Jewelry.

• • • .\ tlucf who appdrcntl) ran Ou\ the b4ck door when a woman rtturMd home 1n the 200 block of Memph1~ stole a portable radt0 and S 1n ca h. H<' ppattnth attempted to ttm ve.i vide-o ca'i~nCbufleR it behind.

• • • Th1r' e~ broke into a l cng Old •

mobile C utla'is at Oal Vic" hoot and tole SSO 1n m15"Cllaneous ttcm~.

• • • \ S 120 tarp was tolen fmm a 198~ Miuda ri1d.up at a parking lot at a tk.'"'I"' alle> at l~S ~ fkach Rhd

••• l h1c'c' pncd ofla pat10 daor at the

\\ 1nJ1amr\lc1 \ (l;lnment\ at 7700


block o l " arner A venue and stole a S265 1clcv1s1on ~l. • • •

Burgla~ entered a home in the I 9000 block of Bikini and stoic ste equi pment valued at

• • • L nknown amounts of jewelry and

t w(} s1h er dollars wc~ ·St<>ten from -a home 10 the 5700 block of Mangrum.

• • • ih1eve~ stole a 1979 Chevrolet

Monie ( arlo valued at $1. 700 m the 4000 block of Heil Avenue.

• • • o Sja wueboard-WaUtolcn fr-om

To) C"1t) at pnngdale Street and Edinger A venue.

• • • Burglars stoic a SSOO C'amera. an unknown amount of 1ewtlry and a Gucci pu~ from a residence in the 1300 block of Alaba.ma:

• • • " shd1na al• door 1n the I $000

hlock of Newca tic wu pTicd open nnd St.Q 0 1n teltv1sion and stc~ equipment. S 1,800 in jc..,elry and SI SO in cash was stolen

Correction 4.n item that appeared in the Police

k0&;;0f the Dail)' ]>ilQt on Oct. 22 and~-===*' 1ri The lot lk• chcomber Oct. 1 a: 1nromctl) rcponed that a Hunt· • 1na1on Beach man was arrested foe baUet) and mahoous miscb..ief. Ahbou_ah OaVld Hamll of~v'cw Road was named, n a police report. he wa~ not t.aken into cu~tod followi!" an inndmt 1n "b1ch hew a«ulled 9hhahtly uuunn.11 man and da ..... rna hlC)Ck The Daily Ptlot ~ th~ error



. . I A4 Orange CoNt DAILY PILOTJWadnMday, November 1.C, 1GS.

Gandhi guard arrest ,cited Commando seized on the same day

------of assa..s~ination

NEW DELHI , lndia(AP)-A Sikh police commando was arrested on charges of conspiring in the assassina­tion oflndira Gandhi· on the day the prime minister was shot to death. authorities disclosed today 1n arguing aaainst his bail application. ' Jagtar Singh's detention since Oct. 3 l became known today when New Delhi Magistrate 0 . P.. Gogne rejected the request for bail.

The government attorney told Gogne that Jagtar Singh, a member of the prime minister's security guard. was involved "in the .criminal con­spiracy hatched for the assassination of Mrs. Gandhi and his release wo uld senously hamper the investigation of the sensitive case."

Jagtar Singh's lawyer said his chent was not on duty at Gandhi's house when the slaying occurred and that he had been arrested on false charges because he was a Sik..h . •

The government says two Sikh members of the prime minister's ..ecurity guard assassinated her and were 1n tum shot by comma ndos. One of the alleged assassins died. The other remains hospitalized , and sev­<.·ral relauves of the two men ha ve been detained for questioning.

But Jagtar Singh is the first person reponed arrested on charges of con­spinng to kill the 66-ycar-old prime minister.

The pro-government Hindustan -. Times news-paper, meanwhile, re­

ported today that at least six members of the prime minister's inner security ring were expected to be fired for allegedly failing to pass on their advance knowledge of the plan to kill Gandhi.

Aatronaut Joe Allen retrieve. We.tar aatelUte for poeitlontna in cargo bay.

Shuttle cre.w nabs second satellite for the trip home

CA PE CANAVERAL. Fla. (A P)­W1th-a shout of "Amazing~" Di-s­covery·s spacewalking salvage crew made It 2-for-2 today, corralling a second stranded satellite and secunng it 1n the shuttle·s cargo bay during a dramatic excursion captured in ex­traordinary telev1s1on pictures.

" We have two satellites latched 1n the cargo bay," commander Rick Hauck rep,.med after Dak Gardner and Joe Allen had locked down the Westar 6 pa} load on a pallet next to · the Palapa B2 satellite recovered on

Monday. As Gardner worked, Allen tipped lt '-s actuaHy 3-for- 3, 1fyou cou nt a or rolled Westar according to hi l>

wayward wrench that astronaut Dale companion's bidding and Fisher Gardner had to chase down after it raised or lowered the satellite o n his floated away and headed for outer instructions. space. Allen's mount was a change worked

The double rescue completes one of out to make it "a heck o f a lot easier" the most ambit ious and imponant to secure the saiellite than the operaJio ns in the shuttle's brief unplanned muscle job they were h1stor~. vividl y demonstrating the forced to use in placing Palapa in the versatility of the reuseablc space bay. plane. The spaccwalkcrs still had to man-

Wcstar 6 was latched in the bay 3 handle Westar through some man­hours after Gardner cast free of euvers. but with Allen rooted on the Discovery to float across a 35-foot work station . they said the task was chasm and spear Westar with a lance- much easier.


like dockini pole. In contrast to Monday. Gardner .. , got 1t." he exclaimed. " It's was able to attach the collar while

perfect ... beautiful." above the cargo bay instead of inside " You do good work," commented it. He showed his eJeasurc when he

Allen, who had captured Palapa on remarked. " I've got all the world in Monda) . ' ___ _.....,ich to work here. It's not the same

A magnificent tele\l sion picture show an ymore." He added, .. Boy. SAH FRANCISCO (AP) - TI1e . heterosexuate that, too.'' lrom the spaceship showed Gardner what a view," as.he took a quick peck

-w 11~or-two ,_..CMXUlll m8n A10S,"Wtlfeh affects th• bt>dy's slow I>- approach• n.g.cfud then .s~a.rins al the glebe below. · • • who. conttac1ed-deedty --. .. Ired Immune -..._,,, teavee its vie- the !>lowly-sp1nning target against a Once Gardner left the cargo bay in

~ •7•• backdrop of a cloud-mottled blue pursuit of Westar. he needed o nly 7

tmmune deflcftncy syndrOme tlma sueceptJble ~o a variety of Earth and 11s horiton. mi-nutes to catch the target as he have prompted city . health of- l'are, fatat fitnesses. Those most The televised show from !>pace was propelled himself with bursts of nc. to ,,._, an expanelon of ~contract AIDS Jnclude .almo~l nonstop, perfectly elchin$ a nitrogen from his rocket backpack.

'AJOltidUCit.JOn=raln. ~- men, Intravenous picture of the outstanding work being After stabilizing the target. he ~·The m•tage we lO'gM drug-uaera, Haitians and done b)' the astronauts. maneuvered the 21-by-7-foot pack-

out II the _,,. we have beell hemophlffacs. A memorable shot showed Allen. age over to the shuttle so that Allen ~ .. tltong: tllkepr8C"6tlons Mont than 98 percent of San mounted in a "cherry picker" work could grasp an antenna on top of the ff you-.,. ftftlnft to haw le)( wtth FrancilCO'I 793 AIDS cases are !>tat ion on the end of the shuttle's 50- satellite to hold it steady.

i;"'!&.., ., Public bl I foot robot arm, holding onto the top Once the collar was mounted. ..,...,,,. •·~= among gay or · sex.ua men, of Westar. while Gardner attached a Fisher. with AJlen still gn·pp1ng the filllth Dnctor Sttver- '-"" records ehow. However,

1923 Picasso pastel sells for $4.29M at NY ~uction By tlae AttO<'l•ted Pre11

NEW YORK - A 1923 Picasso pastel sold for $4.29 million "fu~ay ni_ght and a Modigliani painting was purchased for~ record S t.925 m1lhon as 4S impressionist and modern works of an were auch~ned. a $P<>kes"":?man for Christie'i auction house said. The paste~, "F~e Asst~ au ChaPt;au, . was one of two Picassos depicting seated wom~n that .~Id ,at the aucuon. fhe sale brouaht a total of Si 1.3 million, according to Lah Fncnd, a spokcswo~an for Christie's. The pastel, which was sold by the Edward James Po~ndahQ~ and purchased by an anonymous private buycr •. brought the scco.n~·htBhest pncc at auction for a 'Picasso. she said. A sclf-portra1uolcf forS5.8 m1lhon in May 1981 , she said.

· Mlnl•ter jailed for pulplt-slttl.ng CLAIRTON. Pa. - A Lutheran minister jailed fordefyin~acourt order to

step down as pastor says he'll cont!nue the protests agau.1st blue-collar unemployment that split his congregation and led ch~rch officials to suspend him. " I have to obey God. I cannot recant from any ~nptural mandate t~ Ol'.>eY. man." the Rev. D. D ouglas Roth said after bcmg·~ntenced to 90 days in Jail and fined S 1,200 Tuesday. County Judge Emil N~nc.k sen,tenccd Roth aft~rthe minister refused to obey the Narick's order proh1b1ung him fr_om p~eaching at Trinity Lutheran. Nariclt also forbade Roth from blocking his church· appointed r~placems.nt.

Sulclde vlctlms llver donated DURHAM , N.C. - A former women's amputee .s.ki champion who

portrayed herself in a J 977 tclev1s10'!_ f!lOvic .became a liver d~nor .ai:tcr she apparently shot herself in the head. oft1c1als said Tuesday. Debbie Ph1lhps, ~4 , died Monday at Durham County General Hospital. Sh~ had been found with a gunshot wound to the head at about 1 2 :~5 p.m. Sunday 1n the ~athroom ~fh~r boyfriend's Durh.am home, city pub.lie safety officers. sat~ : The h y~r s recipient, Judy L. Branch. 32. of Brunswick.. Ga .. was listed m cntical cond1t1on late Tuesday after a IO-hour operation at Duke Medical Center on Monday.

• I

Whallng compromise attacked WASHINGTON - The United States and Japan hav~ reached

agreement on a compromise t~at will allow Ja~an to contin ue hunting sperm whaJes unt il 1988-without losing nghts to fi sh.in U.S. waters. the Commerce Department s"ays. Environmentalists immediately attacked th~ agreement announced Tuesday by Commerce Secr~ta~ Malco~m Baldrige, and the Japanese government today disputed. Baldng~ s contenuon tha~ the agreement calls for Japan's ending all commercial w_hahng by 1988.


Glrl hospltallzed after abductJon MODESTO -An..8-y,ca.r_-old gir.L was "awake.and alert" ~bout I 2 hours

after she was found wedged in a buried .irrigation pipe after being ~~oked. and left for dead two miles from her northwest Modesto home. authont1es said. A fam ily friend with a record of sex crimes against child!'Cn was accu~ of abducting Angela May Endicott as her parents slept, chok1~g her unconsc1ous and shovi ng her into the. pipe. t~~ee feet under$ro1:1nd, said ~lice Sgt .. ~url Condit. Angles May Endicott in1t1ally was hosp1tahzed in senous cond1uon, but she was upgraded to good Tuesday afternoon as her condition stabilized, said Doctors Medical \ enter spokeswoman Kay Wray.

Polltlcal writer Greenberg dead LOS ANGELES- Carl Greenberg, a formerpoht1cal wnterand edi tor for

the Los Angeles Times and co-recipient ofa Pulitzer Prize. has died at the age of 76 after suffering a massive stroke. Greenberg. ~ho covered local ~nd state politics for the Times for more than a decade. suffered the stroke at his Culver Ctty home Sunday and died Tuesday at ('edars-S1nai Medical Center, the T..HJtCS rep0rtcd today~Jk.b.adrc.ti.red in l.91.l....G.rce.nbc.rg..was-~-0-r«ipient of the Pulitzer Prize for local reponing in 1966. ·

Olympic suspect faces trial LOS ANGELES - A man who claimed he was dn ven by " unkno.wn -­

lights" to tnul Ol-ymp1c athletes -in a Gar loaded w11h homemade.bombs. .~as or'aered to stand trial o n illegal explosives and weapons charges, authont1es said. Following a o~_ur preliminary hearing. Municipal Coun Judge Edward Davenport o~ay ordered John Steven Blackwell. 28. ofReseda. to trial on 12 counts, Deputy District Attorney Ronald Coen said. Blackwell faces six counts of possessing a destructi ve device in a public place and six counts of possessing mania! arts " throwing stars." which are illegal weapons, Coen said .

min l8ld T•tdey . ..,,.._ dtf. otty offlCI* dl9cfosed lat week benhing collar to the bottom - a satellite. lowered it onto ' the Qallet., ..... ..._. la not In ~ .. _,.. - ·'-~ two..._._ .......... ., ..... men ha·d pose they held fo r more than an hou r. and Gardner fastened it down. E·--F.'D1 ad.e,-t hlt -1t· ... 8 -ew c· ... a•d.e• ..... _.. """ -"..,. UMR ,...,.-~..,., In side the ship. astronaut Anna Maneuvering the 1,200-poundpay- - D -a· •• "'· U .. u~a ~. but to whom ~·If be contracted the _d,..._ frot:n Fisher moved the arm by remote load was no problem in the weight- LOS ANGELES- Richard w . Miller, the first FBI agent ever accuseQ of

~~~~~ilt~toi.~~~·~~~~ito~~~~i~~~~di~~i~~~·i'i· ~~~~~Tiro~n~tr~o~l ·~~~~~~~~~~~~le:":n~e~~.o.f~s~a=~~·~~~~~~~ es~onage. wasprepari~gt~retumw c~unwhenthe govemmenthithimwi~ ,. eight new charges alleging illegal act1 v1 t1es three years before the stan of his

WILLIAM P. BRACCIODIET A, M.D. alleged spyi ng conspiracy with two Soviets. The 47-year-old Miller faced



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ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF. .A arraign ment today before U.S. District Judge David Kenyon on a superseding indictment wh.ich had been kept sec;ret for nearly a week. The document, disclosed by the U.S. At tomey' s office Tuesday. accused Mi I lcr of sci Ii ng secret

HEADACHE AND STROKE information toa pri vate investigator and of embezzling funds intended for an informant. The new charges, apparently designed to ponray a long period of

PREVENTION MEDICAL CLINIC misconduct by Miller. involved an alleged illicit deal between Miller and an unidentified pri vate eye in which the investigator paid SI , 185 for information

5pec1011z1ng 1n • Neurological d1aonosi1 end tre01menr ot headache d11()(ders • Second opinions regarding headache d ltorders • Strol<e prevention

wt111om P &racclodlelo, M O . FA f s . Direc tor Otpromote 1n Neurology American Boord ot Psychiatry ond Neurology 01plomote In flectroencephalograPhv American Boord ot Quollllcoflon in E E G Memt>er ol the Amerrcori Acaoemv ot Neurology aoo lhe Orange County MedlCOI Society Fellow American E E G SQc1etv

ON1cehoursbyappamtment 645 8502

from the agent.


El Salvador fact1ons debate LOS ANGELES- Representati ves of El Salvador·s warring factions were

meeting in a face-to-face debate today, the first confrontation since that Central American country's president met with rebel leaders I fraud and corruption charges involving the licensini of a lucrati ve gambling club.

Ten coun ts were filed a~inst Moriany, president of Pyrotronics Corp., of Anaheim, one of the nations largest manufacturers of fireworks.

U.S. Attorney Roben C. Bonneve as a chance for right-wing government ·:..mmmmmmmmmmiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiim:;;;;;ii:i:i::===wl teaders and the leftist rebels to arrange a follow-up meeting to the earlier ncgotiauons with El Salvador President Jose ~apol~on Duan.e. -'"-- _

1419 51Joef1or Avenue 5u11e 4 Newport Beocti CA 02663 ( 714) -




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Lebanon-Israel talks resume BEIRUT. Lebanon - Lebanon and Israel announced today they would

.resume nc&otiati.oo.S. on the withdraw.al of Israeli troopsicom so11th Lebanon. and lsraef freed three of the four Shiite Moslem militiamen whose arrest disrupted the talks. Statements issued by Lebanon's presidential palace and Israel's £ore.ign'Ministry in Jer.usalem said the two nations would send their military delegations to the talks at the Lebanese-Israeli border town of Naqoura on Thursday - a week after they began . The talks, being held under United Nations auspice~. are aimed at working out security arrangements to allow Israel to end its 29-month-old occupation of south Lebanon.

Farmer, wl.le k111 7 k1d• . TULLE, France - A farmer who said he was " unable to (ced another

mouth" nnd his wife ha..-.c been convicted of mutdenn1 seven of their 12 children at binh. The husband was sentenced Tuesday to ciaht years in prison and the wife toa fivc-ycarsUs(>Cndcd priS<'ln term, The jury dchbc'rated an ho ur nnd 40 minute before rcach1na n verdict tn the ca of the rcclu~ivc coupk Jcan-Picrr~ Ltymar1c. 4S. and his w1fe. Rolande. 32. of Lo Ronn foug1e '

4 hospitalized in 3 Coast accidents One indtvtdu~l tn very critical condition. - ~eecll. Tv.o pastenatrs Wt'l'C lnJUrcd as 1pokesman l&ld lht' acctltTator on

~ ... ._. Heidenfe&der's car stuck as she was a Second said in seriOUS condition today- Driver Ell~n t. Heidenfelder, S2, is dnv1n1 nonh on CaUe Sonora and

1n the intensive care unit of Humana John Ralph 11abbed the wheel to By ROBERT HYNDMAN lDd USA MAHONEY OfhDelly ...........

Four people are ~o.sp1.talized today, two with senous •nJunes, following three separate traffic accidents.

John Recd Noble, 4S, of Newpon Beacfi, underwent surgery today at Fountain Valley Community Hospi· ~a~ fur treatment of severe head •O)uncs suffered in a crash early this morning on Ford Road a hos.»ital spokeswoman said. Nob!~ is lasted in very critical condition.

Newpon Beach police said Noble Hospital in W~i~ster su~a 11ndeth~caroffthcroad.causm11tto was traveling east at about 4:4S a.m ~om muluple lnJ~es._ stcmm1n1 stnke a tree. -;;~£9-•W! •1et••

F d R d N H.1 1rom the 4:23 p.m. atc1dcnt Tuesday John RaJph will unde,..o """N#ry on . or oa near cwport 1 ls on Calle Sonora north of El Toro · • ........ Dnve when he lost control of his Road in Laauna Hills !c:!~~s~~! r~~~~red hap, a hospital Datsun 280~. 'fhc car swerved acr~ss She was transferred from Saddle· Jn a third mis.hap, Robert Mc Vicar, the center d!vader and the opposite · back Community Hospital 1n Laguna described as a 49-ycar-"ld trans1·ent, lanes before tt struck a tree. H ·11 ft h · · · · · ~., Paramedics freed Noble from the 1 ~ . a er er condition was suffered internal lnJunes early Tues. wreckage using the Jaws of Life and stabilized. day when he was hat after reponedly rushed him to the hospital. No other Passeng~r J~hr:' R~lpb, ~~· of , stcppjnaon~o C~ast Hiahway into the persons were involved in the acci- Laauna N,guel, is in f~1r oond1~1on at path of a m1ni-p1ckup truck. dent Sa~dleback Commu!lllY Hospttal. A Newport Beach Police saad

A San Juan Capistrano woman is in .third passcna~r. Lon Ralph, IS. also McVicar was rushed from the scene serious condition today after the of Laauna Niguel, wa.s treated and near the Balboa ~y Oub t~ Fountain ·Buick she was drivina crashed into a released fr:om t~e hospttaJ. Valley <;:ommun1ty Ho~p1tal . ~~ere

A Cahfom1a H11thway Patrol he was hstcd today 10 fair cond1t1on.

$49 .. 99 YOUR CHOICE



Great buy. ~·re all s;t to help speed your gift shopping right .1/ong with tb~ f.l/a t('h sale y?>u'~~th warring for ... .ill at an un~atwbfe price.' Seiko. Citizen. Benrus. Grum. Jules Jurgenson. Tissot. He/bros. These are

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terrific nght now... .. but please shop earl) for the ~st cho1w. Selewon v.mes by stort and IS limited to stoclt on hand nm salt ends U'1da). Ncn.otmber

18 in Robinson 's Fashion U?atc~ 141. For free copies of m.inufacru~r·s ' warranties, write to: Controller, Dept 111, Robmson 's,

600 W. 7th Strttt, Los Angeles. CA 900/7





Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Wedneeday, N~vember 14, 1984

Carlin named postal ·Chief

Reagan 'taken aback' by deficit ·

W .\SJllNGTON (AP) - PauJ N < arhn. a top Postal Service regional oflic1ul. will become postmafter gen· cral on Jan. I , the independent agenc-y's board chairman announced toda>

Carlin beat out the man pushed b)' the White House for the job. Edward Paul N. Carlin

•J. Rollans. who had headed President

But President vows he·u support no tax hike: instead. he tells Cabinet he'll 'dam the river'

W SHINGTON (AP) - Fnccd wtth mounting budget ddic1t'i that rcponcdly CDuld surpas~ S 190 t,.llion 1n coming yenrs. Pr~sident Reagan reminded hii. Cabinet on Tucsdal. that .. we came here 10 dam the nvcr · and admonished 1hem to "suin throwing 10 1he rocks."

White House spokesmen refu'icd 10 confirm the S 190 billion figure or . even to say whe1hcr Reagan had been g1\en a specific number during the ('ab1ne\ meeting, his firs1 'i1ncc win­ning a second term.

Bui adm1n1!)tration source . speak­ing onl) on cond111on they not be 1dcn11fied. !)aid the deficit may well go that high or higher 1f current econ-

om1c cond111ons persist and no aetton 1s taken 10 cut spendins or raise taxes.

And one otlicial familiar with the Cabinet discussion said budget direc­tor David tockman told Reagan his late~ I calculations indicate the deficit wall be in the SJ 90 bill ion range.

The S 1'90 billion deficit proJecuon represent$ a marked increase from the adminastrntion's most recent published projections. h compares with the S 175.3 billion deficit during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 and the record $195.4 billion deficit in fiscal 1983.

The Washm&ton Post reponed in Wednesday editions that Stockman

told Reapn and 1hc Caba net that new Ouring the camp3ign. Rcqal'I Id figuiTs uuc t that the red mk 1 mc.rcased arowth m the economy and headed even hiahcr, for S2 l0 billion. un5pcdfied cuts in federal spendina The new paper said that the fiaure would bring ddiCTis down, ond he wa~ revised upward from S 190 billion pledged not to raise taxe to combat from j u t a week ago. The Post quoted the red ink. unidentified sources as saying that Presadcntllll spokesman Larry Reagan was " taken aback" by the new pcakcs quoted Reagan as 1elhng hi'I estimates from hi~ budget director. Cabinet officers, " We accomplished

The Post said that Reagan re- !>ome things" during the first term. portedly told his cabinet: " I will not " We have changed the course. but submit a budget with a tux increase" there 1s much more to be done.:· or a budget . that would encooragc "Our moan purpose was to rcduet oth~rs to thank that he mtght ac- the rate of increase in govtdlmeht, quiesce to one. Sources also told t~e . and we'rc going to keep on down that Post that Reagan took from has lane," Reagan was quoted as sayina,

,pocket a 1964 speech he delivered for · Republican presidential nommee Although Reagan . has pro.m1S<:d Barry Goldwater and read portions of some further spending cuts an the it calling for reducing the size and fv ture. his spokesn:ian said the pres1-scopc of government and its role '" dent dad not specify what step he the li ves ot Amenc.ans. wants the depanmt>nt heads 10 take. cagan's re-election campaign. s1dcred 35 candidates. 1nclttdmg I.!

( arhn. 53. will succeed the retanpg who do not work for the sen ire In ~ ilham F. Bol~er. who has held the the end , he said. the board der ided SR:!. 900-a-}ear JOb since March 1978. Bolger's successor should comt> form

f~C postmaster &eneral-designate the a&enC) 'sown ranks. told a news conference, " I sec the flrst The New York Tame said toda) probkrfl we faceascoounuing the Job tne board bad made us selcc11on 1n a \l.e have' already done. We are a closed-door meeting Tuesda).

More Soviet arms head to Nicaragua

. "' .,,


matwals-handllng company and we Speakes said he ·:would thin!... that w .\(\HINCiTON ( .\P) _ .\d­tend to do our JOb quickly. effectively Rollins would get something d~" in d1tional 'io \ 1c1 "esscls bearing mi h­and 1n a friendly manner." the administration. A~l...cd if the tar) cqu1pmcn1 are headed toward

Boan.I Chairman John R. McKean campaign director wai. in hnc for a Nicaragua as pan of an arms buildup ~.ilk-ti C arltn "a superb and in- lop-level job, Speakes replied. "prob- for the Sandinista government that mnat1\l' adm1nis1rator'' and said ably so." already has gone well hc>ond thl' thaL in making its decision, the board The Times qumcd unidenti fied small nation's defensi ve needs. the "a r,~cd no one about their political union and industry ~ource!> as saying Reagan administration says. aflilla11on The onl y cri tenon was 3 majonty of the <ic~n govcr nors The Whttc House, the State Dc­exl·cllcn<.:<: ... believed Carlin would be more partmcnt and the Pentagon all issued

enthusiasticall y cooix·raliH~ than 1 1 T d brltcr. Reagan administraton 0 . Id d ., a emcn\s ues ay expressing con-olger in their dn\ c to ho own bo " d ' •polct>o;man Larry Speake~ confirmed ccm a ut recent anu 1mpen 1ng , postal rates and curtail labor costs by d 1 d bo s d that "thl~ Wh11e House did make its weapon!> e 1\encs an a u1 . an · taking a hard lane 1n cOntr:ll t talb. t t t d h ( ' 'I , IC'-'~ t...nown to the Postal Service mis a 1n en ions 1owar ut er entra Carl in beolln d1rec11ng the ( h1cago- -\ c Board or Go\ ernors that we would o- men an countnei.. like· Ed Rollmc considered fior the based central . rc~1on . "'h1ch has ·\t the 'itate Department. deput>

" 11 .000 postal fac1li1tc'> and serves 1 "I R L .. d n11•1t1on of postmaster gcn•ral ." I spo .. esman "'an om1":rg ..a1 even r > ... more than 71 ma I hon n.•opk. 1n Apn th h h d McKcantoldancwsconfemcethat 198 1. "' oug t ere is no in 1ca1ron " the name of Mr. Rollins did not Nicaragua has rC("e1ved advanced Before coming to ( h1cago he wa'I b fj h l I 1· h .. 0n1~ 10 me until yc"t'" ...... -ffi. Th" com at aarcra t. t e e' e o ea v' - ... "' ..... ~ ... head of the ca'item po' ta Ir-ion and h .... s d h · n .. , m" \1.-3' nc\ "r mentioned o tcaally '" \l.eaponr\ t at tue · an m1st<1s a'e "" " ... wasaspcc1ahs11nlaborandcmplo)eC L- • .. d h to the board m,.mL~rs." McKean di'd IA"Cn acqumn.g exccc s an}t . mg

... U<: relations at the U S Po'>lal \en ice's h h fi bl 1 d sa' Rollins· name had been da·scussed "' ic I\ J USll 1a l' in purc > e-headquarters m Washington He was r .. Pr'1 .. atcl" b" the board. icns1\t' term~

• / 1 former President Nl\on·, ha1 r,on with " d ·m I h fi In all. McKean. the board con- "'n a min istrauon o ac1a . nc tng -:;;:=============•C;;;;;o;;;;;n;;;;;gr;;;;;e;;;;;s;;;;;s •o•n•po=st;;;;;a;;;;;I ;;;;;m;;;;;a;;;;;ll;;;;;l';;;;;r<.==;.;;;;;... i \\. h 1te Hou~ rcponers on cond111on r he not bt· 1dent1fied. \aid the

N1caraguanJ >uildup " has reached an unpreccdentcd rate" in last ~j, \l.Ceks or l'-'O month!>.

At the Pentagon. spokesman Michael I. Burch said the United State'i would be prepare<J to provide m 1l1 tar> a!ls1~1ancc to El Salvador and I londuras !lhould they face an in­va~ 1on by N 1caragua.

Pmatcly. U.S. officials expressed rnncern over the Sandinistas' recent ac4 u1s111on of Soviet Mi24 helicop­ter.,, a high-performance.aircraft (hat the Soviet~ ha ve used extensively in rnuntl·r-m<.urgency operations in Af­

.ghanistan. The oflic1als. who asked not to be

1dcnt1fied . said the air-to-ground capab1ht) of the Mi24's will be l' Xtrcmel) useful for the Sandinistas against U.S.-backed rebels but also will po~ a danger to Nic.aragua's northern neighbor. Honduras. Weapon'1; aboard the M i24 is capable of finng .5.000 rounds per minute. according to official estimates.

E ojle ls boctz.

Wh1k concern here over the possi­h1hl) ofa ov1etdell veryofM1G-21's has receded. the admanistrataon is worried over the im plica11ons of ret·ent deliveries of other equipment and of a "trunch~· of Soviet vessets now steami ng toward Nicaragua. At

I.:;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ least so m c of l he vessc Is a re carrying mil11ar) equipment. one official said.

And she 's back with the latest and honest European hair styles and techniques. For both women and men.

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rve 2 .............................. . . ........ .. $8.75 u. BRAN MUFFIN~ 0.lrk. rk h •nd molst11!. .... .. . .. .... .. .• ..... .. .. 55C F.A

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It was impossible to obtain a full accounting of all the military equip­mfnl made available to Nicaragua in retent weeks because. offi cials said. their 1nformat1on as incomplete.

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Romberg said the recent dcl1vcne!i have incl uded "more advanced weapons systems" than the and-1nistas had previously.

The Sandinista government ha'l acknowled~cd receipt of Soviet weaponry, including the M1 24's, bul has said repeatedly it has no intention of using the armaments beyond Nicaragua's l;x>rdcrs.

Beyond that. Nicaraguan Foreign Min ister Miguel d'Escoto sa id Tues­day, a Nicaraguan military attack against a neighboring country would be counter-productive.

If Nicaragua were to engage 1n such action. "we wall be serving on a silver tray the type or excuse that Mr. Reagan has always wanted in order to invade us." d'Escoto said .

But Pent.agon spokesman Burch said the Unated States believes that "Nicaragua poses a threat to the

sovere1gnt}-'' of El Salvador and Honduras. " If our ass1stanrc wa., requested. we would prov ide what­ever is appropriate ...

The Pentagon conli rmed I uesday night that 1he U.S. military 1s con­duc11ng seven separate military ex­ercises in Honduras. on Nicaragua·., nonhcrn border.

The seven. said a Pentagon spokes­man. Lt. Col. Dan iel Bauer. include thrce which began the da y afler the U.S. $en era I electi on. Bauer emphasized that thc exercises are small scale. of "company size and smaller." For exam ple. an engineer­ing company is building roads where U.S. forces established a head­quarters and a medical unit that

, would conduct tnagc dunng a war io. training at a U.S.-bu1lt hmpnal a1 Palmcrola.

BurliQgame~the_ s.ite of drunk checkpoint

REDWOOD CITY (AP) - Thft Friday night, on aome Burl­ing&~ street, police wlll be stopping every ftft.h car to see If the drtwr la drunk.


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Mk:Uel E. Plem•1, son of John and Laura Ferausob of Huntinston Beach, and Bajamla P. Ma1Upay, ~n of Manuel and Theresa Muan&kay of Huntinaton Beach, have 6eeno promotcd to specialist fourth clau in the 82nd Infantry Division at Fon Braa N.C.

• • r ·

pduatcd from the A1r f orcc turbopJ'op propulsio°' mechanic course at Chanute Air Force Base, 111. He will serve at Van Nuys Afr National Guard Base with the I 46lh Tactical Airlift Wing.

• • • Air Force 2nd Lt. W. MJtctteU

ang at the Army Infantry School in Fort Bennin&. Ga. Harker is a 1914 araduate ofNewpon Harbor Hiah School. • • • Pvt. Wltuam P. Sml .. , wh0te wife is the former Oriana Oniz of Cost.a Mesa.:... ~as completed basic training at Fon uix, N.J.

Airman BP'adley M. May whose wtte is the ronner Debra k oss or Huntington . Beach, has araduated from die. Air Force fuels specialist course at Chanute Air Force Base, Ill.

ClapP. son of Wiley M. Clapp Jr. of Irvine, has trrivcd for duty at Wri&ht­Pattenon Air Force Base, OJiio. Clapp reccive<t a master's dearee from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology earlier this year.

• • • Army Lt. Col., .... R. Vlaceas, son

of Ma~~ and John Foster of Laauna h, has arrived for duty at Iowa State Univenity i9 Ames, Iowa. Vincent, a prof~saf" of military science with the Army .Reserve Of­ficers Traioi~ CorPS> was previously stationed at fon Dix, N.J.

• • • • • • Air National Guard Airman Jerald

L. Wder, son of John and Charlene Walker of Huniin ton Beach. has

Pvt. Dutel G. Harker, brother of Kenneth R. Harker of Costa Mesa. has com lctcd one station unit train-







SUNDAY ONLY! Your m't'rwnelmwg n:sp<m-w to our s1m1lir ~prmg t•;.p1t made us tru/;. sorry we d1d11 't hat'e .m1ple suw to fill yom 11eed5 >011 olr..1011sly /<rue our ]WR

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selection may vary 111 m(h S(OY(', nn·re wt!/ IX' " nominal charge for alte1ut1011S. Robmson 's ,\.fm 's Clothmx .111d Sportswear Clothmg,, .15/95,

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. Coast student joins sorority at Mt. St. Mary's

Kell> uits of Corona dtl Mar hal jOtncd Kappe [)eh.a Chi a IOl'Ority.at Mount St. Mary's COikF ia bK Anaeles. l

Su a ts. a sophomore businaa ....,or, 1

will offic111ly be welcomed by the soronty at the SSth anniversary Presents Bill to bo be&d Nov. 17 at t.be Sheraton Universal Hotel. Tbe event is open to family, friendf aod t)WDni.

Mount St. Mary's is an indepen­dent liberal ans colletc attended primarily by women.



THE EA H:.ST WAY· PHONr us "T'Ol L FREl 1·8 -422·42'41 FROM 7 AM.· 10 PM. AND . R tRATORS \X. ILL TAKF° R APPll :no- I F AT 1. -

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College drama programs get a boost along Coast ·

Coast Commum1ty College Dis· tncts drama students will be up to their ears 1n theater this year, in sharp contrast to the curtailed programs of the past two seasons. ·

Starting this year, sister colleges Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline will collaborate to a newly organized, d1stnct-w1de program. To strengthen the unification efTort, in­structors arc ·commuting among the campuses to teach a wader vas:iety of acting and technical classes, and students are being encouraged to audition for productions at all thret> colleges.

"This )Car we are staging 13 pro,ducttons d1strictw1dt," !ta}S

Charles MitcheU, theater arts 1nstrul' · ior at Golden West. "Thal 1s quite a Jump from la~t year Thi~ 1ncr~ase presents a tremendous opponuntt) for both students and audience: ·

The Golden West program fo. ciudes the already-produced " Dracula" as well as the upcomil'\& ... Charles Dickens' Victorian Christmas." adapted from the nov­elist's works by Mitchell, which opens Dec. 14. Other productions to be offered on the Huntinaton Beach campus are "Amadeus," open1.0~ Mal'C'h 8. and "Man of La Mancha: amving Ma) 10.

SOUTH CO,\ST Repertory has a reputation for attractmg bright, young talents to ltS Stages and rocal theatergoers can enjoy some of its bnghtest - and youngest - during the 1984 KI Osen pllon season.

The three-play series will be pres­ented by the resident theater's Young Conservatory Players. The pla>S are performed I)) kids for kids and ma)ly are original works by CR's Young Conservatory director Diane Doyle

'Terminator' ousted from top . by 'God'

HOLL YW090 (AP) - It took a big gun to do It. but " The Terminator" got bumped off at the box office as "Oh God, You Devil" brought In $5.6 million on Its opening weekend.

The new leader, In whlcll George Burns plays both the good QU:tandthe bad11uy, ended the two-week reign of " The TermlnatQf'," which.fell to No. 2 fn Its third week with a gross of $3.4 mllUon.

" No Small Affair," a Cotumbla retease, was third at $2.3 mltnon on Its first weekend, folfowed Clolely 1>y '1>taces In the Heart .... at $2.2 miHlon.

Well back with $1. 7 mlltlon WU " A Soldier's Story," foflowed by " Amadeus," $1.6 mlltlon, and "Teachers," $1.'4 mllllon.

Also bringing In S 1.4 mllllon was " Siient Night, Deadly Night," a MW release from Tri-Star.

Here are the top~elght gr~ng films last wtiekend, whh d ... trlbutor, weekend grou, total gross and number of week• In relea•:

" Oh God, You Devtt," Warner Broe., ts.e mfflion, ftrat ..-.

"The Terrmnetor," Orfon.-~.4 mlfllon, 114.7 mllllon, thr• weeks.

" No Smatt ~ffalr,'' C~umbla., $2.3 milffon, flret week.

''Plac. tn the Heart,'' Trt-S•. $2.2 minion, $22.2 mHlfon, e1Qt1t weeks.

"A Sotdter's Story," Columble, $1.7 mllllon. $13.8 mnnoo. nine weeks.

" Amadeus," Orlon, • 11.e mijllon, $9.3 mUllon,·~ght week•.

"Teachers," MGMUA, $1 ... mlllton,. $2'4.4"mllllon, six WMka.

"Stlent Night, Deadly Night," Tri-Star, $1.• mUUon, first week.

Early Bird Dinner peclals--s6. 9S

Prime Rib or Fresh Fish

and resident musical director Diane Kina.

This season's lineup includes "The Gift," Dec. 8-16; "Pinocchio," April 13-14, and " How to Eat Like a Child," June 22-23. All YCP pe,.. fonnances will be presented at I and 3 p.m. Saturdays and 3 and 5 p.m. Sundays.

A S 12 KIDscription allows ad­m1ss1on to these three productions. plus a special preview performance of SCR's 1985 educational tourin1 show, "The Right Self."

"YCP audiences ·get the best of both worlds," Doyle says. "These arc professional producttons: the players a.re graduates .of SCR's acting con­servatory program; but on top-of that, there's that special undercurrent of excnemeot that you only get in a childrcn~s show. It's- the perfect 1natia1ton to theater for kids.

KID cript1ons are available b) calhng 751-7827. Additional 1nfor­mat1on on the Young Conservatory program may be obtained at 957-2602.

" THE RUNNER Stumbles... a drama about a priest accused of thr murder of a nun. will be presented this weekend by Christ College Irvine.

Communaca11ons professor Lee Orchard is directing the rehgiou!t drama, based on an actual 1911 tnal 1n Michigan.

Heading the cast arc Morgan Hampton as the nun and Kirk Dannenberg as the priest. Others in lhe production are Patti Brewer. Heather Halm, Jackie Parker, Mark Rossington. Larry Workman and Bob Holst.

Performances will be presented Friday through Sunday at 7:30 p.m with a matinee performances unday at 2 p.m. in the Founders Hall Auditorium at the college, 1530 Concordia. Irvine. Call 854-8002 for tad.et 1nformat1on.

An original musical pla>. "The Stor) of Pancho Villa," will be premiered Friday at Santa Ann·s Ci ne­Yost Theater.

The- pl~). wn tten and directed b> I 01m 011vna Jr .. follows the career of the bandit turned hero during the­Mex1tan Re vol ution of 1910 . .\lso featured wall be the famous Adeltta. a woman SQld1er still 1mmonaltLed 1n song. - --

The performance is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. at the theater. 307 Spurgeon St .. Santa Ana. Call 547-2629 for

~ """',.._ llf Lee,..,... Jon Motil and Ramy Wlleon perform ln ''Rumpelatiltakin" at Harbor Day School. .

Traveling troupe entertains kids Children in selected schools along

the Orange Coast are being enter· ta1ned b} the L1lhput Players, a tounng theatncal troupe. ·

The Tustin-based compan> 1s pres­enting " Rumpelst1hskin .. and "The Pied Piper.. in alternating pro­ductions rhroughoul Southern Cali­fornia. '

"Rumpelstiltskin" already has

been presen ted al Whittier, Montesson and Harbor Day schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified School D1stnct. It will be staged in Irvine 1n cooperation with the ci1r Dec. 2. Lido Villa~e Dec. 5 and Smith School 1n Huntington Beach Dec. 6.

"The Pied Piper" will be offered at Mariner's School in Newport Beach for two performances Nov. 28. fol-

lowed by classroom workshops. The Lilliput Players performed

before an estimated 74.200 young­sters dunng its 1983-84 sea.son. The troupe also ofTers drama workshops. family service and communicauons workshops.

Further information on the Lill11;>ut Players may be obtained by calling director Sarah Coleman at 73 1-2792.

Looking for theater bargain? check out London's West End By MATT WOLF A11oci.1..t PrMe Writ.,

Broadway and only S65.000 1n the "Everything to do Wlth people in West End, New York costs more." agreed British

LONDON-For Americans. Lon- ··Blockheads," tlte American- producer Michael White. who-open-don's West End as a bargain com- produced musical abOut· Laurel and ed the Rod~ers and Han musi~l "On pared to Broadway, and the dif. Hardy that ended an unsuccessful Your Toes' in London for approx­fercnce can be attributed to an London run Nov. 3. closed at a loss of imately $760.000 "as opposed to over undeniable fact of theatrical hfe _ S500.000. On Broadway. the loss double that in New York ... higher production costs mean higher would have tripled. and so would the In London. " Kipling" had a six· ticket pnces. top ticket price: t45 in Ne" York vs. person production staff at the 650-

ln Ne"' York, theatergoers who saw S 15 here. scat Mermaid Theater. where house "Kipling," Alec McCowen's recent "It's part of the reason there are ex_penscs-includingushersandbox one-man. show about the eminent onl> 20-odd s~on _B_road~~ o.tfu:r__pc.rsanoel amounted to tbe English author. paid S30 for a top- now. compared to 33 or so on the equi\alent ofS3,900.~ pncecf ucket. In London. a ticket for West End." said British producer Ra) At Broadwa) ·s 1,066-scat Royale the same show was $1 3.40. But it cost Cooney Theater, a production staff of 11 was

4 .... T~ C omplett! Din~r with choice of

ticket 1nformat1on . $200.000 to produce "~ing" on "Ultimatel). I think there will be required 10 put on a show whose lr=============================--i less thenter in both New York and house expenses totaled $4,000 to London." said British QrOducer Dun- S 15,000 a week.

--r--. .-· soup or salad and dessert

-~ 4to6PM g;nglss

can Weldon, who said that it will cost To lease Broadway's ~oyale cost St.'25 m1ll1on to open "Aren't We producer Roy Somlyo SI0,000 a All?" - his hit London revtval co- week. plus 5 percent of the gross. The starring Rex Hamson and Claudelle rental of the Mermaid cost London -Colben - on Broadway in 1985. producer Nathan Joseph roughly

°"THE PENINSUlA l D111 I Wnld BALBOA 801 E. BALBOA 673-7726 }





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At London's Theater Royal Hay- S2.450 a week. No percentage was market, the pla) cost Weldon about taken. S 137,000 to mount - one 10th the ' The weekly break-even point in projected New York sum. New York was $70,0()0; in London,

But the American ticket buyer also the break-even point came to about is likely to be earning a proportionally S 15,000. greater salary than his British cousin. In accordance w11h Actors' E®ity

"The average wage is about 50 union requirements in New York. percent higher in New York.'' said McCowen had an understudy who Coone}'. pointing out that ticket was paid $615 a week, even though prices must be seen 1n relauon to what the illness of the star would mean an audience rs capable of paying. canceling the performance.

t---- -----------------------' According to London·s Depart- Bnt1sh Equll'-' does not tequ1re an .. •••••••• SAVE THIS AO •••••••••, l fE I t kl J men o mp oymen . a wee Y wage understudy in one-person shows, I PPC, P.t Prevent-A-Cire'lnc. (118) I here average'\ about Sl80. In New since - according to press spokes-1 LOW COST Vaccination Clinic 892·8613 I York.theavcragewagein 1980-the manPeterFinch-noonewouldpay

~\,., K I c M I for Cats and Dogs v_,.,, last year for which figures are avai l- to see a one-man show without the I "'- I able - was S350 per week. the U.S. actor who is supposed to be 1n 11.

I R&b4es S3 95 I Census Bureau says. Pay scales "At ween the two Equ1t1es Otstempei $4 75 BloodChem4111yTest s 1200 ' Th E 1· h bl' h "'" I Parvo 55 oo Heartworm Tes1 s1 oo I ' e ng IS pu ic t inks 15 differ dramatically as well. The

11 . 1 I Cat "3·•n.1 S5 50 F1e1 P1oouct1 lhlt WOlll' I pounds a ticket is dear. and Amen- Equny minimum for West End work 009 6·lll I " 1llt<.LP. P.-i .no"- I cans think $45 is dear," said Weldon. 1s about~ 151 a week. On Broadway,

~~~";Zill~~~~ ·· J 0oo·-..-..-, 2 r> -·-.-. • · "EverythlngiS~roportional. it'sS650andwinrisetoS700onJune ..__ ~ • I ~tr..::; C: =~~ __ ... - .... ..- I "What happens is that Amen cans 1. 1985.

I - 1.5 Mllllon vece1Nt1ont Since 1111--.\1 come to London and think we're · Average production costs d1fTer

FM I .. ='..::".~::.. ':;:':';.':.:-· giving the tickets awa)'. because accordingly_ from $1 20,000 for a

I ·---- -··•<---· the) 'reonlypay10g40percentofwhat straight play in London to between

•. ___ .. :=:..: .. __ , __ ... _::::..::__ itwouldcosttoseethesameshowsat $750.000 and Sl.5 million in New

S .. ERED ---·-·-.----·"'· _,, , ~.. .. .... home," he said. "Londoners go to York, depend1ngonsuchvanablesas 1 I L c-aF..,,.,. ...... ~tlty1119 ,._.,, New York and find they can't afford thes1zeofthecastandcomplexitiesof

~-!iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ijijiiiiiiiiii~ii~iijiij~iiiiiii!!iii•~•iiF~11~.t.~rti1tti'idii''i' iiiiiStfY~:,:lceT•=•=•::•:=~:.:.::.:=:::: __ _Lt~o~g~o~l£o_!:th~e~' t~h~e~at~e::r.~"------1 lhe scenic design.


An essential Financial Planning Seminar. examining the impact of the Tax Reform Ac1 of 1984 on year-end tax planning.

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an announcement

~ ' .

With musicals. where the orchestra poses an ~ditional expense and casts are often larger( Bro_-dwa_y costs vary from $2 mil ion to SS million. Andrew .. Llo~d Webber's "Starlight Express. which opened 10 March, is on record as the most expensive musical in British history.

Its cost? $2.9 miJlion. To do the same show in New York would take $6 million or more.

Redford camp making film

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Robert Redford'~ ~undance Institute, a son ~f prcst111ous summer camp for ~ndependent. filmmakers, is mak.ina its first m<>v1e.

"Desert Bloom" is now in pro. duc;tion in Tucson, Ariz., with 1 budget of SS mitlior, from Cal"IQn Productions. h will be released by C'olumbia Pictures.

The film developed from a swnmct proJcct at Sundance's annual labora· tory in Utah. Euacne Corr is Jhe wnter and producer, and 1t uan JoBe~h Williams, Jon Vo~t. Elita Barktn and Anna Beth Oash a I J.. year-old. schoola,irl f~om Iowa' found al a fasttna ~11 in MinncapoliJ. ~

ll safam1lydrama set in Las Vtta1 in 1951 and followsa youna airl's l0tt of Innocence In the days lcadlna up to the fitsl atomic bomb tc tin Nevada

Redford, who is actina as crcatJve ~onsultanl. had, a hand in the ca tma. !• rev1ew1n1 daily footqc and adv1,.. ma Corr and producer Michael Hau man on the 8Cl. He has bten clo ly 1nvolv~ sin~ dtrt'tllfl& •

enc from the 01ov1c

'Fiddler' back · lor a fifth turn at Sebastian's By CHRIS CRAWFORD revolution. Ollllr~~ In counterpoint to the story's stark

One of the moSt 1>Qpular musicals setting is 1he richness or i11 of re<ent years, " Fiddler on the memorable music (the aentle Roof," opened last week at Sebas· unrisc, Sunset," 1he devout "Sal> tian's We t Dinner Playhouse an Snn ba1h Prayer," the witty ··1r t Were a Clemente and will contmuc through Rich Man" and others).' and the the holiday ~son. positive l)aturc of its characters -

First appearing in 1964. " Fiddler" people who can always find laughter went on to set records as one of the through their 1cars. and who are longnt-running Broadwa) plays with ultimately sustained by . family. over 3,000 performances during its fri ends and faith. New York Run. And then 11 con.. Peter Quesada stars as Tcvyc. 1inucd with very succ;essful runs in displaying a convincing blef\d of most major cities arou'nd the world. humor and angst. Both Quesada and

Twenty xcars later, the show con-. Corey Elias, as his wife Golde. give tinucs to be. remarkably popular. if exceptionally strong vocal per­local audiences are any indication. forl'T\ances throughout. Elias aps)cars The current production at Sebastian's somewhat ypung as 1he wife (in fact, We5t marks its fif\h prcscn1atiOf.l she could pass as one of their five there "due to popular demand of our daughters) but otherwise delivers an audien~s.'' says director Millicen1 engaging,_ well -received inter-Renc. pretation of 1hc take<harge wife.

Indeed, a full crowd was on hand Yentc. tbc matchmaker. is humor-~turd~y evening for the story of the ously play~ by Teddy Tapscott as the indomitable Tevye. the courageous talkauvc organizer of others· marital Jewish danyman w~o car:rics on fa 1e~. tor Yente's benefi1. Tevye·s comradely conver.sat1ons wn.h God three eldest dnughtcrs - efTcctfvcly an~ who. along with his family and · played by Danna Torrance (Tzei tel). nc~ghbofS: struwes to eke out an Alexandria Mandarino (Hodel) and existence 1n the httle Russian village Tracey O'Connell (Chava)- sang the of Anatevka on lhe eve of1he Russian funny song '" Matchmaker," only 10

TV show.tells kids . , .

perils of smoking By MARCIA DUNN ._,.ted "'"' Wrltef

The program. narrated by Casey Kasem. host of the radio show

PITTSBURG H _ A year alter .. Amcr;ican Top 40 .. and a fo rmer "The.£.hcmical People;" pubhc tele- smoker. purposely appeals to young vision's successful series aimed at people's sense of priorities. 1een-age drug and alcohol abuse. the "'The program speaks 10 1hc con­pr0gr;tm's producers ~re 1ackling ccrns of )OUng people now and no1 another yop1h hcahh problem - concerns 40 or 50 years from now ... cigarette smoking. U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett

"We all know what can happen to Koop said af\cr previewing lhc show. kids who abuse akohol and drugs. The program airs on the 1magmary

' But the difference wi th cigarettes. it"s Bn:ath1ng Easy Network and includes an accepted social behavior. It's a game show called " You Bet Your accepted among adults ... said Pam Lungs:· a news broadcast revealing Golden. a spokeswoman for WQE D· the latest studies on smoking. a senal TV, P1ttsburgh"s Publ ic Broadcasting enti tled '"No Buis About It" ' in which Service sta1ion. )Ou ngsters lry to persuade their

··1 don·1 think It has 1he emo11on parents to sto_p smoking, and a talk that drug abuse has. But there is a c;howcalled "'Clearing the Air .. featur­grea1 deal ofin1ercs1 ... she said. 1ng Joan Van Ark of telc' ision·s

The PBS ~pec1al . en11 tled ··erea&.h- ··Knots Landing." ing Easy." a11empts10 explain the ill effects of c1garct1es to non-smoking "'Whammies;· such as ··cigarette tceo-agers _ 1n hopes of keeping holes in your favonte swea1er .. and 1hcm that wa)' _ raiher ihan to "dragon breath to whisper swee .. conven )'Oung smokers. nothings to nobody"' arc awarded 10

The hour-long program will be the game show·s young con1estants broadcast t.onighl. the da) before the "hen the)r 1nco1TCc1ly answer smok­American Cancer' Socic1y's annual 1ng-related quduons. ··Great Amencan Smokeou t." Specially designed commercials·

.. Our ph1losoph) is that people also arc included throughou1 the have to delermine for himself or program.· which 1s funded by 1he herself wha1 health l$. ··said . Eugene Amencan Cancer Society, the Ameri­Bames. assistanl 101he vice president can Hean Association and the Amen­of research at the " Uni verSll) of can LungAssoc1atiOf\ M.1ssiss1pp1 and consuhing editor for the sho..... One commercial says: .. Did you

"For me. 1t"s not trying to run 10 know 1ha1 by being a non-smoker, as miles per da) and watching e"elJ com pared to a pack-a-day smoker. morsel of food I eat. It 's all-encom· )Ou save enough money in a single


Corey Ellu and Peter Queeada •tar ID .. Ptddler on the Roof" at Sebaatlan'• Weat Dinner Piaf.~~·

taler choose their own husbands anyway.

Skillfully portra)'ing 1he husbands arc Mark Rydzi nsk1 (Motel), Ro) Lopc?.·Ccpero (Perch1k) and David Hubbard (Fyedka). Standout work also is given by Richard Kleber as Lazar Wolf the butcher. who is Tze1tcl"s rejected su11or.

graphy). are dchvered 1hroughou1 the producuon. under the ~eneral direc-1ion of Millicent Rene an her seeond directorial effon for Sebastian's West.

Strong vocals and dance sequences . -under 1he direction of Jay Bradlc) (music) and Denise Dales (choreo-

'" Fiddler on the Roor· con1inues Wednesdays through Saturdays a1 8 p.m .. Sundays at I and 7 p.m. unt1I Jan. 6 al Sebastian's Wes1 Dinner Pla) house. 140 Ave. Pico. San Clemen te. Call 492-9950 for 1icke1 information.

ThD6 h.R?f, they both .. --o look lkeGeoge Dur6. ...... ... ~ .......... ·--·· ··--..,. SllOWlllOl

•lH9Hl' llAlfl llllU '1 l/ A

"'* ,. IJ.' '" 11.(llA ,,,.,, Ct • ... ,_ .,., '" ' Uo\ "°"' > COS IA ...s4 )Ab )I I I DWAJOS iO COASI Pl.VA


•VII S\l 06\) I !)IA~ WOOlltlllW

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First Born (" 0 · 1 l)

Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, Novembw 14, 1884 · A9

'Dynasty' to end Rock's vacation I J JEllRY BU l#T ......... .._

.. ..

LOS ANGELES - Rock Hudson. Ont of several ma,,or $lan from motion pJC1um soon to appear on ABC's bit na&htumc soap opera, .. O)tnaJty;• was talona a.n e.~ vacation in France wben the call came.

·•t'd gone there for the Dcauv1lle Film Festival and stayed. And stayed. And 1t.aycd. And stayed," he says ... , was there for two months. h was the first vacation I'd taken an three years."

Esther Shapiro. co-creator and co­executive producer, flew to Pans at\er talking to Hudson on the phone and­outlancd lhe proposaJ over dinner.

" I think she came because I was neutral on the telephone." he says. '"I didn't say yes and I didn' t say no. I said it depends on wha1 the ~rt 1~. We wen I to dinner and she- d•dn"t. have anything parti~lar in m1od until we talked. She was forming the character as we talked.··

Hudson wtll make his first appear­ance on the.t hnstmas show 1n mid­Dccemberas Daniel Reece. an adven­turer and businessman.

Ah MacGraw will make her debut in January, and 1he produc~rs arc looking to sign other stars.

Shapiro says she wanted Hudson for the role because .. he cp1tom1zcs 1he heroic. romantic image J was looking for.

.. , had great trep1dauon when I flew 10 Paris to see him:· she says . .. , bad 1he feeling he wasn"t&oing to do It. We

~ fordtnnerand Wked about a lot of&binp. J 1tiD ttidn"t ltunk ht WOUid do 11 but at Seat...a oould trll my vandchildren I once had dinner witbt Rock HudtoP lD J>tri , " • H~ton at S9 as still slun aM ~y baodton\e. Hu thick, dark batr iJ leced with lflY· lk lw . recovued from the byp&ss SUJ"Ff)' be underweo1 m 1981 •bile be wu • maktn1 his last Rn~ ··Ttat Devlin · Connection... • '

After the expencnces ot that sbo 1

Hudson s*Ore be"d never do another series.

"'Oevhn" wu JUst another~ tive story," says Hodson, whoearbtr bad starred with Sm&n Sainf James in ..McMiJLttl .and Wtlt.'• .. It was JUSl findinJ tbe ldllcr. Yet a.not!:'er ~ rive story! And the TV audwnoe was inundated wttb detective stones. l can't stand to watch them myself.

" But ·McMiltan•.wasdifTercnt We wae part of the 'NBC Mystery Movie and we were on onl)' once a month. That was more intcrestmg lO me than bcinion every week. We had a lot of comedy. We tned 1ba1 on "Devlin; to6. but it d1dn •t work. Whal makes one show work and not another. don' t ask me. I have no answer for yell."

Before he makes his bow an "'Dynasty·;· Hudson wdl be seen this Sunday 1n the NBC movie "The Las Veps Strip War ... He C<Htars with James Earl Jones; Noryuk.i .. Pat .. Morita a.nd Sharon Stone. Hudson plays a mavcnck hotel owner who 1s doubk.-crossed by his partners . .

Shrirrip & .Fish Special 82.99 TWO OF YOUR FAVORITES ••• TOGETHER.

Now. you don°l nave to~ beblleen $1v1mp and Ush.. Because our Shnmp f., Fish Speaal gives Y°"' both cJ tM taStes you '°""~

YOJ get thr~ ol our ~w. larger shnmp a crispy ri$h Met. golden fryes cole slaw and two crunchy hushpuppies A U fOf this special

poc~ St09 by and try our Shnmp & F'llSh SpKIAI~ Off~r good ror a lim1te<l1Jme ~

3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa Oust south or San Diego Freeway across from Fedco)

-DriYe--Thru Service Ava»~

THE WILD un CR) Pit.ts Co·H ll

Tuch•n (Al

our psyche ... al130 into 1he concept of the movies twice a w~k, invest m 18 A IOLDIER"S STORY s.m Sh1pa ro passing. ou r spi rit. ou r spintual self. year to bu) a record every week. JO to I h"al th, or ~houl .... he sa1"'. computer programs. take a year·s IN• SHOWS AT cou"TRY Cl'Ot G HOST•UST11uu CNJ

" ' " 1 :00 ) :00 S :OO 7 :00 swows AT PIUS Co-l'uture "We assume that the maJOflt)' of wonhoftennislessons,orbuygl i11cry a.1 :00 1;203 ·3os,.01.so10:0s Gremllns Cl'Ol

the people smoke. (Bui) the trend is 10 gloves for all your friends? And thafs not smoke. Because 0 ( this. the main a fac1.·· OAIVE.JlllS 0,.111 45 Md•vs 6 JO Whm111c1111d11n """' 12 rREE U111ta llot9d

goal is nol tu p~ach a1 the k~s ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Golden said. National I ns1itute on Drug Abuse

staus11cs show that 14. 7 percent of1he na1ion's high $ChOOI seniors who are ~mate. and 13.1 percent of their male classmates, smoked at least a half a pack of cigareues a da) in I 982. That"s sign ificantly less 1han in previous years

In 1975. 73.6 percent of all high school seniors had smoked at least one c1gare11e in their lifeumc. com­pared 10 70.6 percent 1n 1983. according 10 the institute.

About 36. 7 percent of all high school seniors in 1975 said 1hey had smoke'<f at leas1 one cigarette m the past 30 days. compared 10 30.3 percen1 in 1983. the inst1tule said.

"The 1rcnd (to smoke) has been going d.own·· among all age • said John Lubera. n spokesman for the Amencan C'ahcer Society

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!Takeover ~f AirSpur .won,'t affect area shuttle service By TONY SAAVEDRA Of ... o.ltJ .........

The takeover of A1rspur Hehc:..'ttp­\ets by an Oregon company will not affect operations for the passcnaer shuttle service from Los Angeles: Burbank and John Wayne airports,

1according to a top company official. . The controversial, financiallr

~troubled helicopter service was '°Id ,Nov. 1 by a Huntington Beach family ,to Evergreen International Av1at1on of McMinnville. Ore.

: Gary O'Connor, president of the new Evergreen Atrspur. said business

•would continue as usual for the service. which offers 17 roundtrips

.daily from John Wayne a1rpon. The first take-off is at 6 a.m .

; " lf anything, Orange Countx (scr-1vice) wilt grow. if necessary, · said •O'Connor, who added that most of lthe immediate changes would be in , management.

Terms of the sale were not released. ! Westland {nc., a Bnush aircraft , manufacturer, assumed ownership.of •the three Westland-30 helicopters ' purchased by Airspur. Howe ver, the ,company will lease them back to the •new Aarspur, said Roben Gladwell, ; president of West land's U.S. subsidiary.

• Last M ay, an administrative law Jjudge ruled Airspur a foreign entity , because its entire debt. listed a t $20

million for the helicopters, was to Westland. Westland had also in­vested workma capital into Airspur to keep the financially-strapped com­pany afloat when the 4;0pters were grounded for two months after a long Beach crash in November 1983, said Gladwell.

The forced-landing. which injured six people. was attributed to a defect in the· helicopter's tail rotor. Tbe fault)' mechanism was redesigned by Westland, and A1rspur was fl ying again on Jan. 15

Gladwell descnbed Westland' s in­volvement with the new A1rspur as just a "lessor of the helicopters.·•

Evergreen lntemauonal operates largely as a cargo carrier, although passenger servjce is also offered on some of its airplanes and helicopters. The company was formed in 1959. and generates S 125 ma Ilion annually, said O'Connor.

He 1s not expecting the new shuttle service to face the same noise prob­lems that greeted A1rspur after It began shuttling passengers 18 months ago. Residents an Costa Mesa and along the flight pattern through Orange County. complained about the noise from the helicopters passing overhead .

The flight paths were re-routed early this over industrial rather than residential a reas, and the helicopters

~ Taxpayers should keep 1 up with IRS rule changes .

Mosl 1axpayers leave the prep­aration of t heir Income tax returns up

, to an accountant . Even though you , may not prepare your tax re1urn . there

arc tax regulations of which you may wa nt lo be aware - not technically proficient.Just aware F'or example -

• The IRS can' I sued for negligence 1

just becauseoneofthe IRS' employees , gave Incorrect advice , • A recent court declsJoo states • requirements for a home office dcduc-• uon 1£ yDu.are.someonc·s cmp.lcye_c;_ • l Space u§ed ··exclusively" for : business. 1 2 Space ased on a " regular" basts. 1 3 . Space musl bt' ust'd to meet 1 customers.


• If you are supporting an elderly person or llulli1.l.oi a lwld • .J.or yo.ur child s college education . consider using a short ·lerm trust ( l 0 years and a day).

• You may find It a better tax maneuver to contribute appreciated

werT flown at higher altitudes. In retrospect, Westland Inc. views

Aarspurs troubled history as merely the binh pains of a new# dustry.

.. Any new enterprise is tough to act go ing. When you're a pioneer it 1s very tough," said Gladwell. ·

While small helicopters have previously been .used to shuttte pass­engers frAm airports, Airspur was the first service to use large helicopters comparable to .fixed-win1t planes.

UPs AND OowNs NEW YORK (APl - . Tnt followlng 1111

snow1 !he Ovtr ·l he · Counltr slock' and warran11 that nave oont UP lh• mo• I eno down lhit_ mo•I bn td on percent of 'hanot for Tu11d1y

No 11curtlles 1rodlno below d or 1000 1htres are Included.

Nel end percentage cnangH art I"' djfftrtnct ~l'fiHn the prev1ou1 clo.• no b d price and Tues8is' ' 1n1 t> d i>rlct

~Ti~~2'P' L•/J. C~g utci,,. l /~~I wt ~ • ~ 8~ :

' rv8 011 4J , ~ UP .

I VLI ~ l I UP I . Ltzak un , , UP I .

~~fr=~n t ;": 8g l: Herley 4~ .,., UUP · 110 CllCebl !~ 14 1> • 1 Provsn $1 ~ UP .

12 Jnlrn11.. s 1 ''• 1 Ui> . 3 nsnot 1 ~ 1'19 Up . 14 vrod '' • UP .

j!s ~~:~;g~n J~~ ~ ~~ 9,:~

l ous~~ ~ UP .l R'v~ ' • ' 'l UP . ~

~:~11 • ~~ ·! 8~ ~·1 2 dM'l__ un 4 ' • Ui> 6.

~s· ~r~~~ ~ ~ 8g f: lcot 4 • UP %.

• Name I Mvl.11 un 2 MYIU 3 UnEdS ' Prolcpt S SclSySv 6 An· Con

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L;~~ -l~~~l rct111 }' • - 3.<. I ''• - ,,., : ,,., - 34

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2 ,,, - 3 11.


MuruAL FuNDs

• 4 Space used In the normal course 1 of business : 5 Home office used for tht' conve­' nlence*the emplo)'er

stock lo a charity rather than cash . ..------------------------------------------------------------­You mlghl then consider using you r cash to buy the same s tock tf you want te conunuf" to bf' an lnYeSlor In that company

If these brief commen1s affect your tax planning. contact your tax advisor for more details • , • An elderly parent In a tow tax

• bracket wishing to cash In on his 1 home eqully might ronstderselltna his : home to his hl~h tax-bracket Child , who Is looking for a tu. sheller Child ' buys the parent's residence and ren1s

--- -..,. TI bacl<lo-rne pa rem

Ralph Scott Is a certll trd public accountant practlctll!{ Jn .Vewport Beach ~


f i


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NYSE LEADER S NEW YORK (AP) - Sa*, 4 o.m1 price

•nd ntJ Ch•nge Of The flftHn most • clJve New York StQCk Exch•noe l•suea, \rtdlno ne llonallv a t mor~ thens . Am xprou 1. S, ITT oro I· 7, Cltv nvHt , , 18M. • R•vnldln<I 9 • ContrO•t• 9 • Unlrov.11 Arner T&T n


~l~vn ~)(~ olm~orp


UPs AND DowNs NEW YORI( (AP) - The followlnG llSI

shows the New Yor.k Stock Exch•noe stocks and ~errants lhet have .oone uo the most e down the most be.ed on per(;•nt of noe rev•rdlfls of volume for Wednes av.

~o ~url le$ trading belol!I S2 ere 1~1-

·v ed. Net end i>ercenteoe chenoes •r,e the dl1 erence between the t>revlous c oslng price end Wednes<\jp~ 2 p,m. orlu.

Nome Lest Cho Pelf

i ;rockHll 4 'i':I UP u Slnd 9.60c>f 62~ 41/• UOP 7.3

nMotr E wl 35 2 UP .1 IL Co I 'll 1h o 1·6

oldoNu~ Ytl ~~ ~ 8P ,9 •nAm WI "' p . nPerk n 'II Uo . ! ~entrvPr~e I'll 'I• UP ,f

EQulmrk Co 1"1 'I• UP :1

I MesseyF 34 .... UP •. Homeoe t 1~ ~ UP . Mohwk et ~ ~ Uo

13 ~ubllck ~d v. YI UP i. 14 mersRt.d s I '- UP . 11 renscoExo ~ ~ Uo . -t P r mt 4'11 tQ._ UJ>

~Aft~ llpf I 'h 31h Up ·i C4'llh11Mng ~ ~ Uo . LIL Co _pfV I/• ~ UP ~Cm4 Clev V> Uo ·• ClllMllw of 2 UP ••

•rt r Hawl ~ Up . Ai.Moeno 11\ UP 1

~wg, 2.37pt 20'h ~ Up . Is nl 3Jo 11• UP .

DOWNS Ne~ Lest Cho

I Berkey PM ' ""' - ~ 2 ~nlon Corp • lit - 'h 3 vans Pd •~ - ~ ' eklndust 3 - 'I•

• S NC f - ~ Am olsl 1h - ~ t Kal!t l-J7Pf I - 1 '/• g To~~d co~o"' lfl• = 1~ II rrbamont 1134 _ 3,4

Anacomp - ' . iemobRs of ll'I• - ~ aosca_Jnc, ¥4 - Yi eleeomCp - 11• - Yt 'I leveo•k 1 ~ - ~ 1 rwn<.iF JS - I~

l orlion p 4 - v. 1 ~lies §es 4l; - 'I•

i edde~r •1,.. - 11. ~t L d 7•1• - ~

~ms "' 'h - 1..a I etz 1 V. - ~ r,~~nv pfB 6 - 23Jo mG nlCP WI 11) - ~ "" 1..... 1. -"'


Advanced Declined

¥nchenoed ota l hsun

New highs New lows



'U l ... :S

1 ,d

ti 8

Prev .

.. m • 26

and "1' change of the ten most active merlcen Stock Exchange luut1 t rad in g ne llon e ll v et mori tnan 51 AutoSwltcll 180, 471,, +3'1• Wrelher s 'i lnt _ , • WenoLabB l : 21~


Alze Corp , 19'h v. Goldlfeld Co , I'..- ~ Prent Hell , 721,-. ~ KevPherm 93Jo 11. DEomePtrl 9: 1 1~16 aoleCllh 7 ~ Verbatim 6 ; - v.

l\fi~11Ji111-NEW YORK (AP) - Most active ov•r­

· the·counter stocks sul>C>l led bv NASO. Neme Volu Bid Asked Cho

S.•G•lem 11.1 ·~ •¥1 _ ~

~~~r:t : ~~ 2J~ = tt Ovlood , ~ 1 '" - 'h Pebst8 t· 'I• 'h Xldeic « , I V. ~· 'I• - ,,_ tntorPh ! ' I/• 'h -1~ AP91oC s C , I~ -n' MCI 3 , V. If• - V. Intel 357. 'I• 'h - >Ai

GoLo Quo TES - - - ~


That· s an apt description of both.business and business people a long the Orange Coast . To keep-.-tr-a~c of . where companies are gotn~ and which p ople are helping them get there. just watch Credit Line· - every day in tli Bus In ess section of your n ew llilJ Pilaf.



. Parents have to wat~h for signs ~f teen ~rug use

It is not surprising to learn that an estimated 90 percent of high school s~n.iors have tried drugs or alcohol. It is disturbing. but not surpnsmg.

It is surprising, however. to learn that virtually I 00 percent of the parents of t~e 1,200 kids picked up for drug and alcohol­related problems in Newport Beach last year had no idea their children were using the illicit substances. •

The source of that conclusion i~~port Beach Po lice Sgt. Paul Heniscy, who last week told a'bout 70 concerned parents that the city has a "very serious drug and alcohol problem."

There is another conclusion·, one Henisey may have been too diplomatic to raise witll his audience: Many of those 1,200 sets of par~nts n:iust have ignored pr neglected their children .to have remained ignorant of drug and alcohol use in the famil y until it became a pol ice matter.

Unij!ss they arc made to undes:stand that drugs- including alcohol- are dangerous, young people willl>e tempted by drugs. Unlike their parents. who may drink socially, the young drink to ~et drunk and take other drugs to get high. The experience is new, it's fun - for awhile.

The experience also leads directly to traffic accidents, often fatal~ academic failure: and social maladjustment. .. One kid in every classroom wi ll be di rectly involved in a major traffic accident by the time the} ' re 21 ,'' Henisey said.

The point of his lecture is that parents can intervene in the early stages of drug use. Parents can literally save thei r children's lives if they talk to them. wa tch them and talk with them. .

• The signs ofc1lcohol a buse are ·ctear - most parents will know them from first-hand experience. When Junior comes home late. avoids Mom and Dad. slurs a muffied "good night,"

.sways .unsteadily to his room a nd is too ill to get up the next morning, he's been drinking. Bet on it. The symptoms brought on by other drugs may no t be so simpte to detect. but they surely will include unusual benavior. ·

· A responsible parent will l-0ok for these signs and react to them . An irresponsible parent wi ll face the heartbreak that teen­age drug and alcohol abuse in.evitably will deliver to his famil y.


Why don'~ l!C~iden.t ca~~s get transported-to-Hoag? To thl' Edllor:

' I

We all share the !j(>rrow of the famil) of little Joel !¥fydcr, who was killed b~ a car a~ the comer of 18th Street and Placcl)'\1a in Costa Mesa. as rt: ported 1n your Oct. 30 issue.

In rl·ad1ng your report of the traged} one \.jues11 on that stands out. and w.1'1dl was not addressed. is: Why

\ .Wai such a !leqou'il} 1111urcd child transported to I ount:11 n Valley Com­munity Ho)p1tal for emcr~ency treat­ment when Hm1g I losp1tal ca n be viewed from thl· accident scene'' There may be good rcasonc, for such acuon, and 1n th1\ l"J\C J)Crhap~ the dcla) 1n getting thl· child to the hospital d1dn·1 rcduu· hi" lhance~ of sun" al Ho"'l'' er. I hcl1e' c the c1 t11cn-; of thl' area Ml' en111lcd to know the :ms .... er to th1<; que'it10n

Is 11 Hoag Ho!>p1tal polic~ not to accept certain t' IX''> of emergcnq ca cs'1 Is 1hcrl' <;ome bun:au1:rat1c regulation that allocate:. a certain number ofl:asc'i to ooc ho<,p1tal ::ind a certain number to another"' Is then· some son of rol3t1on '>Chl·dulc''

Plca'ic 1nH'lt1g:1te th1H1ue\11on and report the re'iult' to }our re::ider!I

•. H. WH I I r < 11,ta Ml''a

To the r J11m: The Ol·t 'O Duil v Ptlot t-:l rnt'd the

d1s1ress1ng nc\\\ o t ii )iwng hn) killed on has way home from Sl·hool.

I submit that this tragedy could not ha ve ()('Curred in a more canng oc1ety. ~rec point might be. con­

sidered b} us, th<.' general public ~ h) our elected omcials and our 1:1\ 11 servant'I. and last bu t. b) no mean' least. b} the operators ofour hosprtab and ambut:mtt <;ervrcc

I. School cros)in~ must be clearl} marked and \peed hmtts mu\ t be enforced in 11rcordance wrth the Department of Motor Vehicles mJn­ual. An acudcnt m used b) drJ\ ang at an) pttd cannot be c~cu~ b} "being screened by another auto· mobile."

2. -In }ears past. custo<lrano; and caring teachers supervised bus) 1n1er­scct1ons to safeguard our child ren. This ·was a labor of love. no longer known in our soc1Ct).

3. It is incomprehensible that an) patient Vi cnucal conditio n 1s not transported 10 the nearest cmergenc> hospital. In this case, Hoag Hospital .... as j ust a stone's throw from the accident scene - no doubt vital tame "' as lost transporting 1h1!> child 10 Fountain Valley . at least a ~0-m inute dri,e. This ride. for a pauent in an) ambulaore wtth si rens screaming. must add to the trauma of the' 1ct1m. as well as loss of valuable lame.

Perhaps there is some system used . rotating victims to various trauma centers in the count). I hate to think that perhaps ambulance services arc operated b} the van ous hospitals an the an:a. thus l)ing business to these tn\lllUllons. an complete disregard ol the urgenn 10 re('c1ve prompt emerg­cnC\ ho~pital care. Is perchance the alm.1ght\ dollar more important than t•mergenn medical car"',

. HOW.\RDP .. HELTON < osta Mesa

f~[)JTOR"S OTE. t lnclt.•r gu1dc­ltnt's of the nrangc ( ·aunt) trauma car<' 5\ stem. c5tabfohc•d in 1980. prnplr. mffcring from C\"Crt'. NfC-­tlircatt'ntng injunes nrc transponcd tn the nearest trauma ct.•ntcr. To st.x·urc.· trauma center designauon. :1 hospital must htJ\le cmt·'¥cnc) t'Qu1p­nwn1 and a spcc'fall) rnuncd me'd1cal lt'iJnl. including a surgeon. <H ailable ~" hours a da) to handle such ca <' 1mmC'Clwtel_\ '\dvocarcs of rh1<. > s­l<'m sa' 11 is more 1mponanr to 1rans1xir1 8 rr.iuma '1ct1m to tJ \fX'WJll) equipped and HalTc.-d tr.iuma ccnwr rather than s1mpl_\ ro tht• ncarl'St hospital. /11 th<' Costa ,\ k~1 acc1dcnr. Founta111 \'a/le) < ommunll) Hosp11al '"'~the nc·a~st trauma ccnicr~HQISMcmonul Hos­/lllal 1!> not a de 1gnatccl t r.wma cent a .

Sentiment has no place b~re To 1hc Edi tor· Drucc J. Schneider ot Co!.l:l Mc\u .

in his lcncr of Nov. 6 "Si ron!\ aid to lsrat>I Justified ," tnm 0111 hnlhnntly with h1'i opening parnarnph uilkins about Prdtdcnt Re n ha\tn(I chnnacd the nnturc of the o.\mcncan­ls"3eli rclatl()nsh1p frol)'l one hn'i<.·d on sen ti men I to an open. nc kno" kdgt'd strategic :illlancc


Daily Pilat . .

Mr St' hnc1dcr's first paragraph t!> well 'itatcd and docs talk about the s1 ra1cg1t. a lhance. nfonunately he then m<)\ ed to fi ve pnmgraph' of d1~uss1on of I racl ba~d on scn11-mcoL

l lnfortunatc' JIM OE BOOM

l'Wp(lrt Beach

H. L. Schwart1 Ill ~Cl •

Frenk Zlnl ... <Jo >Q t I

Tom Tait ,..,.., 1111> MIT• ,_ • 1 )Jlj w .. 1 fl4oy I

ta~ A fta ortftf"...,,,•U' !\o• l~r•J

,.,r•·•"" '°'''"'- C• ·'~


Orange Coa1t DAIL v PILOT /Wedne.d y, Novembw 14, 1~ Ala ~~- 6--~~~;.;,...~~~--~~----..~~~

· ... I houldhavewonderedwhysomanycompanl offern;batesto employees who t?uy hof11e computers . ... They are the cootemporary ven;lon of Tom Sawyer. We workahollc w/11 whltewam every fence- Jn Jght. •• · ...

.Bu~glng deflCits ·Portend cllsaster

You deserve a pat on back fc;>r not stepping on snails The little qualities only you know of make you special ANN

WELLS Ha ve you ever Lhoughl aboul . giving yourself a pat on the back? On •••••••••••••• days when you' re down - way down. for no panicular reason and you need cars can run o\ter them. It <>eems more a li lt try 11• ri' 1l11cd that wa~ . · Everyone li ke'\ and need!> to be I always return m) shoppmg can to.

!>lrokcd All of us have quahtte!> that the de!>1gnated area in thl· market arc commendable and for which ..... e parking lot To unload m~ groren c!.

and g1-.c the can a pu~h so 11 .... ould !lhould receive credit. Thank about end up blocking the parking \pace of some of ~our good trails and pa) . of another shopper 1!> unthinkable. )Ourself a comphment. r ve never told this to .in} one before.

rm nol t.al.kJ 03"..about... hcrcua - ..ftun t 1 a fftot . pulling someone out of a burning car I am punctual. In m' ""hole or admin1stenng CPR to a hean hfet1me. I could count on one hand attack v1ct1 m. I'm talking about tho~ the number of times I have been late nrce. little th1ngsabou!..)'Ou that most for an appointment - e'en a dental people arc una ..... are or- the qualities appo1n1men1 I don't talk about 1h1' lhaI make }OU such an admirable f1tner. bul llic peopfe .... 11n .... 11om T fll'NOn ha-. e an appointment - the ones I'm

For C\amplc. I nc,crstepon snails. wa111n1 for- suspeo ll. I do not lake snails: not e'en when Y.-hen using m\ turn signal .,..h1le thl') arc i:alled escargots and scned dn .,, mg. I am caretut to turn it oIT. 1f11 with buttl·r and garlrc I espec1all) do doe'in' t go 01Tau1omat1call) . I do not not hkc them when the) invade mv dm e for miles 1ndtrating I am going rose garden. but still. I would not step to mO\ c int~> the nght Ian~ when on them. I pack them up carefully and that's not m) 1ntcn1wn I don t lrkc to. 1hro .... thl·m out 1n the street so the put other moton'1' in thl· po:.111on ol

,' L.M. Bovo l

mouthing obscenrt1es and making rude gestures when the} finall} get up enough courage 10 pass me

i.\nother thin' I lrke about me 1s m) pos111ve 1hin1C1ng. 1 am su~h a pos1tl\ e thmkcr I make Norman V1n,·ent Peale sound li ke Gloom) Gu'

rm a patient person. Not man) people know this. The people whose head!> I snar ofT occasionally would not ocheve am patient. but It ' s true.

I open all m) 1unk mail and read It before I throw it a .... ay: someone went 10 a lot of trouble and e'<pcnsc toge\ 11 pnn1ed and in.the mail.

I neH·r snatch a grape from the produce department or a htra) s from hotels. I ne" cr sneeze .,.. hale at chc ~ad-6ii'r.... --

The next II mt' )OU ha-.e a glum day . stop and tbmk about \.\h) )Ou are 'iuch an e'\1raord1ria') perwn and g1,e ~ourself a pat on the back. 0on·1 e\pt"Ct an) credit for these ntrt' thmg~ \OudO- remember. mo'it people are unaware ot them

That"• "'h' I h:i'e to be m} u .... n hoo\ter :-..o une ha'> C\er come up tu me Jnd said ·-r,e Jl"'a' s admired \Ou tx·cau'>c \Ou Ol'' er '>le-p on a snJ1I and OC\er \OCC/C \\hllc at the salad bar.··

Columnist Ann K't>I/ ' /Jv~s ia Lai una Niguel.

Cure may be worse than disease Heroin "'as dt'' eloped 10 1898 10

treat morphine add1ct1on. It "'as J U~l about then. too. the electric chair "'JS ragged up to thwart ma1or cnme. And rommun1~m ''as getting started as an allernatl\ l. 10 cap11altst1c 1m­J)Cnahsm Some h1!.!onans insist the

rurl' '' Jlmu'>t ah'a" mun• lnghtf4J than thl· malad) .\1 leac,1 for J\\htk

l hJI 1•..tlom1n11 h11r,l· \\ 11ulJn I Ix· 'o dc'l nhcd toda' had not C llrtt'"/ 1n 1514 g1H·n one c,ulh in \k,1n1 h • .i felhl\\ named Juan dl' PJlumino

"the main \trt'et in \m11h l-..11h'J' \ t"oul hai. no trOS\ .... ,111.~ ' OU \\JOI Ill Sl' I on thl' other <.1dl·' 'i nu go 111 .1 '>Uh'':!' cntr: :ind no\\ unJl•rgn1und

L . .\I. B oJd C'olumais t.

a s_, ndiC'11ted

Computer-holic keeps on working around the clock Hooked after mastering the computer. he now works at home and in the office

WASHI GTON - Back tn col­lege, science courses were d1 ' 1ded into ler turcs and labs. That was in:.truCtl\e an more wa)s than OOl' You learnl·d . if )OU did not alread~ know 11. 1ha1 \\hat looked good in theory often foiled dismal!) 1n the lab. This. b) another name. 1s called hfe

Now I have learned that lc'ison once again. Sevt'ral years ago. I thought 11 fit to otTer omt' wisdom on compu1 ~. There wa a toi; in T1meWcck. probabl) a coyer. sa}1ng that more and mort people were working at ho me on compute~. I decned th1!.. rue1ng the end of the offit'e rnmmunity~ the shmoo1e ~) tht' water cooler, the interchange with colleagues that produces. 1f not an­sp1mt1o n. then so much good gossip Crowded dues, after all. produce

· civih1auon. Loncl) farm produce ho~.

Nov. , though. I ha H' gon~ from the lcct\lrc 10 the lab. I hll'e bouaht n t•nmpu1cr - arl1BM-r C-witt\ all the rl'Qu1c,1tc doodads. It docs thin&\ be)Ond lnl &inni1on (at lca'lt that°\ whJt I'm told). althouah all I want to do1!>wnte. I lrtnd> usca computcr:H the offi l'c. Carr) porublc w11h me v. hen l 1ra\.d. l l&.anwi a.n.c.Al.hwni:: l.O wnte a boo - and n ()(.'('8<11on1~ column. ·

\t fir.u . I hlld lot~ ot trouhle- I am not whnt'4i call«! h.inJ\ In fi\t't I .tm the me au\. who. a~ an Arnn comb::it eng1nl-tr. built a model ol a Ooaun bnd e up nk down 11 I Ii.new wa<1 th.>t tht pans fi t toaethcr

nd II 1hr '4.'rllt'dnt knev. v.ac, th:u he had MH't 1tC.Cn an,) 1h1na quite hli.e 11. P1lli.\ rm:li., , I thou$)ll - anJ \Wnt


on ' "'1th m' " or!. Sn tor about t.,..o ....,el'k' thl'

computer"·'" hc,ond nll' I lw "1k'­man "1a1d 1n,1alla11on "'a" ··1dw1-rrool .. I prm cd him.,.. rong. I hookt·d up the pnntl'r the" wng "'a) . did "''t unlkr tand how 10 .. hoot" lhl' '' \ll'm and. in o;hnrt. could not m.ikl' thl' thing ""ork No" I l:ln I l·.1n l'\l' ll ma ke nn n1mputl·r •tjlk .. to thl· om· in tl'll' nlliH' fhl' n.·,ult " n111 4ulll ,,hat I l'\IX'lll'd 1 .... orl. JI h11nw Jll ngh1 I alc;o work 1n thl" otlk~ In Ian . I .... ork .111 tht· time

\ honH· lomrutcr" to \\Of ka holi1' v. hat a ho11lc ot ht101t• " In .1n alcoholic I rnn not 'ta\ 11wa' lnr 11 \ thought stnkc<1 me. I ~wnd to m~ 'itudy to ,tan hanging ;NJ\ on the old P(' Tht'n I ha\l' m' rnmputcr \t'nd \\hat r\ (' written lo lhl' lllmputer '" the Ollile J U\t to \hO\\ ~ 0 11 h11 .... hooked I am. I du 1t thl' 111hc1 '':I) too Before lea' anp. thl' otfa c I arrange thing' \O th.H "'hl'n 1 ~<'I home I ll.\n call Uf' ''n m\ home lOmputt•r wh11t l'H \\lllh' n dmt tJJ\ fhl'rt' " no end tn f)l'rll'l:ting ,, rolumn

I \hould ha\(' k n11\~n C1ranJ,on that I am ot l ,1u1' th1• \ 1)\t.lh'>t I 'lhould hilH' v.nnJCf\'ll '°'h' <,(1 maO\ omp.intc\ c>llcr rebate' to l"mploH'C'

who hu" hom<' (ompmc" fhc' ..... , the' J o th1~ \0 thl"tr .... orkt'r\ v.111 become romputcr Iner.lie - 'urt't I rnntra<lrl·tmn in tl'm'' I Jlll'f'tl·<l that ({1runll t~ thcr fori•'<' ml· I I \hould hJ\C kn<>" n th t nt' '''mJ'.ln' doc1 am th1n1 ou\ 111 thl· J1ll'Klnl""'- ot 1t\ hcan . The\ :ill ll.n11"' tha\ "''. \\orkahoh1; wtil toil for tlwm on 1•u1 nv.f'I t1tnt' The) Mc thl' 'ontcmf"IT3n 'et)tOn\ of Tom ''""' r \\ ,· \\urk-


.1holl('~ will .... h11c .... a'ih l'\ en lrn,"<' 1n \lgh1.

"'m' 1 work wmcth1ng l1k1• lfl hours a da' I hate w 1h1nk 11t "hJt I l'Clm on :in houri~ ha4'1\ I <;end , olumn back and tonh to thl•ollhc I ha'c the com puter 3t home c.111 thl' one tn the offitt to r m~'-.1~ Kt-tort' I go to sleep. I chc-l l lo \t't' 1f1h1.•r1.• ;m• an) messages on th<' c1,mputt'r 10 tht• ntfa:c. ometsme th1.'I'\.' art' - ui.ualh nnc '>ll\lng ~mronl' 1n tht' oni<I.' ha' lo'il J nng 1n tht bathroom l hert' an: things 1.ou ha~c to \.no" tx·f1lrt' ~ ou 1.·an go tu \kcri

\\ hl'O \Ornethrng f'>C' \\rnntr. \\-1th m' homt' rnmputcr coll J 1.11llcasuc I ah-.a)' knc'w whetl' ht··11 he - 31 hi 1omputl'r Thtn thl· l\\O ot u' "orl out thl' pruhktn to•l"thl"f " h1I~ •'ur ",, <'" 'leer

'-<I\\ t krw .... ho\!. .... ron~ l \\J' Tlll' 1. nmpute1 ha' not hhc;>ra1l'd nH' trom m' olfo:e It ha\ ll'lhl.'ltl1 nw 10 11 I m .l "llTlcr-dronl' a Ix'\' Ill I he hoOl' \ uimh ol m\ \•ln''' I'm 'lihemwd Ol"' to " llrk Jroun<l thc dnd. nJ ,\\ an . \ fadleth ·• the 1.,1mp11tc1 h;i\

'.an~ut!>hC'(hlC'\'fl I ('Oul:1 Ix' 'Ao1l1nJ l 1.,1uld "'"'•"" tx· "Orl.1ng

ht:\\3rt the home romputt'r '1.;e1thc1 hu' not rl'nl on,· En1m "'ur k1'iul"\' umc hut undl'N. nJ that \\htlc 'ou' rc- !Ol.lhng lll'l f".'t'flk likf me arc at ''Ur tcrnnn.al"t1rt11ns;.iht'a,1 T hl" hnurt' '' 11ur<. T hl' Pll'\4.'nl JU't h:tpf'('n\ 111 ~· muhh-1

RJt"Mrd ohtn 1~ • '•ndlra14'fl t'Olum11I 1.

WA HINGTON - Another ~­cchion 1s coming, · aod " Re· aganom1cs" won' t stop it, according 10 some of the adm1nistration~s own eronomish. They predict privately that a downtu.m oou.ld come as cat:lY a!> ne'<t summer.

What will be the cause? Tbt economists fear that the huae ann\l&l deficits and the bloated national debt ""'II bnng the economic recovery to a halt.

" The full impact of the S 180 bimon to $200 b11l1on deficits probably will not be felt until the beginning of 1985:· predicts one tntemal govt;m­menr analvSls seen by my assoctalt Michael Brnstem. ·•At that time a ~hort rtX·ess1on may begin. but it is not e:\pccted to change the gcnerall} op11m1suc fi ve-)ear outlook.

.. Other event~. which now seem less hkeh to occur bu\ remain a concern. include shocks to the 011 markeL a worseruni... of the inter­nauonal debt problem. or a maJor change an the rntemaLJonaJ value of the dollar ··

o me economists bchevc lt's already too late to avert a~ 1985 rece~s1on . They describe the coonom) as bei ng between a rock aod a hard place Here's how they cxplaio the problem:

It the government doesn' t take bold ac11on to shrink the budget, a re­cession wall <:ert.amly occur. But 1f government spending is cut or uues are ra1~enough to bnng the budgrt do"' n to earth, this could cause such a 'Stloct ro-ntreconomy-ttrlJllt:l°CRr. would tn~cr a recession.

One thing 1s becoming clearer e\C') da} · President Reagan's cam­paign assuranc~ that econom1t. gro\\lh. .a.lo.oc WJ.lL cure r he deficu problem "mpl~ are no1 supported b~ the 'C'' 1dcnCl' -

.. It ,...3~ ra11onahzcd:· state" ..tnother adm1n1strat1on report, .. that the econom1l gro""th resulting from the ta\ anJ '>pt>nd1ng decisions ""ould lead to h1gha inwmes. ""hich in turn would h<x>'-1 ta' receipts suffic1entl) to wiix· out . most of the deficits. It Ix-came l.'' 1dcnt. ho .... ever. that the re,ult' "'cfl' not qu11e turning out that "'lS } ••

\_\.hat 1~ the soluuon'? Walter Mon­dJlc ""anted to ra1SC' taxes to reduce tht.· delk11 His call for higher taxes lnntnbuted to his crushing defeat at the' polt.. The message from the 'ota' .... a' loud and clear enough to ,h,lourage congressmen from voting lor a ta" 1 nnea!\e ne·o \ear

C ungrl.' S:> has a d1spos111on to rl.'llard t.t\Jllon a'i the solution for all ti'\lal 111\ and the \Ole.'~ had e-.cn reason to n-gister therr disapproval O' a thl' pa,1 15 ~ca~. median famtl } 1momc ha' 1nln~ased ~ 6 times. but the t.l \e\ 11n that income ha\e Shot Up :rn sm-redrtlk ~4b 4 times Clearl~ . tlw cau-.c ot thl· l.'alam1tous public dC'hl ha' not hl'l' n lllO lt1tk ta\at1on hut Ill\' muth <,pending

Pre.,1Jen1 Rt'ag<in. ml·an .... h1lc l u1 13'\C\ .... 1thou1 Jn\ '>1gn1ficant rl'l.lu, 1100 an six·nd1ng He has hlamrJ ( on~n·ss tor re_1('cttng his spcnd111~ 1·u1 .. Hl· has nc' er l:hanged the '1e" he brouih.t \O the Wh1tr Hou'il' fou1 'l'ar' J~O that tht' federal gen qn­men1 t'i too large 100 cumhcr;om(' and too\\ a<.tcful

In 1 he language 01 an an tern.i i \~ h 111 I lou'iC memo. tht' prl'\ldl'nt " d1 termtn('d to take .. ninl'rCtl' 'll' fl' I•• bnntt runa"a' dl.'li1 "' unJl•r \''" 1ro1 ·• Hl· tx-he,e<. ··~Hh lhl' tunll"''' and the .,pending 111 tht• ll'Jl·1.1 go-.\'rnmcnt must tx l·urllcd ··

.\ pre..ilkn11ah''(Hl'lm1\\IOn hcaJ1.·J h\ lhl' indl•fa1tgabk Pcti.:r <.1ra C'l' h.1, unco' l' rt d ,·nough "astc !ind ma lad m1n1,tr.1t11111 an thl· t<.-tkral arip.1r.lhl' to" 1ix· 1111t thc dcfo:11 anJ halanu· thl' bud~l H1. b.i lurmed l 111un~ \ g.a1m 1 \\ ,l\ll' v.1th m\\C'll a' ,.,.

1h.iarman 111 oppose the horrl·nd11u, m 1\\f"'nd1n~ \ll tht' ta \f13' l'f' mnnn

Our h.rnd lll cru'-ldt•" .m: un .._,1.111l•d .ind nonpart1"1n "11h 111•

,11w·, ~ t'' to ttnnd " e do not ta li.t' .1 'land form .tttatn<.t an' gm l·mmt•nt pro~ram "l' a1 t• llflflO"l'd onl\ h' .... a,1clul .and 1netli1. 1en1 ..tJm1n" 11 a11nn

R..•h1nd almmt l' ' l'I"\ 11wllin t•n1' nt l\'Ur'i<' theft' " .1 1 ' ' ' l' \ 111 burtau1.1-:ll\ v.ho l•ll n Im m 1t' u11 tmuatl\t'

\1ean"h1k 4u4't thl" intt'rc"t alonl 11n tht' national dcht ha' hccomc thl I, 'tl"~t ~ro" 1np dcmcnt in 1ht' federal hu1.l~rt - @.fO\\ 1n8 fa\tcr t' en than \tl'\ll\ ,trx' ~nd P<.'nl~.'-1n c\pcn· J1turc' Htl"\C.' lo.in d'I rpc<. hl\t' alH· d' n:.l,hl'd ~ 111 billion a ~u1 :111,t '4111 C\1.:CC'd S214 brllton a >Cat b' '" 1.1 - unit''' tht• lcJcral gO\cm mcnf, 'f>tndtr'I h-'hm •re, han d

f1lt1tn<,tc 'i ou ~·an lt'in Cu11cn" \g.;a1n't \\ •'h: b' •~ kphon1n, 1- 00· l \\ rn Hl or ti\ v.nt1n r o eo, I 1o 1 lkn 1 nankhn \\at1tin \\ a\h1na· 111n. n < ~n044

J•rli .t.odttn.oa l.s • sr•Hald ro/umn111

. - )

.. 1 • l ; • !I

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....__ ......... _.

Low Tar 20 CLA ss A

Filte r


Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined Ttiat Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health


- ---- --- -~-~ .... ... --

8 mri r ,1r 0 fi mg n1co11nP. rlv pP.r c1gar~11e by f IC mfil.!lod


.. 0 l'll111t1 Monk hw ...

_"--' _______ t T



., Piii WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB~R 14. 19&t

89CCMCI b91•m•n · .., ........... .. Mlllld MVP --~[...,~~~---.I:

In NL 82.

Rockyroa for ·uni?

""'"'-~~--- ----Trojans have the-toughest teSf-of Sea View teams By ROGER CARLSON OflMO.-, ........

Sea View lea&~e co-champions Newpon Harbor and Saddleback arc expected to breeze into the Clf Central Conference 9uanerfinals with routine victories Fnday ni&ht -but for Uruvers1ty Hi&h•s Trojans. an uphill battle is anticipated wnh a duel against the conference·s No. I seed, unbeaten Valencia.

49-7 verdicts, too. If noth1n1else. the Sailors may flftd

out just how they stack up apinst No. I (La Mirada), which turned Bcllnower back.. 35--0. three weeks ago .

Should Harbor get past Bellflower, the Sailors would be pitted apinst either Sunny Hills (9-1) or Western (8-2).

Saddlcbaclc, meanwhile. has had to stan from scratch in its preparation for Friday's opening round game. Coach Jerry Witte was in(ormed Tuesday that Artesia wtll not be the Roadrunners' foe Fnday because of an ineligible pla)'er. The Road­runners wtll instead host Norwalk.

.. The)'. use their quanert.ckJ a httle d1ffermtly than we do," tays-OT---t Newport Harbor Coach Mike GMl­dings.

---"' . Oallf fltlo4 pflotoe bf ~d K..Nw

Jrrine JUah' • Shawn Shafer (left) atopa a ttempt by Kerry Houae of flfotre Dame. while Elaina Oden aplke• ball .

If Saddleback gets by Norwalk 11 will t.alceon Fullerton (9-l)orGarden Grove (2-7-1) in the second round.

for University, thcre·s no lookm& ahead to the quancrfinals, the show­down for the Trojans 1s Fnda)' night.

Herc's a look at each:

Bellnower ( 4-C) at Newport Harbor (8·0-t): Bellflower's Buc­caneers arc either in the ume and doing well. or losing badly. '

The Bucs have had their moments. such as two straight .wins to earn a shot in the playoffs. but have been on the losings1deof35-0, 3S-9, 43- 13 and

, irvine-;-Cd-M-a:dvarrce t-0 semifinal~ w11h the next three points.


"'Their defense is siJm1Jar to oun. We played Norwalk before in th11 lca~uc (Harbor won. 55-6. io 1982) • before. but they didn't have any sac. These cuys do. they look like U niver­stty clscr to anybody we've played. And the personnel is comparable."

An opuon team, Norwalk fatures guards in the 211-233 pound ranee and the runnin& backs are blg. too.

Ualvi rsrty TS·SJ vs. lletlda ( 11 .... ) at Brea-OU.Ma.: Univcnaty Coach Rick Curtis 1s obviously a~ his team is up against the only team in Orange County with a perfect mark. but he does see ways where his .500 · crew can make inroads.

"They could be ve~blc to Newpon Harbor," says Curtis.

(Pleue .ee PLATOf"FS{ll2)

Rams re-slgn oungblood


But Mira Costa sweeps Laguna Beach in quartenTDal roun p ayos

tandouts for Edison included 'ierttor ~Her-Enn Tomblin with ~ assist~ and 12 digs and senior_ outside hitter Laura Engdahl who had a fine passing game along with seven kills and 10 digs.

was a·forcc at the net. as were senior outside hitters Dayna Esko and


bench and recently elevated from the Junior varsity. Chnsty L1n<kn sup­plied live scrvtng poinfiln"Dotnille third and fourth p mcs n an added Spark.

The Rams. wbo lost liftebackcr Gcol)t Andrews to a knee mjury last Sunday. have re~gned vet­enn Jim Youll.Jblood. the Na­uontf Footbat ~.....,.,...;;· _,,.......,~-1-.,,----i

Area girls high school volleyball squads went 3-Tor-4 Tuesday ni~t wllh both Edison and Irvine secunng quanerfinat triumphs m 4-A com­petition and Corona del Mar advanc­ing to the semifinals in 5-A. .

Only Laguna Beac h was eliminated, as the Artists ran into a buzzsaw in losing three straight games at Mira Costa.

Here's how it went: Edison 3, Arca~ia 1: The Chargers

advanced by handing Arcadia its fi rst

loss of the season with a 15-1 I , I I -15. 15-10. 15-9 road verdict.

Edison moved out to a 6-0 lead in the first game, then held on. The second game was a mirror image of the first as Arcadia jumped in front

.f-t before withstanding an Edison rally for the victory.

But in the final u.vo games the Chargers were in control throughout. In the final game, Edison led 12-5 before Arcadia moved to w1than 12-9. But the Chargers closed out the match

Anteaters itching to play a game And they' ll get their chance Thursday night

ByCURTSEEDEN Of IM Dellr f'llot lteft

The Universi ty of Toronto as UC Irvine's first basketball opponent Thursday. but as far as the Anteater players are concerned. they' ll play Uni versity High today. •

After weeks of tediously pract1c1ng together. the UCI players arc ready for a real game, and they'll finally get their chance Thursday night at 7:30 agarnst Toronto at Crawford l:fall..

"We've just rcachep the point whert wt need to play somebody -anybody." says UCI Coach Bill Mullipn. " If we weren't having this

_ game, I think they'd probably rebel." ·This 1s not the first ttmc the

Antea1crs have hosted a forc1an oppositton for their season opener. Last year, UCI opened the season with the Australian National Team and the Au ies provided a much stiffer test than Mulhaan expects Thursday night.

"We manqed to beat them (Aus­tralia) by three points and we had to work our butts ofT to do that." Mulliaan says. ·

Stanford. and Bryan Williams out of St. Bernard High among others.

Mulligan's only real concern as the ev.ailab1ltty of Scott who hasn't practiced for two weeks because of a severe groin injury. Scott was to practice fo r the first time since the &nJUry on Tuesday.

" If he's able to go full blast. we will stan Rodney. If not. we'll move (Jerome) Lee to point guard and (Troy) Carmon to ofT guard." says Mulligan:-

Rogers. Englestad and 6-9•;, Tod Murphy round out the starting lineup for Thursda) 's game.

Mulligan says he will use all 12 of his players against Toronto but the first eight will sec a little more action. The UCI coach says freshman Bons Kfog out of Palm pn ngs ff igh has "been shooti ng the lights out'' the last three days.

Mulligan doesn' t know too much about Toronto. so he is d1spatchtng his son (and assistant coach) Bnan to the ports Arena tonight to see the Canadian team play USC.

UCI is the second team on Tor­onto's swing throu&h Southern ah· fomia. Toronto will play San Diego State Fnday t?iaht and UC Santa Barbara Satu~y.


Irvlne 3, Notre Dame Academy 0: The Vaqueros moved within one step of the championship match w11h a decisive 15-1, I 5- 7. 15-4 win over v1si tln~ NotrF.Uame. -- ~

Irvine. top-seeded and unbeaten in 19 matches 1h1s ~eason. proved to have 100 many weapons for the v1s11ors.

Senior middle blocker Elaina Oden

Jn the 5~ bracket.: Corona del Mar 3, St . Josepb I: At

Pius X High in Downey, the Sea Kings overcome a dry spell and prevailed over St. Joseph. 15-6. 1-15. 15- 13. 17- 15 to move into a semifinal round match against top-seeded anta Monaca.

~ The contest has be('n tentali'vely slated for Thursda) mght. 7:30. at Laguna Beach High.

The outside hitting of Brooke Herrington and Andrea Redick proved de<.·1.,1 ve. as well as the blocktng of Cnsty Mo1so. Off the

Mira Costa 3, Lagana B~dl t: Artist Coach 8111 Ashen was duly impressed with the Bay League runner-up Mustangs after has squad absorbed a season-ending_ 15-3, 15-&.

15=3 setback. -''That's the best defense I've seen

all year:· said Ashen about Mira Costa. "They dug everything. We JUSt couldn't find the floor with our shots. Everything we tncd. their defense was read}' for us ...

nounced Tuesday. The 6-3. 231-pound Young­

blood, 'Who spent I I seasons with the Rams bciorc being waived at the end of the 1983 season. was named the club·s moSt valuable pla)t-er an -1978. Youngblood. 34. was .<!_~cond-ro_und c1rafi_piclc-by

Tus Angeles out of Tennessee Tech in 1973.

To make room on the roster. the Rams placed strong safety Nolan Cromwell on the injured reserve hst.

Dickerson will break them all.

Bllt Mulligan

UC Irvlu roster Poi . Player Ht. G-Bryan William! 5-10 G-.lcrome Lee 6-1 G-iodney Scott 6-8 F-Tbm Tolben 6-8 F-Anthony Burgess 6-5 G-Boris Kin& 6-l F-Wayne Englestad 6-8 C-Johnny Rogers 6-10 F-Troy Carmon 6-6 F-Dcxter Ma'cc 6-7 C-R1ck Ciaccio 6-10 F-Tod Murphy 6-91/ :

Robinson says Rams star will surpass Payton

Nohod) came an on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and ac;ked me.but

• Rams Coach John Robinson !.llYS whatever records Chicago·~ Walter · Pa> ton '>Ch Enc Dickerson" 111 brl·ak them . .. health permt111ng. ofcoursc.-.

• Former NFI pla)ernnd berr commercial star Bubba math snad. " lfanatomicbombcvcrbit.s. the two cenain things toe~cape wall be AstroTurf and Don hula" and M1am1 Dolphins Coach hula wa'i not amused . . One reason might be

hula'sd1luted sc~se ofhumor. • Before every b:isdxsll and foot­

oall game at the ~ngdome tn Seattle. the following announcement ~heard

Yr. on the P \ system. "anyone expecting Fr. an emcrgcnc) call please rcgmer with

r the operator" Fr. • ronner Rams star Tom Macl Fr s:H s he plaJt-edrn 12pla~o0'iwtthout Fr. re:ichang the Super Bo""I and claim-; 1t Fr. ~asa record. Fr • Dunnathcrt'<'Cnt Larry Holmc'i-Jr. James m1th hcavy""e1&}lt match on r. HBO. the announcer; made a couple

Fr. ofment1onsofthclatcRock M.1r­Jr. c1ano .. Thc) should havr~1d Jr. Mama no \\ OU Id hn\t' hand It'd



Holmes and Smtth on the same n1gh1 • Ofcoursc the USC-UCLA game

has meaning ... To the ~tudcnt hod1e\ and ticket departments

• Whatcvcrhappcncd to 1hcam­b111ous halft1mcsho"sa1 the Ra m'> games"

•Som~ of Howard ( osclrs mo'>t ardcntcnucs no..., ...,ant him bacl on Monday 1ght Football . but not all of us.

• A fantas} football camp probabh " ouldn't "Ori..

• The new football m1chtne\\h1 h passes .. punts. snap and licks field goals should be re' ea led to Buffalo Bills Coach Ka} tephenson he might order 11 of them

• Washmgton oa h Don Jam · problem 1squ1teohv1ous he can't win lhchttleones.

• for the Bag l en Rose Bo" I rcpn-St"ntatl\.C. the loot ball faM want Ohio late. thr travel agrnt'i want Iowa and the J)3radr committee

""'ants the school with~ biggest budget for a Ooat.

• Enc Dickerson lS almost as good a football pla)'eras Wayne Grctslcy is a hockev player.

• NFlgamestodayaveragc 15 minutes more in length than they did IO yearsago but we arc aJI IO)'cars older and ha"e more patience.

• Are }'Ou ure ··win nm· ugJ) ·· didn't ong1nate with the Los Angeles Raiders.,

• The argument of en\.1romcn· taltc;ts that off-road racing disturbs the birds is for the birds.

• Do you suppose tennis tour­nament offioals wouldput up wuh McEnroc-t) pc tcmpcrtantrums from I 2th-seeded lctoy Plotnik?

• The free agent rc-cntcy dmf\ 1s another example ofhow baseball gets t'l.po'>ure dunnglheoff sc:.uon . clubs could 1mpl) send ma hst of the tree agents they ",sh to talk to

• Otp1 ofwretchcddr.1g~>uts A rcalrstatrcscro" . a OMV ltoeandan "'-j8A season

• Ramsw1de l"C'CCl\.Cr Ron Brown on Enc Dickerson· "It's mo~ fun to "'atch him than blocl for him."

• Quotr from N~ Orleans Coach Bum Ph111tps·- .\tot of~pfc ha" e 1umed or m<'.. Pan1cularl> tC4lms on thr Jml\· hedulc.

- • One rc.ac;on the Brttdcrs' Cup tdecast wa a ratings 0op IS th~t tO the a"era,.e spons fan, au horses lool ah kc

That's not to say Thursday niaht's pmc wall be a piece of cake. Toronto 1s coached by Brian Heaney. a U .. -bred coach. and boa ts two rctumina forwards who were the top scorers in the team a year a&O.

( '

Sea Ki~gs sun:i2e scare; Newport Hai:bor enjoys rout Toronto 1s led by 6-8 Roger

Rollock.s who averqcd 22 point per pmc last 1eason. and Ranald Davidson. a 6-6 nar wbo scored at a 20-poant clip a year aao.

UCt 11 comint ufri l 9· I 0 IUSOn but 11 m111101 three of la t )tar's starters. But the absence or Bob 'thomton, Ben Md)onald ind Oeo!JC Turner 1\n' t conccmina Mulh .. n too much.

H11 recn.1111 in lude the t.alcntcd Wayne En&Jestad and Rodney. u out oCSt. Jolyi Botco H1ah. Johnny Roe,crs. who tr1n ferrt-d tn lJCI from

Corona dcl Mar and Newport Harbor h1&hs. the top two seed~ 1n the CIF 4·A water p<»o playof'f: . con­t1nocd their colhs1on COUl'IC 1n the quancrfinal round Tu~ay. with the Sea Kinas narrowly avcrt1nt Manna's U!*l btd and the ti cn.1,h1na Fulkrton

CdM next wtll host third-seeded Foothill, the Century uaaue cham­pion, while Newport tangle'\ with Lona Beach Wilson Thursday at a 11e to be dctcm11ncd.

Here' how 1t wen&

Ce'"' ffl Mar 7, Martu I : 1 he

V1k1nas pvc C'dM all it couJd handle before JcfT Ocdini orcd his onl) 1oal of the pmc wtth 42 ood lcn to 11vc the Su Kinas the vtctory

Manna ralltcd (rom a pair oft"'°" aoal defiC'1t (4-2 and 6-4) to forge thf' tte tevc panovKh n ttcd • I with SI lefl to ma.kc u 6- and tt Larsen deadlocked the pme with J·OI ttm1tn1na.

rhc low score between a P41r of normal!)' h1ah- nna team resulted from ttant d"cfente from both \1dn.

" lt wa a areat dcfcnm'c pmc:· rd Manna oach•Dlt\IC Ptd. oro,

-.ho tt'am' n ended t ~ ......

the oot rt'C'Ord tn V1kin& water polo h1J!OI')

Oc-d1n1 and Minna's Tom W~dc "ere held to JU\t one 1oal 1p1ett and mo'it of 1hr Ctt"d1t for that ame from the t""o pla)'cl"§ tht'm~he-s

" ~ut 90 pcr~ent ot tht ttmc, lhc:) CO\~rt'd c~ 01ha," \ltd Pick ord .. But Oc"(hna's 1 I 1t the end .... 1 srcat pl•> He 1COttd on a \~Itch pla)' 1n'>olv1na about four pla c~. and ""c \\.'ttt 1bout onc p;w, tit-hand in CU\enna up "

i\ficr a k'Orclc\ fi"t pcnod (or· na d t b r JUmpcd to '4·.! t\ liltmc:

1cad. h\11 the V1k1n~\ pullrd c"en "'-Ith

thc fil"it two goal of the third pcnod Then CdM t.alhcd at the end of the third quarter for a 5-4 lead and padded It w1th anoihcr a I ~ri> tn the founh QUJncr htfott the tate drama ti

CdM Gal'\ Tl "' ltd au Of'C1' ~,th three wtuk Otdina. Jt1l Tom Im.

teve h~crand Jason Llkm\ hnd one ap1«"t for thr ~. t...1n .

pano"1ch and Latscn had '""o c h for Manna •

In anal C1an \'1\t, unt' t \lt..>pl'>t'J c11ht 'ihOt\ f<"r ( dM v.Mt ~fa.c Armstron h J sc\C'n Y\C'\ tor ~anna.

" It'' hard 10 lo't'. but ~·re \Cf)' plea~ with the season:· wd Pie -forJ "About three>~~ qo. ~,,. re art l\era c team. but I don' t think thal'i the casc an) more ··

twpitf1 Rarti.r • • • hnen. '1: CamCTOn Tt\omp&On had (i\C aOil to l')ltt tbt lors \0 the lops1dcd WIO over Fn:ewa)' lcque n.innet·UP Full-M on •

T rcHtr Bt'ncdict added thrtt pl to the cau~. 1 the itao. mo\cd '° ll· 1 O\Cf'lll and ttlC~ the ICJDI• fin. I, 1n defense of th ar C l F tltle.




Cubs' Sandberg tabbed bY writers for MVP honor fr9m AP dispatc~

-..: W OR"' - ond bast"l'lUI" Ill R>~ Sandtx-fJ,. v.ho lc:d the Chic uti 10 their ti,..t chlmp1onsbJp 1n 39 )ear\ v.a named 1t1e Most Valuable Pla)cr 10 the 1&11onal League Tuesda> gaimng !2 of 1be :?4 ti f"'\~·pla~ 'ot~ Cll\I b\ the Baseball Wnters A~~1at100 of Amem:a

~andtx-rg. -. ho al"° had av.u ~·ond-pLicc 'otC'\ totaled 326 points 1n th<' ballou n&. cas1h outdistancing fim baseman KcJlh Hernandez of th<" cv. \ ork Mets

-.ho rin1ihed v.1th 19S Ban ing drnm pwn l OO\ C i v.~ nn of thl'

n 01rgo Padrti. v.as third v.11h 184 point~. Hl'rnande1 and Gv.> nn each had ont' fil'\l·placc \Ole

'i.lnd~rg and the rn1 ol the < u~ \\C'rc on a cru1\C oil 1hl' Ml',te..tn COO'>t v. twn thl' J\.\ard "'3'> announced

.. It\ ra1n1ng ··•11d ~andlx·rg " I h:lt like I "'a'> in c h1l;i~u I

S&Adberc lame in out uf thl shov.cr .md found out··

l k '><lid hl' "'ould JOIO hi'> tl.'ammatn 1n a u·kbrat1on aboard '>hip

' It ' a great 11.'l'hng there ., no doubt clbout that \andbcr~ ~1d ··~hen I heard about 11 I got a rl'al b111 thnll II ~one: of the b1a momenu. ul m' 1.:areer so far ··

( ub'!I Manager Jim Frc~ "'a-.n"t \urpmed h~ thl· announ1.·cmcnt.

Quote of the day Larry ttifn..._ boxer, after earning $1 mllllon

With • victory~ Sml\,h: " I don' t care What anyone says, the money 11 what matter& Jn this butlneM.'' .

Breakers move to Portland

Football ( omm1.,~1oner Che1 Simmon!> 4 t PO RT LAN D Ore - UnitcJ \wtc'> [il

1-0rmall> announced T ur'>da} that the Ne" II Orltans Breakers franch 1~ would move to Pon land.

\1 m mons appeared at a ne"'' rnn lerente "'llh Breakl'r'> u1.1;ner Joe ( an1zaro. Oregon< •0' \ 1c Att\l'h and 'lt'vcral offi cials of the team <1nd 1hc Cll)

~1mmon!> said the announcement marked an ex1raord1nanl} importan t dl!Yfor the league and lit\

He 1..alled Portland a temfic major league ~pom market and said the move open!> the enun.· Paufit• ~onhv.est to the L:~FL

( anizaro said the support shown since ht'> arnval here la'>I week 1s what conv inced him to make the mo'e

He alro said Mayor Elect Bud C lark had pledged to work lo"'ard a domed stadium to eventual!~ houw the team

( anw1ro ..aid the league: believe-. the c'1sung ( I\ 1t Stadium with a capacll~ of 32.500 seats 1s suffit 1t'nt for shon -term u~.


! fltoncrlcl

Rockets capture eighth In row l...cwl• Uoyd \C"Ort'd :?0 pouu and m

rool 1e t'Cntcr A.teem Olaju•oe added 19 to kad Hou\1oe1n past (le,dand . 106-98. for thl' Rod.ch · t'lghth \tra1gh1 Nauonal Ba~kl:'tball A'>wc1at1011 "''" Tuesd.a) night. Al~ 1n., doubk liiures for thc R<~: l..t"ts "ere R.alpb amp1oa -"' 11h 17 and John LutH and Rober• Reid "' 1th 16 aplC\'t

In other NB.\ pmes Tuesda~ . M 1l"'auk~ guard Sidney Moncrief hu nine tree throv. s tn the fourth quancr to cam the Burks past .\tlanui: 110-99. The Bul·k'> 011 th.c s't,rc.-ngth of an 14-V streak 1n .the second quum·r. led most oflhc game. Bu• the Ha"' ks out!>Cored "'11l"'aul..ee. 16-6. dunng one stretch tn tht' third and \.\t:nt ahead 157-86 earl ~ m the final ~nod . Gus· WllHam~ '>Cored 21 point!>. incl uding the la!>t ti' e of an 11.-0 W ..t'>htngton run 1n the fo urth quarter and the Bullet\ "'l'nt on to beat '\e~ York. I 03-91 . Rookie Michael Jordu daulcd Sa!l Antonio w1 1h a 45·po1n1 barragl' including 16 point'> 1n the fi nal quaner. to lift ( h 1eago to a 120-1 17 ' ll lQI) over tht' ~pun. It was on I) the ~:cund \.\1n for lhe Bull'> over San Antonio tn the pa'lt 15 rnntew. pla)t'd ~t~een the- t\.\ O dubs . A.lex Eogllsb, the league·, ll'ad1ng scorer. scored 18 of has 38 noinl'> 1n the fi nal quancr to lead Dcn,er to a 122-110 '1t1or\ O\er Phocnl\ It "'a!> the fou rth' 1ctol" an a ro~ tor the '\uggl'tS. no"' 1.2 The o utmanncd s·uns. V.llh uni~ 111 health~ pla~er.. drop(X'd to 6-3. but still lead the Pal 1 li t D1' ts1on Tom Cb.ambers and Ricky Sobers tombtnl'd for 11 point!> dunng a fi ve-minute \ lretch in thl' fou rth qua rtt'r'a'> ~all le !.napped a four-gaml' losing \lrl'ak .... 11h a I 0~-102 victory_ over Golden Stall' ... Dale Ellis -.rnrl'd 12 ofh1'> 18 points to lead a fourth-q uaner Dalla Hall) a' 1hc '-1avcn cks do"'ncd Portland. I 0 1-94. fhi: '1J'l'mk!>. "'ho trailed b> 17 points after the fir\! ix: nod out!><.orcd the Trail Blazers. 60-38. 1n lhc ~cond hall to p1d• up their '>IX th ' 1ctory an 11 outings and on l) their \e<.Ond tnumph c'>crovcrthe Blazers 1n Portland

Moses pondering '88 Games I>\\ r 01'. Ohio - Two-ume 0 1} m· m

p1l l!(old medalist Ed"' 1n Moses. unbeaten m h" la'>I 109 rnl.e\ 1n the 400-meter hurdle-; ~,-~ he"" loolnng furwa rd to par11up..111ng tn lhl' 1988 Ol}mpll'I but I'> talrng tl onl' 'cat JI a 11mc

I lw ~9-\ear-<1IJ Da,ton natl\c told• a new., l•JnlCrt•nn· T ue'>d,a) hl' kel\ he can coml)l' te tor threl' tO four m11rl' \Car\.

for now '10\C\ v.ho\ tra\cll'd l'XteO\l\el\ \lnll thl ~umml'r Ol)mS1t'I \a}'> he-.. ··1ouk1ng fo~:ird w thl' I YX ~ -.t"a\on an J 'alatmn ·

'-1o'>l:s "' " " gold medal.. tn the 4110-mctcr hurdll'\ 1n the 1976 and 1984 Ol)mp1c!..

Vikings• drug teata illegal? \il l\"IL~POI I - t o ch IA: [il

~t~kcl uf the \1 1nn~1 V1l1nas ma) be •II• '101Jt1na the "'Jat1onal f ootball l t"a&ul''\ lOllC'\.11\C OOrg&1n10@ 11Jrl'Cment b) Ordcr-1n1 surprise uri ne lhe<.k\ to dct(."<'t "'hl' thcr h1\ pl11)cn. u~ cJrua\. pl:l)C'l union offi cials s.11\ .

" I think he 1'i trcadin& a thin line,· ~uJ V1k 1n~· t11ht end tc \ e Jordan. the iitam's pl.a)cr reprcS<nta-11\c. " I d1Jn' t e'en ha\t to read the contract I knc\\ 1f the} "erca~kcd to takea drugt(''il, lhc) did n' t ha'e to·•

0 1ci.. BcnhclS(n. • la")er for 1he NFL Pla)c~ <\~W<:1a11on . \aid ... A ~am can·l do 11 <order spo~ un ne ICSl'i) ••

"IFl P~ Pr<'s1dl"nt c, cnl' l lp)ha" \Did he ha'i ~Cl\l'd tJll' from pla~t'1" rcpr~ntat1,es 1n other c1t1es "The\ \aid, ' \\ hat 's going on 1n Minnt"W1a·1• ••

~led.cl\ unne testing was rc, cakd Oct 26 b) dckns1,e end Rund) HolJoway, who hatl JU~J been l" UI h> ~ted'cl Hollo"a) now with the St. Loui ~ C ardinal\, undcrv.c:n1 1.: hem1cal dependenc) treatment 1n I 9g! and h.i1d the \.. 1 k1n~ "'t'rc tcs11ng for drua U!IC

H~ that IJ~t· Jordan said one or l\\O pla)el"\ had come to ham after rcu:1\ 1ng \ lips of pa~r 1n thl'1r locler~ ask in~ thl·m 10 undergo unnt· tt>St'i .

Howe has elbow problem l O\ \ "'GEL[ \ - Lo<. .\ngeles a

Dodger-,· rcllc\er ~lf\l' Ho'-'e, \\ho -re-1Urnl-d home from thl' Dominican Rc-pubht rcwntl) to ha.,,I'.' his ailing throwing arm c~amincd . \\Ill ha'e has left elbow 1n a ~phnt for a t ka\I anotht·r v.ec l.. lhe Na1ional League club an· noumcd l unc1a'

Ho"'l returned to Los Ange le~ 1a .. 1 f nda} fo haH' his elbo"' cAamincd. The problem ha' bccn dtagno!>ed as a svblu \lng (ponp1 ng out of place) o f the ulnar ncr"' an the clbu-w.

Ho"'c. "'ho had bl·1.·n one of the majors' top rcl1cl pitcher~. \JI out the I 9ll4 -.cason after Bo"' 1e Kuhn. then the baseball comm1~1oncr. suspended him for rel'Ur· rent problems "'1 th dru~.

Minnesota, Caps skate to tie Neal Broten assisted un each Minne-

sota goal as the North 51arscamed a 3-3 tie ~ .... 11h V. a\h1ngton 1n Natio nal Hocke~ League pla) 1 ucscia} night. After Craig Hartsburg aod Bobby Carpenter traded second-penod goals fot a 3-2 Cap11als' lead. Broten \ katcd pa~t 1hc \\ ashangto n defense to feed Tom McCartby fora po-wcr­pla) goi.IJ a t 7:25 oflhe third penod In other NHL aruon T uc!>da). Paul Reinhart ~orcd ""h onl) I~ ~·c·ond!> left in overtime to gi 'e Calgar: a 5.4 '11..101") o'er IX1ro1t. Reinhart skated m to the slot and knod\·d 1n the robound of a shot by J im P eplinski 'W1th Detroit gocrlre Oreg S\mn flat on 1ht' ~. The wm clrmaxed a re'lurgc-nn· b} thi: Flames "ho needed a goal b) Carey Wll on at 17 <XI of thl.' th ird period to force u' ert1me

Televialon, radio TELEVlllON

No events scheduled. RADIC>

6 p .m. - PAO HOCKEY: Kings al Toronto, KWVE ( 108 FM). '"



GWC poloists gaiii top seed Rustlers (21 -0) open tourney against Ventura on Friday By URTSEEDEN 1>4N0e11J .... •t4111 "

( 1olden W<,'St Collc:gc, 21.0 and winner of the ou1h1:rn (ahfom1a commumty collc~ water polo

chomp1on~lup four of the p:ist fa ycnrs,,1s the No. 1 stCd in 1h1' ~t..'tkcnd') So< al 'f ournamcnt at Cypress Collqe.

c oach Tom Hcrmstad's Rustlers. who ~lured the South Coa\I Conference champ1oni.h1p With a l~ mark, will meet Ventura 1- nduy n1 I p.m an the e1aht· tcam tourna ment. . .

Other lir\ t·round games hnd No. 2 Santa Ana (21 -3) ngaan\t No 7 C1ltus ( 15-13) at 10 a.m.: No. 3 LOna Bcarh c10..4l, ~ "lo 6Sa<ldleback ( 17-7)at 11 30 a.m.: and No. 4. Cue'lta (I 'l-5) facing No. S Gro~smont ( t .S-6) at 2:30 p.m

The winnc~of thc Santa Ana-C1trui. and Lona ~ach­Sa<ldlcback game!> will meet al 1 l a.m. Saturday while th~ Gulden We'll· V~n1Ura and Cuesta-Or~ssmo~t winners will pla) at IJ-30 u.m. \aturdi.ly. The survivors will play at 3 pm. \ aturda> for tht• \Q\J thern C ahfom1a title.

I here I) no )tall' rnmmun1ty college water polo matlh.

C1oldi:n W~\t "'111 bt ou t to regain the Southern Cullforn1a 111k which the Rust ler~ ·lost to Santa An~ last ,car in a 6-5 o\crt1mc th riller Golden West has handed Santa .\na 1t'> only t"' o lo'~' of the confertnce season this \l'ar rhe ()on~ al'IO lmt IU the lJ nl VCfSll)' Of Califom1a·s junior' arc;1t) team this o,ca .. on .

Thl' South Coast C onfercnce 1i. represented by three team ... but a fo urth - Coach Jack Fullenon's Orange ( oa\t Pirates - lo'lt oul lu Ven tura 1n the battle for the linal '>n·d

Crolden w c .. 1 ha'I been led th•~ seaM>n by Geon Gruber Ja .. on Cro" and hole man Tomm y Hermstad, the son ol tht• rnach. Goal keeper Mike Sta nbridge has led the dekn'>l'

< 1trus' 15- fl record " dccl.'1v1ng - the Owls forfe11ed fiH ~ame., because of an 1nehg1ble player. Amona those forfeit\ "'a" a 13-8 ' 1ctol') over Santa Ana.

··1 thank Santa Ana, Long Beach and possibly Sa<ldkhack. as ~ell as ourselves. have a shot a t the tournament." says Hermstact; whose teams captured the Sou1hern California title 1n 1978, '79. '8 1 and '82.

FRIDAY'S SCHED\ILE 10 a m !.an1a Ana (21 · 31 vs Citrus llS· IJI 11 lO • m - long 8 MCll CC 110-41 vs Sadd•e t>ec ll. t 17·7) I prr - Goio.n West 121· 01 vs Ve<1lure 113 71 2 30 Pm - Cuflta I ll· SI " ' Gron rnont I IS· 6l

SATUADAY' S SCHEDULE 9 30 a m - San ta Ana ·C1tru1 winner • S LonQ 8teell·Saddi.t>K~

wlnntr 11 a m - Goto.n W•st· Ven tura winner"' CUflte·Grossmonl winner 3 o nl - Olam~onslllo

Elway's contract renewed \ J \N f ORO (A Pl - Sta nford football coach Jack

El~a~ \ wntratt ha'> been extended fo r a year. through the I 98b sca\t'ln Elwa~ ong1nall:r signed a four-:rear contract for tht• I tJX-t-1987 seasons.

I l~a' who mt)\ Cd to Stanford of the Pac1fic- IO this )ear alta· Ii, l' )Car'> a t ncarb) San Jo'>C State. is 4-6 th1!1 '>t'<.l'>On. "'1t h lhe final game of the year set for Saturtfa ) agarn't < :illforn 1~ Ht~ career mark 1s 59-37-2.

·~· ~~~~~~~~---~--------------------~-~~~---- -~Bird, ·Erving fined $7,500, issued warnings =1i~~i:g

'.• ...., ( \\ H>RK t.\P1- l 4rr~ HirJol \lllOf) la-.t f-nda~ ntth1 ..\t the 11me Bird had scored 42 --Har't'~ Poll~k . tht> 76cr\' publtl. \11r~1 ng. wnt1ng to 81rd. sa1dhe was -~ It ,+


:he 8 0\lOO ( clt1t \and J ullu\ r r\ 1ng \11rlrng 1..alkd Hird .. l karl) thl point\ to l:.n 1ng\ \IA rclatrum d1rct lOr. \aid f:.n tng and ""dearly the aggrc!lsor. the ins11gator m eua s LS of the Philadelphia .,ht'r'> \H·re fined J&grc'>wr .. rn the rnudcnt hut \a1d I hl• linl''> lullo\.\ed an 1n' e'>ltgatron '.\1alont· refu.,ed to <.omment on the ot a mclt·e which eventually mvohcd

•,, S7 5<JI apll'\c T0t:W<I\ a'> a rnult of l nrne, .. c,talat1.·d an al read) ~<.'nou• h) Jal I. Jo~ ce . the ka~uc· .., d irector of fine!> and that Barkky could not' be a number of players and coachc!I .... their scutlk tn Ho\ton (1:irdcn but '>llua11on ·· I ll' al\o \.\arned hoth '>l'l'Urll} . "'h1ch 1nduded rc,1c"'' ol rl'aChl·d bccau..c he ha'> no phone llud )OU not confronlcd Eni ng 1n 1hc '"'" '>tar tor"'a rth neaped pla) Cr'> 1h:it "1n' oh l'ment in Jn} '1deotapc!> of the anudcnt and 1ntl'r· Pollack \aid he hadn"t talked to \U(h a manner after the ofTcnSl\ C '>U'>JX:n'>111n., furthl·r cimllut t ul 1h1'> naturl "'111 'ICY.!>"' 1th part1upnl\~n_d f?h'\Cn ers ( unn1ngham. addrn~ " Wh y would loul. the rea,·uon \.\ hich saw you held

_ ~rnll ~ \t1rhng.. l.hL '\;u1o.oal r.c.\ulHA-l'\.l'1Hnorc K•crc pcna~ he"'iHr\ .. aTcr fiev.anltca·ommen1" ~k gotfinedfor Jndpumhe\ thrownat )ou wouldnut


lia'>kethall h'><x1at10n-.., \ltc prl·.,,. 1ndud1ng-.u'>J'X'.0\1on.·· "1 0'>l''> l\1alone ol thl· 7t'>cr-. who commenungbcforc·.' ha,rnn·11m•<I "' tlcnt •JI 11tx·rat1on'>. al'>o hanllc<l· uu1 I he 1nudrnt b<:gan "'hen h\11 1"'0 gr:ihbcd Bird whL'n lhe li~h t nuptcd . ( unn1ngh~m . after the ga me. ~1<l . \15.SIJ11 in .1dd1t1on:il line'> to 76t'f"' pla)l'f\ tx:t aml' L'ntanill'd ;inJ Bird and ML. (arr of thl' Celtll''I werl· 1n pan " Bird 1!> nrohahl> the best Cua1.h Brll\ Cunningham am.I 15 \.\aH·hargl'd"'1thanol1t·n""t·loul .\ '> finl'dS'l OOOa p1c(e (harlc:. Barklc) pla)t·r 111the league . but ~ henhe ha<1 pla\l'f\ 141r thl'1r rok'> rn thc fight thl' team\ headed upcoun Bird ol the 7t)('r.., "'as fined SI 000 for h.., to thro"' elbow!> and do those thing\. "'htth eruptl·d w11h f 31S to pla) 1n lhl auo\ted Ln 1ng and tht ligh1 hrokc '"'oh l'ment C unnmgham "'a'> fined he ha\ to npcct 10 gel 11 hac k.'" 1hrrd quarter of the C clttt '> 110-1 11/ out Fach v.a., Cjl'lled \1 SOO for ht\ pan 1n the rnc1dcnt and l ht· < elt1ri. dcchm·d wmmcnl on

=;!;;!iij~~~~p;~ij!j!i!!;i!!;j!i!jij~!jij!i!~!iiiiiiiJ for p<>\lga me com ml'n I'> that St 1 rli ng 511 rlr ng \ ru II ng. i called '"h1gh l} infl am matory ··

In h1~ lcller to En 1ng. Stirling sa id " While rccogn111ng t'hat Bird "a' the aggre<osor and the ans11ga1or }our lOnt1nua11on of the 1nc1dent b\ punchin3 Bird e\calatcd an alread; !lenous mua11on.''

l ""cl"c pla)'l'r'> wl'rc fined an ----------------------------automatK S500 apiece for lea' 1ng thl· team bcncht:'I "'hen lhe fight hegan -Ph1lad elph1a·., Marc la' arnn1 Clemon John'>on . Bobb) Jont:':I. ( lrnt R1thar1.h on . \ cda le r hreatt and Sa m Willi ams ·and Bo'>to n's Dann)' Arnge. Rtlk ( arll)lc. C arlm (lark . Dl·nnl'> John-.on. Greg Kile clod Scutt \\- td· man

NCAA reprimands two schools


•'1,..., .,,.,..tj f nd &.ow . 10 ()8()-4 11 • ,., ,,,. ... , , l ~ttM' , ,,,, ,,. ... " ,171 , ,

P ,.1 ,, jul r ,.. 1'•'1 ~ .. p-t,~A S'1!.o £ \ t1mote-d I-<_., , \# ft.., i ?rJtJ 1t)tu~ 'Jtnt11n' du, Qt 1rv ~pl11,1f, r1I Jf'O~

\~8 j 'J • fnh1I fl"•'.1 .n• ..-,I ~ptm41n1 SI {) 9 •• lMnl M1l'"''IJ~ ql1,-,-.. d t,,IJ (J.l.J Pflt•'lht r.,, ptor f"n•I" ,,..,,,,

th ' I " r

1984 MARQUIS • 0 LY 5220* ~ ....,..,,., '°"flvd1f'\1 .., .. '•• •

M 1\\1<>"'1 . Kan I \ P) - Austin Pea\ ~tall' and Middle Teno<."sscc c;1at~ have been pubhcl) repn · mundcd and censu red b} 1he NC A C omm1t1et· on Infractions for '1ol­a11om of NCAA ru lei,. the l\a11onal

.-.-~-----------..., C ollcg1atl' Athletir \ \\oua11on an· llOUOlCd toda)' .

l ht· N( .>\ .\ said the \ 1ola11on!. at the two '>Chools ~en: found pnmanh as a result of aud1t'i conducted b\ t h~· ~tale I ' nl\>l'r'l lt} and ( ommun1t) Coll r~l' \ y.,tem ofTcnne'i~e.

The N< AA crtc<l AU'illn Peay State for v1ola11ng lcg1sla11on 1n volvrng academ1l "andar<ls and finannal aid. Middle T1.·nnc\see <ita le wa!> crted for


,·1ol:iuon!. of leg1sla t1on regarding out-of-scal>On practice and cxtrJ ben­efit\

·A \IX·month proba11ona1J J)l'"ttod also wa., imposed on MJddlc 1 en­ne't!>CC' Sta te t>cg1 nn1ng Ocl. 29. the NCAA said. fhe associa11on will rcv1e"' lhc un1vc~i 1y's pol ic1e'> rc­gard rng sausfoctol) progress. enrol­l men I rn m1n1mu m. full-t ime acadcm 1c loads and rcpl'alcd aladcmic cou rses.

Th<.' pcnalt1e" will not aflcct the chg1h1ht ) of erther i;chool to part1c1-na1e 1n p<>., l·'ICason compet1t mn or tclc" 1s1o n appearances. according to the NC AA

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NEW YORK (AP) - On a televised beer commercial, actor Mike Evans portrays a hefty­weighl champion, who saye to a young fighter after a herd sparrtng session, " Hey, you'll get- ydur ctianoe."

Thursday night ~ at Mlldllon Square Garden, Mike Ev.,,. of L.08 Angetes wlll get •Chance to gain some national attention at• fighter when he meets Tyretl Btggs of Philadelphia, who won the IU~ heavywef~t gold medal at the Loa Angetea ;1mptca.

It will be one of ftve lfx-f'OUnd pro debuts for Olymp6c medal6tta. The others gold medaltat1 .. wel· terwelgbt Mark BrelMd, ,......,._ weight Metdrlek Taylor and llght­we)ght Pernell Whltak• and bronze medaUtt Evand« ~· a light heavyweight. Virgil Ill, a silver medallat, Wtll dltiut u a euper mlddJew.ight In a fouf'­rounder.

PLAYOFFS From Bl • •

''T he} 're .. trong on defense and ltke ..U\, lhC) l eep the hall on 1he ground and the} ·,c- bcQn very succcs<tful doing 1ha1.

ThC' rc-.r; only one team I know of C l\nahc1m lost 23-13) that scored more than one touehdow-"' apinst thl.'m and that's probably their \lrcngth. defense

" Rut they don' t pa as wcil-.n ' Newport and the key for us will be 10 control the ball. w,. think we can play with thc t>cttcr teams in the con­forencc, I think we've proved that."

Ray Pall:ires. a I 8S-pound junior v.nh All-< I cr~dentials a~ 11 sophomore. · ~ the meal and potatoes of the Valencia's game. having pounded out 1,()()7 yards and t 2 touchdown~ - an avcraae of .S.4 yard\ per carry

Uni veNty. however. has a runner of lb own 1n urcg Bclljam1n, who ru hcd for 283 yards on 36 carries lut week and figure, to be tbe workhorse aaa1n.

' Norwalk (1·4) vi. Sad41eback (t·O· I ) a& S.1ta A•a Bowl: Norwalk enter\ with IC!>, than a flo, 'I rcpu• talion fora playbfTtcam.

A'!'ona f;'~rwalk ' 11111 virtones 1s ft forfr11 dccuuon O\/Cr Arte ia. The coaches exchanacd films late Tuesday afternoon •. 1hus Wine and his tafT ~ere burn1na the m1dnaaht oil Tue day n1ah1.

" Roth ,tan will ha"c to do extra work. but w can't call 1 ti01rout JUsl have. ~o k~p Oil Coln.(. ... ~id W111e.

ddlcb;a('k had the op11on or \WltChtn& tile tame tO SatUrdl>' but "nee Norwalk ,, in ihc ~me boat, opted to play 11 f r1day

Saddlchaek'' 9-f). I retord ha been built on th( 'PfW nf Eatt one.. I 4d Ba~ r •n\l tC<'C1\'tf C:hn Da\I

• ...


S90ru •..nl dbl•• Jaalor Ol~plo CJ"OM coaat:ry i.1n1 bo•lbut tar••~ .Z.oot

fhe Newpon Hamor Lawn "'eowhna Club will hold Ill Turkey hoot conic 1 Tuesday bqin­ninJ at 10 a.m.

ihc fif$t OramoodSporuAwarddannere,tnt "" btt• 1eh<dukd ror ohc o~,..,. ot

Trojans hav unfinished work te Get the Au.he1m Mamou HC>tcl Thu • Jan . 10,

- Former foott.11 Jrtat and ler Tom The A1hlc11c Conarc•u (TAC) Olsinct and

Junior Olympic crou country championships W\11 be hdd Sunday on the M1u1on Viejo Youth Alhlet1.~ fltldt., corner or Marauente Parkway and O'Neil Road.

The event 14' open for pcctator v1ew1nt For more 1nforma1ion, phone 644-413

Harmon wtU hott t~ event w will blur.: L. series of five awardt 10 ~ aivm three att1ve ... roo1ti.JI player1. OM naOonal SPof'U mtdta person and to an c-ucut1ve ofoM of four teams·

LOS ANC LES (AP) - Ted Tollntt, cmdi ol• seventh-ranked Southern CaJ Tro,ans; 1911 lie .... n:m1nd.c:d bis team tbat n1 teat0n didD'l c:Olldu* Saturday with a Rose Bowl benh-chnc~ vtefOIY owr Wa h1n1ton.

The event .. hosted by the Time Machine, USA tra~k club, will feature scvcrJI aae division races beg1nnlna 11 9:30 a.m. . The LOP. 2S fin1sb,ers in this meet will qualify tor the regional Junior Olympic ~ct 10 be held Dec. I at lA Plel'Qtl Collqe in Woodland Hills

For mox info.analion. phonc.911-1669. · ,., l.

· the ~n Dteao CharttR. San Francisco 49cra. Los Anectct Raiden or Rams .

The dinner Is beins sPontOttd by the Double Eleven Club which supports Anaheim Memorial H~p11al. ·

Tlcktti-.ate-pncccl aLSlOO pu pc:D" IDD.-&:.U'--~ more 1nf0fm111on and uckeu phone 999-6148.

• ..We 1titr want to be the best poMible WAID• CM ua 1984." Tollner said Tunday. "'We cu't let thr teMOG ced becaU5t we won the R~ Bowl befth. ---..-..----=-"-ti

" We want to set JfCC<SY now. We'rt in the eUie ~P

lbcqaetball toa.rne7

oflop I 0, so le\'s conunue to play wtU and sec bow b_.. can go."

The 8-1 TroJans. whose lone lou was to l.ouiliaN State in the third prne of the xuon.J&&moed IO No.7 in the 11attonal poll thu wttk by knoc:tina oK-thcn U)p:ranlcl Washington. 16-7. tut Saturday. Wln•ton Watem 500

The final baulc for the 1984 Winston Cup ch1mPlonsh1p, which will be decided in Surt­day's scason-cndina Western SOO at Riverside International Raceway. has come down to a thret·man shootout between Terry Labonte, Harry Gani and Bill Elhou.

A Thanks11V1n& weekend outdoor racquetball tournament will ~ held at Santa Ana Concae No v. l)-2S 10 raise funds for tht Santa Ana Ne1ahborhood Housina Scrv1~s. a non-profit &fOUp that lldS elderly, handicapped, Single mothers and other quahfy1na residents in

m11nt11ninJ their homes


Grand CIJ&mplon• t ah The Pruden11al-Bachc Sccunuts Grand

Champions Tennis Tournament will be held Nov. 20.25 at the M1ss1on Hills Tennis Cli.tb in Rancho Mtf>aJC

Southern Cal fa<ieS UCL.A th11 S.tutday, then c~ out the resular season apinst Nottt Dame on Nov. 24 before be&iM1ng prtpa,..uont for the RC* Bowl on New Yw~~. ·

Ac11on begins Thursday on R1vers1de's 2.6-mile road course w11h practice for both the Westtrn SOO and the Warner Hodgdon 300 which will be run Saturday as a companion feature.

S1nalesd1v111ons1ncludc men's open, A. Band C while doubles d1vmons 1 nclude men's open, 8 and C and mixed 8 and C. The tournament will feature an 1nterna11onal

f~ld of JS-and-older tennis stars 1n a sin&)cs round robin and doubles compc1111on.

.. Now we face ourcrOS$\Own nvals, who've.beaten u.s two 1n a row and thtee'Out of the last four ... sa,id ToUOCT. ·talking about reasons v.hy btS club sbooJdn't ha~ a letdown.

F1n1, second and 5em1-finahst finishtrs 1n tht men's open and A d1v1s1ons will share a S 1.200 pune. Competition is set to bcl.in al 10 a.m.

. _ Tuesday. Wednesday and Fnday. Nov.~20.23, and I p.m. Saturday for semifinals and ap1n at I for Sunday's finals.

While the TroJans have: alrndy earned·lhe Paetfie-10 crown and a date 1n Pasadena with a 7-0 confcrcnoe mart. UCLA is 4-2 an league play and 7-3 overall. Qua hf yins to ~l the fields for botb.r:accs is-5Cl.

Fnday and Saturday. Saturda)'.'s 300 beains at I p.m. while the Wcsttrn SOO will begin at 11 a.m. Sunday.

All pan1c1pan1s will receive a complimentary T-shin. In addition, first , second and 1h1rd-placc finishers and consolauon w1nntn will rect1vt trophies 1n all non-monty d1v1s1ons.

Entry dcadlirie 1s Monday. General admission tickets arc f>nced 11 SS for

Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday saction and SS for Km1final and final matches on the weekend. Lo&c tickets, arS 12, art available for Saturday and Sunday.

The Bruins have been plagued br 1ncons1nency. but Tollner said he's convinced they won t be when tbey face the Trojans. Tickets are available at the gat« and al

Ticketmastcr locations. For more mfonna11on. phont 893-5821.

. For ticket information, phone (619) 32S-6S02.


"UCLA as a good football team." he said.. " We can't expect to sec them in an inconsistent pan of their game, not when it's SC-UCLA ... We' re ioin& to get them at their highest level. and we better be P«pa.red to be at that level oursclvc-s."

l>i,ates try to make it three· OCC can go over . 500 by beating Owls; Golden West plays host to El Camino ByCURT SEEDEN Of 1M De11J NM llafl

Orange Coast College can go over the .500 mark in the Mission Con­ference football race Saturday, but the host Pirates will have to get past tough Citrus to do so.

Elsewhere Saturday, Golden West takes on El Camino in Pac-9 Con· fercncc play while Saddlcback has an important showdown with Santa Ana. Golden West plays El Camino at 1:30on theOCCficld, whileOCCand Saddleback have 7:30 p.m. games.

Here's how the games shape up:

defense 1n the conference so our offense i,i gping to be tested. Sult. l look for a close game."

El Camllao at Golden West: Coach Ray Shackleford's Rustlers have dropped three in a row, and in each case. they fell behind early and couldn' t come bade.

"Lately we seem to be digging ourselves too big of a hole to get out of." says Shackleford. " It seems like we play better when we have some catching up to do."

While El Camino is in a tic for last place inlhci>ac--9, the Warriors know

Cltns at Orae1e Coast: After a how to strike quickly. They're led by sluggish start, Coast has won three of the No. I quanerback in the con­its last four games. albcitagainst some fcrcnce in freshman Larry Eucr. of the weaker teams ip the Mission Egger has completed 182 of-132 Conference. Still. the Pirates lost to passes for 2,248 yards and 15 touch­Rivcrsidc by JUSt two points carher in dO"".JlS. He has also been intercepted the season anooya iouchdown-ro- --Southwestern - each time on the Egger's favorite receiver 1s Loren roaO. Richey, who has hauled in 63 passes

In Citrus. the Pirates face a team for 900 yards and 11 touchdowns. which is coming off a heartbreaking Golden West counters with its own 19-15 setback to Saddleback last passing connection in John Heinle week. and Mike DiBcmardo. Heinle 1s the

Last week in a 20- 14 win over No. 2 passer in the conference with PaJomar. quarterback Ken Laszlo 148 completions ln 276 tries for 1,810 passed for two touchdowns to Sean yards and 12 touchdowns. Heinle has Johnstone in helpi ng the Pirates even tx:cn intercepted 17 times, however. their conference record. Laszlo has Di Bernardo has caught 32 passes for now thrown for 793 yards and eight 442 yards. touchdowns while Johnstone has While the Warriors are just 1-5 in caught 23 passes for 43'8 yards. an conference, they do own a victory average of nearly 20 yards per catch. over Saddleback an the season open-

Thc Owls, with quarterback Bryan er. Judson lcadinf the offense, love to Golden West can improve its throw the bal ... they just have league record to 3-4 with the win. trouble catching it. Judson completed 18of55 passes last week in the loss to Suta Au at Stddleback: The Saddleback. visiting Dons, off to a homble start.

"Citrus has been throwing the ball can actually win the Mission Con­more often than earlier in the year. I expect them lo come out throwing

. ...., ......... _, .,,...c:....... Sean John•tone, trith 23 catcha for 438 yaru. leau Orange Coa•t College &galn•t

the Cltraa Owl• Saturday nlCht In llHelon ·Conference football action.

off OCC' on Thanks~ving Day and ference champ1onsh1p by defeating Saddleback Saturday and knocking then hope Riverside loses one of its two remaining games.

Saddleback, meanwhile. can settle the issue by beating the Dons and earn al least a tie for the league crown.

The Gauchos, 6-1 in conference. have to be concerned with all-purpose

runner Zeth Vardon of the Dons. Vardon leads the county in receptions with 43 catches for 77 1 yards and seven touchdowns. · Quarterback Dave Money has passed for 1,478 yards whale completing 11 7 of 224 passes.

addlcback quarterback Mtlce Douglass. meanwhile. has compJeted 13 7 of 228 passes for 1,630 yards and

I 3 touchdowns. ··we're going to ha"e to do the

same thing we try to do to all teams and that is to make them work for the scort," says Saddleback Coach Ken Swcann~We c"8n't afford to let Santa Ana have any big pla}s. If ttrey'rt'"goiog t0"9COtt, tMn we ha' c to makuure it takes them 15 pla}s to get there.··

against us," says OCC Coach Dick Tucker.

"They always Jlave the No. I 'Dumb jock' image not true Youth gets w ish : Day with Lak ers

Freshman athletes comparable with frosh non-athletes

DENVER (AP) - Coll ege freshmen athletes perform j ust as well in the classroom as freshmen non­athlctcs with comparable academic backgrounds, acoording to a na­tionwide study released Tuesday.

" We've demythologized the Jmage of the dumb jock." said J. Dou~as Conner, of the Amcncan Assoc1auon of CdlletfifC Regrstral's and Ad­missions Officers.

Data on 2.000 grant-an-aid athletes and an equal number of non-athletes

UCI to host tennis tourney

Some of the top college tennis players in the country will be on hand beJinnina Thursday-for the Southern California ln ter­colleaiatc Regional Tennis Tour­nament at UC Irvine.

The tourney will beain Thu,._ day morning and run through Sunday~ fidcio( IOS players arc echeduled to compete.

Mark Bashan of UCLA. the I 7th-rallked collqe player in tbc countty. has been ~cd No I with Dani Lnl of Pcppenhne lttdcd second. UCl's Bruce Man Son Kina. the No. 42-rated player ja l bc M IR)ft, II Ullnl·tteded.

llldoublts. Ken Derr and Man Soo Hinaare teedcd thmt

The toumament bqJns at 7:4S ThundaY. mom1n1 and the 1oem1-finals wdl be held Saturday at noon With the champton hip alated for 11 a.m. unday. There ~· no admt ion ch.Irie.

wassathcred at 57 NCAA Div1s1on I pubhc and private universities for the study by the American College Tes­ting Program. the College Board. and the Educational Testing Service. Two-thirds of the athletes were men.

The purpose of the I 1h·ycar study was to determine the effect that participating in varsity athletics had on the freshmen's grades.

The study concluded there wa~ no measurable effect, but added this might be because special tutoring apd counschng services are pro' 1dcd Tor student-athletes and other students don' t receive them.

" Is 1t because of the work of cou nselors and tutors? That's another question." Conner said.

nhke other studies of student McKEESPORT. Pa ( o\P ) - .\ athletes. this one was devoted solcl\' McK.cespon teenager who dreamed to freshmen and compared the ath·- ofa basketball career un11l developing letcs only to non-athletes with similar leukemia made a wash and It came academic backgrounds. true - he will spend a day with his . Earlier comparisons of,college ath- idol. Magic Johnson. and the Los

letes with their classmates have A.ngeles Lakers. shown wide d10erences not only in in ·-rm e·mted." said Jo~ph Hill. 15. rhc1rrollege performance, but also'" upon leaving the Greater Pt11 hurgh testing on college entrance exams,. A.trpon on Tuesda\ for his tnp to Los

For the survey released Tucsda). .\ngeles. where he wall , 1511 the athletes and non-athletes w~ere lakers· locker room matched one·to-one at the sa 1ns11tut1ons according to race. . The Lake~ ha\C dedicated th~1r and previous test scores. Fnda) nigbt game against the "an..a'

The study re ults were presented at C'11\ Kmgs to Hill the JOUU convcnuon of the Amencan H11l._a. 6-footer who wanted 10 pla' (ouncal on Education and the a- high school basketball until ~om­t1onal .\ssoc1a11on of tate Un1ver· 1ng 111. said he hasn' t decided what he s1t1es apd Land-Grant Colleges. will discuss

Cook keeps friend& happy Ex-LA resident leads Nets Darryl Dawkins. Coo~ IS starting 1n Birdsong·, plaC'C

The Nets led all the wa) after Macbacl R.a)

t-0 99-90 wtn·_over Clippers Richardson's t'bllow $h0t 1n tile final scronth of the fi~t _ quancr g.ave them ~ 22-20 advantage But the Chp~~

LO ANGELES (AP) - A lot offncnds and rclallv" lf1!1lcd b)' o nly two points at 85-83 w.1th JUSt under our minutes 1Tmainini.

visited the Los Angeles Sports Artna to watch auard However. Richardson made a thrtt-point pla) a' Darwin took of the New Jcrsc) Nets display his ware and Junior Bndgtman fou led ham on a layup, 11vtng the ets a \hey weren' t d1sappo1n1ed. fi I d fh (1 d d ' t th I

Cook, whd IJ""" up in Lo Anacks. made 11 of his t.S 81n~~~~~ ea · c ippen 1 n rcaten \Cnous ~ field aoal attempt in 1COnn1 a scason-h\lh 22 points Richardson lint hcd with 14 {'()Int\ 10 asmt' ind Tuesday niaht to lead the Nets to a 9<)..90 National eight teals Ba ketball ~auon victory over \he Los naclt-C1appcf'\ Dcl'l"k m1th ltd the C11ppers Wlth 20 points. Marques

.. He played c~trtmely well," said New J~y Coach John n and N1,on added 19 and I point,, rt'Spccttvt'I) tan Albcck. whose team snapped a two-pmc loStn& for Los Antrks. 1xon had • pme-ht&}l 11 au1st11 v.-h1lc

streak. "He was 1n front or his h~ tchool coach and ttamma\c James Donaldson had I ~ point., and a mt'-

~.tl~~~cxt:~r!'mrtlln . I now""he ' an •-= h .. · --2i, ~od tand1na too n\\K , id "l n tk " He' shootint tbc besketball "-cll He ba11td u out a Coach 1fm l. n.m ·•we need to mo'e m~)I'\" and~ nCC'd

rouplc of um" as we ran the clock do"'n tte hit some bt1 more tran 1t1on e arc playing too mu1.:h ot a halflOUrt shots and I thin~ he did a nice JOb Wlth (Los natlc auard me We mun rcncratc more offi n'4.' Norm) Nixon. and that's not an ea y ta It becau~ N1'on is "We've ,uincd IO"-Cr than e\pcctt'd hut w1th ttm<' one o( tht' attat point auards 1n the lcaa"Ue " we houlJ bt all n&ht We mu t put mol"(' point., on the

t 1kc O'Korcn and Bu k W1lhams added 17 and 16 hoord That 1 a problem naht no~ " po1nu. mpttt1vel r, r the ct who II"(' pt.a lf'll "-lthout \ :r he cb bcncfiucd'from 27 Lo" n cl~ tumo,e1 ""· a pau urfoJ Ul'Cd tanen- auaro O\J~ 81rdst'ln& 1nd cntCT lC> 01 lbc:m i_n the fim half;··

Edison, Vikes home to open €IF tennis Th~ CIF playoffs 1n girls tea m

tennis gets under "a> Thursd:.h alkrnoon wtth five Orange COJ\I area teams tn\ Qlvcd an 4-A compct1· uon

c;unsct . League co-champions I d1\0n and Marina ~ch have home a''"anmcnt with Fountain Valk .. mcetinl top--Sttd~ Palos Verdes on the mad

In the <.;ca View u.aauc o I \\~d will bt It h<>m , ""'llh La una &-ach fa~ with a road ma .;"h .\II matches Thunda) ate 1entat1\.CI) \lated for 2 pm -t Ed1~n. v..h1 h hared the unset

C'tO""'n w11h Manna. ha been ttt<kd third 1n the pain~ and ..,,11 ho t the <ll"t"an Lcaaue'1 th1rd·placc tt~n· 1.iU \ ID ;r oruncr TbiUT.!ld.aN.::Mt:2.D wh1k. Manna ""'II ~lcome Centur"\ Le ut runner-up \ilia Park..

Woodbn J e will be at home IMt nta , l\na of tht' eDt\I!)

l e uc and t una h \'I 1 Cl T or11, the uth Coan t.aauc·, "'·nnJ·rl ce rcprc~ntatt\e ~onJ·round action wdl bt tur-

d:t) At ! .,.-•




. •• :.:. .

~~ --~~--:-~~----~----~ ................................................. _..._._......_....


iO:Pener nears for SoCal College '

Run-and-gun Van uardSfaCe Claremont in first rounq of tournament Friday

ynolds. "We still plan to take a Iona look at our players."

RcynoJds says he' ll start rcturnina plpymakcr auard Sherwin Durham (~). center Mike Bruce (6-8)1 for­ward Neil Andtrson (6-S) ana for­ward Ottf Ward (6-3) for sure. The flnh Startin& spot will 10 tO either Budsley(6-4)or McAllistcr(6-2), but stan or oot. each will sec plenty of playina time.

the Vanauard . Claremont was 12-0 1n the Southern CaJifonua Inter· colleaiatc Athletic ConfereM:c la.st season but t 7- t 0 overall. The Stap have two returners in former AJl.CIF standout Scott Pritchett. a 6-6 for· ward from Tustin Hiah. and point auard Brad . Bra rd, who NOi the offense but rart'ly contributes a great deal of points.

tnct Ill semifinal before losina to Wes1mont lut ~son.

SoCal C0Ue1e rotter ByCURT SEEDEN

f °' ............. ~ • Southern California Colleae

basketball ooach Bill Reynolds de­kri~ his tcam'sstyle as up tempo

, which means the Vanguards will play

. • • I

their typical run-and1un offense Friday when they open the 1984-SS acason.

. 4"hc Vancuards will open apinst Claremont in the four-team Clare­mont Tournament ~Jinning •t 8

' p.m. La Verne and CaJ Baptist square


W•st w L ' Pct..PF PA

S.n N'a ncl.co 10 l 0 909 lll 167 llam1 1 4 0 636?19 196 Ntw OrlHl'IS s • 0 455 216 241 Atlante 3 8 0 773 211 256

Central Chlceoo 7 4 0 636 774 118 Tampa ea~ 4 7 0 304 201 261 Gr"nBtv 4 1 0 )~ 246 230 OtlrOll J 7 1 319 205 277 Mlnne1ota 3 9 0 213 714 289

IEHI Weshor>oton 1 • 0 434 285 208 Ol llH 7 4 0 636 210 109 St LOUii 6 s 0 S45 lOS 253 NV C. la11t1 6 s 0 S4S 211 213 Pnll1dell>l'l1• 4 6 I "°' 199 214


Otnvtr 10 1 0 909 '1'11 ISO mutt t .2 ~ ~· 306

Ull lleldtn 1 4 0 434 2S4 224 Ka1'MI Coly s 6 0 4SS , .. 73' S.nD'-oo s 6 0 4SS 112 261

Central P oll\borOh 6 s 0 S4S 2S5 209 Concon111t1 4 1 0 304 201 240 CleYelano 2 t 0 1t2 1)6 211 Houston I 10 0 091 1.0 316

E H i M 1a m1 II 0 0 I 000 360 IM New Envle nd I 4 0 6)6 2S2 24S NY Je t\ 6 s 0 SAS 743 227 tnota n11>0to1 4 1 0 364 173 271 Bu tt110 0 11 0 000 163 311

iunda'V' ' GMnH Rams Yl GrHn Bev a t MllwaukH

IChe nn• t 2 al 10 • m) Ctevete nci et Atlanta Delle. et Butte to Ot1ro11 ot Chlcaoo Ntw En111a 110 et lndlanaPOll\ St Lou" e l New Vork C.lentl Seetllt et Conclnna ll Wesh1n11ton et PhMeOerpnla Kense~ Cllv t i Re1dtr1 M1a mo a t Sen Dleoo M11111t>wt1 11 Oeover N11w Vor k Jet\ 11 Hou"on Tempe Bay a t San Francl \ CO

MetlcllY' I Game Pott\buron at Ntw O<ieen\ (Channel I 0 1

6 Dm)



MarlllO. Miami Ee wn. New EM9 Fout\ San DotOO l( rc99, Sat lltt Wooottv P1m1>uron

,.A ,.C YOI TO Int 3S4 m nao JO 11 214 ·in ms 1s s 432 1'9 32SS IS IS 194 162 276' 20 IS 1~ as 1273 a 1


.....,,.. NY J t li JaCk\On, S 0 Wtnoer, Denver Alen, Raldtr1 Bell. Buflelo

TC YO.l Avt LG ID J]J "'3 Lt 53 s 207 826 4 I 31 I 109 772 3 1 24 3 It I 714 l.1 l4 10 1se 646 4 1 n 2

Rt<.tlYan PC Yen AYI LG TO

Newsome, Cltvetenci ~9 619 11 1 S1 l Sl1 llwor1n. P Jlllburgn S7 1004 11 6 5 I 1 Ctlrl1'9nstn, Ra iden S6 744 ll.3 JI S Winslow, Sen 01t OD SS 663 17 I 33 7 Alltn, Reldtrs S4 611 11.l t1 4 NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERE NCE


Montana , Sa n Fran Lomax SI LOUii Bartkow \kt All O•cl<tY. C.rttn Bev Ktmo, Ra ms

PA PC Yd1 TO Int 303 199 7S76 19 8 394 241 3383 20 10 24 1 162 1967 10 9 30S 110 2•'3 20 13 Ill .. 1329 19- )

Dkkanon, Rem1 Pe vton Chocaoo WTlcMr, Tamoe Rtoos Alle nta R•oo•ns Wtsh

Ru~s TC YOl A"t LG TD

241 Uot SA U 1 249 1112 4 1 n 1 113 1061 ' 9 37 • 7l5 IOS2 4 S S1 9 247 95-4 39 24 II

RKtlvtn PC Yds Avv LG TO

Monk, WHno"9ton 63 927 14 7 12 4 urffn SI LOU•S S6 1160 10 1 13 t J J01'tl Ottro11 7 9 39 l Cra lo , Sen F 1 HOU\I 691 13

. Odds NFL

AC.ffltl'l Bav ) o ver Raml llRe ldtn 9 , over l< an1a1 Clly Ntw En111eno 7 over rtfldle l'll l>Oli\ De lles 9 > over 1Bull1ID ' "lla Ma l over Cleveland St Lou•\ I over •NY C.1 ents St11ttt11 • ov~r • ConC•flr>a ll Wurung lon 7 over •Phll10elDhlll • Cn1ca110 1 o"er Dttro11 • D~r>ver 9 , over M1nnH ot• NY Jr•s s """ •HOu\lon 1Se,, Frent<\CO IJ ovtr Tempo Bev M•amo I , <>v ~r 1Sen Oieoo •N-.., O•leens l over P llt,burQn IMon

,,.. ~h· ,.._ US( ; • ovrr • UCl. A • N~!J'<n•.t 6 1 o•tr 0111enoma \. or r I":> na 14 over 'Navy 8 (,) I\ •Ul11li "0 °""' 10 • ahCJ""e ~1e 1p H ovtr IO<NI Stolt ~ l(.r.01 9 ov11r 1K1ntuO " lle1r '·J00 l • •fl' 1Wun,no1on Ste t­L !>U I,, ••• • ,,,. \l•U•DD !>iele Tr•es 1 G•tr , rcu "°"'a ~'fl'!' t "l 11 ..... M ..... 91n 18 r,,1,,,.. Co ~ v\ ~v•eru\t no 0001 ~MU 6 • ov•• 1Tl'••S T•r" 1F o•.'1a \te•t V\ TtM (~11 tta1100Qa no

O<IO\ 1loubv" I ' O•"' C.~0'11· 8 V1rg1n t 1 O'lf' ' •Nort,. ( &f'J r1• 1Marv·•~O • r,v1r (op""VJ~ a-0.l'IOt" hom" •••"'

l'r.m Harrell' • ltp Ra« & 5-ts ....,


w L Pct c.e - &.A UI.'" 7 0 1 000

L.IJ VH•t 1 0 I 000 ~" 0•" 0 1 I 64/ Wkllll• 0 0 000 ICan u .1 CllY 0 1 000 TKOMt 0 l 000 1 , De tlu 0 4 000 l

IASTaRN OlVIStOH SI L..PU I ) 0 1000 " ifl.our11 1 0 I 000 Co~t 1 0 I 000 J

I .JllO lJ MH\llftOla I 500 I > ltfl l'Mft I 7 lJJ ) Cll•OOD 0 t ""'* 1

TIMMeV'a kort '' 1.ovot s T ecome , ,__.,, Olfl'IH NO tamtl KNduoed

TIIW•r s G-'N (ll•te 11 t I.A U..,,

off in the 6 o'clock pmc, with the losers of Friday's pmes ptayma at 6 Saturday and the winners meedna for the championship at 8.

"We fetl that ifwc play with a lot of intensity, nonnllly the rest wiU take care of itself," says Reynold , who~ offense will revolve around three retumin.a starters and newcomers Ken Bardsley and Randy McAllister.

"Th.is is the first time we've opened this early and the first time we've opened tn a tournament." "ys Re-


(/!ti of Sf ·nltlll OUl'1WMrM mMtlnel FIRST RACE. • OO Yards

Gone Jollnr.on CL• ckavl 19 00 6 20 4 20 FcrtuM\ ChOoce CS.ville) 1 IO 2 40 Gem blln Belle !lrt11ura ) 3 20

Alw receo HOld Tht Gotd , Ftvft\11 Crlm\On, Se tens Slrttker. Meci Mtktrl Rich . Sounci Ta Dl, Le!on Girt, F tltt\ VIit BOY

Tlmt . 20 8S SECOND R ACE .. 3SO yaro1

Pav Tribute (E Gercft J 30 00 13 IO U O LISI Art (Ce rciore ) 6 20 4 IO Sir Real (MVltl ) I) 40

At'° raced Wlnnlno RNI EHY, Fest SI• D111Ger , Netlv• C" . 6umPln Sllci., SP«· teculer P•n

Time 11.43 U DAILY DOWILE !7·SI peTd '311.20 '2 E XACT A (S·2J Dt l<I llSI 40 TH NtD RACE. 350 .,.ros

Mk rcwave Ptul IGilll 8 80 5 20 J 20 F k kle Soul ( Br00il5) 9 40 00 e onsnlnMr"fOl"OOTll • , 3 20

Also recec:I Bec:IUll>O\ Buo. EH Y Jtl\ S.Oie. Atrne<icen F111t!ter, My Unclt Jekt. 8tl1H ShlrltY, Ca tch N Go

Time 18.31 FOUttTH RACE. 350 .,.rdl

Mi9fltv Runner (Peull"I) SIO Pttl TOP Tioer t E Garcia) E tsY Bem !Br00il1l

360 1 80 920 S 20

7 20 P aull Alw r act<I Cu•• Ber E •l>fns.

Hou", Naltve Refltc llon, FeslabO Time 1829 $1 EXACT A (7·4) Pa id «0 20 F IFTH RACE. 400 vard1

5Ullllv And Mlld-1Peutfnt) 46 40 10 t0 S to · • There C.ots Amber (Wero) l 00 , 40 MIU KIDV Ca l ICercioae) 3 20

AllO r acta· Sunnv N War n4er , Tlmt· to1treek , Alltsla Sweethtarl, La Pctrtro CNCklt

Time 20.60 U E XACTA 16· 71 Paid 192 •O SIXTH RACE. 910 vard1

Re l.- A BouQutl IH C.rc) UO 3 20 2 40 Arr>le Baby (E C.e rcle ) 4.40 3.40 Miteovohtooo CHarl) 3 40

AllO r ect<I Thr" WllO Cht llCts , Rtfltk Ac tion. Win A F()fl(

Time 4S 11 SE VE NTH RACll. 300 verds

Cgmin Lucl<y (Ktllh ) SI 00 IS 00 II 00 KIO Chrome I H Garcia ) 6 10 S 00 Rvons ChOice (Flort1 l t 40 - Mw 1ecea ~. hn'~ t>vvt'r Armen Jon, Jont\IW Cner~r. Soul Of A Cna mp, F ir e PDllCY, ~ S~

Time 1S 18 · l2 EXACTA Ct ·7> 1>11<1 '367 40

EIGHTH RACE. 350 Ylf'OI r:1ne1v Tu....a (Flouttot) 1910 S 20 3 20 Profe~a ICr taoer I 160 2 .a S11t.,. Pe99v (P aullnel 2 to

A~o raced Remblln Nvmt>n . Miu TrlPll Hemp, Je remie . HHlhen E ttY ~!me. ltol.

U EXACTA 11· 6) Paid '49 40 S2 PICK SIX 16· 1·6 ·3/ 1-9-21 Dt kl

'26,467.00 with one wlnnlno llcktl (five llOrHS) Cerrvovtr POOi '62,'66 40

NINTH ltACE. 400 yar<ll. Chaou•"° 1sev 111e1 10 80 s 40 3 10 Minks Cnolct IProclOr l 4 40 4 60 Chrll S.nz (Peullnt) , 9 20

Also r eceo Wetchmt Ftv BY, Mon L Natura l, Jacki Rembftr , Auo11>uro Ale, Tow r> SenH tion. Apricot Dellohl. I Hev Te C.o

Tome 11 00 u EXACTA (1 0-S) Palo s90 00 Allendence. 4,2S l.


Smvttlt OMslon w L T Ph GF

" I J 27 as 9 • • 1 19 81 1 s 2 16 S6 6 1 3 IS 62 2 12 2 6 !.6

Horris DlvlMcln Cnocago 7 6 2 16 61 St LOUii 6 ' I 13 49 Mlr>newta 4 I • 11 SI Oe1ron 4 10 I 9 !.6 Toronto 3 9 J t ..

WALl!S CONF•ll l HCE P t tl"lclt Olvllltn

GA '5 6S so 60 99

62 S4 10 n 10

Phll1 0elPni1 t 3 1 70 69 31 NV lllanoers 9 7 0 16 16 1' NY Rengers 1 S 1 IS S9 S3 WHhil'loton s s • u S3 S2 P illll>urot'I s 1 1 1 1 '8 S6 New Jersey 3 a 2 e· 44 S8

Adams Dfvllltn Mo"treal t 3 2 20 S3 41 Bo1ton 9 S 1 19 SI 4S Bulle lo 1 6 2 16 66 S1 Hartloro 7 6 2 16 SO St Outt>ec 6 f I 13 S6 64

Tllfldly' ' S<orts Kines S, OuttlK 4 (of) MlnnHOI• 3, WHlll1'Qton 3 Ce toarv S, Detroit 4 lot)

T__.1 Gt tnft K~ a l ToronlD 8011on e t Buffa lo Oueotc II SI LOV1l NV RartOen t i OllCI OO P 11t1t>uro h ' ' Winni~ Montreal e t Edmonton Otlro•I e t lfa"'ouvtr

T!wrMtY"s G1mt1 N11w JerttY 11 Bos lon Herttoro a l Pl'tlladell)flie MlnMlQla II NV tslel\Otr1 Eomo1J100 ti Ctloerv

Kin9s S, NordlquH 4 k.,t bY P tri.ft

l.Ol Anotltl , I 1 I 1-S Outt>ec 1 l o «>-•

P'lnl ,.~ I Lo• At't~ll• . Nlchoh • (Ru1kOW$f\I).

13, 7 Ou• bte. G IMla 1 t C • utln, ltocri.fort l. 9 17 Pen1 lli11-E119blom, LA, melor lllohl · •no J, ·11·" Hunl• r , Ovt. ma lor (11Qf11tno1. 1741, Tevlor, LA <rouonlno l. 1$·10. Wttl• . l. A 1rouon1no1 . 1$ 20, Chn1, Ovt (rOllOhlnol. IS 20 8tro~uncl, Out t hooklllO ), IU9

S.CtM~ l 0...1>tc, 0011 .. 1 f ..... P StHtnvl.

Durham averaaed 13 points ~r game and was the NAlADistrict 111 fcador in issists a year a,o. Anderson averaged 10.8 points last season.

The challenge will come early for

Cal Baptist also enter the tour­nament with impressive credentials - the Lancers have their flrst nine pfarers back from last year's squad which finished second to sec in the NAIA District Ill Southern Divisi'On.

Cal Baptist advanced to the Dis· tJ

CIF football rating~ Big Five Confe renc;

Ptt. SC1IMf I •s.rvrt• 1 Lono eeadl PolY 3 Rlv•r1loe P04Y 4. l"-'9111 Valev 5, IEdla.n 6 St Jolln lo1co 1 Font• ne I Bishop Amt! 9 Lov04•

10. Mlttr Otl

1 L• M lrtcit 2 Vtttnclt J, SIMllMClt 4. Naw-1 Htl'tlel' s, F ulttrtoo 6. sunnv Hiiis 1 La Quinta I Le Het>fe 9. Wetlern

10 Troy

I FoolhlN 7 Lvnwooo 3 E ll>trenza 4 E t Mocleftl S Row1tnci 6 Pa<Ulct 7 E t Toro 8 VIiie P• rk 9 Los .A."o'

10 Gel>O V tlllv

1 Cama rlltO 2 Muir 3 Venture • PH~~l\11 S Senft Monica 6. Channel Island\ 1 Herl I Oxna rci 9 Burba nk

10" PtlOS Vtroes

LMWt It.an! ""' LHI W .... At\Qelul 9· 1 llS IHI Miit< Ot1, IS- 14 Moore I · 1 109 IHI Miiiika n, l4 · 7 Cllru1 Bell 9· I 94 .8tat Palm S.,..-lnqs, 47·0 SUMtt 1· 2 14 .... H~ BMCll, 11· 7 SunMt •-2 74 .... Merll\I, 27 · 14 Dtl Rev 7· 2· 1 S6 Beat LoYOlt, 31·10 Cltrul B•ll • -2 SS &H I E IH nhow .... l~ ·O Anot1111 7-2 - 1 31 Bttt SI. Paul, 10·7 Del Rev 8-) 19 Lost to St John Boteo, ll · lO Al'ttlua 6 :4 t Loll t• Strvlt9, U - 14

Central Confere nce Suburbe n 10-0 76 BHt Glenn, 49 · 1 Ora no• 10· 0 67 Beal Brea ·Ollnde, 34· 7 SN View t·O· I SJ l u t Lttune Bt t ell, 31-ll SN View 1·0 · 2 S4 B11t c or .... dtl Mir , 34-t FrNw•Y 9· 1 •1 Btal Butne Perk, 28 ·0 FrttWl\I t - 1 • 2 lffJ Trov, 16-0 Garc,en Grove ,_,

3' BHI Senllaoo, 27-0 Fr"wey 1-3 2S Bttt Sonort, st-7 Oranot • -2 16 S.at S.ve nne , 53· 13 FrttWeY 6- 4 s Loll ID Sunny Hiits , 16·0

Southern Confere nce CenlUfV 9 - 1 73 8Ht Canyon, 3'·1 1 Sen Gabrltl Va lley 10-0 n 8HI Grtl\ldl HIU1, 20 · 7 Emclre 9-1 .. BHt Cvllf'au St -o Ct111Uf"Y 9· 1 ~ B .. t Tustill 19-7 Sit< rt 9-1 4S BHI W11M>n IHH ), 41·74 Etnellre. 1-2 42 8111 Ka telle, 3'· 14 South Coast 7-3 76 &tat C.olslreno Velltv, 1S· 20 Cen1urv 7-l 13 BHI Orenot. 31·0 Slt>rre 7-3 11 Beat Walnut, 36·7 Solltn Coe,1 S·4 s LOll lo El Tore. 2S· 20

Coastal Conference Mermontt 9· 1 96 8tal Redondo, 49 · 7 Pacific 9 ·1 .. BHI PtHdtnt, 14·8 Chlnntl 9·0- 1 IO Beal S.n Marcos, 20· 7 Pacillc " 9· 1 74 Loll to Muir, 14-1 Bev 1- 1 60 Beet ROlll"9 Hiiis. 3S• 14 Marmonte t +I .. Beat Newbury Park. 21· 6 Foo1nllt 1-H 40 BHI Schurr, 14· 0 Channel 6- 2-2 33 BHI Rio Mew, 27-6 Foothill 7·3 20 Bttl Burrouo"', 2' ·0 Bey 7·3 10 BHI Wt1I Torrence, 20- 17

Desert-Mo un tain Conference I Aoourt 1 Se nla Cttra 3 St C.tnevleYe 4 Mir aleltt S St Bon111t>ntore 6 Vuc4 1PI 1 B1nnl1'Q

10· 0 120 9-1 IOS 7· 3 .. 1-2 as 1- 2 12 7· 3 S7 1+1 44 6· 4 37

8ttr Ct11 betts, 40· 9 Bnt Senta Peui., 14· 6

BHI Btll·JtH, 78-9 &Ht MornlnHldt. 2'· 14 aH1 BlshOo 0 1eoo, SO· O BHI Noire Da mt, 34· 11

Pot. Player RI F-Ne1I Anderson 6.S G-Rob. A vdes S- I I F-Ken Bardsley 6-4 C-Mikc Bruce 6.8 G-Deron CatbAlal S· 11 G-Sherwin Durham 6-0 Ci-Randy McAllister 6-2 F-tyronc Myles 6·2 F- Ron Reddick 6- 1 F- Barry Silvers 6-3 C-Davt Tibb~ 6-S F-Grea Ward 6-3

NBA WUTll llN CONl"IRllHCR ,.,cHk DMlltft

w l. ,.C1, o• PttotlllX 6 3 661 LA Llktn S S SOO Porna nci s s soo LA CllPCltrt l 6 333 S.11111 3 6 333 Golden St•te 2 1 222

Mldwear DM1lon HOul lOn 9 0 l 000 Denyer 1 l 718 Se n Anlon10 6 3 667 Uta n s 4 SSS De lle• 6 S SAS l(e nHs City I 6 143

E ASTeRN CC>ft~•RllNCll A flllltlc DIYllltn

Bo" on Phlle<lfllPhlt Wast'111'Qton New Je rsey New YO"k

6 I 01 S I lll s s soo • s 444 , 7 227

Cnleluo M1Jwauktt De tro11 .t.lltnle tlldoana C1tvt11n<1

Central DIV1'1en 1 2 I 2 • • 3 • I 1 0 9

111 11• SO()

lll 12S 000

TutlcllY' l k«H New Jtr\IV 99, LA CUOclefs 90 Wesh1110ton 103, Ntw Vort. 9' Mllweukff 110 Atla nte 99 Houllon 106, Cleve la nd 91 Chtc•oo 120, Sa n A nton10 111 Denver 172. Pt>otnl>1 110 0 111111 IOL Portteno 9• !>flatlte 109, C.olOen Stett 107

_ -~ Ttflltil!l'l Gamtl New Vork et Boston Detroi t e t Phlle OttPnle Se n An tonio e t Wtshlnoton Housten t i tlldlene New Jerstv a t Phoen1,.

Thurtdey's Gemes Mltwauttet 11 LA Gll11e1trs Cleveland a t Atlante Boslon e t Chlc1110 Oe llts a t GolOtn Slete u 1111 a l Port11no

H~ tt, Clippers to

, .. , 1 ) l 3 4

t' . ,.,, ) 'I) 3° I 6 I

I 2 , 3 s

7 • 4 s ) I

HEW JERSEY 091 - O'Koren I 17 3 4 ii. w mrem' 6· 14 4· 6 16. C.mlr>skl • I• I 3 9, Richerdwn S· 16 • ·S 14 cooi. II IS o o 21. G JoMM>n 2· 3 O·O 4, Kono 3-t 0 0 6 R1n1t• 3-3 O· O 6, Wilson 0· 2 O·O O SaDDttlol'l 7 3 1 l S Tota ls 43· 96 13· 21 99

8 Se nta Vl'lt1 9 CtrPlnlt>rte


Fronlier Fron lier Senta Ft P ioneer Trl· Va tllv Sunkl 't Sun~lll Trl·Velltv Tr l·Ve llev l tf·VA.Ut¥

6· 4 2S s ... 1 12

e .. t Rim of tht Worlo, 12·6 BHt Olk Perk, 2'· 21 8HI MoorDtrk, 14· 10

I p\l IQ C• <J>.lnW16.-1LlL. ,_, LA CLIPPERS (~) - JoM1on 9 It I 2 or,"WaTroin-=ro.Tr.OonjlCJ1on T fTT 1'.

Easter n Confere nce I Clt remonl Buetlne 10-0 .. But Cha flev 41 · 7 2 Ar1l11t1on tvv 10-0 92 Btat Perris 3S· 6 l 8tlt Garoen1 Whitmont 9-1 to BHt Monttl>ttlO, 19· 10 4 Norcc IVY • ·2 10 e .. 1 Ramone. 14·6 s Bte >r Rio Hon<IO 6-2 -1 S9 8Ht MOllrDvta , 20·0 6 Ttme>lt CllY Rio Hon<IO 7·2 SI Btal S.n Merino. 11·21 1 Se" Merino Rio Honclo 1· 1 JS Lo' t to TtmPle CtlV, 27· 1'1 a U041no Btiflll"I 7-1- 1 31 Beat Gttll<IOU, 8-0 9 ltemone - m 6"-4 15 L.ost 10 Norco. 1• · 6

10 Don Luoo Bes.tine 6-• 10 Beet Alta LDtna. 7• - 13

In la nd Confe rence 1. Whlllier Chrlsllan Olvm.Dk 10-0 IO Btal Mar1na1na, 2' ·0 7 Sen Jac into Ot Anze • 9-1 12 But Yucca Valley, JO· O 3 Mont<:la or Prep Alpha 8·2 ~ B .. I l.A l.ulhe ra n, 6·0 • Ontar io Chr111len OlvmPic 1-3 53 Btat Valley Chrls lle n, 25-1 S Vllltev Chrhllen Olympic 8·2 48 LDll 10 Onta rio Chr .. 25 · 7 6. LA Luthera n AIDha 1· 1- 1 39 L0$1 to Monltlt lr Pree, 6·0 1. BlshOD Desert- tnvo (L) • · 2 )1 Beal Kern VelllY, 2S· 16 8. Bumont De Anra 6-3- 1 29 Lost to AQulnH , 18- 11 9 Boron Destrl-ll'IYO (S) 1-3 11 LD\t 10 Rosemond, 21 · 14

10 AQulnes De Anre 3· 7 9 BHI Btlllumont. 11· II

Northweste rn Confe rence I Ca l'IYOn <CC I C.olelen IO·O IO Beet Anltkx>t Va llev . 76· U 7 Rlohtlti Norlllt'rn 9-1 n Beet Senta Marie , 17·9 3 LDtnDOC Norlhern 9-1 63 Bttt Ca1>rltt0, 16-21 4 Ce1>rlt10 Los PedrH t -1 so Lost to LDmDOC, 16· 21 S Torre nce Ocea n l +I .. BHt HewthOrne. 1 6 6 Norlh Torrance Ocean 7-1-7 )6 Tied lllOltwood 14· 14 7 Ata 1C;aelero Lo\ P aorts 1·3 21 Beat Peso ROOltl 32·6 9 Anltloc>e V a tlev C.OIOln 6· 4 n Lolt to Ca nyon (CCI 26- 14 t tnoltwooo Octan S·3·7 20 TltCI NDrttl Torr•"ct. 14- 14

10 Bevertv Hiits Ocean 6+7 1 BHI Cutv11r Cltv 30·0 (lie > Senta Marla Northern 6-4 1 Lost to R•ohtttl. 11 9

Southeaste rn Confe rence 1 0 11 mono Bu Hacltn<ll 2 Beldwln P a rll MonlY~W 3 San 1Sttnaro1no San An<lrHl 4 Arrovo Mtn ion Vt tleY S Rova t Otk Montvlew

(tie I Apl)le ValC.y Sen Anortes 1 KtPetl MIHlon Vatlfly 9 Ouerla Mlu lon Valley 9 Ca ton Se n Alldrtts

10 Sen Dimes MonlYlew

ShOll on OOt l-LOl Anotlflt 11 ·9· 1-2-29 QueO.C 7-13 -l ·C>-28.

Goe1lt1- LO$ Anotltl, Ellot (28 JhOh · 2• \ 8 YH I Quebte , Boucha rci (28- 231

Attinde nct-14,280 Rtltrtt- Don Kohtrlk l


CW 4· '4 .....,_ (OvlrttrllN!t)

c- dtl Mtr 7, Marine 6 Merine o 7 1 2-6 Corona dtl Mer O 4 I 2-7

Merine scorf,,g SPenovleh , , La rMn 1. &~n 1, Werdt I

CoroN dtl Mer - 01111 Tlcllv l , Oedl"O I, Tomlln I, klvotdlt I, UlllM. l .

0...... 4· A k.,tt NtWPOl'I HtrbOr I• . Fullt,.lon 1 LOllO &tech Wiison 6, VIit. Park s Foollllll $, Sunny HIWs 3

10·0 t -0 9-1 9-1 • · 2 9·1 1-2 7-2 1-3 1-2

.. 13 69 SJ SI SI l3 16 2S 15

BHI Bonltt, S7 ·0 8tll Roval Olk, 22· 13

!Mat Ca r<>n. 4 · 19 8eet KePPtl, 33·0

LDSI to l•Jdwln Ptrk, 22- 13 BHt VlclOf Ve llev. 16·0

Los t 10 Arrovo, 33· 0 Bt•I Mounlt lll View, 3S·O

LOii to Se" e ... 111r<1lno, 4 · 19 8ttl l e uetl, 47·0

Glr1s WleVbel HIGH KHOOL

CIP' ""¥tffl S· A ( °"' "9rllnllll Santa Monica dtl Hutntmt. U ·7 IS· l ,

1$-7 Corona Otl Mar Oil St Joseon IS-6

I-IS. 15· 1), 11 IS Mlrt Co• •• def Ltouna 8HCh IS·)

IS· t . IS· S Gehr Oii 8 1sh00 Monloom«v, IS· •

IS 7, IS 10 4 . A

I OvlrttrllNlsl Ir YIM dtf Nolrt Otmt Ac t<lem v IS· 1,

1S· 7, IS· 4 LOllO •••en Wiiton Oii Ger<ltn GrbYt ,

ts-II, 11 IS. IS· U , IH Dlfll Hlllt ot1 Mtr!bof'OWh. 1'·6. 16 t•.

11- 1• E dlM>n Oii Arcadl• , IS 11 , 11 · IS IS 10,

IS·9 l · A

( Oll•~ltl llshoo Olt00 cNl Cenvon. 17 1 s. ls-S.

IS-9, IS-13 Rim of the Worlo dtl La H1Dri, 1• 14,

15· 10, 1$-11 Ct lon def Ptlm lortnos . 16 14, U 11.

IM RIY•rsld• Poly dtl koora U I, , 6· 1$.

17· 1S IMO, IS· ll

Nhcon 8 ·21 , . 3 It . Sm.th t 11 1 l 70 Ca 1cnon1n o- I 0-0 0, Briooeman S t O· O 10 WMe 2-l I ·7 s. Werccr. 0·0 7 , 2 Caoe O·O O·O 0 Tote11 39- 72 12- 16 90

kart bv Ou•r1Ws New Jen e v 12 16 23 21-99 LA CltPDltf\ 20 19 71 24-90

Foulto out- Nont Re1>o<.onoi- New Jar UY 44 IW1lha m1 9 ) LOI Anotltl ~ 10onel0ion l2L An1lts-.!iew JIJ.MY 23 (°R tcherOson 10), LDS AnortH It (Nixon Ill Total loull-Ntw Jtrstv 19 LD\ Anoeltl 2S TtcMoeell-Ntw Jersev llltlal Otft ntt

Attenoenct - 1,37'1

Cot1e91 too 20 Tne ioc 10 tu m\ In lt'lt Anoclattd

Preu ' 1984 ·8~ Pre· seucn cotteoe be\ktt0.11 e>olt. with llrsl · Place vOl9' In cerentt\tses, tola l 1>0ln1, but<I on 70· 19· 18· t7 · 16· IS · 14· 1J.12· 11 10· 9 · 8 · 7 last season·, recoro a nci last Yter ' t llr1111 ra nking ·

lltcorci Pts ,..,.s 1.C.eoroe1own I SSI 3• · 3 1248 2 2.llllnois (41 26 s t0•4 6 3 OtPeut 131 27 · 3 !OJI 4 4 ln<llena ( I) 22· 9 994 S OlllahOma 29-S t•S 7 6 Duke 2• 10 84' 14 1 S• Jonn' s 19 11 139 8 Memr>hls St 16· 1 153 16 9 Wnhl1'Qlon 1• · 1 667 IS

10 So. ~hOOill 2S· l I 646 II Ntv ·LU Veoas 29 ·6 44 1 13 12 SYracun 1l· t 434 18 13 N-GMOllNI St 19· 14 l9S 14 Louisia na SI 18 II 340 IS Vlrolnla Tech n ll )79 16 Ark'e nH\ 2S 1 m 9 17 Louttvolle 24· ll 2' 1 11 Ktntuck v 19- S 2'0 3 19 K1 nw1 27· 10 2S 1 20~011 Tech 18 11 2SO Ol'1tr IHms rtc•lvlng vol•' and ll'ltlr POlnl 1011 11: North Caroline , 147 Meryte nci, '1. Ve CommonwHllh, '4. Oreoon St , t2, Mlcnl91n , 77, Ttxe1· EI PHO, ~. Wlcnllt ~t 44, Alabama. 31, Vltte nova, )7 , Houlton, 2S. Notre Oemt, 2•, Loul11a ne Tech, 21 . towe , 13, Ar l1on1 , 11, BrlQt>•m Youno. t , TulH , 9, Vlrolnle , a, Arizona SI , 6, Crelohton, s. Cal Slett Fullerton, 5, O<eoon. S, Auburn. l . Marshe ll, 3, M lcnl11tn SI , 2, Mln our l, 1. Ohio St • 1, Ole! Dominion. 2, C.t0r111 W11hln11ton, I, Lt Stilt, I, Orel Roberts, I, Sentt Cl.,e , I, WeO Forttt , 1

Tuesday's tr•,...cttens I AHBALL

Amtt1Ull LN9Ut CLEVELAN D INOIANS-Announctci

lhlt Iha entir• coechl"O sl tll t>tvt bffn rtnlrtd HttMNI LN Wt

ATLANTA BRAVEs-Place<I Rufino Linares, oull..ioer. Oii welv.,, for lhf OUl'llOM of 9'vlft9 him rtil vncOtldlllOMI ,. .....

Ct NCtNNA TI REOS-Sent Chlrllt PIMO t l'ld Curl Hak1911rtlel\, PllC,,.0 , to ,,,.I, !a rm snttm Added Rot> M4Jrt>nv , loo l uch• n• 11, Blhv Hawlty • 114 koll Ttrrv, ollcllf"· Ttrrv McCrlH, utcti.r . and Kai Da lllt4l , ov!Otlcltl' , to lhtlr 40· men ro51tr,

LOS .ANGCLft OOOGERS-A1.lftntd Vanu Lov•lect . oOct., to Albvque<Qut 111 tht PKlllC Coast Lt•llut

PHii.ADE LPHiA PHILLIES-RtltHad ltt11le Mtrtln and $1tvt i:1rto'<'ld , Piicher• Aul11ntd Kill.O Garett , ll!OrhlOP, T Ofty Ghetll, Pll.chlr, Jot Cl~IOlll, ctlChtr , elld Kfft Dowtll, lllfltldtr, 10 PO(tlelld of the Pectfle CCM51 l.teout Added lte mon C:a r tb•llo. lt CKkY ChlldrtH, llodptr coi.. tnd Mlk t M1<1<1u• . oltctwn, llllldy S111 11• , ou lfieldtr, Mlkt 0111, ca tcher , t< t ll Jttll• '°"· lhOl'lllOCI, t nd Cr1rl• , Je rn••· third l>I""'•"· 10 "'' 40-m•" rotter 2·A a.s.<1TaA&.L

COVe""41nt!s l Nt'*'91 .......... A•M<leftell lllove l def Cat.ba111, U·• , IS· ll 16· 14 SEAl fLE Sllfl'l!RSONIC$'1WtllfW' B2. '-1..0t Anet*, a...-... 4 C$M1•111, ~It .

S Lot An11tlt\ , NlchOlll 10 IGtlleV, Fo•I. 7 SS (DD) ' OUtOtC, Oevfln I IMcK"Mv. H._ ~ .,,, •

NordhOff dtf Norco, 15 l , 15-3. IS- 10 Oannv Vouno. ou.,d, •lld kOOltr M(Crn . llldlO Otf Allthtltl"I, 15 ), IS ,,, IS 11 lorwero AcllYtlt<I lttooi. KIM • lld JoM Senti l"tUla Otf C11tn11tt lslt lld1. U 9 khwt•ll . lorwero1 11 IS, IM ls-l l · A Ne.....:.~.::-t .. _...

IOv1rtotf1'Nl1l IVl', .ALO t1l.l.S-W1lvt0 JoM M-1• Parecltl• dtf Norlh111e.. . U 4, IS 7, 111, . wio. rec.1..-.r

• · U IH OENV61t lltONCO~ntd BflMft MttodYMlllO dtf VllCCI Velltv. n· 1. ,,,.,_ , dtftlll lvt Ind W• 1114 kott

G1111u U 34 1 ~. Otulin 7 10 11111, Clft " LAY°'"' MOl•er I 1• S7 Pt111ll,. T e vlor , LA, m inor TIMWMlllV'I ~SI R lllftd usri.r•o l ma m tfl9hllne l. I • I. Hu111er, 4· A

O"' mt« lf1Vhllflt) , 1 '1 Ot uhll Qllt ,.,...... Vllty e l Pelot Vtrdtl 1 ntt•t•• nc• 1 5 S4. OIOllM I.A lriooi.tnoJ L...- Btedl 1 1 El Tcwo 11 lO WtoO UfO WlllMr ti PtiM ~lno•

Tlllr4 I'~ V1ht Per• ti MtfW

Yr. Sr. Jr. Jr. r.

Sr. Sr. Jr. Jc. Jr. Jr. Sr Sr

IS 11 IS· II S1tllltt11t", CNetttrbl<k ~OM141v dtf Co111111. 16 " · 14 ·,,,,1==6~1S=··=·==-"W'.-:':.': A..V "ACl(..,[ _R.._..;..;..z.:,.;.:;.=;;;

tMALL K..OOLS d4'j l;er<fi .

• Los Al'Qfl'eS Nt<llOlll 11 IHe r(ly ), , )4 ltn Marco. ., W•ll'-lll (LA ) DOI Pt11a11'*'-lt111kowSkl. L.A. mator-===Hoovtr • l &.Jk•wood f'Ql'l""'1'1 " Gl'"' a.... 1N1i6f"011111nne1. o~ie ,, 1e ..... 1v ~.,,.

, ............. , LOS .ANGELU ltAMS.-lte·1·~ Jim ,,_,M~ell HHrl Otf ClltOWKI< 'f~, lll90Kktr l'IK'fct N ill

IS II , 1$ 6, l · U, IS· ~ • .....,.,,_ °" IM IMWtd ,. .. rYt W Oii Otf ltlO HOllCIO .-,.to IS 6 IS 6 11 HOCKIY

IS· S fNfteMI Midi-. L,...._ C.,,..... H .. dtf Mlvtitld, I) IS, U I HAltTFOltD WHAi. IU- $t11t Uli

IS 4, 4 It, 16 s kmutll~ a rid Merk l'eltr~. cit· lrtnlWOOO ... C•••. IS-S u lt lJ\)1, 11111.-il. to ··~•on .. IM Amerlu~

IM ~oc i.i, i., o 11..-

46 M.,,,,.,. Out fllltffftrtnet) 1 1• P k nte MOlllu 11 knt• ltrOere ~•asll'!Y. 0.... ltr*"'11ll. )'Cit, Dionne, LA TcwreflU=.I .... ltr,00.1101 • tt N<ld1, LA rtl>6iltlltll , Rl\•tf'.i.t ,..,y t i '106llWll 10 l1 Ha•<IV LA l'TlllOI !110111•1101. It 0.. "*4 tklll t i Arc.411 c;. ,, ()\# ""'°' If OlltlllO ). "04 Mtr!MfllUfll . , Oot """'*>• °""""' 1#1• Ane , , .... ,,.

9 LOl Ar Qt't\ Nl(hOl!t 11 t ltfdmond, ltOlltne Hlltt t i Ce-.tlr- Vt •ttV H1rov1 ) H l 1>e11 "•flltlY-&eA Q.,. fllelld• ltMlllld• 11 Nor1ft Torr ence "ti 1 ) 4 M lrtlnlt I t l.Oflt fHUt Wl W'I


Stanford signs Mcsweeney

• Dana Hill~ His.h's oryan Mc wtcney announced Tu~ay he will ~ian 1 letter of 11itcn1 to pla) ba'iketball 11t tanford Uni· vers1ty. h

McSwecnty, 6-7, wu theSout Coast League's most v~luablc player la t scllSon as a Junior. He averoged ~ . .S points and 11 rebounds per 8l'mc.

McSwceney wus also a second team All~C'IF 3-A choice last season.

UNLV: Is his th~ year? Tarkan ian may have best Rebel team in 12-years

LAS VEGAS (A P)- University of Nevada-Las Vegas basketball coac_h Jerry Tarkan1an scowls and rubs his 1ennis ball-textured pate when ht hears his playcrs talk Final ~our. But a grin tugs at h1) bulldog·ltke brow when ht"s asked if that would be a fining irony for the 13-year saga of NC AA vs. Tarkanian.

Tarkan1an has been dogged by thr NC AA si nce he sounded off on their enforcement policies while coaeh at Long Beach State in 1971 . Now. fresh from a summer court victory over collegiate spons' governing body, Tarkan1an 1s shaping his 12th Rebel team and locals arc belling it could -JllSt could - be hi s best 1n a long string of winners.

Tarkan1an adm its th is year's team ha~ 1hc best depth since hc·s been a1 l JN LV. He ~}S the Rebels will run more. press more and be morr 'rr'ialllc than last year's 29-6 club that made 11 to the final J 6.

"We're trying to get back to runn1n~ like we did a few years back," Tarkan1an said this week.

That was in 1976 and 1977 when the Rebels went to the Final Four. a ttached .. Runnin '" 10 the ir nickname. set national • records for game \Coring average ( 110. 5). most tonsccuuvc games over 100 points ( 12) and single game scoring ( 164 vs. I lawa11-Hilo).

The NC A derailed 1hc Runnin' Rcbeh 1n 1977. finding 1he proeram guth) or 38 recrulltn v1olauons placing the school on two years probauon and ordenng Tarkan1an su<,pcndcd for two years. Tarkanian obtained a court inJunction and kept coaching and wanning - much to the chagrin of the NC-\A hc1archy.

In a town built on losers. Tarkan1an ha~ hl'mme o,ome1h1ng-&f-1tn--imtttu· t1on al winning. He's 593-11 0ver11 23-}ear career. making him the nation's ~mn1ngesl acti ve l'oai:h in term\ of percentage\.

Ru1 he '>3) \ hc regret!> lhc price ht~ famil y ha-; paid for the NCAA 's 1<:nac11>

The N< AA announceod .. ant't1ons aga1n~t Long Be<wti al> I arkan1an headed for Las Yl'Jta):

Georgetown picked No. I in basketball ,, .... ,., ....... cm.

Georgetown. the defending na­llon11 champion, was over· whelmlngly Mlected u the n• Uon't No. 1 team Tuesday In the Auoctated Pr"'• pte Maeon CX>t· lege &elketbelt poll.

'the Hope, who return 7-foot. two-time Atl·-'mertcan center Patrick Ewing u welt u ~percent of their offenM from fut 1Mt0n when they won • 1Ch00f ·-record 34 Qamte IGM11t lhrM lot ... , re­cei* 55 ftret-plac. votH and 1.248 r1tlng point• from 1 na· tlonwkle P9MI of 83 IPOf1twrlteta and broadcattert..

ltNnola wa No . 2, fotlOwect by 0.PIUI, tndllnl Ind Oklahoma,

Two long-time members of the Top Twenty, howewr, were mtM­lng.

North CaroUna, whlctl ftnllhed No. 1 IUt 1111on before ~ In the NCAA '°"'Nmlnt. wa 211t tn the pr111 •on - the nr.t time lfnce 1112 that the Tar Helle h9vt not...,_• 11•on rlnUd.

And UCLA did not 991 1 ling .. ,_.. en ,_... to mt11=6 pr111•on PGl lor IN ht time .. It ~ In ""PNC*llillld ..,_ al _,... ltrllaht NCAA ~'"the m"ld-1l.IOL

Conquerors home~_~rl~J

Ne tf' n C'hnstian. comina olT an 18-1 ljktoryov, r Bi1 Pinc in the n,-,t round of the CIF iaht·Man football 1>layofT5, '-"ill play Bloominaton Chrut1an in S«ond-rouod action th is week.

The game ha bten set fo r Hun1 ~~~~ Beach ~ ' 7r. Fifi ·iiu--="-=111••

The Conqueror uk<! thr pa~""• onn of quancrbt k Tom 9a ( 136 ~arda throuah the a1r) en route to lhc fi"t-round v1c1ory last Saturday

Newpon C'hmuan 11 7.3 uvcrall and with 11 w1n Fnd.ty, would mtei lhc winner ol the He pcna ( hmuan Col luthC'rnn aamr on 'atunJQ)'




c .,.,.,,. ••• .................. -.-....


" Daddy, get one wi th a stick shift , and bucket seats, and sunroof, and tape

deck, and .... "

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

" Marmaduke! I can wash my own back, thank you."






by Tom Batluk DOOJOtSBURY ·

BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) SHOE


" Yeah? And what makes you think ·you can make ·a hot-air balloon?"

( I


· · v~ I 1

I f J f

by Jim Davis

by Ferd & Tom Johnson








LL 6€ Pf(OOD OF ME .. f

by Charles M. Sch"2

OR MAYBE SME1Ll ~ AT ME, AHO SA'(. '' HEif, : STUPID, YOU'RE 6ETTIN6. D06 MAI~ All CH~ - -g-tzfij

~~! TME SEAT! "


AAl..P~. ! iQAOCO i~~T 5~iE.U..1iE. Ol~l-4 iO ~OU '°0Q 11.uO 1'1Qe.~. ~NO 'f~f.~ f>oi~ af.W OUT II



MICHAEL, oeos40NS Llt'\E Tl"l"I f\REN~ BAset> ON LCOK.S' we ll'<TERVIEIU ~E~Y


--......_ r't~ CHANG£ MY 1.1Ff.STVt£ / I ·u. 00 WHMEVEK IS


i n

$ t


by Kevin Fag~

. by Lynn Johnston

.,.....~ i&-Hi~e. -THE. ~e. YOOR. t'\O'i\ER u~s.



by Pat Brady

~ ,,., .,


0 TROL \'Ol R ELF!

Roth vulnerable :-.:orth deal'I .

WF:ST • Q to 3

K J 96 Ql052


NORTH + A 976

Vold ~ AK64 • A K J 10

EA T • J 52

A 107 532 3

• 978 ' OUTH + K•

Q8• ¢ J 9 7 + QU2

Tht' biddin1r ~orUi £Ht .. u. \\'Ht I • Pau \ I Pa.a 2 • Pa.. 3 • Pa 5 "' Put Pa 1 P Opt-1\1 « l ad : Four of .+ .

"W"tth Hli."- 'orth hand How~'ffr . \oorth m11cht hotvf' h:id good ru~on for hi"I C"aution l'\t'n five diamond'i provt>d to hf' mon• than South c-ould manal( '

West led h1~ ''"itlrton club and declarer won in dummr, He cashed t"'o top trump ... and wa disap



po1nttd ~ ~ n Ea'lt how~ out . Un fortunatt"ly . the hor h.ad already I ft tht harn Try a he m1~ht . declattr tould rom• to no m rt than 10 tricks. Thtrt are many ar1A 1 ions to t ht play - try them if you

Th ""'r-, - ,-, - ,- <'o_n_t_a-nt_ ba_t-ct l-.. .-~-ttu. l"oT nml>tt. tht rerl>t~

l~•tn d (lartr and th t1 t nm o.n cl41b5, Weal rurc and du•~ a

for c:ontrol or th• hand For dc-tlarf'r truR:~· dt"Clarer ~ D In IX d1a to rthnqu11b rontrol voluntuil) nn bf' foolhardy. mood • h1 hn~ f pl•y wnuld hav•

U our partntr madf' a volunt n bttn em1ntnlly rorN<'I indrf'd. rt pon l' an dtamond and thf'n ~avt' ,jx diamond dt~nd on no mort

Id h than a 2 tr-ump bttrk At ''"~ u• a preff'rtnl"e •n cluh . w1 or'\f'' d1&mond • howtv r. dt>rlart'r •h()uld rould nol ha"e k pt u'I out of 'llam • ----·

prott-ct &)t&ln<,t t hr po-..,1b1hl.\ of • I l t.rum p <,pht

.\fter "'lnntn(( tht duh It-ad dt-C'larn tan kt't-p ronlrol of th1 hanrl hr draw1ntt JUS.I onf' round .. ,, trump" 'l..eitl. hr ra'lhl'' the k tdl( arc- nf "pad€'' and ruff., a ~pade It dO<'., not mat IN if lit- J.rt'l\ ovt>rr\lff


GOREN rd~ hu1 u thf' nrd" he both dt•fc-ncltr• folio"- Now declarer rro,,f' hark to th.. olht>r high trump and rurt th board'a la I padt" Stn<'C ht' know~ lrumps art"

.i I. hf' mpl~ "tarts ruonin« duh-. n ct.. •••~ bav• U> bt•

"1:ll1 f1td with l \\ O trump tr1rl.., , nothin' mortt


OranQS CoastDAJLY PILO.f/Wedne day, November t4. 1984_~---




~A~.. ~:.=." ;=:R:..:0:p: M1~AL c:>~ic:.-~0M ~A~.. ~"~.. ~.~ Pte~A~· ~A~ t.. ~ pereone .,. COUNTY M ~ S.ker Strett. SU!te 203• ,.ROM P~ IMAJt TRANIFD The follOWlnQ l*"Onl •• llla foDc:IWlnO pereont ere The fOt1eM1nf peraona are The t~ l*IOfl le The to11oWinO pereon It

... ~.. In IN Maner of tt'le OPCRATWO ~ ..... 1101 .. '°7 doing bualMee 11; d. buliMM --- - doing bUalneM .. M R ClQ_lng buelneee.. dOlng bu ...... -~ ta[LCRHT OfVUOP· Appllc'ellon or C.ilfornta 92824 '1Cnnou1 ~.. u .c .c .t A ' 8 A 0 T I 0 "' a 0 u T H ,. A c I , t c lOCkSMIT~. 1He Charle . 8MtNStOAM, HS 1 Salt- HUll!A t.!AllNO COM·

MINT, a Oellform1 l.lmlted CHRISTOPHER " JAMES 'I i:.~~1:02 ~~~N~I~ NA• Nottot 11 twet>y g111an to ENTERPRISES. 15" 01· QOUR!tA!T P'OOOS, 2818 I A, Coeta Mtea, CA t2't27 ltall, HunUng1on leach, PANY, S37 I aoth9,.!~Mt , ...,.....,.....,, 213 La JOiia, RfAM credl tora or l he within •not· Coate M.... Calif NewPort oi..o , Mewport Metia Thom• Rupo. !Mt Caltt 92e'4e Cotta Mtea. Cliff. CV«V

~ 8-ofl. C8flf t2M3 '°' Chenot or Nern. ~N[. CAHILL The loltowlng Pl'IOl'I hal llerned ttatllfwOI that. l)Ulk t2t2T IMGl'I. Clllf t2tos Cttene IA. co.ta Mela, CA Klril .... ,....,, "31 s.. Alctlald CMttee Huber. The Qr~ Companiea, No A 12~50& Ptlnclpll el\d tnt.,_t due Withdrawn II e Q9nlrel part• ltentter It et>OUI to be m.0. Ket!Tllt , Rime. 1615 Or· ._ Shrimp Fwrne, o.,,. Jm7 flah, HuntlnglOll 8 .. Ch, 3S7 ! 20ttl 8trwt, eo.ta

C4llfotTlla, 213 LA Jolla, ORO£f\ TO SHOW CAUS! 11t2,o79 75 nar from the pan'*9hlp OC>- on pereorial prOj)etly tleftln· ange, CO.ta M ... , Cal.If ltfel Pwtn.-, 2811 N9wPQf1 Thia bvtlneee la c:o,,_ Cllllt t28'8 MaM. CIMf t282t Newpcwt 9Mcfl, Cellf t2'13 FOA CHANGE OF N~ME COit•, bean-. and Ad- ••ting under Iha ftctltlout ,,.., deee11bed 92821 81Yd., ~ a..ctt, Calif. dVCltd by. an lndMOual Thlt t>utln •• con· TNt bual~k..!! .... GOn·

Aol:lert H Orey, 213 LA 1s.c. 808'4) ¥enoet du.1apl>fOAll'Mtefvl bullMu name ot {1)0000- The name and bullneat Oevld L 8ule, 2582 82GOS A.48'1e r. ~ ducted bY' en lfidllll4Utl ducted by an..__ Jolla. NNport lleact'I, Calif. CtltlatoPl'llt Jamee Ream $8',328 82 FRl!NOS f2)HENRY SWEET lddr... of the lntellded Gr .. nbrtar Cotta Mua, Tllla butln•ae Is con• Thlt etettment WM ftltad Kirk P..._ . AIOhard Huber tH13 11u ftlld a petition 1n 11111 Credltl(S l85.388.251 HENRY 11 12.0 M Logan trenateror a ar• PAUL Calll 9282t ducted t>y· a llmlted part,_. wtth 1111 County Clerk of Or· Thi• ttetem.nt wu flied Tiii• 1tatemtnl w• llted

lllla t>ullMU It con- court ror.,, or«* allowfng TOTAL S711.0 19. t.2 Ava Cotl• M..a Celll NOAN, 10052 K.uli.ul 0r1111. Thie t>uelnH• 11 con· alllp 1nga CountyonOctot>et t5, wlthtMCountyClerkolOr· wlllll~CountyClertlOfOf· .__,by e limited partnar· petttionw to chetlOI Illa/lier OAT!O' October 24• t94A 92828 • Huntington Beach. Call · dUC'lod by CO-pattnert 8 l . f111ru1, Ohctor 198-4 anOt County on OCtober 23, enga County on ~ .... · nema trom Chrlatopner M~a:~~ ~~us~~~~ The fielllloua bu1tna11 torn•• 928'8, MAY NGAN, David L 8ufe This 1t1temen1 waa ~ ,,_ 1914 2, t"4 . ""°'*1 H or- Jemea Ream to Chrlat......_. name,,,,.,,,.,,, tor Ille Plf1· 10052 t<ukul 011ve. Hunt· Thl:t stet.ment WU 11*1 with 1118 County Clwtc ot Or· Put>llehld ,...,__ Coast ~ ,.,.

lNa 9tat..,...m llW .. ti+ed JameeMcKMYet ..,...._ SERVICE CORPORATION, I ntfthl1>WUffladonApr119, 1ngton &aech. Calllornla wtththeCountyCfttkofQr. angeCountyon0ctot>ar23, Ot11YPllOt~~1,.21 . Publlthed Orell09 CoMt PubliaMO Orenot Coefl .... County °"'1c of Or· If IS HEREBY ORDERED Cellfol'nl• Cor~atlcll'I 1ta.• tn th• COunty Of Or· 928'8 ~County on Octot>tr 23. 1914 H , Dec.mber 5, 198' Dally Ptlot Octobef 31, No- o.lly Piiot No¥.nber 7. 14, "119 Councy on Octe>b9r 16, that all paraona Int-tad 1n By Denn" Scllm\lelt•. ~ f'.l l.J NO 1&t'T92A The name and butiMll t984 •-1' W·• 12 vembar 7. 14. 21. 1914 21. 28. 1t8' 1tM the metter etOfeM.l<l appear RaorganlLatton Truet.. Full Name and Addi ... of addt ... 01 the ll\l•nded '21M'11 PVbll•Md Oranoe Coaat W-389 W-397

fZlllJ4 IOI• uu. cou.tt In Depart· ITA Tl OP CALIFORNIA) the Pl!SOO" Wlltldtawlng~ trenaler... 111e. SUMIKO Publlthed 0..4Nlfl9 CoMt pjllly Pilot -OotOblt' 31, No-


....... K. v .. Wwt mant No 3 at 700 Clvtc ~," T ~s '! ~ 0 R • C«:llla T Yamin, 5311 Scfblt MOT OISHI. 12"1 NutWOOd Dall'; Piiot October 3 ' · No- .,.,,,bet 7. 14. 21. t.984 11lt Alrwwf A...,, .. A·t c.nter Drive WMt, Senta On Oct~ 24 19" Aobartson. Hidden Hiii•. StrNI, oaroen Or~. Call• temti.r 7. 14, 21, 198' w .372


0.... ...... Calf. - Ana. C&111ornta, °" Dec:em- be4 • ,,_,· eHt tornla 92640. W.!J71 ~ Ofenge Coast bef 17. 198'4. et t 16 o'ctodl ore ma. the unclenlg • SIOlled Th.i the property pertl· ~ fltlot October 2• 31 AM and then and thate • Notarr PubllC ltl end IOI Henry"Sllyder ,,.,,, h8'eto IS detctlbed In ·----------.....,. .. 7. 1', tt8' ' · show cauM, If any they have said Coun ty and Stile, I*· Pu bf tined Orange Cotat general H All f I .. the 1 P\RIC NOTICE

' W.!J$4 , why H id petition for ~~~~!~i! ally. Piiot October 24, 31. lurnltura. lhllur ... IQ~P· · 'r:icmtout •USIMISI ~--------- change ol name ahould llOI Trustee for.Am«k:an Home ov,emt>er 7 14, 1984 ment, lllV91110fY. auppliM, NAMI STAT~•NT

be 9ran led W·357. gooowtll, tr1de n am•. J, "8.JC NOTICE T · MO<tgaga T"* o..cl S..· · leatehold lmpro11emen11 he followtng Pl'IOll• era ----;;...;;;;~;..:.;;..:.;..;~-- I IS FURTHER ordered .-lee Corpotatlon • • cau- and INMhold lnlerNI or d ng buslneu u

PIClTTIOUI eu .... 11 that a copy of lhlt order to tornla Corporetlon. p ar· 11111 certetll rastlUfant end PAO GRAPHICS, 18156 -.. ITATDIEHT thOw caute be CMJl>4ill'llCI in tonally rtnown to me (or MUC NOTIC£ 1 ...,.Ated 81 562 Wast t8th .\Ilea Lina. Hlltlllngton

)'tw ~ pat'IOtl i. the Orafl09 CO.St Oelly Pilot, pro~ to me on the bNll Of ' '""'"' M c Beaol\, Calif 91"48 delr'CI buelnMS u; e newspaper 01 gene<al 11t1sfactOtY evlcSenoel to be ttATllllNT OF Street, Costa •a. all· Jatf John10n. 18158 Allee

lil.bORAOO LANDSCAPE circutatlon. publllhed In thll the perton WhON name II AIAHOONMllfT Of lorn•• 92827· L•ne Huntington Beach COMPANY State Lloente ft county 11 lea51 oaoe 1 w• subaor'lbed 10 the wJlhlll In. USE OF FlCTtTIOUS The busmen name used Calif .926'8 ' C•27 , .. ~~ 1.a. ""3 E t"lh lor lour consewtt.• weeks stru-1 and acknowted,,.,, 8UStNE•s NAM! by 1111 'said trensleror{•) at Mark Davia 18156 Allee

.,...., "' .. I to ,,,. d- of .. Id llear .. ..... • .,.... Slld locatlon IS THE COT. • 9\.. Colle Maaa. Calll ~Of - 1 • that tta executed the ume Tha tollowln9 persona TA 0 E F AM 1 L y RE s . Lan.. Huntington Beach, ba7 "o W~TNESSmyhendanclof· have abanclOMd the use ot TAUF\ANT Calif 92848 •

Mld\ael O Alklnaon, .203 ••r;~~~~~~84 llC1at seal .... , the Flc1tllou1 BualllUS TM!t aatd bulk transler la Bery Johnson. 18166

f!,. t9ttl St . Coate Mesa. Jud I the ANE SLOCUM CA ... "4 Name SALT CREEK DE· Intended 10 be cont1um · " !Ice Lane. Huntingto n Ceillfl' • 92827 Supe~~ Cour1

0 ENXH1err

8Mt " SIGN 33472 lnun. Otlla mated 11 the olllc:e 01 Be&ch. Calif 92648

hit bu1tnas1 11 con- P • llsh- " 0 •""e Coasi rder o u 1., Point . CA 92629x Starcresl Eacrow Co Inc . This buslnets Is con· duded by: en lnd1vldua.1 ° ""' r .• ., P o I 1 c y N o The F1ct1tlou1 Buatness St 1 ductltd by • general part·

Mlchael O. Atklneon Dally Piiot November 14 21 TSG- 1570-09003 Name referred 10 abolle was 18795 BrootchutSI ree nershlp This atetament was llled 28· 0.C.mbel 5· ' 984 LEG.AL DESCRIPTION filed Ill Orange County on Fountitn Valley. Callfornia Jeff Johnaon

wini. the Coullty Cl~ of Or· w.394 PARCEL t Lot 59 o f Tract AuguSI 31, 1983 :2~~=4on Of after Oeoember Thia statement WU llled arp County on Octobef 16. No 8040. In Iha City of Hunt· F'ILE NO F224173 This Bulk Transfer II 5Ub- #lltl the CoulllY Cieri< of Or· tU4 ~IC NOTICE ong ton Beectt. County ol Or· Andrea Kay Vatter. 33472 iect 10 CalllOfnla Uniform ange

9 ~County on Octot>cw 23,

F251211 ange State or Ca111orn1a, as lntara. Dani Pol lll. CA Commercial Coda Sec 1984 .. _11 Publithed Orange Coest FICTITIOUI BUllNl!SS per map recorded Ill bOOk 92629 6 106 .. _

D9ily Pilot October 24, 3 1, NAME l!ArEMCNT 350. pages 27 10 37 lllcluslva Lawrence Anthony Vetter, The name and address of Publlahed Orange Coast Noveml>ef 7, 14. 1984 The follOWlllg pereont are of Mlscellaneou1 Maps. In 33472 lntera. Dana Polnl. the person with whom Dally Pilot Octoti.t 3 1, No-

W-356 doing bualneu u tile 0tt1ea ol the County Re- CA 92&29 claims may be filed 11 vember 7, 14 2 t . 1984 (l )LESCOULIE NURSES eotd8' of said County Tiiis bullnesa was con. Stercreat Escrow Co . Ille . W-370

PUBLIC NOTICE REGISTRY (bllESCOULIE EXCEPT ell 011 gas dueled by a general partner- 15798 Brookhurst Slre~u --------- MEDICAL SERVICES. INC pe trota1m and o the r ship Fountain Valley. Calif 92708

t<·l~ 35 t Hospital Rel Newport tl ydrocarbon substancea Thia 1talemenJ..~" fl()rled Eacrow No 2355. Ms. and 1----------FICTtTtOUI BUllNE$S Buch, Calif 92663 and all other m1netels o l w•lh Ille County ..-k ol • the 1811 day IOI Wing claims PUBLIC NOTICE

NAME ITATI!MENT Sylvla Le1<;oulla, Call · r1efY k tnd a.nd character, angeCounty on Oc1ober 16, by any "editor shall be 0e.1----------lorni1 4600 Sea9hore Or (except waltf and rlg!lla to 198• ' 9 I NOTICE TO

.. Tile fotlowlno persons are N.......;.rt Beach Calll 92663 appropriate or divert water Reed I Wright, Attorney• cember 3• 1 84· which 1 tl'le CAEDITORI OF Doing busoness as INDE· - - .... - · IOO Gia business day before the PENDENT ROOFING CON· This busmess Is con· whether aoch rights be vee- 11 Law, nn•rr•, c:onaummauon dtt• soa<:I· euut TIU.NlffR SULT ANTS INC " 85 E ducted by a eotporation led or contingent) tll, under Laguna llNc:ll, CA 1951 fled above ( leca. 1101 .. 107 l7th St Co 11 Mesa CA Sytv1a Lescouhe Preti · or recovereble lrom sal4 Publllhed Orange Coast So fer u 11 known 10 Slid u .c.C.)

· s dent land without however. any Dally Piiot Oc1obet 24. 31. Intended Transferee said In- Notice ts hereby given to 9216~7C Technotogies Inc Tn•s statelT!i!Ot was IO&CI oghl to enlet upori t ile sur - Novembef 7 t4, 1984 19nded Transferor UNO tile cred11ora ol the within

485 E t7tn St Costa Mesa Nllh the County Clerk of Or- lace or subsurface of seld W-352 lollowlng addltlonal buel- named transleror(a) that 1 CA 92627 · · snge County on October 17. land above 500 leet below ness namM alld lddretset bulk translef Is about to be

1984 the present natural level of PUBLIC NOTICE made on ---aonal pro.....,.y {State of 1ncorpora11on F2512te the surface 01 said land 85 "'llhln the three yaar1 l.ast ,,_, .....,. • Calltornla l past None hare.natter described

PubllShed Orange Coa91 reserved in varoou' Deeds to STATEMENT o' Dated November 7. l984 The nameCa) llld business This business 15 con· Daily P1101 October 24 31 Jasam Inc a corporatton ABANOONMENT OF s umlllo Motolelll , In· address ot tha Intended

ducted by • eotporallon November 17, 14 1984 rec0<Cled October 11. 1960 USE OF FICTITIOUS landed Trell•f- transferor(• ) are MARY C James L Perry Pteaident W-359 .n book 545&, page 410 Ind OUSLEY 540 8 w I This ate. lament wat rited lollowinn ot Official Records 8UllHES• NAME Publlltied Orange Coast . • nut·

w11h tile County Clerk ol pr. ALSO"EXCEPT all oll. gH, The tollowtng pereon has elly Piiot November 14, 1rv1ne. CA 92714 1nge County on October 12. PUBUC NOTICE 011 shale. coal. phosphate. abandoned tile uM of the 1984 The location In Callfor1111 t984 Fletltlou• Buslnesa Name. W· 407 :>I the chelt e•ecutlve office

F257tt:5 ftCTITIOUS llUSlNEIS • '11n gold,~ and 1 11 FINANC~l NEGOl'IATrON :>f prTncipal business olfloe P blllhed 0 ange Coast NAME STAnMENT other mineral depostls con- SERVICES, 214·B N New· PUBUC NOTICE ol the Intended fran.1terors

Oat,U p lo Oc r ber "4 31 TM lollOwlng pertons are 1••ned In 1 portton ot said hope. Santa Alla, Callf. same as above NOY~~: 7 t~ 19~ :J01n9 OUStnMS .. ·and. together Wtlh the right 92703 FlellUOUI Business ORANGE COUNTY All other buStnelS names

w.353 J 1 M 5 M A T ~ E R S to droll tor and aJCtract such Name reterred 10 above was S~RIOR COURT alld addresta• u!led by the CYPRESS DATSUN 5800 depoStts of oil and gas. or liled In Orange County °" MARSHAL OF ntended transferor within Lincoln Ave . Cypr~. Callf. mo•,! :.. ~~~ rteOml>fo~spec9uc'h fd°!: September 27. 1983 FILE ORANG! COUNTY three yeara last past so lat 90630 ·~ ,,,... •v ~ NO F226055 HARBOR DIVISION as known to the lntenCled

DBD Datsun Inc Call po111s ot other minerals trom Unda Lou Johnson, 214.B 4801 JAMBOREE ILVD lransteree are none lorn•e 5800 Lincolll Ave. said l1nds but with the right N. Nawtlope, Santa Ana. NEWRPOOORMT l~ACH, The name and business

• to OCCUl)y and use only I Calif 92703 ""'" ilddress or the 1r.t11t1de<I DENHOLM ICypreas Calif 90630 POf"ttOn ol other land tor said This buSlnMS was con· CALlfOANlA 12MO transferee are Erlinda O

D , Th•• business 11 con· ourposes as contained In PLAINTIFF· ROBERT S Cueva 32 Farranut 1rv111e D A V I S ducted by a corpora11on 1118 agreement dated De- ducted by an Individual JACOBS J OAN Al YN CA 927 14 ..,, DENHO LM. Hort •· d8~.•rvin Smtih Vooe Prl'SI· :::embf!f n 1c980 between Wl~hh:~e·~~~~.;:sot"~ JACOBS Thal the proper1y per11· culturtst . W as born Ths statement as llled me Stale ol aJltornl11 and allge Countyon October 23. DE FENDANT A L.TON nent hereto is desctlbed in· t:"...t • b h c. land 1 w Kuntt""IOn Harbour Corpar. LEE. JR I R t 11 C d d -..in urg . .;:i<.'Ol Nllh the County Clefk or Or· stton ""'• Delaware corpor· 19 4 ;ienera as ea ar an M 2.. 1904 p ----...t anna County on October 16 s Publtlhed Oraoge Coast NOTICE OF Giit Store and 1s tocated at

ay "· ~ ,,- allon. recorded January 31 , MARSHAL'S SALE 5406 Walnut lrvtna. CA .8..WA:j. November 1-0. '984

1"25nOI 19611nboolo. 5Gt\. pege470 =~~'~';,~.!!· No- COUUCAUMO. !mt• -l984 He was a mem· P Dlrsned 0 C est :ii 0111c111 Records. as W-373 150 131 DD Tile busonel-' name used her of the Pac1f1c 01111~ Pilot 0c1~.:" 24,031 !'!',~edNovbeymtb"!•ag2r2~. 19.,,6 11 By vir ture ol a writ Issued by the said 1ransleror1s) at

N 7 14 1994 - ""' ~ on l'ebruary 2. 1984 •n Iha 18.id 1oc11on I&. Mary's Hall-Angelers and Tuna ovemt>er · between aald parties re- PUBLIC NOTICE above dealgn1ted Court. mark Club Ht• ,., survived W·

355 :orded March 7. 19S3 In upon 11 judgment entered That said bulk transfer 1s

b h f Cl book i;.57 page 619 of Of· NOTICE OF Oct 7, 198 l In favor ol judg· •n tended to be consum· Y 15 WI c unies, PU8llC NOTICE l.clal ~ecords and as re- TRUSTEE' S I ALE en1 "9diJ.OdJJ. &lb9cl S.. led-eHtieot-ltceOf--Horris

son David and daygh • • Ol!Je<t1n)rTn~ -i.ar.NO. SAT Jacobs and Jo en Alyn ! Associetes inc 4570 l.ei. C lurues H olt. and FICTITIOUS SUSINEll Stale of Caltlornia to Hunl· vou ARE IN DEFAULT Jacobs •nd aga1ns1 jUdg· Camous0rl\le,&.U&e8, New-Ihree grand childr en MAME ST ATEMEHT not on Harbour Corp()fallon. UNDER A DffD OF TRUST ment debtor(S) Alton l ae Jr POrt Beach. Callfornll 92660

M The lollow1ng persona ere •ecored February 15. 1965 DATED l 0/03180 UNLESS Showmg a net Dalance of It December 3 e m o n a l ser v i ces Clotng business as •n book 74 13, page 333 ot YOU TAKE ACTION TO St08.023 75 ac tually due on 'rset a er '

Will be h eld al the VIDEO OUTPOST 13925 Olf1c1al Record1 PROTECT YOUR PROP· 1111d judgment on the elate ol This bulk transler Is sub· .BcU·Alr P resbyterian Yale Ave Irvine Cali f A LSO E XCEPT t he ERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT 1he Issuance of said writ. I I~ to Caillornla Unilorm Church Wedn esday 92714 subsurface water rlgnts. but A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU l'lave levied upon all right, Commerc1111 COde Sectton

• • Jonathan E Sheehan N•lhout tMI right of entry 10 NEED AN EXPLANATION title aM 1n1eres1 o l said 6l06 N ovember H . 1984 at 13922 Hale Garden Grove the surface thereol or 10 the OF THE NATURE OF THE Judgment det><or{a) in the The name and address ol 2PM Cahl 92643 1ubsurface above the depth PROCEEDINGS AGAINST property In the County ol Or· tlle persOft with .. whom

&:'.TAN B Rv Rtck A Floyd 25 Mw ' ' 500 feel . as de<ficated to YOU. YOU SHOULD CON, , State of Calllorn1a. de- claim$ may be hied 11 Norris •n • Ml'le:cem "9271T The \;Tl'f o un ng on scr1~ es tollows & Associates. Inc . 4670

R O B E R T M T111s ousmess 1s con- Beach on the map ot seld On 12/04/64 at 10 A.M Parcel t c ampus Drive. Suite 9, New-ST A.NSBUK \' MD ducted by a general part Tract INTERSTATE TRUST DEED The northeasterly 145 t9 port Beach CA 92660 and

nershlP PARCEL 2 A non-• •· SERVICE. INC .. as the duty feel o f the northwesterly th la 1 d tor 111 ctalms bor n In Moun tarn Jonethan E Sheehall :rus1ve easement and tile 1pp01nted Trullee under 7 S 00 I e e 1 o I the bye an~ cr:uor .~~be No-V1<.>w Calif Mdn:h 24 , ThlS stalemeril w as hied •ight-o1-wl)' ac>purtenant 10 an<I pursuant to Deed ot southeastafty 300 00 feet of ~ember 30 1984 wl'llCh Is the 1924. dted dl Land · with the County Cle<k 01 Or· and tor tile beneht of said Trust . Recorded on 10 /6/ 80 Lot 308 ot Newport Helghta busmen day before the

C ange County on October 9 Parcel 1, •n. over. across, as Document no 7429. Book 1n the County of Orallge, consummation date spec!· ca st e r ommunny 198« Jpon the through the Loll t3775 Page 1565 of Ottielat State of Calllornla, as par lled above H ospi tal Nnw,mb<'f F157'23 :1es1gnated G, H and J on Records In the o ttlca or tile map recorded In Book 4, Dated November 9 1984 12, 1984 after a Published Orenge Coast 1a1dTractNo 8040, lorrec- Recorderol Orange County, Page 83 of Miscellaneous Erlinda o. cu..,·a. In· lengthy tllm"'>S Dr Delly Piiot October 24 31 reellonal purposes: •n. over. California. eitecuted by Wll· Mapa. In Ille oftl(;e or the lellded TranafafM

Stansbury pracllced November 7 14 19~W·358 ~~~id=•~:\'~~~ ~:At~eJM~~~N~O~,E~~~~ ~~:: Recorder ot Hid 0!1~b·~.r: z~~o~:' medlClnt' at 120 E Tract No ~ lor the IRREVOCABLE IN TER· Said land .. Shown on II 1984


NAMI IT A Tl..,.T The fQlloW!ng '*'°"' .,. f'taJC NOTICE

• T ,. T I! M a N T O f doing butineas ea· WAX· .. WITHDAAWAL M A S T e R S . 2 2 3 2

FROM PARTNIR'"9P Ponde<ota, Santa Ana, CA OPIJt.AflHO ~R 9270 1

f'ICTITIOUI 8UllNlll Nell Stephen Bance. 2232 .,,. ..,.. PoriderOll, Santa Ana, CA ---- 92701

The fOlloWlflO !*Ion has This bualne11 le con· withdrewt'I u • g9fllral part· due1ed by: an lndlYld\lal ne< from the P.•rtnerst\lp op. Nell Bance trallno under the fictitious Thi• 1tatement wH ni.cs ri:;~iA~•;,:o~P ~e:2~ with the County Cla(k of Or· Falrvtew. 0 .. ,. MHI. C.llf ~County on October 18, 92827 • '211174

Tiie flctltlout bualneH Publlshed Orafl09 cout na.me 1ta1emen1 lor the part . Dally Piiot November t4, 2 t . Mrlhlp was flied on August 28 Oecemt>cw 5 198' 9 . 1984 In tha County or Or- • ' . W-411 enge. FILE NO F252S35

Full Name and Addreu of 1---------­the Person Withdrawing: , __ PtlJL __ l_C_NO_T_IC_C __ Steve Wllllam90n, 2151 Vie NOTICE IHVJTIHO 8K>I Oel Sol, Mission Vleto. Calif. N ·~I .. ~...... ..__ , .. I 92691 01 ...... ·--, g ....... .

Signed. Steve Wllllam900 It'll Board of Truttees ot the Publllhed Orange Coaet Huntington B .. ch Ulllon

Dally Piiot Novembaf 7 , 14, High School Olstr1Ct Wiii r• 2 1 28 198'4 celve Malad bide for IUPc>ly·

W-401 Ing OFFICE COPtERS meet· lng Of equal 10 the ~lfi·

--------- cations on nle In tt1e on1ee or PtllllC NOTICE said Dlltrlct ___ ;.....;;...______ 8 1d• shell be clearly

I T A T E M E N T 0 F marked OFFICE COPIERS WITHDRAWAL 8icHf591 eddr....O to.

FROM PAltTNIRSHUt Allyn E. Rowley, Purch ... OPERATING UNDIR Ing Mallagat

FICTITIOUS IUllNEIS Huntington Beach Union NAMf High School Otatrlet

The lollowlno peraon has 10251 Yorktown AV91lue wtthdr-n as a general part- Hun ling ton BHeh, CA ner from the partne<shlp op- 92848 e<atlng under Ille fictitious and received at or before buslneH name of C8A 2:00 p.m .. Mi:>nday. Novem· FASTENER & SUPPL y at b9' 28. 1984, ., which llm• 1253·H Logan Avallue. and piece bide wtM be pub­Colla Mesa, Calllornla ltely op9nec:1. and raid In 9282& Bldg c. Rm 3e 1

The llctihoua bu1lnNS Each bid atlall rel'l'llln valid name statement for the part· for a period of 180 days atttf nerahlp was filed on Sep. tile date apeclfled for the r• tember 17. 1982 In the cetpl of bids. County of Orange FILE NO. The Boerd of Truatees F· 197]07 lhaU bet~ Juc:toeot the

Full Name and Addreu or quality ol equipment ottered the Person Withdrawing: and ~ the right to r• Demel J. Bltjak, 1152 N tect any or all bid• and 10 Wall G·2. Anallelm,• Call- wall!• ally lftegularfty ther• lomla 92801. In.

Signed: DANIEL L BIZ· Signed Allyn E. ~ey. JAK Purchaalng Manager

Published Orange Coast Dated. 11105/ 84 0 1ily Piiot Novembef 7. 14, Publiahed by the Orange 21 28 1984 Coaa1 Dally Piiot November

W-400 7 14 1984. • .• W393



NAMl ITATl....-r ~ IQlloWtng P«IOll II The followfng peraona ere dOINng~~~ a:L1LOER8

doing butlneat H IE P AC I F I C R E T A I L CONCEPTS, l500 J StrMt.

PROPERTIES. 1212 Pam- Belbot, C.ltf. t2ee1 b<Olle Lene, Newport BMOI, EdWWd J Otoboklt. l500 J Calif 92eeC> Str"1, Balboa, callf. t2ee1

8111 M1cM111er. 1212 Tl\lt bu••n•tt It con· Pembr~• Lane. Newp<>n due1ed by an tndlvtdulll Buch, Calll. 92&&0 Edward J. GloboUr

Oreo George. « O 2nd Thll •1•1ement WU flied Str .. t. M11lha1tan Beach, with the Covill}' Ol8f'k of Or· Calif 90208 ~ Cotln1Y on Octbbet 31 •

This bu11n .. a It con· 198• dueted by • ~a1 part· Pub""*' Or•,,,!~ ,_ship -· . .-

8111 MacMaater Dally Piiot N~tiet 7, 1•, Tnis atatament wN flied 21. 28. 198'

with the Coullty Cieri! ol Or· • W-398 ange County on October 23, 1984 l----------

"251t21 Pl&JC NOTICE Publllhed Orange COatt 1------------

0ally Piiot Oc10b9r 31, No- ~~A~ll "'9mber 7, 14, 21. 1984 The following pel"IOl'lt ••

W·3e8 dol butlMN II: S~ JUAN RENT · IT SEf\.

PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~es!2 1~~~":'.: FICTITtOUI 9Ul*IH llll 92875

.. NT Rent-It s.Mce, • Call· NAMI ITATI . ornla Cc>rpoi'eUon 32 102

The lolloWlng peraon It PINO Adelanto sen Juan doing bualn.-t II' - I

H 0 LL 0 W 'a A S- eno, Calif. 92875 SOCIATES. 1811 MonrOYfa ~ ~~:l=~Oll· :;:;r· eosta Mesa. ca1if. Pllmp 1: Nemoocl. s.c:-

Oenn•• Phillip Hollo'#, 818 *'~ ttetemenl WM flied Scott Lane, Anaheim, Calif. th the County Ci.ttl of Or· 92804 County on NoYlll'lber

This butlnaH It con· 1 1984 ductecLby; an lndMdual · ,_.11 Denni• P Hollow p o ,. __ Thia 11atement wu flied ut;Jllahed range ..,.,...,

wtth the County Clerk ol Or· ly PllOt November 7. 1•. ange Counly on October 2,

1· 28· 198' W-.388

1984 F2M7tt P\RIC NOTICE

Published Orange Cout 1-----------0ally Piiot October 31. No- FICTITtOUS .c:. ..... vember 7. 14, 21. 1984 NA• ITA~

W-3M" Tl'll rorrowTng. •aon 11


olng bualness ... BEA WORD PRO · ESSING & TYPING SER­ICE. 18232 Eagle Lene. unt111gton Beach, Calif.

W()N(IRS' 8't COM-Nl'"Tl........ Linda Lee Gelger, 18232

.... .. "" Eeot•-L.•A•~t1n4Jaon APPEAL• 80ARD • cam. 928'9

Stet• of Thia butlMSt It COil• c.mcwni. c ... No UC1ed ~ndMdual 82 SBA 87177 ~~· etatement wee flied N~:' With the County Clet1c of Or·

ALAN BRIAN MONTOYA anoe County on Nowmber NOTICE 0' YOU ARI IN DlfAULT Applicant 111 JOHN o' 1. 198'



ONQ-MQON. UE,. EON TION TO "'°T&CT YOUR FUND Oefatldants - 2t. 28, JOO LEE. 28622 Alamo Clr· "'Of'£RTY IT MAY H • , _______ ... w .. -3-.90._.

.Ol.D '"T .;._, ........... 1.. You are hereby notified,-cle. El T('(O, CA 92e30 .. ...,_.., .. .,. r IMlftTll'r IMPORTANT NOTICE YOU NllD AN txPLA· that the above 90Utt.d CIM fltBllC nu1iw;

IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN NATION ~ TitR NAT\M9 It Mt for heiring befOr(I \tie 1---------FOR&CLOSURE BECAUSE 0,- THI PROCllDINQ =~;~~::ti NA• ITATUmff YOU ARE BEHIND IN YOUR AGAINIT YOU , YOU allfacnla • LSIAT&.8 UILD. The lollowlng penona_ PAYMi~l$..- IT MAY IE ...out.O-Oottf ACT A ING 303 WEST THIAO o1na bullnMe ae: SOL D WITHOUT ANY L.AWYIR.. STR,EET ROOM '400. S.\N U6EIUYINTE~a . ..,,,.. COURT ACTION and you NOT1CC ~ . ct·1 ·- .,0 - --- . 1<::::--~· ,..... • mly lie~ the ..011 right to - TMISTIE'I IAU 8E'Rn,.Ru1"' • JMMfY "'' Newpott ~ter unn1. New· bring your ec:count In gOOd T S No. 2007S 1tff at t:OO a.M. BMcll. Calif. t 2eee> 11andlng by paying all ol NOTICE IS ~REBV CONTINUANCES ARE Liberty Flnanclel In· your past due paymenll plus GIVEN ltllt on tier NOT FAVORED ANO WILL rporated, Cellfomla, 500

' . . BE GRANTED ONLY UPON Center Drive, N9w-permltted costs tnd H · 28. 1984, 11 10.00 Clock CLEAR SHOWING O F 8eedl Call! 92980 ~MS w•tl'lln three months am of Mid day, In the lobby • · lrom Ula date this notl<la of of Golden Pacifle Trust Deed GOOD CAUSE Thie t>utlll .. t 11 c:on-delaull was recorded Servleee toeeted 11 1155 NOTE TO INSURED EM· ad by: e oorporetton

Tills amount II $813 30 as CMc Center Drive Wnl In PLOVERS Your attendance Sally A Holma9, S«:mary of November 6. 1.9.84 ana.w111 ~ ~ at thb hei''''1. m 001 ~ - ™• •••~1 W91'-!'!~--: Increase un111 your accoul'tt ly of Orange. Stale of Call· necessary 1 your ll· Ith Ille Coullty Cl«tl of Or· t,ecomea current You may rornla LAGUNA ESCROW auranoe company. County on Octobet 3 t .

Dated 11· 7·84 19 4 no1 have to pay Illa entire CO • INC • I California cor· JOHN LONOINl!CKlft, unpaid portion 01 your IC· porauon. as duty appointed , C.... r.ounl. even though lull pay· Trustee under and purtuant =~~:;:::: loef'd • IT\8(\f was demanded. but 10 the power- of ale eon· · you must pay the amount lerred In 11111 oertalll Deed ol Mark GuM. Attorney at •lated above Truat eJCa c ut ed by Law. 572 North Arrowhead

After three months from BERNARD A LA VOY ANO Avenue, Sen BemardlnO, CA . 92• 0 1

the date of recordallon of RUTH 0 . LA VOY, Huaband Publl.ned Ora11ge CO.St 11111 document (wl'lleh data of and Wiie u Joint Tenant•, Deity Piiot Novembet 14 21 recordtllOfl appeara her• recorded November 18. 28 December 6 1984 • • W-389 on) unteu Ille obllgallon 1983. In Ille offioe of the • • w..001------------belng loreck>Md upon I*· County Recorder of Mid P\8.IC NOTICE mlls a 'ono- l)t(lod, you County, u Recorder'• ln-

18th S t .. Costa Mesa P\Jrposea ot ingress to and VIVOS TR US T dated map l lled 1n BOOll 4 1, Page

f 20 . d PUBLIC NOTICE egress from 11ld Parcel 1 3114177 WILL SELL AT 49 of Record ot Surveys. In W-409 have only the legel right 10 11rumant No 83-532120, by MOTICI ~

--------- llOP Ille foreeloaura by pay- reuon of I breach or default PUBLIC NOTICE O.ATH OF o r years an re· and othet portions of said PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE tile office or 111e County Re-

tired tn 1978 due to NOTICE OF real property HIGHEST BIDDER FOR corder of said covnlY illness , moved to TRUSTEE"$ SALE EXHlllT " A" CASH (payable al llme ol Parcel 2 PaJmdalt• tn 191:10 Dr T.S. NO. "815-07 OrdM No 44815 i111e in lawful molley of the An easement lor road and

. .J Lo•n No 3089 P o I • t '/ N o United States) at Chapman publlC uttllty purposes over Stansbury IS \Ul"VtV<-u tmport•nt TSG· 1570-09003 Ave entrance 10 Civic the normeutarly 20 00 1 .. t by hts w1ff' Dt•lla of Notice to EXCEPTING from said Lot Center Bulld lng, 300 E of the southeaslMly 300 00 P almdale. a $()0 Roll· 1 Properly Owner G ltlal pofllon lhereol De· Chapman Ave . Orange. CA. feel of lot 306 ol Newporl

J h s ·h YOU ARE IN DEFAULT scnbed 89 beginning 81 Iha all right , ,,, .. 81ld llllMMI He1ghl1. 1n the County ot Or· e rt osep tans ury · VNDER A DEED OF TRUST. most Southerly com~ ot Lot conveyed to and now held ang11. St•te of C11lltornla. as Paramount . C~1 , fhl'f:lfl 0 .A,.TED MAR 2 1981. UN· A as lhowll on said Tract by tt under u td Deed of perm1precorded 1n Book4. step-d aug ht<·ro; .1nd LEl;S 't'OU TAKE ACTION map thence Southeasterly Trust In Ille property situ- Page 83 ol Mlscellaneou? their c tuldr C'n &or TO PROTECT YOUP PROP- along Ille bOunClary tine ot ••ad 1n said County, Call· Mape, Ill Ille ofltoe or the

. • f.RT'f 1T MAY BE SOLD AT lot H ol said Traci Sooth lorn•• dMCrtblr'O tile land County Recorder of Hid Vlce8 will be ht·ld r r A PUBLIC SALE If YOU 47 10 IS Ent 65 00 teet . therein LOT 35. IN BLOCK county day N ovf'm b4 r If, r~r ED AN EX PLANA TtON thence teavlng !1810 l>Ound· F OF TR.t.CT NO 812, IN EXCEPT thBI portion tying 1984 at I ! AM •••• thr ' OF THE NATURE OF THE ary llne o f said Lot H North THE CITY OF COSTA within Parcel 1

Chapel or l hl' \'aJlr- , ~~~c;g~,~~Ou~iA~~~~ ~h1;~:~45~o~~~t ~~ °?o l~t. ~6~~·E~S ,~E~~~: ~~: m~:1~,~~~ :a:o:;, rao: M 0 rt u a r y. :l ll 1 4 1 r ACT A LAWYER West 65 00 feel to the most PAGES 1 ANO 2 OF MIS- 49 01 Record o f Survey!! In North 6th Strt'f•t Jo:do;t NOT ( E Is HERE By E•lltffy pojnt Of LOI R ol CELLANEOUS MAPS. IN lhe o fllca ol the Coullly R• Palmda l t• C..i (ntl'r C.IVEN tMt the real property said Tract. thence along the THE OFFICE OF THE corder of said county

' f s tuott'd •rt tr>e Court11 l)t Or- bOUnClary llne of sa1<1 Lot R COUNT't' RECORDER OF Commonly known as 2255 511ent to fo llow ·11 >i · :irig., St1tte o f Callfo•nta South 42• 459 45 EHi SAID COUNTY Tustin Avenue. City of New· t e r t L .1 w 11 known "' 3591 Coort11de 30 00 feet to the point of ~ The street addreu and port Beech. County 01 Or· M ausoll•um Circ.le Huntongton B1111ch ginning. otller common designation. 1nga, State of California

l Cahforno1 and describf!d as ALSO EXCEPTING lrom 11 any ol the rell property tAeal property levy being


1 79'> l ilQUnA ( ;1n f 1n Ro.io

Laguna a~•.ir t <: I

'}26 I 494 941


M ortuary • Ct-met.,,irv Crematory

1625 Gisler Av,.. Co<;la Mesa 540 SS:-i4


MORTUARY 1 10 BfOldWOY ·~Mt Men

&o4i 9 150


WE8TCUFF CHAPEL 4 27 E 171t1 St

CQata >MN 646·9371


c.nwtt•rv • M ortuary Chapel • Cr11melory 500 PaclllC v..- Ortve

Newt>Oft 8 K h &U·2700



10110,.., said Lot G that portion Cle s c r 1 b ed a bov e I s done pursuant 10 CIYlc Code 5"'6 E•h•O•t "' !ttt&Ghf'd ll~ereol described es begin· purported to be 1925 S.Ctlon 5 116 as 11 was the

~ .. ret t> and m~dt' 1 part ntng at the most Easterly POMONA AVE . COSTA community property 011udg· ""rf'()I by th• ' reterence and co'""' or Loi 0 or said Traci MESA. ~A m1111t debtor • ml record ""' 1 !>fl Vtld at public auction 11nenca Soutne.sterly along The underSigned Tru11ee owner at time IU<lgment wea on 11111 tront •tep' at tM the boundary llne of Lot H of a1acla1ma any llablllly for any entered) Coste Me'ltl Gny Hall 77 Fair said Tract South 47° 10'15" Incorrectness 01 the street If the subject of Ihle s81a.il Drive. Costa Mesa. Cah· 1East66 00 feat; lhenc:• IHv· 1Cldres1 and olher common real pr~ty and It hes no torn11 on Ottcember 3. •ng said boundary Una ol designation II any shown arreet ed<frass or otllaf com-19114 at 10 00 ,. m to th11 '81d Lot H South 42• 49·45"' herein moo d•IQnallon, d lractlonl '1tghftst b•Odll!r tor cash r• West 30 00 r .. t. thenee Said sale w.11 be made but to Its loc:al!Oll may be ob­aM ul urrency ot the UMl'O No<U> 47 10' 15" West 65 00 #tlhout covenant or war- ta1ned lrom the Mershal t 511111) · reet lo the moat S04Jtnerty ranly, eiq>r ... °' ~. ,. Offlce upon request

Th• sale will oe madto f PQ<nt or tald Loi 0 . thence gardlng !Ille. posaeulon. or Pr 0 1pec1tve b id ders "'llhout covenant or w11r along the bOundary lllle of encumbrances to pay the ra- should ~refer to Section• renry regardlllg 1111e PO•· said Lot 0 North 42" 49'45" malnlng pr1nc1pe1 aum ot the 701 510 to 701 880, In·

I Sf'Hton, or encumbrenc.!'I' East 30 00 IMI to the palnt note( I) secured by H id elusive, of the CO<Je o l CIYll 10 111t11fy the obl1911ton .,.. of beginning o..ct of Trust , with Interest Procedure fOf pr ovltiona ~ur.-<i by and unde• tr1e Pubhshe<f Dy the Or•ll09 tllareon. u prcwkHMS In said goverlltng Ille lermt. con· Pow.• or Self! cont.,red n Coast Olilly P110t OCtober note(t). · adv•~ 11 any. dot Iona and effect ol the aela Iha DMd of Trust ulci.tt<wt 31 November 7 14, 1984 under Ille term• ot Iha Deed and tha llablhty ol defaulting by Cecil L Barlla and W·386 ot Trust. 1-. charges and bidder• Thelma J Berlle. Hu1b1nC1 upenMS ofllleTruateeancl NOTICE IS HEREBY • nCI Wife ea Jo'"' Tenan1s"' ot the trulta created by aald GIVEN lhet on Wedneaday. Trutror. 10 Am.tt1c1n Home PUBLIC NOTICE Dead o l Tru t t. t o·wlt· Nov 28. 1984, at 2 00 MOllOllO" Trust OtoeCI Ser SU.814 58 o 'clock PM II Harbor VIC• Corpora11on 1 Call ,ICTITIOUI 8UllNl!ll The betleflclary under ll8'd Marlhal'I Otfloe. 480 t Jam· l orn11 Corporetton •• l NAME ITATl•NT Deed of Trutt l\llfe1otore 9JI· t>Ortl Blvd., Room 108 City rruet ... ror the benefit and Tile lottawtng '*"°"' .... ecutld 8f\d detllllfed to in. Of~ BMc:h. C<>unty of HC\mty or Amertcan Home Clo.ng bullnosa u underllgned e written 0.0- Ora1109. Sta1- Of Clllllorflle I Mortgage CO<por l tlOr\ a ( I) 0 I 0 IT AL 0 Es I 0 N laratlOn ol Oefautt encl 0.. wltl NII at publle llUCtlon to Calllorllla CorPOftllon as SALES (b)WILSON BUILD- mend lor Sele, and I wrftt91l tne lllgMel bidder, lor CHh Banal1C11ry, dated M•rch ) INC SUPP;. v 2037 SOuth Notice of Oeftult end flee· Ill lawful moMy 01 1111 Untied t981 11\d recorded rin C"Plllll Ct Cott• M .... tton to S... The 11ncler'9'gned Stet ... en the right. title end March 11 1981 tn Book Calil 9~8 CMiMd Nld Notice of 0.. lnterett ot Mid jUdgment 131178. Page 849 ea 1n11ru San lult Construction, feun end Elect.ion to Sell to debtor1•1 In the •bollt de­IMlll Number 15678 ot Ot ll'le CAllfornle 2037 South be raeor1'ed In the county acrtbed prOC)erty, or ao l1C11t Rac:.ord• of 1111 Counlv Cec.at11 Ct COsll M... Whafa 11'1 rMI Pt<>Pitrty II mUCll lllllf'.c>f at rnay be 04 Oranqe Stall of Call C111tt 921$28 IOClted ~Mry 10 Ml•tly Mid aJC• IC)rllll f h,, Oullll ... ,, COil· INTIRITATI TRUIT tcut1011, wtth ac crued

NOllGI OI D•l•ult I nd ductao oy • corporetlon DllD -~·· INC .. Al lllletHt •nd COtlt t'lacllon to Sell Ille Cl.. Aobert Q,_,,,, Cn1pman I AID TWU91'11, 9Y NIL.IN A PPAOXIMAT! M INI· Kt11>9" r.111 proPtl'ty undtr Prn>Ollflt "- IMfTH. ~ANT AC· MUM llO 11 .... IOO 00 1118 Deed Of fNt t wu r.. fl\ .. 1tatemen1 was tiled COUNT IXICUTM, •N. Dtttd Octot>er 31. 191.4 corded u tn11rumen t tw11h IM COurlty Cleir1I ot Or· TUSTIN AYL. IUfTI as, Dlllle6on Heft>Of Nurotw 114 217890 on Jl/ry -no- Coullty on Nov9mW I ANTA ANA, CA _,. JAM IC IYH~M 12 1984, 01 ()tllclel '*'°'dt 1 let• (71t) 541.-1 MaranM. Orange County r>f Ille County or Or••· '2Mtl OAT[ I 1/12/8' By DIMU• M. Dork Stat• of Ca11fom11 • Publl' he<I Otanoe Cout Publlttled Orange Cout Pul>l4elled by the Orange

f hfl .... wlll be cond"'111CS OaJty P••ot ~Olltmber 7 14, Oa•l'f Piiot NCMWnbef 1• 21. COUI OellY Ptlot NoYlt'llbef Dy 21 ~· 11114 21 1t8' 7, 1', 21, ftlA A•NCAN ~ MOft'T· W-341 W-408 W-it1



PUBLIC NOTICE Ing the entire amount Cle· Ill payment or perlorma~ KAT"'9YN LOMMZR manded by .your credit Of of the obllgatlons-wcurea 1'0NOI COUNTY - AND OF N t t I KIN

ORANGE COUNTY lo ftnd CM.It tbe amount eteby. lnctudJ.n.g ...Iba.I MUMtCJt!.AL COURT TO AGUlllT'lll MUNICIPAL COURT you must pay. or to arrange breach or default, Notic. ot 700 Ci.tc c.tltw Of. w .. t llTATI NO. A,._

700 Civic for payment to atop the lor• whleh was recorded Augu1t Santa Ana. Ca. '2702 To d helrS, beneftclwiee, Center Dr. WHt closure. or If your pu>perty la 1 1984, as Recorder'• In· Ptellltitf J GARY GER· redltora and c:onllno-nt

Sallta Aile, In foreclosure lor any other 1trum11t1I No. 84-318707. MANN editors, and per'tOfle whO CA 9%702 reaeon. contact · Sycamore WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Defendant· LEON DIXON, ay be othetwlee lnterMted

Plaintiff CREDIT RE· Creek Homeowner• A"9- AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST and DOES 1 to 10 n the wlll and/or ...... of: COVERV ASSOCIA'TES. soclallon, c /o Sharon Todd. BIOOEA FOR CASH, lawful Cue No 82252. ATHRVN LORENZE INC Keystone Pacllle Property money or ,,,. United StalM. SUMMONS A petition hU beef\ flled

Defendant DANIEL C Management 2082 S E or a caahlar'a dleck drawn NOTICE! You IMtft llllMft Vincent J. Alken, Jr. In the FULWILER Brtttol, Suite 207. Santa on a 1tata or lllllonal bank, aued. Thecowtma,... COU(t of ar.,.

Cate No 153032 Ana, CA 9 2707 . ( 714) a 1111a or fadefal credit 91alnat JOU ~ ,._ oullty requHtlno that SUMMONI 852 -~9 l union. or 1 atate or t•d«el Mint t.erd Uftlaee rou ,._ ert>we Contee and LM

NOTICll Y041 llave bMn II you have ally quesllolls, aavtnge and loan auoclatlon tPond within Ill ::lo';. Reed L.orenu be llPC)olnted aa 1ued. Tiie court mer decide you should cootact • lawye< domlelled In this state, all the lnformetton • sonal rapr-.ntet!YM to 19am1t '°" without '°"' or the government agency payabt. at the time ol Ille. II you wish to Me6t the ad· lldmlnlatat the •tett of the being lleafd un-. '°" ,.. whloh may have ln1ured your all right . tllle and 1n1., .. 1 Ylca ol en attorney In thll t. The petttton re­epond w1111111 ao der-. A.- loan held by It. u Tru1tee, In that matt•. you should dO ao ueett 8Utl\oflty to admlnr. Ille lnfonnetlon Mfow. Remember YOU MAY real property altl'&te In Jald Pf<>mPllY IO that your wdt· * lhe tete .. under tfle "'°"

11 you With to Mek the ad· LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF County and State. dascrlbed letl responM, If any, mey be t Admlnlttratlon v.ce ol an attorney In lhls YOU 00 N O T TAKE aslollowt· Clledontlme o1E4t•t•Aat. matter, you anould do IO PROMPT ACTION. Lot 18 ot Tract 2216, .. AVllOIU1ted h• lido de- A ,,..,Ing on the petttton promptly so that your writ · 1 This Nolioe ol Default per Map rec:Ofded In Book mandlld• El tflbuma: ...._ wtll be held on N0119mbef 28, ten respona.. I! any, may be and Election to Sell 11 re- 106, Paga 34, o f Ml t · deeldlf eo11tre Ud, Ml _. 1984 at t :30 A.M. In Dept. llled on time corded by the Sycamore cellaneou1 Maps, In the Of· chnc:la a - ... Ud.. No. 3 et 700 OIYIC c.nt.

AVISOI U1ted ha aldo d.- Cr .. k Homaownera AS· lice of the County 6ecord« ~defttfe ....... Drive Weet, Serita AM, CA manClado El trlbunt l puede 1oc tet1o n pur1u1n1 to ot .. Id County LM le lflfOtnt.ckMI .,. 92702. decldir coatr• Ud sin au- aulhorlty granted to 11 by the Tl'll atreet addrau Of atoue. IF YOU OBJECT to tM dienc1a a menot que Ud r• Declaration of Covenant•. other common oaslgnatlon 1t JOU wWI ,. .... "'9 granting of the petl11on, yov ~ponde dentro de 30 dlH Conditions, and Rfttr1Ctlon1 of the rM I Pfoper'IY herein· tclYtc• of an ettomeJ In tt.- lhOuld either ~ at ttle Lea 11 1nlormec1on qua recorded on November 4, above daacrlbed purported mlttat, you thcMltd do .. llMftng end 1tateyov = segue , 1977, In 800k t2445, Page to be: 871 Darrell, Cotti promptly ao tll1t JOU!' wrft· none Of file wmten Ob

It you wtSh 10 Meli "'- ad· 901 In the offlol• I record• of Mna, Celtfornla. ten reeponee, "eny, ..., • flo(\l With the ooun vice or an attorney In 11111 lh• Orenga Coulll y A•· The unOWtigned hereby fl'9d °" time. the llMftng. VOUI ~· matt8f . you al\ould Clo IO cordet and Section 1358 ot dltclalm1 all Nablllty for any II Ueted deMa ~ e.noe may tie In ~or by promptly IO that your writ· the C111tomla CMI Code. lnoorrectneu In Mid 1tr111 .. c.Mefo de llfl ......-. ~ attorney. tenJasponM, It any, mil)' be 2 There are currently un- 1d~ ... or oU. COMmOn en .... --. .._.. If' VOU AM A CAeC>fT~ med on time paid regular malnt9fll~ d tton Mc:ef'lo lftlftMla....._t•, or 1 contingent creditor of

SI Usted d .... IOtlcitar al UMNment1, C>Ottl llld •t· s .... wlll be mao. de Ht• "'·"·'~: tu Ille decMMd. yov muet .... consejo de un ebogado an torneys lees In the aum Of without warranty, ••Pf ... or reepueata -"a. "I 11-r yot1t o1a1m with the eourt or ute asun10, debefla hac.rlo $813.30. lmpllad, regarding lllle, pot• 8'guna. ,..._ IMf ,...._ preMn1 h to Ille pertona1 lnmedletamanta. de ••t• 3 The llall loreolOMd aeulon, or encumt><ancee. lrlda • ~. UltM llPPOlnt-ed by menere. 1u rupuuta henlOywes perfected by the to .. 1111y the pf1nctpal bel- ' · TO THa CMlfUtDANT: 1t1e ooun within tour montM asc:rtta 11 11ey atguna. puecse r.cordauon of a Notice of enoe of tht It'll Note or other A .:WW 01Mt191teln1 Nia ....., from the dett of tnt le­- reg11trada a natnpo Dellnquent AIMUment In Obligation MCWt.o by Mid Med by "'9........., ....,_. auanceoflettert•PfO\r'tded

1· TO THE DEFENDANT· A the official recorde of the Qr.. Deed of Truet. wtth Int.,... ..... " ,.. ..... , • ......_ In 8~llon 700 of '"' cl\111 OOl'l'lplalnt Ila ~ flied ange County Recorder on and other tum• M PfOlllo.ct Mtte 11weutl, yeu "'"'· Probate Code of Cellfomla.. by the p11n11tf agalntt you. If Auou•I 29. 1984 u 0ocu- tllefelll: plut edvancea, If wtthln IO days •ftar 11111 ni. time fOf 1111ng ewma will you W11h to defend thl• 1,.,,,. ment No 382845. eny, unoer the t«me thereof 1vmmon1 It Mrved on yCM.1, not •1191r• prior to tour aull . yov mvat, within IO 4 fha P'OWlY wttlch It end 1n1.,..1 on IUCf\ ad· Ille with thl1 court • written monthl ttom the daM of "'9 d•vt elttt tt1l1 eummon1 11 the aubjec1 of thlt for. vane••. end plut fffe. rMpOMe to the ~t. helttnO notlet ebo¥9. HN'ed on you, me with tlll• C10eofl It de9cfibed .. tol- Chtl'oet and~ of the uni.. you Oo, ywr dtfeutl YOU MAY EXAMINl .. court e wrltt9fl reapc>nae to Iowa lot ' of Tract t731, a truetM end of tM tNtt• wlll ~ entered on ~ Ille kaclt by tN ooun. If "JO!' lhl compW11n1. un.a ~ Ptr map r«:<>fded In BOOk or .. ted by M'd 0.0 ot cauan Of t~ plaintiff. end .,. a Plf'llOtt II•• ... ., tn do. your defeull wilt be '407 . ~43to•81ndUtive Tru11. fhe total amount of thl1oourtmayen1er1~ ltle ..tat•. yov 'Mii .w entered on iippttc.etlOn ot the of Mleclel1eneout Mape, In Mkl Obllgatlon, lnctudlng ment ega1n1t you tor tne re- upon the •icecut0t °' ecfmln.. plelntlff. and thlt oourt m1y the otf)Ce ot the County A. , .. aonebly •tlmated , ... , lie! demanded In 1"8 corn.- i.tr•tor, or upon "'- • · .,,,., 1 ludO*ntnt agalnlt cordaf ot Oret!Oe County. ctlargee end t lllpeneet of the pl~t. Wfll<:tl COUid reeutt In 1~ fOf ltie ~or or you for ttle ,.,.., o.mand.O 8t111 of Calffomla. and com- Tnlttee, 1t the 1im. ot tnnlel 5;rnlahmant Of •eoea. tM· edmlnlettetor, Md fie ..... Ill the com1>taln1. wlllel'I monty known •• 28822 pvblleetton of thll ~-le of money Of I>'~ or the'*"'""" PfOOf ot _.. GOUid retun II\ o-ti\llMl4lnt Mamo Clrda. C Toro, C.... Stl,.-07.tt ot r..i.t '9QUelted In tN *9 a wrttten ,.,_. .._,. ofwagaa, taklngot~or lornla Oated, N(Mmbef2. 19M comp4e!nt lllO t.... yov ~ tpedll Pfoperty or °''* rMf ,.. 5 The ~ of the own- LAGUNA ESCROW CO , Dated fikwembef t . 1~ noti. of tN M11Q of 1t1 .... 6 QUelted In the ~Int C~O~G ~ P'N~ ., • • INCe'' Celloo'ornlaLor.~ TPNec'1·c J P~l!'!_SONrc'octertcT "-"tY ~oryend ......... 1lof

Oiied .... oo,.. ~ and y, "" A I I Br 8 . M .. Ll A • ~ ......... or of.,.. ,.. NO\/ ''· 1982 EUN JOO l.U. hulMnd and TAUST 0110 suwicu .• WY ---- ' tlollt Ot....,,,.. ... __ R08CAT 8 l(UHEL. Cten! wife at joint ttnentt CelllOUM COfPOf'ellclo. 1'1s MRMA• OIKAZAIQ MD In e.ctton GOO Md 11GO hf

., VlfGln l• 8otk4fl1Hn. Oet.d No1tmbet • . 1N4 Aoerlt wn..un INC ..... ~Coda Oeovty 8YCAll09'1 C9'111l .. y (Sl!A L) f\hoda 1t?tl MaeA f •llet WIOlllf4.-- ' The ,,.... I.Mr OMMe, a MOmOWl•I' AMOCU.· l.lndgft!ll, Pfeetdtnt, I tJS II h••lli ..._ - ¥.-n"' --a ...,_. Arel ..,_, ..,.._ noee,er.Jt....,A.DewMa. CMo Center OfM W•t, l n_~"-•.....1. O atlf • r11le ............. 1W '°'· ...... CA •nt A......, ............. 89Ma Ana. CA •uoa.i r .... ..,......,, a.. ........ CA-(G) l'1'tol9 .._ PllOMc (71'4) t lt-MO• (JMt .,_.- (ltlt ......

Publtel'led Orenge Coel't PuDfllMO Or1n9t COMt P\lbltMd ~the 0r.,. llVD08'19d °':.. Coat ~uthMcl °'...,. .· eo.. O.t11y Piiot ~ 1', 21, 0.it1'1IOtHcWtmbef1'. 21, CoMt 0.-. ptj ~ ~Plot HO•- T. 1' 09lft ,_. NOiOllOji 11; ,~ 21. ~I, 1"4 II,~'· 1t... 7. 1', 21, tM4 11, t i , 1194 te. ttM

w.-.02 w"'10 • w.m w~1 TW-m -------~~;;..;;..i-~


.· 1


l'HI JOUr biit chicken reclPH fOl MlloMI com"tltlon. C2.

,.... ..... ............ coun.,,111111111 1o eoot.,. c•

£n~eit•i~i:ag:Lig1Jtaiideleg~nt Ca orte control, Il\,J""rition focus off estive feasts

Although this may be the time of year we relax our calorie counting, good nutrition and calorie con trol need n' i be sacrificed.

~ T.hese festive· menus fdr a- gala meal and a light fare Of snacks and

• hors d 'oeuvres feature four ver­satile foods that are delicious a nd nutri tious. • •D uckling is ii fCsfive, flavorful entree that is pinin~ even more popularity that 1s low·m cholestero l and sodium a nd relatively low in fat and calories.

-Rice, also low in cal ories, fat a nd ~odium, is an excellent source of

complex carbohyd r:atesand is prob­ably served with more holiday meals worldwide than any o ther food. Pla in or seasoned, n ee -goes .well With any meal.

•Sweet Spanish o nfons, a nother star in the low-caloric'departmcn• also contain a · goodly amount of calcium·a nd vitamins A and c;:;, plus si_gni fi~nt amounts bf iron and 8 v itam ins. · .

• Peca ns, ·once. used mainly in , desserts; now add their special

flavor and crunch to casseroles, salads, vegetables and ho rs d 'oeuvres. T hey. are high in fiber

• ~nd are a. good source of prot~in, iron, calcium and the B v1tam·ms. Petans are also rich in potassium and phosphorous.

·sPJCED· PECANS % eu wlilites

! tableapooDI Worce1ter1lllre UllCe 3 c•pt pecu laalve1 . '1' e11p firmly packed browe Hlar "" C•PHaar 1 'fl tea1pooa1 cury powder 'fl tea1pooa groud &11a1er 11• • to 'fl tee spoon groad red pepper 1 tea1poon salt, optlouJ

Preheat oven to 325 devees. In mixing bowl be~t egg· whites with Worcestershire · sauce. Add ,pecans and stir to thoroughty coat. COmbitie remaining ihgredfonts in large mix1ng bowl. Add pecans; stir until all are evenl)! coated with supr mixture. Spread, separating nuts as much as possible, 10 large, lightly greased baking sheet. Bake I 0 minutes; stir; bake another 10 minutes. Cool ano separate nuts. Store in airtight con­tainer. Yields 3 cups.

SWEET SP ANJSH ONION WRAPS 3 medham sweet SpanJ1ll oaloa1 1-cup cooked rice 1 cap 1roud or finely chopped cooked d•ckllDg 1 tomato, diced -1 clove 1arUc. mincei 14 teaspoon groaad cbulamon 14 tea1pooa groud allspice 14 teaspoon groud black pepper "" tea1pooa n it 1 tableapooa cllopped fr~•ll mhlt. or l tea1poon dry mlDt leaves l table1poott olive oil 'fl cap beef brotll Jalce of 'fl lemoa Y 01art, freall mint and lemon wedges for garni1ll Peel onions and cook in boiling

• wa tet to C"over for 20 minutes. Drain and cool. Slash one side of each

-onion, lengthwise, and carefully re­move layersofonion to form " wraps" for duckling mixture.

For.fill ing, combine rice, duckling. tomato and seasonings. Place a spoonful o ffilling in each onion shell and roll to hold fill ing. Pour olive oil, broth and lemon juice into larie skillet, Add onion wraps, arranging 10 single layer. Simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Serve with yogurt, fresh mint- and lemon wedges, if desired. Makes about 2 dozen.

---unfrCllEESE"PINWBEW ­t caps cooked rice % packages (3 onces eacll) cream clleese, at room teapperat•re '4 cap crambled blea claeese ~eam-

"" teupooa seuoaecl salt "" teaspoon seaaoaed pepper except ha(Tl. Mix thoroughly. Divide ~ teuz::n CarUc powder 3 .. · mixture evenly and spread on ham

or ,. ops t pepper uace slices. Roll up, forming 6-inch or 4-"" cap flDely cllopped pecu1 z tableipooDI cllopped clllvea inch rolls. Covercach'ham roll tightly 8 baked or boiled um slices with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until (fa4xl/ 16 Inell) or 1% slices firm. Unwrap and slice in I-inch

1 cup beu sproata; rlued, drained, and cllopped % caps cooked rice 2 en s. 1Uptly beaten % to 3 tablapooaa soy aaace

4x4 l pieces. Makes 48 pieces. l=:~~~binr;;e ~ri:ce~.~c;;, e;a-;;m~cdh;;eese.~.:ibhtl~eu;-~-;S;T;E~AM~ED SPINACH ROL~

¥! tea spG9D eacll powdered &haler and seasoned pepper 11, tea1pooa groud black pepper 1 clove garlic, mlDcecl

Combine aJI ingredients except spinach. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour or more. Place spinach 10 a c.olander: blanch with boiling water. Drain and pat dry. Place a spoonful of duckling mixture on large spinach leaf, or on 2 smaJler ones a nd overlap. Roll, tuc~g in sides. Place seam-side down in lightly buttered shaltow bak10g pan.

DackllnC Imperial with Fllled Onlona. Rice.

cheese, sour cream and seasonings. :14 to 1 c•p finely cllopped cooked Blend until smooth and fl uffy (use dackliDg meat (giblets, neck, etc.) food proces,or, blender, or electric •/.cap eacll clilopped sweet Spaal1ll mixer). Add remaining ingredients onion ud celery

1 package (1 0 on ces ) fres b 1pinacla (Pleue eee LIGHT /CS)

Holiday hostesses welcome ·ai1-appetizerparty menizs

An ill-appetizer party is a great Quantity Oftood W1ll depend on way to entertain: you can prepare the number of people involved and Jll~c:;t) of the food ahead of time a nd a variety of o ther factors: weather

• many dishes require litt le attention , - most people tend to eat more once served. when the weather 1s cold and drink

If this type of enterta ining ap- more when it's hot- peo ple eat less peals to you, rely on the variety of at a mid-afternoon pan y than at an r.ecipes and entertaining ideas early eveni ng gathering. found in Sunset's new cookbook. Try to prepare as many dishes " Appetizers: Hors d 'oeuvres to aheadoftimeaspossible. Avoidtoo Light Meals." Th is paperback sells many dishes ·that require last­for $4.95. minute attention - the) can keep

Careful planning is-erucial for an you in the kjtchen ins1ead of with a ll-appetizer party. And, one of the your guests. Finally, display your most important things to consider dishes attractively. Make sure the is variety. A tasty selection of hot colors of foods served side-by-side a nd cold hors d 'oeuvrcs. crisp contrast appealing!) . vegetables. crea m y dips a nd For the fall season. tr\' the cheeses create a beautifu l table .\utumn Football Buffet. one.of th~ setting and provide a delightfully cookbook.s dchcious menu ideas. It filli ng meal. 10cludes Italian Eggplant Rehsh

For variety. plan to serve at least with Parmesan Pocket Bread: Nut­o ne appetizer from each of these studded Garlic-Herb Cheese with catego nes: meat or, poultry, fish or .\ssorted Crackers; Fenncl-Season­seafood, cheese, vegetables and ed Ham & Clleese Log with fruits. · Cocktail Rye.Bread. wcel Pick.ks..

t •

Cherry Toma toes and Sliced C\lcumber:s: W ine-Glazed Sausage Chunks~ and Spinach Squares.

These recipes can be served o n a tailgate or at home d uring halftime. Here's the recipe for layered Cheese Torta with Pesto.


1 "' ponds eacll cream clleese ¥td u n ited better (do aot 11bstihlte marp.rble), Mfteatil Pesto FWiac (recipe f•llow1) Basu sprig Tld.n:ly sliced Frend bread Crisp raw .ve~tables With an electnc mixer. beat cream

cheese and butter until very smooth ly blended, scraping mixture from sides of bowl as l'\Cedcd.

Prepare .Pesto Filling. Set aside. Cut two 18-mch squares of

cheesecloth (or an 18-inch square of unbleached muslin): moisten with

(Pleue eee PARTY /Co&)

' .


I .... . ' , .. , I ' .




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FREE always .. Trial Size or 39c off

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Chicken •n • Dumpling• baa ~ome a claulc recipe.

Don't be chicken, enter your favorite recipe now

You can' t ~in 1f }OU don't en ter the Ureat Smokey Mountains next and now·s the time to act 1f :you spring. Sponsor is the National want to compete for $20.000 m Broiler Council. prizes at the 36th National Chicken Recipes will be judged on taste, Cooking Contest. appearance. sim.phcity and ~ppeal.

butter. Add 't~ cup ol the milk and stir only until m1'<cd.

With tablespoo~ drop dough on top of simmering ctucken, allowing dough to rest on chicken. Cover and cook 20 minutes (do NOT uncover

_whi!U09ki.n&) or un.ti.Lw~J>ick. comes out clean when inserted in dumplings. Remove chicken parts with dumplings on top to large serving bowl or t\Jreen, leaving broth in pan.

Deadline for entries is Dec. 31 . T~e only . re~utre<! 1ngred1ent 1s "Fhe-t>est eh1cl<en recipe-will rcccivc _~ctltck~m, FMlahsts-will ~~cted. by $10.000. Four runners-up will share an independent re~1pe-Judgmg an additional $10.000 in pnzes and agency and _the five winners, by a all 51 finalists - one from each panel of nauonally-known ex pens. state and the Distnct of Columbia Entry blanks arc available but are -will enJOY an expense-paid tnp to not required. Just write your name.

.::::::::===::-~~==~=============================-=== .................................................. == .......... --~------~~~~~~'--___; 1 address and telephon number on Ille irst page of your avonte chicken recipe and mail before Dec. 31 to: Chicken Contest, Box 28 158 Centra l Station. Washington, D.C. 20005.

To remaining 3 tablespoons of the flow:..slowly add the.rema1rnng ~ cup of the milk. stirnng to make a smooth paste. Add milk-Oour mixture slowl~ to broth 1n pan. stirring to avoid lumps. Continue to stir and cook


. ,



EARLY TOOTH DECAY T eelh ore mode of mtne<ols Teeth gain and lose minerals every doy Bu1 decoy OCldS con cause mineral IOss-unle!>S these m1ne<ols ore reploced, !he ea1y loolh decoy seen hefe con tum into cov1ties

AFTER 10 DAYS USING COLGATE ' COigate's m1ne<ol·nch MFP• fluonde t()fTT)Jlo helps replooe losl mrne<ols to octuolly help repair eot1y tooth decoy

"In vitro loboro1ory tests

Chicken is so versatile it can be prepared in hundreds of different

_ways One of the. -Classic, all­American favorites is Chicken ·n• Dumplings - a succulent, hearty dish that originated in Europe. It was brought to this countty by the earliest settlers and is still served across the nation today.

Culinary research reveals that two kinds of dumplings arc cooked in the broth of simmered chicken. Fluffy dumplings, most often ser­ved in the South, resemble light and airy biscuits. Slick dumplings arc more like egg noodles and are favored in the Pennsylvania Dutch area and among various ethnic groups. · Dunrplings have long been stan­

dard fare in English and Scandina­vian cooking. T hey arc also ex­tremely popular in Poland. Ger­many. SWitzerland. Austria and Czechoslovakia.


(Fluffy Style) I broiler-fryer chicken, cut In part• 3 tabletpooDI plas l teaspoon butter, divided l 'i\ leatpOOD salt, cllYided "' teaspoo11 fredly sroa.ad pepper "' cwp cMppecl celery t,; cup clloppecl oaln Z table1poo11 fretb lemon juice I table1poon fresb cbopped panley 3 cap1 water I ~ cups plu1 3 table1poon1 noar, cllv~ -% tea1pooD1 baklag powder 124 caps milk, cllvkled

In large Dutch oven or heavy saacepao, ptacc 2 tablespoons of the butter and melt over medium temperature. Add chicken and cook, turning~ until brown on all sides, about 1) minutes. Sprinkle chicken with I teaspoon of the salt and pepper. Sprinkle celery and onion over top of chicken, add lemon juice, parsley and water. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce temperature ro low and simmer for about 45 minutes.

Sil\ together three times I 1/J cups of the nour. baking powder and rcmam­ing •;,teaspoon of the salt. With pastry blender, blend in ~teaspoon of the

, unt il grav} boils and thickens, about 2 mmutes. Pour gravy over chicken and dumplings and serve immed1-_aiejy ..Mak~ 4 s.crwigs_ _


ISllck Type) broiler-fryer chicken, cut In

parts 1 egg •i:a cup milk 1 4 teaspoons sail, divided 11'2 cups flour 4 cups water Yi teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1 onion, quartered 1 rib celery, qlla1·tne-d Ira bay leaf ' • teaspoon mace 'la cup half-a_nd-half t hard-bolled eggs, cbop~d In small bowl, beat egg with a fork.

Add milk and 'h teaspoon of the salt. In mixing bowl, sift flour: add egg­m1lk mixture. st1rnng only until ball 1s formed. On floured surface, knead dough unul elastic. Di vide dough into two balls. nour lightly and wrap 10 waxed paper: chill until ready to roll out.

On floured waxed paper, roll dough very thin : cut with floured knife into 2-mch d 1amonds. Set aside to dry out. abollt 20 minutes: then tum dump­li~gs and allow to dry about 20 minutes more-an other side. ~hil,e ~umplings arc _drying, place

chicken in Dutch oven or large saucepan. Add water. remai ni ng I teaspoon of the sail, pepper. onion, celery, bay leaf anp mace. Bring to boil over high temperature; reduce heat to low and sim mer about 45 minutes. Remove celery and bay leaf and discard. Remove chicken from li~uid and cool; remove meat in large pieces from bones. discarding bon~s and skin.

Bri ng broth to a boil: add one layer of dumpling , cover and boil about I minute. Remove cover, add another layer, cover and bo1l l minute. Rcpea• until all dumplings are cookm' (thJS method keeps them from sticking together.)

Add chicken, cover and simmer about I 0 minutes until dumplings arc done (lid on pan should be cracked slightly to avoid boiling over). Stir an half-land-half cream and boifcd eggs. Heat only until hot through and serve 1f!lmcdiately. Mam 4 SC1"9ings.

·T·HANK5GIVING FEAST- TO - GO! -.M.101 I• ltJOl"'1N'fOY 11 llQtllifl!Jj lhahfllQ •"'Iii heµJOv lhtt ~

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+ ( l 11'\1' (J \ \'ile \ ~ . ... • ' l' • !" •

. .

·Traditional Chilorio lively southl-of-the-border fare ·

Not so long ago, the idea of serving ethntt Mexican cuisine at home was a novel and exciti ng eating concept. But by now. most of us are rather bored by the same old south-of-the-border fare .

You can add zest to your next Mexican fiesta . however. with Chilorio, an authentic recipe that's sure to revive your family's interest.

Chilorio is a traditional Mexican dish also known as pork with green pepper sauce. Served inside crispy taco shells or au.flavorful filling for plain or fried burritos. it has j ust the right texture. tenderness and tang.

The secret is cooking the pork in the pressure cooker. Pressure cook­ing uses steam to fast cook foods. Even budget cuts of meat that usually require long, moist slow cooking come out tender and juicy. And pressure cooking is 3 to 10 times faster than ordinary cooking methods.

The pork for this dish, if prepared on the conventional range. would take about three hours. But in the

- - pressurecooke~ itco<>U anjust-60 m inutes to the ideal moistness needed for Chilono.

The thick, delicious green sauce cooks up pronto an the pressure cooker, too. using the 1u1ccs from

•Chicken •Pork • CornBread.

the pork plus green peppers, garlic. cumin, oregano and pepper.

CHlLORIO I (% liit pound) pork 1laoulder or lolD. rout Salt and pepper I medJam onion, 1Uced 1 liit c1p1 water t meclJum green peppers, 1eeded and cut up i lar1e cloves garlic 1.4 tca1poon camlll 1eed1 ~ tca1poon oregano ~ teupooa 1roand black pepper 1.4 cap lemon jalce or wlalte vinegar ~ teatpoon wt liit te11poon Cayenne pepper 2 tablespoon• chopped cilantro or panley 10 (10-incb tile) flour tortlllat or U taco 1bell1 Sbredded or chopped lettuce, tomato, cheese Sour cream

Trim as much surface fat from meat as possible. Sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper. Put cooking rack 1rra-6-quan. preuure ~ooker; add sliced onions and water. Place meat on cooking rack. Close pressure cooker cover Stturely. Place pressure rc$ulator on vent pipe. Cook for 60 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Let

• Traditional Herb ~ .

pressure drop of us own accord. Do net attempt to remove cover atil pre111re 11 completely redaced.

Remove meat and cooking rack. Boil juices rapidly in uncovered pressure cooker pan to reduce to one cup. Add green peppers, garlic, cumin, oregano and pepper. Oose pressure cooker cover securely. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe. Cook for 2 m i'!_utes at 15 pounds pressure. Cool pressure cooker at once.

Purce mixture in a blender or food processor; add lemon juice and salt. You should have about 2 cups green sauce mi'XCUre. Remo~ meat- from bones and chop with a knife or in a food processor using an on and off action. You should have about three cups. Add half of the green sauce to meat, mixing weU. Add Cayenne and cilantro to remaining sauce.

To make burritos: Follow manu­facturer's directions for warming tonillas. Spread about 1 tablespoon of sauce on each tonilla. Place 1/J cup of meat mixture to one side of center, spreading slightly. Wrap meat in tonilla by folding in ends and rolling.

' May be served soft or fried. Accom­-i>any.with SG\lr~m, if.deiiredr

To make taco1: Place about 2 tablespoons of meat mixture in each tteated taco shell, top with lettuce, iomato. sour. cream .and additional sauce. Makes 10 bumtos or 24 tacos.

Conipaire Quality and Price! BettY Crocl<er Stuffing Mix is

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'Low saltadaptatioa ea The millions of Americus JVbo VOf"/ aromas stan the sutric

have taken to bean tht advice to Juices nowina and an attr1C1ive, reduce their 11Jt consumptioft will colorful arraQlmlent of food of bt happy to hear that h takes only varioustextwaddipuweyr.To about thrte months for the wtc illustrate how impe>n.ant the tenses budato become acclimated to lower are to theetijoyment of food, C1ville levels of sodium. "' pve as an eump&e a ~nu conSJst-

ln addition, recent taste rttearch in& of white fish , mashed potatoes has shown that after that period of and cauliflo~r topped off wilh nee adjustment, peo~le find that food puddina. Thou&h each of the com~ wnh less salt 11 actually more Ponents may havt been cooked to pleasurable. perfection, the lack of color and

This timely news 'was presented texture contrasts would make at by Gail Civille, sensory evaluation unacceptable to.most people. consultant, at a meetin1 sponsored Using tbts lnowle<lgc of the way by the Albeno-Culver Co., makers ~ taste and bow we perceive ofaUneofaah .. freefoods,atareceot what'1 appealinaand what isn't.can Food Editon Conference. ~ be enormously helpful in reducina

"The first stet> in re-educating salt in the diet. taste buds, " wd Civille, "is to To make the re-education penod understand the components of taste practically painless, Civille offers so that you can make them work for these tips: you." When we sit down to a meal, -Think of salt not ~sa flavorine our fivt senses come into play - butasa potential detrfrnent \Ol<>Od siaht. flavor smell. texture and the healt)l. That will help trengthen sound of food all contribute to )our oommitmentto a low salt die\. whether we find a .dish delicious or \ - Banish the saltshaker Crom the reject it. t kitchcn and the table.

- Avoid borills ..a :)IOli're m01t hulyconeeda .. _..lit'.._. food is 1actia& ia ftl'ICtJ • _. • flavor, 1.extur81 IDd vililll .....

-Compamtc for die IM*-.ttall . by 1ncrta11111 tbt ute of ..... components IUCla u 1aat11· Md lpices. citrus juices. .vinell!r -" aromaucs to add ncitiaa flavors and aromu to foods. , • •

- Introduce color and •hni' k

conttUt to each di~ ute'calorftd prnishes and combine IOft and hard or soft and crisp tcx1Wa in every meal. •

- Drink water with mcaJs ralbct than colas or Other soft driDb: Water dispenes flavort th~ the mouth while heavily sweCteDed IOft dnnk.s dull the wte buds.

- Chew food ii.owly and savor the flavors and tntures-oftbe dish.

- Remember, food 00esn•t nave to taste salty to coniain todium; most frozen putties and pack..,..S cake mixes, for eumple, are very htah in sodium. ·

. '



"There's Raisin in the Mlddle"

4cr -------~

Acth-e people know thal eating right is an important pan of a healthy life-. ryle.

That' whv Roman Meal Bread b the narur41 choice. It hasilie nutritious ingredients you need to help you get fit and ~cay that t\ray. Right now·you

can save 2()¢ on any ~3f of Roman ~1~tl Bread ~ ptek ~ome up today. It' ' the bread for· people who know what'. g<xxi for them.

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I :

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Orange COM\ OAll.Y PILOTIWedneeday, Nov~bef 14, 198<4

,,_,lght Albacore Chowder cuts calories, not flavor

Traditionally, chowder i a thick, hcan y soup aeneraJly made wt{h seafood. salt pork, vegetables and milk. But for all of &heir warmth and flavor, most chowders are quite high in flu and calorie .

For a low-calorie change, try Light Albacore Chowder. an adap­tation of the New England cl~ss 1c. Whjle retaining a11 of the flavor of a traditional chowder, this recipe has only 397 calories and 12 grams of fat per serving - and it's a meal in itself.

Beain with Paci fic albacore. the most prized member of the tuna family. Naturally lean, albacore provides one of the highest levels of protein of all seafood.

Though the albacore season on the West Coast runs from July to la t~ fall . high qual!Jy frozen albacore 1s available year-round. Contrary to popular opinion. some fish actually freeze very well and

· Pacific albacore 1s one 1ha1 1s not adversely affected by freezing - if at is done properly.

When buying frozen Pacific albacore, look for packages or whole fish that are olidly frozen with no apparent freezer burn or ice build-up. The flesh will vary in color from light cream to pink. If purchasing steaks, any dark meat should be confined to a sma ll area arou11d the backbone.

The bacon or salt pork in classic chowders has been omiued from this recipe to further lower the fat level. Instead. the flavors of onion. celery, carrot and com are allowed to come through.

The soup base. a mixture of chicken broth, water and milk. is aJso more nutritious. Because the sodium level an prepared chicken broth 1s usuaUy very high, make your own or use the low-sodium or salt-free varieties in this soup. Of course, the milk as also low-fat.

To avoid th ickening the chowder with bacon fat and flour. cook the potatoes in the chicken broth and puree them in a blender or food processor. The potato starch will thicken this chowder beautifully.

Serve Light Albacore Chowder with whole grain bread and fresh fruit for a nutritionally complete meal.

LIGHT ALBACORE CHOWbER 1 'h pounds sklnleu Pacific albacore loin cuts or s teaks 1 can ( I 0 ;1., ounces) chicken broth, prefffeMy low-11oclhtm or salt• free style

l C11p dked IM-W ,.tatoet '4 teespooa dried tlayme ~ lt H pooa dried baall ~ e•p eaelll - claopped oaloa1, carrot• &ad celery ~ cup fro&H cora ken1el1 ~ cap IOW•f I t cnllk % &abJespooH cllopped penley Rlnsc albacore with cold water; pat

dry with pttptr towels. Cube fi h: sc\ aside. In medium saucepan, mix broth with I can of wuter. Place albaeorc in steamer tray over broth and steam 2 to 3 minutes.

Do aot overcook. Albacore should

be pink an center when removed from hc1u. Sci albncore a~ide.

' train broth into large saucepan. Add potatoes and simmer until tender. Remove coolfod pot toes from broth. reserving liquid. Puree cooked potatoes with 1/.1 cup broth. . Return with rcmaini na broth to pot. Add thyme, basil, and vegetables.

im.1t1er until vc,etables are almost tender. Before serving. stir in albacore and milk and heat to serving tempera ture wi thout. bo1hng, pnnkle wnh parsley JUst before

serving. Makes 4 servi ngs.

Getting ready, f o:r holidays

To help hosts and hostesses prepare for holiday en1ertaanang, a series of demonstrations as sched­uled at the Broadway. Newport Beach.

Get one turkey free with minimum $tOO purchase.*

Easy but elegant hors d'ocuvres and dinner menu ideas will be the topic of Jeff Parker of Pennington

~erers at I p.m. Saturday; Fifi · Chao, an Oran~e County restaurant

and wine cnttc. will demonstrate exciting holiday desserts at noon Friday: and innovati ve homemade wreaths and table decorations will be presented by intenor designer 5uzy Seamans at 1.30 p.m. Sunday.

• • • A Kids' and Teen's Holiday Pany

cooking class will be presented at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Fassero's, 29 19 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Cost 1s SI J: for reservations call 673-2343.

• • • Money-saving discount coupons

on popular food atems. valued at $55. can be purchased for $3 through a special fund-ra1s1ng pro­JeCt for the Ci ty of Hope.

The coupons are va lid through July 31 . 1985, and can be used at any market where the products are <>Old.

Books can be purchased by ~nding $3 for each to Coupons of Home. Box HOPE-3337. Los An­geles. Ca lif. 9005 1.

PARTY ••• From Cl water. wring dry. and la)' out !lat, one on top of the other u~ cloth ro 'imoothly lane a 10-cup stra1ght-s1ded plain mold such a a tall bnoche or t..harlonc pan. a loaf pan. or a clean flowerpo t. drarx excess cloth over nm of mold

You're entitled to one Vons Table King Young USDA Grade A Turkey. 10-20 lbs. frozen, with a minimum $100 purchase:

$75 purchase* $50 purchase* .. $25 purchase*

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~~·tl~~~l5 II\ .98 ~~24tt_ ~s.~r TU RKEYUIS 109

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~2~'~.9. £~1CKEN LB 109

~°?:~£iS~ CHICKEN LEGl~ • 79


Pound P"'lut'l'"

PORK L.DIN CHOPS .... .._.~....,. I~ 309

lOP SIRLOIN STEAKS Brw"'"" ,_ ll•"'J 6'of'f l& 189

RUMP ROASTS 8onetm °' Booom Jb.nd l>1o [yt. W>k! K>ng 8"! lll


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COOKED BAY SHRJMP 398 Frote<> 0< Oel-.1. (H l'IMlda &g f.A 89th I.A

~t1.5! f~t~1~ LA 999

KNUDSEN HAMPSHIRE 99 ,..,, 0-.. 16.o...c. c.- •

CHALt ENQE BUlTER i ~, ..... . ~ ..

REDDI WIP .......... °"' 7.0...... °"' (14 o. Con 199)

2·~ . 119

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SCORESBY SCOl'CH 11) l llfl Bo<tl~ 999

859 ~_.1L1~~~KJ~~H CREAM 1299


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ANDRE ~ ~ ~-=~~9--,:-008 CllAMPAGNE ... A ...

With your fingers or a rubber i;patula. spread an e1gh1h of1he cheese mixture an the prepared mold. Cover with a se' enth of the filling. extending n evenly to sades of mold Repeat until mold an filled , fin1sh1ng with cheeo;c. (For thtnnc-r or lh1cker laycr!i, d1v1de cheese and tilling accordingly, always have a bottom al)d top laycrof

~~EJ.;~~~N"'~O~ 298

~•~~~o~J w~~~ Ot~~,M 'f\ 249

!;!g~n:.c;~~M~e !:!~t'~ tn 249

!!."~J.~!1.~~~l~AGE II 198

~~ttN!~f!~ SAUSAG~11 1 39

01 J.cq°" Uontl <:hem Alltt lllttNrt ''° /l\1llll11.., 0ot11.. ~ S... 2.60 ll.f!Wlete Coupon llmlt 2 cheese.)

Fold ends of cloth over top and press down lightly with you hands to compact. Refrigerate untal torta feel'> firm when prcssc<l (I to 11/f houn), then 1nvtrt onto a serving ~1sh and gently pull ofT cloth (af alfowcd •to \land IQngcr. cloth will act u a wick and catl':IC filling color to bleed onto ch~).

If made ahead cover with plasllt wrap and rcfnacrale for up to S day<. Oarnt\ h with basil \Prl& and oner With bread and \cgctahlc\ Make, ~O 10 25 ~rvanJ..\

Pn to Fllllnt: In a blender or food procc<,'l()r wh arl ICI fl pa IC 1'i- l u~ hgh&I)' p:ickcd fre~h ba\11 lcavc~. I ''' cup\ (4' ounce\) frc hl y grated Parmt'M>n or Romano 'hcesc. and ' ru p olive oil. 4i11r an 6 table\po<>n\ <2-ouncc) pnrkagt pane nut\ and ~uon to ta\IC' w11h ~'Ill and pepper.

HOT PORK SAUSAGE 139 ~-r ..... ia.... 111

WILSON'S SAUSAGE 198 !lmolwd "' Plll"4h l II

LONDON BROIL~.69 STEAKS LI\ .a BoM~· lup Ao.•nd r.oi. K"'G ~

~!.~l~D MUFFINS .49 ~2~"S ,P.!!M PKIN PIE 219 VONS PANETTONE BRI= .uw 59 l~IMI - -...

VONS CAKE OONUTS 99 , ...... .......... ~ . ...._....,." .

' I •



. . .

Stiff ryfor good health ~he Chinese have known the

sttttt to &ood catina for centuries. Meat i1 used sparin&lx - almo t as 1 seasonina - wTule f rcsh vca· ctablcs abound. Usually Quickly cooked and served with rice or noodles, Chinese dishc are as nulritious as they arc colorful. For added protein , meat is often sup­plemented with tofu or nuts.

for the Pork marinade and IS a delicious scasonina in the sauce.

ln Pork and Peanut Stir-Fry, unsalted, roasted peanuts double the amount of protein contributed by the Pork. Fresh carrots, onion and zucchini arc thinly sliced so they cook quickly and ret4in their nutritive value. Moderately low sodium soy sauce is used as a base


PORK AND PEANUT m&.-FR'V v. ,. ... -.1 ... 1 ... ,.n ' &HI,.... C.r'altafd. tM4M a taltletpMQ MY Mltee (m ... r· ately low aodl1m), •tvlded 1 teaapoo1 mlaced freala 1J111er rott . i a.11poou dl1Ulled wbJte vtae11r 14 ceaa,... prllc powder t tablt1poo11 ve1etablt oil, dlvlcle4 1 mecll1m oaloa, 11kecl 1 me4lam cattot, c.t cll•1...Uy lllto ~·lacb tlalck 1Uc11 t medium HccklaJ, cit dla1onally la to ,,_ -tacb tbJcll 1Uces



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~ etip ... 1~ roa.a&d peu1tt Shce pork into thin, narrow 11nps.

Combine 2 teaspoons Md! com· • 1tatth and soy sau~ with atnaer~ lt11 in Pork. Let stand I' minute Meanwhile, combine remain1n1 cornstarch and >Y sauce w1lh vinepr, garlic powder and 1h cup water; set aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons 011 an wok or larac skillet. Add pork and stir· f ry I minute, or until browned; remove. Heat remalnina oil 1n same wok. Add onior> and carrot. Stir-fry 2 minutes. Add zucchini: stir-fry 2 minutes. Stir in pork and soy sauce mixturt. Cook and atir until mixture boils and thickens. Stir in peanuts: serve im­mcdia~l_y. Makes 3 to.4 sc ln&L


VONS PITTED OLIVES llilN. ,,,....,.. ttJp.. 6-o-:. c..n

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.99 ~~ .. L~ ,S~!~~ 165 BROCCOLI \li!C:i- s-.. 89 Or CNt wa..-s...c.. c-.. c.... 100 1 !loo •

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E~~.ttSl~OME APPLES,JS .3 9 bA!aE PERSIMMONS]j 1 oo_ ~~~~~IA GRAPES La • 99 LARGE D'ANJO<J PEARS 49 Or~~ l B •

~~~~~~~l8 LB 249

~~E~ ONIONS 4~ 100

PITTED DATES I 299 t P1><....i ~(Sun 'Ml<ld) ~ P!(G

FRESH CRANBERRIES -"'70 °"'"" ~ 12~ ~ Pl<(l • ~

RED GARNET 39 YAMS L8 . ThenMQlvlna F9'0tltt 5"411 ~tcift IA 49

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GREEK STRJNQ FIGS ..., 159 ~ 14-0&. Ped rn


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. 35-ClfJCK£N BROTH ..,_.......,.,. 4 ~ "'"' • •r

YOBAN COFFEE 249 Ground A ll G•·nd•

Pound Can

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Repeat unul au mixture ,_ uMid.. Cover and bike at 3H dqrttt (or 10 minutes, or until steamina. xrvc ,.. warm or al room temperat~rc with • d1ppin1 sauce of your choice. i( desired. Make about 3 dozen rolls. 1

DUcgJ.JNG EMPANADAI • •, to 1 cep fl.ely c:M"e• ~~· dacllllo1 meat <siltleta, ..eb, ekJ ~ ~ .. cup ud1 dlepped ..i.u. ce1er1 .... ud 1reea pepper l mecllam tomato, peelecl ud ct.opped •· 1, C8p , ..... , pl1mped I cup c~ rice • 'iit ttaapoOa lfoud e11mbl l clove 1arllc, mlaeed l eu, allptly beatn 1-9 teatpooe p-oa4 re4 pepper'

• .tjl

Sah to &a1te .t 2 cut ( 10 coot eacla ) refrtcer· ated blac.lt• Combine all mlfCd1ents ~--~

bTSCU1~. Mix- lllorOuil)'. Cover and rcfn&eratt I or m0tt hours. Separate b1scu? and roll each one into a rccta c or oval about 7 inches Ion&. and inches wide. Cut in half crosswise.

Place a spoonful of ftllina on o~ h_ilf of each p1CCC Of dOUjh. Wet the edges with water and fold the other half over. press1n&edaes firmly to teal filhni. Make a small sht 10 each pastry to allow steam to escape. Ba.kc at 400 dcgrets about IS minutes, or until golden brown. Makes 40 empanadas.

OUC&LING IMPERIAL 1 froua cl9CkJta1, defrHtecl alt ud 1eaaoaed pe~r

t to 3 11lcu sweet SpuJea olllell • 1 '-'I cups d•clllta11trotla 1 ,., &able1pooa1 cona&arcla 1 teaapoo• C1lfTY ,.w•ef'

_ 1 clov ' '• c•p dry wllJte wllle t cu (lS oucn) 1Ucd peacbes. drained; reterve synap t tab1espooH a.lppe4 freU parsley 3 e1119 laot cooked rice Cut along bottl Sldcs of duclcbna's

bad.bone RcmO\C and ~rv bJl kbonc Cut each rema1ning~r:......

• t1on or duckling in half to mak~ quaners RMnO\.C wing ups. Rc~rve \\ash drain and dr) duckling quar-

11<.'rs Pnd. skin all over w11h sharp forl.. or l..n 1fe Spnnklehghll) " Ith salt and sea oncd _peQPer .\rrangLi;kJJL r side up on a rack In roasung pan Bake • at l!5 degree for I hour

I Mean"h1lt. place backbone. win& 11p\. neck and gibltts in saucepan. .\Jd 2 cups "ater. onion. salt and

I ~·a,oncd JX'PJX'r to taste Co\er and cool.. un11I giblets arc 1cndcr Dram: rt>\Cn c liquid and meat Freeze meat

I hir later u\e

<. omb1nc cornstarch. cuf'T) pow-·

I da garltL . teaspoon salt and ·~ 1easpoon St:nsoncd JX'ppcr. Add wane and blend Bnng duckJang broth and .,, rup trom pea hes 10 a boil. Add

I l.Ornstarch m1\turc. C.ook. sttmng.. until ~r -and th1ckenBt. Brust\ duddang quancrs "'1th broth m1itturc. Turn duckling skin side down and • tlru<,h \\llh m l'l:turc

Bakeo 15 minutes Turn skin side up bru\h \I.Ith ml\turt. and bake l S m1nu\e', longer or un11I drums11ck!. arc 1end<.'r .\dd pcaL.hes 10 broth m1 ~1u rl· Heal ttcntl} ur 1n parslev. \enc dul I.. ling \!, 1th beds of fluff)

I rill' poon sauce O\cr dud.ling \faf.. l'\ J \('I"\ 1ng'>


3 medlam ••ttt panlsll onions ! J, tablespoon• melted butter or mar,arille, divided I r blr ken boulllon ca~ •, np bomn1 •atn I pac1ta1e 110 oances l froltll grtt'D peas I c·an ( t 01tace1) sll~ musb­room5. •raJaed 2 i.blHpoons cltopped plmle11to 1 • tuspoon marjoram leaves

Pl•t>I and h3he onmn\ Pia~ m l.ugc \ l.. 1lkt "'nh 11 mchc'I bo1hnp 'JltC'J \!.31Cr Return 111 boil. cover I JnJ .. am mer ~(I w ~~ m1nut~ or until

1 """'"'or(' tender D ram. Remo' l n·nll.'r\C1.·11ons ofomons and cho p 1.

rnr lor lilhng ( R<" tnaeratc or lrtt1t rrm;11nmg C'Cntcr\ to \t'R\On ifilV) .

'll''" l ll "'UP\ ) l'ru'h ,,nion h<'ll' v.11h 1 •-. table·

'rtmn' hut\cr and k~p warm. Das.­'11" ,. 1. h id.en bouillon in 1' cup ~11hng "atcr .\dd ~a . cook .5 m1nuU"' \ dJ mu'ihrnoms. p1m1cnto r l·ma1n1n~ I lahl('Spoon hutter mar· ,,,r~m .rnd n:~rvC'd ' • cup chopped union I kat "t•ll

' ponn 'egctahlC'\ into nmnn \hclf, ",. 1mmcthatC'I~ or ketp warm

until ~n mtt 11me. b3,\lnf w1lh t ·lx,l1na l1Qu1d trom pci' \ akc\ 6 haJ\C~

GHARLESGATE SQUA H ~1 .nrd tut up a butt:cmut squash

Uthout I'• pound ) tt"am and dra1n._~-------rt " ta'mm~ttabl poon 101 morl'l hut\tr, beat 1n 1t&ht ~ '*" 'upr. 111und nutmta. lemon JU and qlt and fl<'P~r 10 ta te Mak.rs 6 '

f \ tnJ,.\

• f .

• . I ~ .,

~ Orange COut DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, NoV9mber 14, 19~

Exquisite Settings In Glassware Plus A Beautiful ·Assortmen~ Of Durable Cookware At Albertsons

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BASTED. GRADE A, 10 TO 20 LBS .. FROZEN. * With minimum of $35.00 purchase. Excludes cost of turkey. dairy products. liquor and cigarettes. Limit 1 per family. LB.

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Callfornlan Turkeys NO MINIMUM PURCHASE. LIMIT 1 PER FAMILY • ..... LB .64

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Bacon;,eggs no longer stars of i9.eal ~~eakf asn select foods rich in carbohydrates, protein to boost blood sugar level

..... helps your body perform efficiently which helCs keep blood sugar from lhe protcuf and carbohydrates you in the day." b 'Id throuah lhe momina," she added. droppina ater oo. need to keepr,ourselfaoana through Jnstead Cohcnoursugaests ui •

Traditional breakfasts consistin& "Carbohydrate• and protein-rich the momina. • ina your breakfast around f~s of bacon, fried ea.as, buttered toast foods may be selC(tcd from the four If you prefer eags for breakfast, that are ready to eat or tak.e l~ttle and coff~ don•t deliver a &ood stan food 1roups - milk. meat, vea- try them poached or boiled and preparation, su<:h as canned fruat or

Bacon and eggs - the staples of about one-fourth the day's protein, to a day because of the hi&h f11t etables and fruits, breads and served on a piece of whole grain fruit ju.ices, milk, yoaun. hard breakfast - are not the ideal calories. minerals and vitamim," content ce~als," says Cohenour. toast with arglass of mHk, suggests cheese, couaae cheese, leftover breakfast foods for the average according to Sally Cohenour, M.S.. Instead, because your blood " Breakfast can be as simple as an Cohenour. main-dish casseroles such . IS active lifestyle, according to a R.O., president of• the Golden sugar drops during the niabt, orange, a bowl of cereal and milk, " If you're a late riser, don't skip macaroni and cheese, muffins, tnl· Sacramento consulttng nutri- ~mpirc District of the California Cohenour suggests including foods and aslice of whole grain toast with or skimp on breakfast,0 she says. 0 It tant hot cereals or ready-to-eat cold tionist. Dietetic Association. that supply carbohydrates - to peanut butter. This1 is a balanced just makes it that much more ctreals. .

" A good brcakfasi should supply "A 300 to 400 c.alorie breakfast raise blood sugar - and protein, meal, supplying 360 calories plus difficult lO get those nutrients later "And keep in mind your outn~nt __ ,.,. _________ ...:...:;._.:...------------------------------------------------------· and caloric needs when preparma

breakfast," she adds. ''Are y~u sitting bcnind a desk a11 day, or will you be on your feet and active?"

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• &.. .. ----


With proofs of purchase from HUNGRY JACK' B1scuits and KRAFT })eluxe process cheese slices ( INUClmwn retail value ooe )


Giant Fruit and Yogurt Pancake . is sure to be a Sunday brunch favorite. A serving of this delicious breakfast provides 460 calories and a good supply of protein and carbohydrates.

Plan ahead and make t~o p~n­cakes this weekend. Wrap indivtd· ual portions in plastic wrap or small freezer bags. In less tha.o fi v~ minutes you or your family can -prepare a nutritious breakfast dur­ing the week.

Breakfast-To-Go can be whiooed up. poured and ready to ~t in less than fi ve minutes. A scrvma sup­plies 242 calorics, one-fourth ~f your daily requirement for protein and one-third of your calcium needs.

Freezing bananas is a good way to save overripe fruit . The skin will darken but the fruit remains liaht colored and will bo- softer than before freezing.

This yogurt shake also makes a nutritious snack for teens and adults.


t table1pooD1 bu« er t tea1eoon1 cinnamon 5 c11p1 bUe-1l1e fruit (peeled and sliced apples and peacbea, 1Uced bananas, coarsely cbopped pruea, plaeap­ple cl11mk1) t cup• ready-to-eat flaked cereal 2 e_gg1 '4 cup ve1etable oil 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Oavortn1 1 •1, cup1 re1ular a ll-purpose flour Ya cup 1u1ar 3 tea1poon1 bakln1 powder 1/• teaspoon ealt 2 cup1 ( 16-ouoce carton) vaollla or fruit flavored yoprt Melt butter 1n a 10-inch frying pan

over medium heat. Sttr in cinnamon and fruit. Cook. covered, I 0 minutes or until fruit is.tender but not mushy. Crush cereal to equal I cup crumbs. Stir eggs. vegetable oil, mil1' and­vanilla flavoring together in large mi.xmghowl. Add ~flour. sugar. baking powder and salt.

Mix only until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour batter evenly over fruit in frying pan. Bake at 400 deNCes for 25 minutn or until wooden pick inserted near center comes out clean. lnvcn onto serVlng plate and cut into wedges. Sur yogun until smooth and top each wedge with 1/i cup yogurt. Makes 6 servings.

BREAKFAST· TO-GO t frozen, la rge, ripe bananu (do not peel ) 1 cap (8-ounce carton) fruit fl avored yo1ar t 1 Ya cup• cold milk 1,'a cap nonfa t dry milk % efg• Pee frozen bananas. Cut into

chunks. Place in blender container with yogun. milk. nonfat dry milk and eggs. Cover. Process at high speed until smooth Makes 4 servings.

Pearl onions embellished By CECILY BROWNSTONE

I f your Thanksgiving menu this year is to be a traditional one. chances are you'll want to serve creamed onions with the turkey. Although pearl onions arc ex­pensive. they taste mild and sweet and make a splendid holiday offer­ing.

Instead of using ..a~ plain cream sauce with the onions for the Thanksgivi ng dish, we suggest embellishine it with cheddar cheese and pistachio nuts. An attractive and delicious combination.


I pound 1-lncb pearl onlon1 8 ollln1 water 2 tableapoon1 butter 4 tea1pooaa all-purpoee nou I ettp.-mltlll % ounces flllely 1bredded elleddar cbeeae( Ya up packed ) Salt to taste '4 cap (or more) coarsely cllopped pl1tacblo natmeat1 In a medium saucepan cov;.,.

on!ons with. boilii:tg water; bring to a b<?1I and boil 3 minutes. Drain; rinse with cold water. Cut away root ends: 1ently ~uce1e toward stem ends to lip ofT skins. Cut a shallow "X" on ~och root end to help keep onion intact.

In the clc~n ~ucepa~. c-0vcr peeled on!ons with boilina water; bnna to a bc>1I, unqovercd, and boil until tender - IS minutes. Drain .

In the clean dry saucepan melt butter; over low heat stir an nour until smooth; ofT heat, graduall,Y stir in milk. keeping moolh. Stir 1n onton. and hca~ to. strv1na temperature. Oft heat. star an cheese and salt until cheese melt . Top with Pistachios Makes 6 to 8 servinp. ·

Note: If you wish , you may use ~mall silver kin onions or very small (each about I ounce) yellow &lobe ooion' 10 th11 recipe



Fresh Boneless

PORK LOIN ROAST ............... Le. l.H

YUm&N I LB CAN COtfll AS50fffE0 ·2 GRINDS


- I

Norway sardines . . add zest to simple antipasto salad

With cooler weather upon us. thoughts tum to football games and another favorite American tra· dition: the tailpte picnic. Ded1-eated tailgate.rs ins.ist that there's a certain magic aix>ut celebratinJ prc­iame festivities with good fnends and hearty fare. ·

Tailpte picnics can be as simple qr as elabo~te as you like _:.. the only requirement is that th.ey bt

Portable. ea )'·te>-askmble • and ti fyioa. Nothina could bt wtjcr or In

complicated than Tailgate Anti­pasto. A pLDOfT of a traditional Italian antipasto salad. thtJ reape combine$ brialuly-colored vca­etables known as &iardin1era. marinated artichoke hearts, sliced cheeses and meats. But it's the addition of flavorful Norway sardines that gives this sa1a4 a panicularly savory twi't.


TAJLGATE ANTIP A8TO 1 Jar UI MllCU) par41laiua (plcllled mJxed n1e1altlu), ....



. l B . • 87. CRANBERRY

SAUCE 16-0Z. W110' I - llUJ•

c IA.

~\ CHA1 1 1N•I ~ •Ulid

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1 s:t=:+J OµARTER. STICK ·- REG. OR SWEET '~··

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........ ..... Mn

R~~O L& 1.69 FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS ...... EA. I.ff

.•. -,,.._ .' I I ~ \ I ~ -

GOID-DAL ..... - 5.LB. BAG


22.0z. Non Dairy Creamer 7 .S·IO-Oz. Sma I A.uorted 29.0z Con

COFFEE MATE ............................. 2A9 NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS .... 1.09 PRINCELLA YAMS .• 75 Green Giant, 12-0z. limit 4

NIBLETS CORN .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .37

. -~ilXTilA FANCY ....

~~;r_·~ CELERY ·.,.t~:,.:. HI• llAllD, CalSP

, ·c.

c IA.

Fre1h Tosty SWEET RED YAMS ........... ..

Crisp 12·0z. Bosket CHERRY TOMATOES ............... EA. A9


Fresh 1-LB. CELLO CARROTS LB A9 EA .19 l8 .33

I• # ---( ••••••1m•••n )---------4 _.._ _____ _

. .

• Dynasty 8-0z. Con Slic.d

WATER .77 CHESTNUTS ............ . .55 B·Ounce Corton HUGHES CREAM CHEESE ........................... . 67

Col Rose N- Crop 25-LB. BOTAN RICE 3.0z Pockoge 14-0unce Cup

IMO ASSORTED DIPS .................................... 89 CHOW MEIN TOP RAMEN

Strolght Bourbon

1.75·LITER JIM BEAM ........... .. .,.9.98 1.7S·lit« Scotch ' • 86-PROOF SCORESBY .......... ... 9.98 750-MI. lrut or ~tro Oty

KORBEL CHAMPAGNE ............... 6.91 12·0z. lottln 6-PK. MICH&l08 LIGHT." .......... S.29


•••••• - ~ F"OR •••

I ·lb. Pli,g.



- - • , R.ctangular or 0.01 E·Z Foi l -..__)IW TURKEY '-- ROASTING PANS EA Generic Bosket fy~

200-CT. COFFEE FILTERS Foley Turiley Bosler 0<


.79 1.09

.99 ·" E.A eff

I jar ti __... arddleU....,. ·~, ............. ..... I tM1 (I"' ..... .al Nerway • ..,.... ........... . ................ t emcee_... "" •l•t dlelille Let-. ......

Combine ~i.Aiaa. attic.hoke hearts with their marinade and . tomato paste; mi.A liabtJY 10 blend. Add l can oft.tie sardinn~ tOM IJe,btJy. Line servina. plate with lc1tuc:e. _Ar-· ranae salami, chccte and sardio~ v*tablc mixture on lettuce. Senie with the mna.inm& saidines. Mak.es 4 5CTVJng5. "

Judge's recipe judged

· the best By CECILY BROWNSTONE .,,__, ....

Judge Jean S. Cooper, an admin­istrative j udge for HUD (Housing and Urban Development) irvWasb- ' mgton. says if she ever gi vcs up law it will be to work in the cuhnary field. Meanwhile, cooking is her hobby.

And it's a hobby tha1·s pajd off. Her recipe for <Grilled Oiicken. Santa Fe Style, has just won first prize 1n ··food and Wine" map· zinc's recipe contcsL Her recipe appears in the current November issue of .. Food and Wine," along with o thers that were runners-up.

Judge Cooper wasn' t bowled over when she heard sbc had won because she has entered man) recipe contests and walked awa) with a number of prizes. In her capacity as a t'Meral administrative Judge, she has traveled a great deal 1n the Un1tedStatcsandNsleamcd to know, love and reproduce Amencan regional food. Her·· food and W ine" magazine winner was inspired by the piquant d ishes she enjoyed in the Ameliean South· west. The recipe follows:


4 small wMle ckicllna breasts, bones removed, skill OD

lfJ C11P fresla lime jafoe 3 tablespooaa olive oU ..., teaspoon salt '• tuapooo treslaly 'rood black pepper -f np1 emd wltele peeleil - ----. tomatlllos 11.,., cau. lS ouca eada>. draiDecl a.ad riued "'I cep lteavy cnam $ plam iematoes - peelff, ~ ud c-et into '• -hlcti ditt I small oafoa, c.t nto • · ~ tt 1 Ires• jalape .. pepper, seeded, deribbed aa4 mt.cH '•cap mlaced tra• cilaatro % ~blespoona red wine viDqar Preheat the broiler "'Ith the broil-

ing pan set about 4 inches from thr heal. or hght the charcoal. Pat the chicken b~asts dry WJth paper towels Wnh a -sharp -pa-rtn tcnife. hghtl) score the skin in a crosshatch pattern

In a small bowl. whisk together the hme juice. olive 011. 1/• teaspoon of the salt and the black pepper until blended Brush the rannade on both sides of the ch1ckeri

In a blender or food processor. process the 1omat11los until finel) chopped. Pour into a medium non-corrod1ble saucepan and stir an the cream. Bnng to a simmer o~er moderatel) high heat and cook st1r-n ng occas1onall) unttl shghtl~ ~-duced and thickened. about 5 minutes Season "'1th the remaining ' • teaspoon salt Remove from the heat and cover the sau~ to k~p 11 wann

To cook the ch1cl..en. arrange tht' breasts sL.in-s1dc down on the gnll and broiling pan. Cook turning once for 5 to 7 mtnWl'S on each side. unttl no longer pink but still moist

Meanwhile in a medium bo"" l combine the tomatoes. onion Jalapeno pepper. conander and vinegar until mixed to make a salsa

To serve. spoon the tomat11lo saucr onto 4 warmed plate~ -\rrangc the chicken in the center and mound a heaping tablespoon of the salsa on top of each serving. Pass extra salsa at th, table. Make 4 sen ings

No1e· Toma111los. fresh Jalapc"n<' pepper and fmh cilantro arc 3, a ll· able in Lnttn -\mencan market' and some supermarkets.

MIDEAST FISH t tablespoon safflower oil 1 , cup flaely cltopped olliou "t cwp ftltdy eaiepped tumaio t., c.p ralslaa •, teaspooa sail Pepper to taste 14 teaspoo111roud allspltt '• teaapoea 1roUH1 chlaamon I "' tea1pooa1 lemoa J•ltt 1'J flaely ctieppe.t wahlats t table.,_. dry wlllte wlne 4 fltlt fillets (about I-,, poHdt I

In a medium sau~pan heat saf nowcr oil until hot. dd onion. cool. gentl) until wtlted .\dd tom3\0 ra1'i1M, ..all. pepper. allsp1ct. CIO· namon and kmon 1u1cc C'ook o~cr medium hrat. '\Umng constant!) . until tomatoes arc nencd. about ~ minute OIT hNt; ur in -.alnuts

Platt fi h in •~ \1nglt' layt'r 1n hallo"' 01ttd bak1n pan pnnlk

"''"c ovtt fi h poon nusin mt,\U~ o\ er t'.lch fillet ( O\"t'r ~Ith foll and bale u n tit fi~ Jlalt ~be n l •illl i fork - about I~ mmute"\ takes '4

CallH2- S678 • Put A l• w WOfdS to WOik for fOU

Apples' fragrance appealing Fruit's flavor brings country


:flair to cookery

cnaned t>o not allow to boil tir in schnapps. onion, celery, thyme, $lie. salt and z cua (U"4 oDDttt eacb) chicken Sen-e in heated soup bowls. Garnish pepper and cook S minutes or unul bro&b with croutons. if desired. Yield: 12 vegetables arc tender. Remove from t pacuaee (lZ OUAcea each) cups. heat and add stuffioa. Cut one ap_plc froiea , cool&el sq11a1b in half; chop half and add to stuffina I plot balf·Hd·ball APPLE GLAZED STUFFED PORK mixture. Add VJ cup scbnepp and 14 teaapoon aaJt CHOPS toss gently to combine.

l • . f 'It &eaapoon ato& pefper aaace 1 tableapoo11 batter or mar1arine With a sharp knife make a P<>Ckct t s ttme to rediscover the JOYS 0 11. cap appJe barre 1cbnapp1 ~11 cup cboppd olllon in each chop by cuttlna horizontally

beany, old-fashioned country Toatted pampernJckel croutou ~cup cboppecl celery througheachchopalmost to the bone. cookery. (optional) ~. teaapoon drted leaf tbyme, Fill each pocket with stuffing mix-

The sweet scent of apples is one of Jn a tarac saucepan melt butter; add crumbled cure; close with food picks. Plaoe the most invitinf fragrances of the apples, onions and thyme. Coo~ 5 to 7 'rt! teaapoon dried leaf 111e, chops in a shallow pan: b89tC with season, and nothing says ·•country" minutes or until apples and onions crumbled remaining l/t cup schnapps. or " autumn" better than this per- are 1ender. Add chicken broth and "' teaspoon aalt Cut rcmainin& I 1h apples into ennial favorite . The pleasant!} tan . squash. Brina mixture to a boil. "' teaspoon pepper wedges and arranac around base of

r. b ' o f I I reduce beat, simmer 15 minutes. l li'a cups pach1ed, herb 1ea1oned chops. Bake in 1 325-dcgree oven I reires 10& avor 0 app cs a so Pour half the mixture into the 1tuffln1 hour and IS minutes or until chops . brings special appeal to many container of an electric blender or t applet, cored are no longer pink in center. baste recipesi food processor; process until smooth: 1 cup apple barrel schnapfs frequently with schnapps. Remove

· What could be more satisfying OI'\ repeat with remainder. 4 lo,in pork,-chopa, (cut lnclsea chops and apple wed&es to a heated a nippy day than a steaming bowl of Return mixture to saucepan. Stir in thick) &rlm'ft?ed of vlalbJe fat serving platter. Serve with pan juices. •homemade soup? Try stirring up a half-and-half. salt and pepper ~uce. In' a -saucepan melt butter; add Yield: 4 servings. 1cettle of Apple Squash Bisque, a r---------.:........;.-=--'----------'----------------------~-----------;;._-----------·wty blend of two favorite elements .of autumn's cornucopia. the squash

0 and the apple. The apple flavor comes from the

fresh country taste of apple barrel schnapps, a spirited blend "Of nine varieties of apples. and the newest way to enjo) America's favorite fruit. And the recipe is as quick and easy to prepare as it 1s flavorful . It U5e"S a big ume-saver: frozen. cooked squash. Garnish your fin­ished soup with toasted pumper­nickel croutons to add texture and

..crunch. . As a main course, Apple Glazed

Stuffed Pork Chops are a heany. yet elegant w.ay to ward off autumrr's chill. The stuffing is an aromatic blend of savory herbs like thyme and sage and apple barrel schnapps. Frequent basti ng with the schnapps during baking ensures juicy. de­licious chops.

Bring this taste of country cookery to your table .... and you'll be sure to harvest the accolades of family and friends.

APPLE SQUASH BISQUE ! tableapoona butter or margarine Z apple., peeled, cor~d and chopped ! medium onions, thinly sliced l teaspoon drted leaf thyme,

B -vitamin foods best for stress

• 8-vitamins may be vital to healthy nerves. but supplements for the!e-vitamins, advertised 1lS stress relievers and prescribed for mental illness, are not necessary and in some instances not safe.

Charles Marshall. Ph.D .. author of''Yitaminuod Minerals:-Help or Harm?" says the American diet

·•· provides abundant food sources of B-vitamins.

Milk. lean meat includin~ pork. poultry and fish. some fruits and vegetables and most enriched and whole grains supply B-vitamins to Lhe diet.

"Simply eating a variety ol these foods each week, using 2-2-4-4 as a 'daily guide - two servings each of ,milk and meat group foods and four servings each of fruits and veg­etables and breads and cereals -will provide most people with all the B-vitamins they need.

Thiamine (B-1} supplements are often marketed as stress tablets. states Marshall. Many times these tablets contain doses 10 times the

..rcc-0mmended daily allowances ,(RDA). ' " It is senseless to self-medicatl' with high potency thiamine tablets ·because the body s1mpl) excretes .,what it cannot use." says Marshall.

People can set their daily allow­•ancc of thiamine simply b} eating ,foods like lean pork. whole grams . .-11uts and milk. according to Marshal l. This will provide their

,bodies with the th1am1ne the)' need to cope with day-to-da) stresses.

Large doses of niacin (B-3) have -been prescribed as treatment for schizophrenia and other illnesses.

Although the maJont)' of water­•soluble vi ta mins (including the B­complex} are thought to be safe in

.an y amou nts. megadoses of niaci n can cause harmful side effects.

Flushing of the likin . headaches. cramps. na u~ea . irregular heartbeat

, and li ver damage have been re· poned in patients taking large doses of niacin .

, A void the cha ncc-r, of 51de cfTcc1 <. by eating n1ac1n-nch foods hkc organ meat\ (not more than three· to--four OJJnces per week). lean pork. chicken, turke) and tuna. Milk and

:whole va ins al so arc good c;ources ofniacm.

"The maJont) of hea lth} people can get their da ) 's suppl} of H· vitamins by eating a wide "a net.,. of foods," says Marshal l. ·

" If you must ta kl' a supplement, 4 take an all-pu rpose multi-v itamin

' i· and mineral supplement that sup-


plies no more than 100 percent ol the RDA."


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-Gumbo's a dish celebrate by Cajun and Creole chefS

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1 i.,.... ddcUa, cwt la&o terYlq pieces Salt ud pepper &o taste i &able.,.... vese1altle oU t tables,.... """ -l Olli•, flaely dl1,,d l tomato, flHly alked i qaaru a..t water '' teupoea cayeme peffer l pJ.al_oy.l&ett Freslt parsley IPrlo i tahles,._. 8ie -

Season chicken pieca with salt and pepper. Bro*D in vqe&ablc oil in the bottom of a larJt saucepan or Dutch oven with non-stick surface. Remove chicken to a serving plate.

Add flOur to ffinainin& liquid io saucepan and brown very slowly. stirrina constantly, until " roW:" ts rich brown in color. Add onion; cook a few minutes more. Add tomato; cook two more minutes.. Return chicken to sauocpan; add bot water and cayenne and simmer until chicken is tender\ about 20 minutes.

Remove chicic:en, debone, and return meat to the sa~ Add oysten and panley and Slmmer 20 minutes more. Remove from beat

• : and add file. Serve in 1arac soup bowls t------.;.;.=:;;,;.:::..;=-:.=.;_-------'''IOl9"'----_....=..=:.:......-1 over steamed or boiled rioe. Serves 8 .


.... ·~



·camembert versatile, d~ By TOM HOGE ., ... ~ ..... .,..

France's province of Normand~ ts famous for its " three C's"'. Calvados. cider and Camembert.

I don't have much interest in the cider and I drink C.alvados brandy about once a year, but I dearly love Camemben cheese.




More than a million cows are said to graze the fields of Normandy and some of the rich mil le they yield goes into the 11 5.000 tons of Camembert produced there each year. The French make more than 215 kmds of cheese and have a ~r capiia consumption of about 42 Pounds a year - more than twice what Americans cat




The origin of Camemben is credited to Marie Hard, a farm wo man in the village of Camemben. She is said to have made the first batch in the late 18th century. About 50 years later, the sto1' goes. her granddaughter scr~ ved NaPolcon Ill his first sample of the cheese. There is to this day a statue of Marie Ha.rel in ·the Camembert region.

French Camembert is made from Ta\\ milk. and thus is forbidden in .i\merica . To gain entry here, the cheese must be mad~ from milk that is pasteurized before It 1s fermented. This probably accounts for the fact that a mere 4 70 tons are exJ)Oned to this country annually .

l once thought that Camembert v.as only served plain, to be eaten on toast or crackers. but I have sin~ nm across a number of recipes.

Camembert. sliced apple and v.atercrcss on buttered toast make a dchc1ous sandwich. Cones of can­neloni stuffed with Camemben softened with whipped cream 1s a tast' appetizer. ~h favorite is Camcm6cn frit­

ters. ·Here 1s a reci~ from Hcnn­Paul Pellaprat's .. Modern French Cuhnary An.'"

CAMEMBERT FRITTERS 3 t1bfffPOO•• httef 3 tabletpoou noer 1 cap mllll 4 oaace1 C.amembert clatt1e 1.nu. .. t cn1t) S.h 1Dd l""•d black pepper tota1te Fble dry bread cr.mbt

HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF lHE WINNERS IN THE ALL NEW ALPHA BETA BINGO GAME I larat eg, bfflff wit\ 1 table­.,._water Melt butter in a u~pan. Remove

from ~at and blend in flour. t1r and cook one minute. dd milk. mu well. and rook·'\lntll the muturt 1s qwte thick. dd chcex, salt and~· 1nd·1llov.1 cheae to melt. M~ wdl


ptCld the mmurc of a.n mcb thack on a buttm:d bak.i~ sheet. Chill,

Cut into rounCI wtth 1 1~1ncl\ bucu1t ellllcr. Ron -in bread crvm dip in beaten qa and roll ia cnunbs apin l •<k r 20 minutes to allow the crum to act &town an deep fat prthc:attd co 37' tlMI~. Drain on 1 paper towel ~as a bo• hOt\ d'~U\ rt. Mak.ts 12 fnncn.



• • t

Orenge Coat DAILY PflOTIWedneedey, NOVM\bef' 14, 1984



Baked stuffed ,flounder a country inn specialty ··

Di cming travelers have known Cookbook" is a 112-~ge p1ral sauce, and although atamorous in for year that so·me of this nation's bound volume, containing more appearance and taste, it can be best eating takes place at quaint, out than I 00 diverse l'C(ipcs intluding prepared. in about 49 mi~utes. • Of the way, off the maa·n route everyday da' beQ re•ional favorite This ts a classic dash that s

"' ~ ' u'1tablc "or entc ... "1'nina or for a country inns situated in the recipes for enterta1nin& and des- •• • ... backwaters of America. • scrts special family occasion. There tre

There are still hundreds of these One of them is Cascades Baked dozens of others that wiJl help ~u jC\Vels with their own special Stuffed Aounder,.a house specialty get a taste of reaional America at hs charm, tradition, and character that of Hotel ainfe-Genevieve. located besJ. • contribute to truly unique.cuisine. in Sainte Oencviev~. Mo., the The cookboQk can be ordered i>r

Recipes from 64 of these inns oldest French settleme'nt in the U.S. $4.95 by wridng The R. T. French have now been compiled into a westoftbeMississippi. Co .• P.O. 23450, Rochester, N.Y. cookbook adapted for use in home The flounder is stuffed with a 14692. Order blanks, offcrina 1fie kitchens by The R. T. French Co. colorful shrimp filling seasoned book at reduced prices, are avaiJ­" Ameri ca ' s Country l .tn with sherry and Worcestershire ableatmanysupennarkctsormay

--------------------..-----~------,----------------...,..,..----------------, be obtained directly from the company at the above address.

Californian Turkeys GRADE A BASTED ffiQZE.H.

10 10 20LBS

' .49~. rcn• te Total

• Woll'l '3!> 00 m1n1ml,ll1\ IN o•oduCIS hQuor 11ur1<ey 0••1Y

e1c1uoes cost o • L•m•I I oe• tpm•tv 69 anO c;19 aret1e item


Butterball Turkeys HtOltN 8~'\YlO t°lstAOf • ti") 10 as .• 99 Fresh Natural Turkeys 99 A U-1 ~(i 'A /A -. • f. Af4~'

·"•Lil • r " ·" n • fA( ,._., •M l( (-•C.A A f;. A & 1 t •.-.Mr•••~, ...

Grade A Ducks IAOll" l I \ 8 >

Stuffed Turkeys IAQ L(1'1!f I Tn '0L.8S (tA•C( A

1.09 H.99 A'.79

:~!! !!'!t~!~'!!!.~.!.u~keys .• 1.19

·i- GOid Medal iFlour 11..8 MO

fl Cranberry iSauce LAOY LEf; WHOt,E OA

(sTfWNIO, 1t OZ. CAN


r Uncle Ben's Rice Mix


!Durkee Coconut -

• t / P K _,

!Eagle Brand Milk




123 !~!.~~~ Marshmallows_ • • 79 !~!~~arln Oranges

!~~rshmallow_ Creme

... . 79 •" .59

!~!!~~lf!Q~~!P 1. 79 rwe11on 011 1.29 rs & M Baked Beans ... 1.89 !~~~•chino Cherrie! _ 1.19

"I • •• 1.69

Boneless Whole Ham />IA TER ADDEO LB ' T( '_55

~!T~~"!~~~~r Roast

Cornish Game Hens , r • l f a •• I> A •l(""'

Hormel Cure 81 Ham

169 t91.49 t • 1.59 a2.99

rPflnciA Yams

rNlblets Corn



.85 !"Brown & & Serve Rolla HAIWIST DAY. ALL VAAttTIES. t 2 CT. Pt<G.

.69 120Z C AN .45

!Libby's 85 Pumpkin

:l90l C AN •

r Cranberry 49 Sauce

OCEAN ~PRAY t6 0 1 C AN • ', TRAINED OR WHOLE r Green Giant 4 7 · cu r~~!~? ~6~~~ •

! Kleenex Dinner NaP..kl~A' · . 79 I~~d_Y .. L!'! .Dips • • . .89 c .. .,, •"' , ... . , """' ' ' . , .... tiilW' .,. lll"f"t• •••• ,,. • • L•M<I ll'~U tlt••.n•• ~ (.efllt"'*'C .. Sk•t

LanJe End Rib Roast 00NOEO BEEF

Cron Rib Roast 90f\IElfSS 80 NO(O llnTCHOC1<


Porlc Shoulder Roast tA(S>< l'YCNIC I TYlC •

179 LB 1.98

L • • 89 .~~~Q ~l.. g~~ken LB .58 Fresh Western Oyst~~~JU 1.89 Fresh Easfern Oyst~~ , ... 2.49 Fresh Idaho Trout

LB 1.49

!Harvest Day 89 Hot Bread

160Z LOAF •

rKraft ~9 .La Creme • . WHIPPED TOPPING 8 01 TUB FROZEN

r/J/ue Bonnet 59 Marg~rlne


!Whipping Cream



!~!~~cent Rolls •N t ••• .69 !.9.~~'!'1 ~~~~· • I • • 1.09 Owt • • • . , . .. <......,. •-.c, .....,.,._ ... ,...,.. .,_., t• M •ttH"" ••~Mtr ..... ,..., t t ""°'" lvM.-, .... ... ,.._ 11 , ...


Hawaiian Pineapple LARGE SIZE

Dellclous Apple• A(0 0 " 00\.0lN f.(TAA I ANCY

Delicious Red Grapes ... 33 ... 49 ... 49 ~ .69 1w•29 l• .29

swu •

Bose Pears L U ()( \1$ .. 0 I

Jumbo Walnuts N£W CllQI' ••••

Fresh ams

Freah Celery ! Mfl>'\IM Sil(

P'Vlva A Napkins .75 DECORATOR l•O CT PKG


YI cup finely cllopped oDIH 14 c1p finely d1oppe4 celery cup fine ly cllopped IJ'ffD pepper t &abletpooDI bitter or mar1art.e YI pond 1belled 1llrlmp, cooked aad cbopped 1 cup dry brea,d c rumbs 1 tablespoon finely cbopped pi­miento 1 teaspoon seafood aeaaoal•I % ttraspoona WorcesterdJre 1a1ce 14 tea1pooa paprika •;, cap ctry 1!aerry % po1&nd1 flooder or sole fille t• 2 tabletpooDI lemon j1&lce Salt and pepper Chopped fretll pan ley Cook onion, celery and green

pepper in 6 tablespoons butter until son. Combine with shrimp. bread crumbs. pimiento, seafood season­ing, Worcestershire sauce. paprika and sherry.

Cut fish into 12 pieces; place 6 in greased shallow baking pan. Divide stuffing among the six pieces. If desiTed

1 make slash in center of each

remaining fillet . Place on top of stuffing. Melt remaining 3 table· spoons butter and combine with lemon juice; spoon over fish. Sprinkle li&htly with salt and..Q.Cppcr. _

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. or until fish flakes easily when pierced with a fork. Garnish Wi c oppe pars ey. servings.

Seafood supplies plentiful

'· .... As winter storms hit the Pacific Northwest "3nd-the Ea.Stem sea­board. seafood a\lailability becom­es a daily question mark, dependent on mother nature.

In Southern California, however, we will have a good supply and variety of seafood a\'ailable fo November and December holiday consumption t>ecause ·of daily air shipments from New Zealand, Bos­ton, Chicago, Hawaii , Florida, Texas and South America, accord­ing to the California Fisheries Association.

Weather permiuin$, from the Pacific waters there will be Pacific snapper, sable fish (also known as black cod), local halibut, sole of all types including rcx-sole, sand dabs, Dover sole, petrale sole and flounder. Also, the last of this year's local sword fish will be available as well as ling cod, l[Ue cod, Mexican sea bass and Pacific perch.

Shellfish fans will be pleased to know that Califorrua spiny lobsters are now fresh in local markets, and Dungeness crab also is fresh from the Pacific Northwest.

Varieties that arc flown in from the East Coast include Eastern sole, scrod, dab sole, Eastern fluke, cod, tile fish arid monk fish. For those special holiday get-togethers, there will be supplies of clams, oysters, mussels, sea and bay scallops and shrimp.

Farm-raised Idaho rainbow


699 trout, available both fresh and frozen, are a noteworthr economic .value, and a treat for holiday guests. Catfish. also farm-raised, are gain­ing in popularity and readily avail-able all year. ,

,l"Mareu~ ._, ~· e'lifllnes . ) w~JE ~~ ROSE 750 ML BTL

Fresn water fish from the Great

2 ~9 . Lakes ioclude wbiteJisb, lake trout I ~ and perch, weather permitting.

There will also be good supplies of • imported fish such as orange

roughy, John Dory and seabass

!"Cream A Cheese LAOY LEE

I Borden Singles


8 0 Z PKG .69 1801 PKG


Our Slot•• wlll be CloHd Thenktglwng Dey, Thurtdey, NoNmber 22nd.

from New Zealand and king salmon from Norway.

With the technological advances m freezing techniques, frozen sea­foods today arc top quality. Super­market frozen food sections usually stock turbot, perch, Pacific snapper Dover sole, halibut, orange roughy'. pollock and shrimp.


'" C11t!;-:.-: J9ke i tab • •eae&able oil i tea1peot11 Dtjoa m11tard Salt and pepper to taste l potad carrot1, peeled ud flllely 1llre4de4 (abotlt4 caps) YI to % c.p ra1da1 ~ of 1 •m! ll\ re( oaJoa, flaely cllopped l tabletpoHI fl1tly ~ partley Le1t1ce ln a larac bowl whisk tottth(r

lemon juice. oil. mustard and salt and pepper. Add carrots, raums. onion and parsley. Toas well. o~r end chill. Serve on lettuce. Makes 6 scrv in~.



Fruit breads qulc}c to malr

Prunes in s.auterne a sweet inspiration

There's a world of goodness 1n ( 'al1fo rn1a prunes. f t'sa world Paula Wolf en knows int1matcl}'. th rough travels to such glamorous locauonsas the Middle East. the Med1tcrr'hncan and the South of France where prunes play a reve red ro le in the tlnest cuisines.

Reno~oed cookbook author. teacher. restaurant consultant and caterer. Wolf en calls herself the "pruneguru... he also knows how to highlight them to pro' 1dc the1ro" n sweet insp1 rat1on in such desserts as Prunes in auteme.

PRUNES IN SAUTERNE It ounces (about 2 c ups) pitted prunes 2 c ups Sauterne• .2 tablespoons sugar ~ta1JH11 Strip pf lemon pee l (yellow portion only, abuot 1 2 x 3 inches ) 1 cinnamon stick (about 4 Inches )

In bowl combine prunes and wine. (over and set aside 4 to 6 hours. Measure sugar into 2-quan 'iauccpan. Scrape seeds from vanilla bean into sugar: rub between fingers to separate seeds. Add scraped vanilla bean pod. prunes and wine, lemon peel and cinnamon stick. Mix to blend.

Bring toboilovcrmcdium heat. Reduce hcanmd s1mmergcmly 10 minutes. Cool. Cover a nd chill 2 to' da}s to develop fla vor. Remo' e and discard vanilla bean. lemon peel and cinnamon slick. Serve cool fordessen . Makes 6 to 8 servin$S.

•A fruity RieshngorGcwur11ram1ncr may be 'iubsti tuted for the auteme.

- --irvou " isll. eliminate the "aniTfa bean and sTirml teaspoon vanirra extract a(ter s1mmenngprunco;.

Chinese sauce sim le HOISIN SAUCE

2 tablespoons creamy peanut but· ter 4 tablespoons soy sauce l tablespoon honey 2 teaspoons while vl11egar l,il teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoon sesame seed oil 20 drop.1 ChJnese;style "Jlot sauce"

1 11 teaspoon pe pper

(Jraduall) wh'1sk so)' sauce into peanut butler; add honey. vinegar. garlic powder. sesame oil. hot sauce and pepper: whisk to blend. This ' ers1on of a store-bought Chinese sa uce 1s reprionted by counesy of Dee Wang.


It will only take you a few minutes to take that taste. rt takes us J. httle longer to perfect 1t Each ham 1s covered wnh rare spices and smoked over a !>pec1al blend of hickory and applewood chips for no less than 30 hours It's then glazed WTth costly imported spices and golden honey Spiral shced for easy serving.


For a real feast this Thanksg1v1ng., serve dehc1ou·s HoneyBaked ... brand ham 1n addrt1on to the tradruonal turkey. Your guests will ;ipprec1ate the wmety, and you'll ~ke the convenience. because we'v done all the work for you. A ham by any other nam~ doesn't taste the same.



.,. 1• 4 t I H• ~DILM.U J tt~ /14) ,, l lO

l&..T09'0 / 41/JI ,.,,1J'JW!'W41> • 1, l •I ( • 1 Iii •I) (, • 1 •


HON~~LO ...


Wuh cooler evenings. bakin& take on a cenarn warm and rom nuc appeal. Frc h Spiced Pear Bread or Pumpkin Pear Bread arc quick to ma~e because they require no kncadina.

T ry the e breads wnh cream tfleesc for breakfast or pack a shce in your fa vonte per on's lunch box. They also ma,ke nice Jifts. But by all means, bake these S{>1cy pear breads now - trcsh California Banlett i>(!ar season won't be with u~ rm!Cl1 longer.

- P UMPKIN PEAR BREAD-­\.', poa_nd fresll California Bartlett pear (l lar1e or t small) 3 ~ cups U1'Slfted Ooar l YI teaspooat salt Z teaspooas each bakJn1 soda ud claaa•o• 1 teaspooa sroud 1ta1er % cap ve1etable oll 4 large eggs t c.ps sogar l c up caned pampldn \Ai cap walnuts, cltopped Pare and core pear:- finely dice to

mea urcabout I cup. Combine next 5 ingredients. Beat 011. eggs and sugar together unfil mixture is light. Add pumpkin; beat smooth. Stir in nour mixture, then pears and walnuts.

Divide batter evenly between two greased and floured 81/2-i nch metal loaf pans. Bake on low rac.lc in 35(). degree 55 to 70 minutes or unti~ pick inserted in center comes out d ry. Remove from oven and let stand I 0 minutes: turn out onto wire rack to cool. Makes 2 loaves.

FRESH SPICED PEAR BREAD 1'11 cup buuer or margarine




/ ' ' 1 ·' / "-, ....

Try pear bread• with cream ch~ for breakfut. I cup sugar tens

clnaamoa 1 teaspooltUJt

I pound fresh California Bartlett pears, pared, cored, chopped (Z c ups)

\Ai t~spoen eacll 1roud cloves and nutmeg

ingredients; blenst into pear mixture. Tum into ~sed 81/J- inch metal loaf pan Bake m 350-degrcc oven I hour to I hour and 15 minut" or until pick inserted in center comes out dry. Cool slightly: turn out onto wirc.niC.LCool completely Makes I loaf.

% ~" cups all·pllrpose flour % teaspoons each bak1Jlg soda and

Cream n u tt.cr an sugar. Beat in eggs and pear. Sift flour w11h df)

RtOwnele Only A! ~ $eores AeolMWllle Only At s..i..., S.0... - ... -~- .... -- .- ... -~----- - ... - ..... -~­~--..,...,..-glll_.,. ~-,--glll-... .......-·----... ___ ................ ""'.. ---~ ... --.. ____ ... __ .. - - - ,,.,..,,.. """*- - - ...... _.,,,. - - - - _.,. -~:'::"::..""'(:·= I ::"".r::':...,..E~~ .::"':":':.~=-==

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ARMOUR HUl=---4--

..... •nt•ll 1Vrkeys MlwlOf House Hens or ron. 99c FIOlfWI lb

...... Twll.,.. =:'or~ lb $I09 ~

••••le•• 1"'rk•ys Amto4JI Bulle<

BMled •1•• Fr01t11 lb

~169 Stu~ It' • Com Br!'acl or ~ ' 20J Bo•

US 0 A G1ad. A f101en

J'URKEY --·-------, r-;;;;.;;; ;;,~KIY COUHll :


'1 u .5 .D.A. ore• " A" FREE * : H•" T•rtley ...

I I I I I ----1 L -----------------

Pre1llPork Roa1t ~4?a:" ~99c •••f Chuck Steak-. •c99c Avoc•dos 4 .,,.. •1• llrusMlsSprouls'~~t49c Pearl 0.loRI ~. ":::: ._:.. 99c

Sllcetl •aeon-~ 1129 ... leHogSawage~ .. '1"

HoHy Cure~·· ·.::_~. ~2·• ,Leg Of La•la ·-...::~· :·· • .,•1"

Punipkla ~- ~ .. ........... Boo ... ~-

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'!' ~-<~~ ,,1 .... ~~ I .,.

77~, . •11• ""~

I "' 1 .. ,. .. ChlffOR llapklM c ..... a. •••• ~ .... Cranlle11 ' lwlce

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L'eg .. ~-~~a.no MIA F'9c:t. Pl.g Ol ~

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• • l • I




rite wine hard to find but.worth the seat'Ch



, vi need . It doc not taste hk't any which i&ldc i&ned to imply that this usually done a number of tim~ to whlc r vc ever ta tcd that i made· wint1s made in the .. old style." allow as many solids as pos iblc to from either of the Beaujolais Specifically, the wine wa settle out of the wine. pretenders. It Just m11y be thei real fcrmen ted in larae (several The absence of filtration or finina th ing. thousafid gallon), open-top, French cx(?_lain the wine's fat rich body.

On the other hand, we've oll been oak tank . It was then aged for over lhc old vineyards that provided ma led and confused 1n tile past. so three ~ar 1n other large French the gropes arc dry. farmed (no without being too cynical let me say oak tanks. and wa never lined or iniption to swell lhc gra~ with I' ll fee l much safer after the vine filtered. All clanficauon was ac· moisture or multiply the )'leld) and have been examined by a re· compli hed by the ancient method provide a sparce two tons of grapes cogn ized authority uch as France's of racking. to the acre. Pierre Galet or even America's own Racking is simply i mnsferring A total of l 400 cases were Lucy Morton. wine from one container to another. produced in 1980, with to1~1 pro.

Whatever th~ gra{>C's true · ori- drawing off the clc?lt'Wtne from the duction growing to about llfice that gins. there is mor~· of interest about top and leaving the cloud y, murky for future vintaaes. the wine. A legend t' t the top orthe stuff behind in the bottom of the The brand is owned by 1 non­label-stater "C~ -An\tenne;" -ft1st •• -O~rret. lUlcltingls - profit corporation called The ln·

I stitute for the Study of Human Knowlcd_1e. the profits from which provide funding for research pnts

-==" to professors at Stanford and UC Berkeley.

One of those professors is Ter­rance Leighton, P!_-Oprietor and winemaker at Kalin 'C.;.ellars, a smal~ winery based fo Marin • County. Veritc was not made" at Kahn Cellars, however.

That is pretty much the Verite story. except for the fact that it will be pretty hard to find because the corporation involved is not what you might call a hi~-powercd marketi ng organizat ion. D ls-1ributors are now bein1 acquired, and the wine is ava1lable at a growing number of retail and restaurant IQCations.

You can track down the nearest outlet by contacting the institute a t: P.O. Box 176, Los Altos, CA 94022

.(4 15) 948-9 I 97 . . Searching this wine out may be

wonh the effort in more than one regard. Not only is it a $ood and interesting d rinki n$ expencnce, but its limited production and perhaps unique (to California) grape origins may make it a real collector's item.

Fish fillets bundle up cheese mix

The cheddar family of natural cheese is the most widely made cheese in the world and the most papular cheese amQD.g. A01eris;ans. It ran~es from mild to shary depending on its age or cure, and 1s popular fo r snacking as well as cooking.

Colby cheese, another member of iheCheddatchee5e famil~m produced in Colby township in Wisconsin in the late 19th century. Today. this mild, slightly swect­tasting cheese, is made and enjoyed throughout the country.

Although New York state was the b1rthplace--0f the-domestic cheese.

•r--~~~4'"'11.,--;-;:-?""~-;r~lli:"""''Tiii;;;;~~-, r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,-~~:t:--~--------~~-:~-:-~:-:~::=----11~i~~~eesemaking movea-OAOWH EAT west with the population. _ _.. .. SEASONED OR CORNBREAD U.S. N0.1 GARNETS Either sharp natural cheddar or

©o~- . • M. .., extra sharp New York is the ideal to ' ., Testng IX .. ams USC in a sophisticated, yet simple

DR '111~ fish entrce, Cheddar Fish Bundles. ~ ~ The shredded-cheese-ts-mi-x"Cd with

- fresh bread crumbs., mayonnaise

12·0Z. LB. I

and horseradish. and used as a fi ll ing for fresh sole fillets.

The fi sh is filled and rolled into bundles for oven-baking.' Just before serving, the fish is topped wi th more shredded cheese.

Meat Dept. Savings Frozen Food Favorites Garden Fresh Produce

Three natural cheese varieties arc featured in a savory appetizer with a Virginia heritage. Mild colby. mozzarella and cream cheese are blended with chopped ham and green oli ves to create a stuffing for a hollowed-out loaf of crisp Italian bread. The filled loafis heated, then cut into slices for serving. The warm cheese snacks are delicious with a glass of red wine.

Rib Roast '"1i· .• ..

Sliced Bacon ... Roll Sausage Pork Roast Chickens · · · .. ~ .. Turkey Roast ... ~·.·"···· Oysters ,.~' ... Salmon Or Halibut

. 51.99 51.29 . age


Pie Shel I ::r. ~~:; .. Pie Shells ·~!. Pumpkin Pie .,. , .... Pie ~ ... ~ ...

age Topping .. :.~·[.:~::~· 53.59 Topping ····~"M·· 51 89 0 J · .,,,. ·· ....

ou· ••• • range u ice ~· ,./':.,, ~· YO•(~ .. s1.99· Orange J·uice ~:~:t: "o

,,,, sgc . . 51.19 •O•( s1.19

Compare these Low Prices Grocery Specials

17" s,, ...

.... ' ' •'

"01 sac •J.' 7gc

,,,,, 51.89 , .. 3~

• ~1"'09 55c

1 , ... age

, C1: 75c "'"'' '' ggc

Avocados tE~.~(;•pt · Cranberries ;fjt;J~~~·· On ions J .. r;%·A , ...




Beer M (:H(lM

, •101 52.45 1.IH 901Tll'

Cold Duck ;,~~H~.:PA4••• . ,~ .. l 51.99 ChamcKagne ........... ..,,, .. , 53.99 Cana ian , ... ....... I /',l IA 59.99 Bum 3!At· ·~ ,,. 59.99 tA c1w


Mixers . v=:.~r;\' .l ... e Gallo Wine

!2.29 1.s-LTR

Beef Broth ... :· Pumpkin "~.· Cranberry Sauce eranberry Sauce Onions Pumpkin· ~·

PR.ICU uncnw 1 JPl1U. DA r• ADVEaTIS£0 ITEM

GUAltANTU c-.... .... "-- ... 1'1Nr Pit ...

Olives f '":,. t l -~ -· 15 16 1'7

CHEDDAR FISH BUNDLES I ~ cups (I OUCH) 1llredded sbarp natural O.eddar clteeae I 'A cups fresll bread Cl'lllDbs % tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon prepared ltoraeracUtb 4 S x 8-lncb (about 1 pound ) sole fillets 1 tablespoon margarine, melted

Combine I cup cheese, crumbs. mayonnaise and horseradish; mix well. Spoon mixture evenly over fish; roll up. starting from narrow end. Secure with wooden picks.

Place fi sh. seam side down. 1n 10 x 6-inch baking dish; drizzle with margarine. Bake at 350 degrees. 30 minutes or until fi sh Oakes easttv with fork. Sprinkle with remaining cheese; continue baking until cheese is melted. Remove wooden picks before serving. Makes 4 servings.


J JS x 4·loclt Ila Hu bread leaf I 3-oaace pacbge cr~•m ctaeese, softened % teaspoons Worcfltenlltre 1Hce % c1ps (I ouce1) 1llreclded mo11arel11 claffte 1 "' cups finely cllopped llam I cap tllredded colby clleese "' cap 1taffed 1rteD oUve sUcet

Cut I 1/i-i n~h sliets from each end of lo1f: set a ide. Working from each t nd. remove center of loafleavina 'h· inch shell. Combine cream chte$C and Worcestershire sauce, miiting until well blended. Add to combined rcma101na marcdicnt except bread: max hgtuly.

~....-=Pickles~ Gravy Mix ... ~:.: ..

18 S9 ··• u - ~


rail bf'tad with chcci;c mixture. replace end of loaf. Wrap in foil. Bake ~l 400 ~. 30 mt nut • C\lt loaf into slices. Makes 10 to 12 servm15.

ln•ex•pen•alve • ·on 111 "*'' 11v1 not No" In p rice , reuonab l• .

.. .. -• ...

cl••ntd ........ adverlltlng _,

Claaslfled Advettlslng t42·5e78


I .

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What's· best .sett!ng ·f~r offic~_-Workers? Environmeiitaf simulation· . A1one5essiono 1he"'confcrence.or.'1>anietStpkols.a

social ecology professor who directs the lab. discussed the lab tests ffiOOdS pro UCtiVity needff¥ su.chrcsear~h. Stokolssaid'more thanh~lfofthose --'--=- employed in the United States work in office setungs. By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN -- Indeed. UCl it.self as located in a region ofabundaot office

employment. °'IN o..,,.. , ..., Stokols also noted that the rapid growth of technology

A new laboratory has opened at UC Irvine. But inside, has added a miuor newelement-computertemunals-yo.u won't find test tubes, petri dishes, Bunsen burners. to the conventipnal off!ce setup. Ofti~ design. in some microscopes, telescopes or oscilloscopes. StudeRts in this . casesrmay not be keeping pace with the technology. and lab don' t study bacteria, radiation. ccn1rifugal force or existing fum1shings may not be designed to properly quarks. - accommodate the new computers. he said. In additaon.

The most imponant clements i\) the university's new' • iJ\CJ'CaSinaheahh concerns have been raised in connection Environmental Simulation Laboratory are assorted desks. with video screen usage. swivel chairs, tel~phonesand video terminals.The setup l ssues s~ch a.s these ~re likely to be studied in UCI's resembles a trad111onal office complex, and that's precisely new lab. University officials say only about a dozen the focus of experiments in this unlikely lab. environmental simulation labs exist, primarily usinescale

Researchers here are trying to determine how models. They say UC l's is the on ly full-scale university environmental factors affect the mood and productivity of laboratory for the study of office space. office workers. In a later interview, Stokols said most of the lab's

The new lab was one focus of the fourth annual 11'Vine research will focus on officeelements of which people are Symposium on Environmental Psychology. conducted not directly aware. including color. lighting and back-last week at UCI. ground sounds.

"There has been more and more evidence that the ~--------~~--------• peripheral environment - the ambience of the room -

has a marked effect on a worker's mood and perfonnance ... Stokols said. •

The lab is located in the campus' new Social Ecology • Building. a three-story structure that cost $3.5 million.

Though it looks hke a conventional office. the new lab was designed to permit a range ofsc1ent1fic research. For exam~le. a huge skylight was constructed high above the lab. with blinds that allow researchers to control the amount of sunlight that enters. By manipulati ng the • skylight and electrical illumination. scientists can compare workers' performance under natural and ar111ic1al light.

Second-story observation decks provide researchers with an overhead view of the office set-up.

Muzak. the company that produces so-called " piped · in" or atmospheric music for offices and oth~ seuings. has donated a sound system for the lab.

Westinghouse Furniture Corp. and McMahan·s donated some of the furnishings. includinglwo types of desk and chair arrangements. One section of the lab is equipped with more conventional desks and chairs that penn it little adjustment by the worker.

On the other side are so-called ergonomic furnishings. These include chairs that can be adjusted in a variety of ways for the user's comfort. Tilted desktop stands hold papersforeasy V1ewing. and brealcawaysecnons of the desk allow more comfortable arrangement of a computer keyboard and screen. Inclined foot rests are designed 10 relieve pressure on legs.

Studies can be conducted on whether them usic and Research eubjecta complete taab ln full-(Pleue eee LAB/D2) ecale office. of the enruonmental elmu-

la don laboratory at UC lrri.De. Dr. Daniel Stokola, dlrector, ta oa obeenation deck. --------


0.., ............ "' ...... ...,

Stanley Bebrena cha ta with Gall and Dick Dem.mer. Henry Segerstrom wu ball chairman wi th wife Renee.

Among the 800 •art• pe.ta partytna in Santa Ana were UCI'• Robert and Marcy Garflu and Milt and Patti-Oene Sam peon.


Sa~m;,, Davis Jr. D.elps Campafgn for art_in R_ubiic Pa rty-goers envision 'Urban Park' theme at Fashion Square By VIDA DEAN 0.-, Ne4 ll)'te Edltof

Brace SumJ>er was recalling when Fashion Square first opened 26 years ago.

Hemy Segerstrom was talking about ho"' the Santa .\na shopping mall will look an 1987

.. I remember this was 1he place to shop before outh Coast Plaza opened:· Sumner told Carol Lind.

Segers1rom and John Boorn (JMB-Federated Realt} Assoc1ate<1 df Cancmnau) are rehab1lita11ng lhc mall which will have more than 100 shops. two hotels and up to 1.5 million square feet of office space

.. I don't believe in bcanga cook1e­cuttcr developer. It won't look hke South Coast Plaza,. It will have its own characterL·· Sqerstrom said.

Sumner. Lind. Segersirom (wllh Renee) were at Fa h1on Square (along wath 600 others including a number of Orange Coast fol~) for .. .\rt an Public Places," the" third annual Ambassadors Ball

Segerstrom and BOorn ~ere chairman of the affair featunng Sammy Davis Jr. as the entertainer Patrons of the nta .\na Chamber of Commerce and .\mhassador­sponsorcd pan) included Geor1t Argyros ( .\rnell. Tom ielsen (Irvine Co.) and Steve Manfleld (Deloitte. Haslans and Sells)

The eHnl was de 1gned to ra1S('

:... I

Sammy-Da..ts J --· .--

funds for permanent an e-<h1b1ts in public areas of the cat} . So. 11 attracted a number of the an­m 1 ndcd including Pat U-Geae Samp on ( Newpon Beach Ans Comm1 s1on) and husband Miit, Marcy and Robert Garfias (hc·s dean of Fane Arts at UC Irvine). arid Betty Moss and Virliaia Donola•gta. who are planning an awards affair for Busane 1n the ns unday at the 1'.c~pon Harbor Art Museum and The Ratz.

Last word.in couture connections? Amen

The evcna ng began wt th a cocktail hour 1n the mall decorated wath an "Urban Park" theme. Aoral ar­rall£cmeAi.i tloa1od in &be pO(>fi'rca surrounded by long tables of hors d'oeuvre . (Two part benches and greenery centered a seafood station heaped W'ltfi jumbo shrimp, crab claws and p1cy sauce). . . .

Newport ~utlque Owiler saves the day for Parts visitors

It's a small world ... Jm tut priftl. mm Wanty

invited me(and .SOOothcrwomen) to has Fashion Island store for an eleaan t, whate·tcnted luncheon fashion show fcatunna Chanel de­siJns and celcbrluna the opcn1n1 of h1 Chanel boutique

What a urpn\e, then, lo run into men in Europe la!iot month when my

husband. Judie tcphcn Stcwan. and I were on our honeymoon and men wa there for ,prina couture how-


in~. including. of course. the HouS( • of Chanel.

It seemed that every retail buyc;r an the whole world had come to sec and purchase the collections of top fashion dCSTgncrs - Yves Saint Laurent. Ungaro. Chnstian Dior. Valentino. Montana. Chloe. etc. Ho­teb 1n l.ottdoft ud Pans went overbooked with lo°" wa111n1 hst .

Our itinerary took u to Pans,_ then 10 the Frct\ch Ravtera (Monte Carlo. Nace and Cannes) and to London When we decided to return to Pans. 11 wa Amen Wardy and h1 friend Manon (former w1~ of Robert) Waancr who helped u~ ae• hotel rcstrvatlons - and tha1 was no mall feat.

Shopp1n11n Pans 1 temptina ond



when 1t come to d~ r-am partial to Chanel. l adore the .,1m· phc1t)' of de aan. the beautiful fabn and the fact that the) arc ne"erout of style. Chanels a.re works of an anJ I wa not d1\lppo1n~ 1n the clt'an. colorful and cla., ac prin collectaon.

Karl l rfcld (who de 1an<1 for tht-housc) carric on the crntr~c u~­d111on of the late Coco l hand. me


of tht' 'llians were shorter (Ju'l abo' c the L.ncc). !iohoukk~ were broader and Jacket\ apixartd more .. euf".accolls th:\n usual One 'IU1t, pcrfC<'t fhr

uthcm (.4hforn1a. wa an · un­adorned navy bl:11cr with a hm gm) flannel ~1n and an off-wh1tc polo shirt. -LlectJW,,' \ ) lD ~

short drc v.tt~ muh1pl 'bov. and lot' of plc:ll\ on drop-wa1 tcd slirti.

I almost lo'it m he n (and podtt­book) 10 hane"fsc,cnanadrc inaJI · f't'd ch11Ton, nufficr than m~ recipe for Cku6 1 11 "''" mcnnauc 1n la\t "'rek' column •

The Stlcc11on v.as \t.aucnna. but linlll)' I chc.) a black C hantl \Ult with <>Id rtld tnm and n trnd1t1Mal


bag with aold chain. I added m ) ow~ gold chaln Je"'clf) and hlac,k hat

In addition to .\men Ward\ ' s boutique. the Hou!K' of Chanel o~n­ed 11s first ··ff'CC'-'ltandini ' bouuquc in ..\m~nc:a 1n Honolulu in ptember and Chancr ne·d boutique 1 lated for Ot\Crl\ H1U's Rodeo Ome 1n Ft'bruar}

nd-i?I mort' Ch n 1 ~ rn J..-pan-thanl thtrT arc in France lt' 1, a small world

Pil.a.r W•>nc . tc~-a11 1 1 caix>n lk.i h rnidcnr and the author of " Pilar's F1mov~ i nd Fabuloo Recipes.·· ..-.ddrr s an cor· mpondcntt to r. .\ Pl.lbJ1slu"' Co . P O. Box 1000-40. Cornna dcl Mar 9161 .

.. \ ..

potted SOC1alaing were upcr­v1sor Roger and llltft Stutea,

llanMI and Jim Raw .... Marty and Amelia Loellliey and Dalt Dykema (he's running about Irvine getlln& 1n hape for lht Honolulu : marathon 1n Octtm r) ._

The Pennington-catered dinner (J t c \'or stnp leak) was scn.cd m large tent {secm1naly u('poncd by four la,..c, ht palfl)

trttS) filled v.1th butlundy rovcttd tabl ttnte~ -..1th ptnk flowers (\o match the ptnk napkins).

Jhn vmen a ttd as emcee aact • tntrodu~ Da i who ~· d for • 5 mmutts lO roanna •Pr' d •

, ....


. . . ' . . .... .. . ....

Da Ocange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, November 1•. 198• ~

-Handiciapped wants understiJndiin.g, notpraise DEAR A.N LA D R You hu<l

.i~won<ler(ul lcucrin )our column m:entl~ . l ~onderhow man) people understood 11. I did bccau'ie I'm handicapped, too.

• Hnnd1cnppcd people don't want to !' hveofTthc1overnment. Wedon' t

t.-ant ~ympathy from our friends. We want tO be self-supporting and self· respecting. But please don' t ignore us because you don't know what to i;ay We nate to think that our afTiic11on '" a ourceofcmbarrassment toothcri..

_ .We-att-ibrce<l todcal with l>O mun} feellng'I: fruMra11on. prcJu<lgment). tnfcnonty. anger. i\nger about ou~lvc!> . and angcrwhen we go 10 !lo mul h trouble to gct ou t and find thcrl


is no place for u!> to purl.. because c;ome able-bodied person has part..cd 111 lhl"spot re-.erved for us.

I wouldn't bcc!>pcc1all) thnllcd to !ICC a little praise for the hand1cuppt•d 1n \Ourcolumn,a\\Ou suggcst('d. Wl· do.n'talwaHdl'!l(.'r\•e 11 But we would appr1;·c1a1c·a llule undcr>landing. Sign

me-ONl:.Of-MAN\ lNvl:.OK­GlA

DEAR ONE: I know many llan.dl· capped people wbo are be role. Tbe taak1 tbey perform every day are DMDUmta&aJ, yet daey expect DO apeclal pral1e.

I bope every able-bodied persQn wbo bat parked la a space reserved for the bandlcapped wlll see your letter and feel aahamed. Tliank you for writing.

• • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm writ-ing in 1hc hope that I can help "R~ E)CS 1n Ohio" - the molhl·rofthe 4-month-old with colic.

As the mother of two. I also !.pent

·Diet high in fiber essential for managing diverticulosis .


DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: (', c dl•,clo~d a ho"l'l lixa11on l 1n11l \. ­ra,., la!.t week - 1ndud1ng a barium l'nerna - I wa\ not at all rono,c1ou., ul "" bowl'I' But now th<JI I know I ha\e d1 ven1culo,1s. I want to do e\>Cf) thing po\sblc 10 prevent com­pllcauon!> likc d1, cniculi11 ... I hate to think of getttng 1nnamma11on uf tht• t:>owcl bccau-.c l' H~ O\l'rlookcd w mc- • thing I could do to prc,ent 11. complain of diarrhea.) My doctor tclh me 1ha1 one 1mportan1 lat tor 1n pre' cn t1ng d1,crl1cultM I'> tat..ing mea'\urcs to for~tall rnns11pa11on. I ad mit l'q: been bothered b) 11 1hc past few

• month'>. He alh 1~s that about all I can do 10 ha"c a healthy. funcuontng bowel 1s to be \Url' I take a high fiber du.'t He ha'I aslo ad .. 1sed that one wa' to do that "' b) taking wheal bran: Dunng the past wl"Ck l' 'c done that But r' e noticed d1!.ten1ion and an abnormal incrca~ 1n ga'>.

I suppose l should ba\!: asked m)

doctor. but can }Ou gi'e me some points on how one goes about gcnmg sufficient fiber in the. diet w-1thou1 getting too uncomfortable'' MRS. D.

DEAR MRS. D.: Fim. a i.1mple question: JuM how much bran do ~ou take da1l y'1 roo man) patH: nts. not given spcc1 lic d1rec11on~. take dose\ that are too large 1n lhl' beginning. You ma :r ha'c 10 work )Ourself up 10 4-6 tablc!>poonfuls iliuJ) - but .)tart slowly. and H>U ma )" be able to pre vent the d1stcn 11on anq gas. (Some


Vlrglnla Valley

HOLLAND-KING An O tt ~7 cn<:mOn) tn tht

( ommun1t \ < hunh ( ongregauonal in ( orona lkl '-tar united Rarhara Clark King Jnd R1chflrd John Holland 111 matnmon\

The bndt· 1'> thl· daughtl·r of \h1rk) H. King and C'lark I Kang. hoth of Newport ttearh \hl' y,on: a thrt'l'· quarter length g11v.n of h 1:nth !>ilk lacl' la,h111ncd \\1th J \\\Cl'thi:.4.n nerklint· trimmed v.11h tlchtall' Vcn1c;c l.ic:t' and tx·adt·cl tnm \ pph· 4ue'\ ol hc..·aded \ l'nl\l' lalt' wt'rl· i.callcred on lhl' lull putkd 'ke\l'\ and tht• IJn' '>k1rt w,I\ tin1,hl·d \I.Ith .1 ru nle of \ l h11l11 "'~Ian:

Man I kt'll' wa' ma id ot honor and DanJ L' nns lcanninl' Jagl'r M1chelk I klkhJch .ind \tal' RC'l'\~:r were bndc.,ma1d\

The bridegroo m I\ th~ '"n of '-1r and Mrs RH.hJrd r I lollJnd Paul

For the fir!>t few week take a teaspoonful or tw o. three limes a day in soup">. on cereals. or with fruit Juices. Graduall} increase"° that you can take at least four tablespoonfuls dail} without d1stre!.l.. And much more 1f)ou need 11. That way you will find less discomforts along the way. l\bo remember thCtt' arc other sourcei. oflibcr in the d1e1. In addition 10 "egetables. apples and oranges supply water-absorbing fiber.

I thi nk you will lose your " bowel· fixation:· Mrs. D. when )"OU realize that uncomplicated d1\ ert1culos1s ncedi. no special care other than what )OU arc doing for 11 now. Even 1fthe liuk outpouchmgs of your lower bowel should become mOamcd (which isn' t likely in most patients) proper treatment wi th ant1b1oues and other specific treatment will keep di.,,ert1culitis under control without the need for '>ur2c11 . • • • FOR MRS. T.: I do not belie' e in " routine" che'>t X-ra)'> for pregnant

Freese w.a'> bc!it m.in and Jell Ktng. Stc\C ( atltrmolc. \te\C \u, 1:g. Bob R \ an and Bill Holland w-erc ushers.

·The couple greeted 175 gue'>h at a rn·ept1on at Laredo's 1n Corona dcl 1\-tar after fhl' lcremon) ancJla1cr lcfl on ·~ hont) moon tnp to l~1apa . Mcx1rn The> arc now resident\ of Coo;ta Mc..a. She 1!> in propcny management w.1th P1ncuel'k lnvc\l· ment Co. and hl' ,., ed itor and publlrn~ director ol thl' ll .. Basi. F1 sh1ng ..\'>'>cx·iation

OSW ALO-SMITH An Oct. 13 ccrcmon> at Our Lady

(.)ueen of Angel' ( athohc ( hurch in Nev. pon Beai:h linl..ed Dal) I Smi th of Ne"" port Beach and C ra1g Oswald of ( orona dd Mar

The hnde 1' thl' d<Jughtcr of Juan C. Murph~ of Plca'k!nt 11 111 and h ed W. Sm 1th of Hawa11 ~he wore an clcgan1 \l.h1tc <>alln tafkta go\\n w.1th pleated dctailing at lhl."bod1c:c .ind a cathedral train. ~

I fer br 1dal al tcndan l '> W<l'rl' ~ arol" n Cote.. Rea Berg. Pam ">m1th and 'vtaHa ~m11h

1=hc bnd~groom I'> 1hc 'on o l Ro' l Oswald of ( o'>ta \fr.,a RKhard tt~bet . !\. ell~ MtC rann. !':.1c'c Hime'> and Doug Ro\l' were h1<. attl·ndant\

The couple grcell'd 150 gue!.h at a fCl:eptwn at 1he I 1do h ie Yacht C'luh tollcming th<.' ll'remon) and then dtpartcd lor a wcdd1ng tnp to the San Juan Islands and the Pa1:1 fi c North­v.e!.t

Thl°> ;,ire no~ re\1dcn1' of Corona ' dl'I Mar She 1<, a nutntmn con,ultant tor N:Hurcw.a\ and her hu ">band 1s an adm11mtra1or with thc Vctt·rans Ad ­m11H~ralt00 Me<l1eal < entc.-r m Long Beach

VALLEY-KOPACZ V1rg1n1a C1lona Kupau and Kcnl

Ronald 'v alle; hoth of Newpon Heath. C\lhanged w-t'dd1ng 'ows at the ( f).,tal < athcdral in C1ardcn ( rrovc on '-lo' J

The bndc 1'> the daughter of Henn \nthun~ and Mal) Joan t-. opalt '>he

'>'-ore a formal gown of 1\.-0r) Alcni.:on


women - especially for tho!>C in the firs t few months of pregnant'). ,• ..

FOR MR. U.: A jigger (onc-and-a­half ounces) of rum, gin. whiskey or vodka contain the same number o f calorics: about I 00.

FOR MR. J .: Your habit of taking dtugs by sno ntng will uhimatel)' irritate the I in in$ of your air passages. Don't be surprised 1f you develop postnasal dnp. a cough and stuffincs!> of the nose. But 1f you keep up w11h takrng drugs. these will be the l<.'ast of )Our problems.

• • • FOR MRS. G.: It's not unusual for a

health) teen-ager like }our athele,11c son " to pul awa) so much food." ..\thlclcs h1sage require at last 4.000 to 6,000 calorics a day. All you can do is try to limit his junk snacks and see that he has nutritious foods. He' ll soon be wilhng to take frullS, nutst'tc .. a!> fillers between his large meals.

• • • FOR MRS. H.: Your 73-)car-old

mother's complaint that she doesn't enjoy her food as . much 1s not unusual. Charge it up to normal loss of some taste buds in older people -espccia ll :r buds that respond to sweet and ..atty tastes. Therefore. they may complain that their favonte foods no"' t-ao; te w ur or biucr. Try 10 find mon: flavors that will make her food more palatable.

Barbara Holland

lat:e and o;lippcr sattn dcs1gncd w 1th a tx·aJcd and pearled lace bodice w11h leg o'-mutton sleeves.

The full sattn skirt had a tnple pleated hem accented with Alencon lace and pearls sweeping into a cathedral train . Her Juliet cap was accented with lace Oowers and pearls and the waist-length veil was edged in satin and trimmed with lace and pearls. She carried a cascade of hutterOy orchids, stephanotis and stcrlin$ roses.

Palr1<'1a-Kopac1 Foley. sister of the bride. wao; matron of honor, and tmdcsma1d <o wt're Karen SheetL and Deborah Hams.

Robert and Margaret Valley arc the parent'> of the bridegroom. Ht' chose Ldward Roi.k1 Jr. as best man. and u.-.her.. w-erc Jonn McDonald. Georgt!l f Ok\ the bride's brother-in-law, Brcn't Mahoney and Ronald C1pnan1.

T"o hundred and fift) guests at1en1cd a reception at the Balboa Bay ( lub following the ceremony and another rl·ccptmn is planned an New York for 100 friends and rclati \Cs li ving on the East Coast after lhl' couple return lrom a wedding tnp to Sw111erland'and Auslna .

rhe new Mr~ . Valley current!)' hold<, a C alifom1a rea l estate hcen!>C and her husband is a real C!> tatc developer in Los Angeles. They will make their home in Newport Beach.

mo tofmy11mcwalkingthcOoor with a wuplc ol ~rcanuna bab1cl.. The fo t w. ~colick > for live months. The M.~ond wa t•ohck.y lor nine months. Thc\C c:h1l<lrcn were born a ycarapartand I was ready to ao out of my mind.

drinkr•ilkandeatcheese nd 1oc cream with no ill effect.-..

maurc forsevcrul ~eeks?- NO NAME IN Ml OURI

Pica tell your readers what a differcricc a diagno 1s by a we U-m formed doctorcnn make. - Wt H l'D KNOWN 11 IEN WHAT l KNOWNOW(NIAG RA FALLS)

DEAR N.N.: Bedb111s, Oea1, Ueki, lice and otller Hell creatures muu bave blood to feed oa la order to 1urvlve. If you bave U1eproblem, lb cre11ure1 are Uvln1 OD you blood or &be blood of someone wbo ll 1bar1Jl& 1 l1nally changed pcu1utncians. and

learned that both bub1c!> were allergic to milk. The doctor instructed me to take them ofTformula. and be sure thcrgot lotsofgrcl."n vegetable-sand ralc1um-ri t'h fooJ\.. The change wa!> incredi ble. They stopped scream mg within a few day'i und became ca lm and peaceful.

DEAR' WISH: Hundred• of motbera wrote to tell 11\e 1lmllar stories. Miik seemed to be the major culprit Jn most cans. Your laat senJeoce bolds the key. At I've said repeatedly, folk•, get a 1ccond opinion!

tba t.nia11re11. ~

• • • Is alcoholism r1.1 inins your lifi:?

Know the.• dangc·r signals and who t to do, Read the booklet, "Alcoho/1sm -Hope and Help. " by Ann Landers. Enclose SO cents with your request a.nd a Ions. stamped. self..addrcs5M en ve/opc to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995. Chicago, JI/. 6061 I .

• • • DEAR ANN LA NDERS: I am too

Now both <·h1ldrcn arc 1n school. They arc healthy a nd normal. can

embarrassed 10 ask anyone I know. Please print youran')wcr. ('nn bup . inscctsorcrawhn~creaturc'i hve 1n a

ToNIGHrs TV l .


EVEHINO .:..e:oo­




) MOVIE * * • "The Y11r 01 Living Dan­gerously" 11983) Mel Gibson, Slgour· My Weavtlf



®) THREFS COMPANY CJ! WHEEL OF FORTUHE mTHAT°"'l re MOVIE u H "Green For Danger' (1947) Sally Gray TrlYO< Howard

- 7:00-l) C8SNEWS

l~AMEAICA e100cwa (D.> MOYIE ***IA "The Utile Foxes" (19411 Belle OaYis. Herber1 Mlflhlll (~) MOVIE • * *'!\ "Rumble Fish" (1983) Matt Diiion. Mickey Rourke

- 11:60-1CJMOV1E • "Prl'~a•e School" ( 1983) Phoebe Catts, Belay Rusttlt.

- 12:00-D TWILIGHT ZONE D EYE ON HOLLYWOOD G MOVIE • • •,;"The War Lover" ( 1982) Stew McOueen. Aoben Wagner Cf) INOEP£NOENT HEWS ., STI&TS OF 8AH FAANa900 9 AOCKFOAD F1L.ES

MOVIE u •.i, "Daniel" (1983) Timothy Hut­ton. Mandy Patlllkln

-12:30-D 0) LATE NIOKT wmt DAVID ~

~~--· 0 Al.FRED HITCKCOCK PAESENT8 G UflST AIRS AT XENON Cf) MOVIE • • "Sierra Baron" ( 1958) Brian


____ ___ _, Keith, Rlok Jason

A wired but tired Dr. Ehrlich (Ed Be&ley Jr.), . m MOVIE who la participating in a aleep-monltorlng **'" "My..f1YOr11tSp/" 0 951) Bob teat, la rudely awakened by an impatient Dr. ~~~ Q) WHEEL OF FORTUNE


Craig (Wllllam Daniela). who needa hlm in _ 12:40-aurgery in an epiaode of .. St. Elsewhere" a (I) MOVI£ tonight at 10 on Channel 2 . u "Brainwaves" (1978) Rlchatd m Mfll.IOHAIRE

' 0) MOV1E •• 'It "Star 80" 11983) Manet Hem­ingway. Eric Robefts •Z, MOVIE •*•; "The Stranger" ( t967) Marcel· lo Mastr011nni. Anne Karma





- 1:00-• (I) CHAAlES IH CtiARGE G 0) HIGHWAY TO HEAVEH D MOVIE • • 1,; "Borderline" (19801 Charles 8'onson, Bruno Kirby


•••,;"Mr Majestyk" (1974)Charles 8'onson. Linda Cristal EJ:) THE BRAIN m 12 O'ClOCK HIGH \C)MOVIE * •• "Dressed To Kill" (1980) Michael Caine. Angle Odlnsoo.

•HJ GREATER TUNA $ )MOVIE * * "Going Beserk" ( 1983) John Candy. Joe Flaherty.

- 1:30-f) CIJ ~ / R 0 TIC T f.C. DOUGH



PRESENTS fffl MOYIE • • "Nlgh1mares" (19831 Cristilll Raines. Em1ho Estevez. ' 0; MOVIE U 'h "The Outsiders" (1983) C Thomas Howell, Mall Dillon (%) MOVIE . ••'-" "Star 80" (1983) Mariel Hem­


-t:30-u a rrs YOUR MOVE Cf).MOVIE * * * •,; "The Sogarland Exprm" (1!l74) Goldie Hawn. Wiiiiam Alher· ton. aD WOOOWAIOHT'S SHOP (1 BIZAAAEQ

Art affects furnishings Have you bought a new glass sculpture yet?--By BARBARA MA YER ~ ..............

Victoriana, An Deco and American country - each of these important decorative themes has been represented by many new home furn ishings products rec.ently.

But did you ever wonder wh y certain styles arc

-10:00-a CB ST. ELSEWHERE umm NEWS fJ ®J HOTEL G JSPY fD HAAAY S. TRUMAN '1'l) MOTORWEEc m AOUEA SU~TARS Cl MOYIE ** 'It "Beyond The Limit ( 1983) MICtlMI Clint. Richard Gere S MOVIE * "Set. GtrMS Of Ti. YfJfy Aidt" 11983) Hea1hef Deeley, Chris Chitty



-1t:OO-®l~ m NEWS

-~FW ffi) OHL Y WHEN I LAUGH Oi 80lDtER8 IN HIDING ~-• *"' "Kiss Me Goodbye" (1982)

Sally Fiek!, Jemes Cu n - 11:30-



Alfieri, Metcedes McCamb<l<lge - t:OO-

D WOVIE *••,;"Bridger" (1976) James Wlln· wright, Ben Murphy GeEBTOFLA. TODAY ., MOVIE •• '~ "The CastHian" (1963) Cesar Romero. Frankie AVllon ®l EHTERTAINMEHT TOMGHT ZJMOVIE * • •,; "The Wanderers" ( 1979) Ken

Wa.111, Linda Manz. -1:10-


S MOVIE ** "WlltrllS" (1982) Ciro! Orelle, ~Hvns.

-1:20-'CJllOYE U 'h "V*t Git!" {1983) NlcO!U Cage, Del>or1111 Fcnman.

-1:30-0 GREAT RECOAD A1.8UM COUECT10H DNEWS • 0) ROWAN l MARTIN'S LAIJOK-IN CDJ MOVIE **** "On The Waterfront" ( 19~) Matlcln Brando, Eva Merie Slirrt.

- 2:00-1 ifws C88 NEWS NIOHTWATCH


• * • * "Fanny & Alexander" (1983) Pernilla AllWln. Ber1U Guve.

popularized while others larwti.i_h? __ -~i:====----"-One significant way that new themes come into use - C ack an Karen P.ac,kard_awalted Sammy

and new products onto the market - IS as copies orDavia Jr!a flnt orance County • how. currently fashionable fine arts collectibles and antiq ues. There 1s. as a result. a stronger relationship between the ranficd and cxpcnm c worlds of art and antiques and the more down-to-earth world of home furnishings merchan­d1<;ing than one might realize.

Recently. an interesting illustration of the ways m which the separate worlds interact and help one another occurred in an exh1b1t1on of Art Deco objects at a New York C'11y gallel)

The exh1b11 of An Deco glass obJeCl'> by Rene Lahque and of sculptures and guph1cs by Enc and o ther Euro~an artists at the Dyanscn 57 Gallery featured rare pieces with pnc:c tags of up to S85,000

Allho ugh1 remote from the 11 .. es of most Amencan con~umcr... this exhibit ion and others like 11 ca n result in more Art Deco-st yle reproductions available in hom<.· furn 1~h1ngs outlets according to Harns Shapiro, owner of the gallery and its parent. Fine Art Acquisitions Ltd .. wh1ch publishes and distributes reproductions ofErtc and other Art Deco graphics.

PAPARAZZI ... FromDl (The singer who admits to being 58 and about to mark his first year o ff alcohol, was staying at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel.)

Gall Demmer, there with husband Dick (they live in Newport Beach around the corner from Mayor Evelyn 1"1an), moved .their ch?trsto.ac.t.a better v1e.w of the multi-talented m1~hty mite. " I vc never seen him before. He's great," said Gail.

Agree· ~~ with her we~e Kathryn Thompson and Renee .. s .. ( I remember him when he was with his father . ).

O.thcrs o n the ,guest list were Stanley Bebrens (Huntington Beach), Chuck and Karen P.ackard and the Dave Balla (Arnet Develo pment). Dave and Calby Dmobowtkl and Mike and Margo StockttlU (Irvine Co.).

Hud1ches. Omintu, llbrtd Vlsiafl 2 Mtck PP!. Tlcllt llhdes, Spu1m l SholAdet Pwi. Pain Down Arms. lbnll· ntu"~ .

How to submit . wedding news ~.,!! T-ESTS OFFJCE PEREOR~CE ..•.

• ~- l!ttfttll Showden. Oii~ Bmttq, AbdolniNI PHI

ll"J S owtt Back Plin, llp P• Pail OoW11 :.. Lcrs

• Free Consultation & Spinal Screenin1 (10 standard tnts)

• Most lnswance Accepted as f ul Payment with Little or No Out-of-Pocket Expense.


Tl1e {)ail> Pilot want~ your wt•d· dins and c:ngagement new~.

To hc•/p wu ubm1t th<' n.•qu1rrd infc>rmutmn. form~ Drt' av:111Dblr nt the Dail~ 1'1/ot olTicc. JJO \V Bay 't . Cnmr Mc~1

r (}r .,.,f'(}ding . qua/11 photo of thr lmclnl couple or bndc.· onlJ arc DC'C'eptnble Thr photo mu~t be mhmmcd no latrr tl>an three ~<"tA. nnrr the ~cddtng. otht'""-l~t' It will not bc published

f n~J~cmrnt information is 10 he i,uhm1ttc•d lJI h.•a\t \t'\t'rt M·rJ.., h<'lorr tht• ~1 edulllJl


. .

different furni h1nguOec1 the emplo)'ee's mood and performance

The lab also 1'i equ1ppcd d~ktop sound-masking <lcv1cc that ca n red uct dt tract1na no1'iC or produce ~thin& nature :.ounds.

In another area. the lab has blood pre~ ure and pulse 1e .. 11 n1c~u1 pmem to measure how various office ~ki and en v1ron menu aJTct ta worker phy 1ol011caU) .

l 'C'I araduatc tudentsart' alrcadyconduct1na se~erul rwenmen1 1n the 1muln11on lab.

One 1 1ry,na to dctcmunc how elemen~ ofoffi ce decor ma) nffet ta worker me workers arc at station adorned with plant and postcn. of rural or Wlldeme Kcnc Other worker~ face po~tcn. of a11ra t1H ur~ n

cncso1 c1t)'i<'8J')C\. c:ontrol aroup worlc'i with no J'("~t •r1 urplant.,

\ 'it'l ond t'\ f>\'nnwnt 1'\\lUdYllllf. the: ""''au of lllU'>l l

1n u won..p1a1..~

Rci;carchcrs ca n test the: workers on Jtamina task!> proorrcad1na chorc a nd creat1vi1yass1gnments to tudy performance. They can admin1stcrquc!tlionna1rcs to help determine how the~ environmental ractorsaffccl a workcr''i mood.

In futurcmonths. rcscarchershopcLOhav art6 bu~1n\!c,ses relocate thc1remployecs temporanly 1n the new I. b for<.1111 other studies. Researchers will nlso takr the oppo tte rnur~ by 101na ofT<ampus to tc~t whether find an&!. in the new lab have vahd appliC<1 t1ons in real offi ce )Cl 11 ng'>.

D1rt'CtorStokols 'i8td tht' <,tud1es in the new lab will take on increasing importance as more employee enter thcofTu:c workforce and mol'l"conccmirnre rn1~d about how thcoffi rccnv1mnment afTects mood healt h nnd rm)()ur tl\ I I)' .

~-----1'-'' .. •

ACTmOUI ....... NAm ITATlmNT

The lollowtng l*IOM Ire doing ~ ee; PER· IPHERALS I NTER· NATIONAL WLH, 12772 V• ~ vi.w I 1, o.,cMri Ofow, CA t2145

Wllllwn L Heed. 17059 RoundNll Dr .. HunUngton 8-c::h, CA 92149

Thia bu11Mt91 la con­duci.d by. ~ lndlvldull

Wllllem L. Heed Thia ltlt.menl WU ftled

with the County Clerll of Or· :I: County on Oc10ber-16,

F~ Publllhed Orenge Cout Del~ N<Mwnber , ... 21, 28. ber 5, 19&4




The followlng l*'IOnl we OoinQ bullneee u : NEW· PORT LANDING, NEW· PORT LANDING MARINA, 503 E. Edgewetet, Balboa, Cellforni. t2M 1

Marie Howard, 503 E. Edgew1ter ~ a.JbQ.a. Call · lorn'- 928411

Thia bullneu 11 con­ducted by: In Individual

Mette Howwd Tl'lll autement wee flied

with the County Clettl of Or· aioge County on Novwnt>er e. 19a..

- __ E.-n Publllhed Orenge Cout

01lt::., November 1•. 21. 29, bet 5, 198"



'1CT1TIOUa .,... .. MAim ITATDm.NT

The follcM4no l*IOnl Ire do i ng bu1lne11 11: WAKEHAM PARTNERS, L TO , 1 Clllfomt1 Limited Partnerlh!p, 2•5 Richer Ay­enue. Suite A-1, Co1t1 M ... , CAt2929

Nlcholll P. H1nnon, 27 Eattymorn. lrvlnt, CA 9271•

Biiiy M. 011rett , 2.5512 Plnet1 Clfdl, Mlllk>n VlelO. CA 92991

8rvc1 H. Hflglund. 20 Fo11· boro. lrvlne, CA 9271•

Thi• bU1ln .. 1 11 con­ducted by I llmlted l)lflnet • llllp

Bruce H. HIQIUM, Oen­., al PWlner

Thie ttet.ment ... ftled with the County C*1I of Or· 1nge County on NoYMlbet 1. ltl4 ,_

Pubhhed Orange eo..t Deity Piiot Howmber 14, 21. 2t , Decernber5. 1914


k-,_ fltCTmOUIWU

NAlmlTAT.-r The folowlng l*'IOnl ....

doing bu..,,_ •: VAIL, KLAGH & CARTER. PART· HERS, 3198 M Airport loop Or!Ye. Coe!• MeM, Call­foml1 t2t29

Oevld l<lagu. 310 Camden Piece, L1gun1 BMch, CA 92951

Jeck H. C1ner, • M Aha Vitti Way, L11gun1 a..ctl, CA 112951

JM\ L. Veil, 32-Mounteln VleW lf"inl, CA 9271•

Th a bu1l neN 11 con· ducted by. • ~ .. f*1·

'*~ 1<1eg11. Oenerel Pertner

Thll 1t1tement wu lllld wtth the COunty CWlc of Or· 9"09 County on November 1. 1884 ,_1

Publlllled Ortnge Cout Diiiy Piiot November 14, 21, 21.~5. 19 ....



• 5 6 7 8

D A I L y

p I L 0 T

c L • • s s I F I -. E D-




Channing Spanish 3 Br, 2 Ba on 45' lol, deck. courtyard. pier & slip. $1.100.000.


Jetty & Bay view, newly decorated Mai Kai, 2 Br, 2 Ba. 40' patio. Now $575,000.


Exciting Ocean & Jetty views. 4 Br, 3 Ba. 3700 sq. ft. car parking. $1,285,000.


At N.H.Y.C. Traditional 5 Br spectacular bay view. Owner financing. $1.050,000.


Panoramic ocean & city view, spacious 5 Br, 3 ~· Xlnt financing, now $750,000.


Custom ocean view lots next to Casa Pacifica. San Clemente from $550,000.


Prime English- traditional 3 Bd, 3 Ba. 3 Frplc's, hrdwd firs, nr UCLA. $695,000

BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR i 1 ~\ 't L : • .. • µ ' • ) ~ I t. I

••••• ••• •f •••• , FOfa-lfWAd

A'110N Call

4 MIU Ptl.OT ... "'°' Mi·M7t


1 1 r r r I I I


·-- ...... 'ti: Macna D-1 r vine

Ot~ Coal OAILV PILOT /Wedne9d91. Noi&: ..... M, ttlt ...

NOTICE .. TIM D&UJ Pllot will no loater be opea on S.tal'dQ mona.l.laC•· OV openU..., boon wtll be llODdaJ ~ P'ridaJ. 8 :00 a.m. to 5 :30 p.a. Deadllnee wtll be u follow.! ·

EDITION D&ADLDR llloeday .... .................................................. P1"14-y. 4 :30 p.ln. heeday .... ............................................... lloaday. • :$0 p.m. Weda•daJ ......................................... ..... ~. ~30p.m. Tlaarwd•J' ................... ~ .................... O•• .... 11 l!IJI. 4:$0 ... . ....... ,. ................................................... n.....s.y. 4:30 p.a . 8at111"daJ' • ••• •• .. · •• ... • • · •· •• · •• · •• · ••••. •...• •• • •• .. ... ... • ~, S;OO p.a. ..... ,. · ............... · · ··· ····· ... . .. ............. ... . .... . l"riday. S!OO p.a.



• 0

Aprt!t!tt, Vaf. ruf!nll, Oaf. Atut!ntt, Oaf. c..-aal ltlf Wuttll 9111 ltlt Wu... 1111 ltlt Wu... 5111 t Wuttll 1111 C..ta .IN 2724 C..ta ~ 2724 ilu·hbat ltWJ!!1 lwla a.tab 1111 Banking Chlldeare todd..,..wtmct i2E£idEJ . BJIL••• 2ar 1aa tr.....,.x • WIRWI StudlollPfw/MI klteh l be " .,.. Condo $800/ mo Cell NEAR BEACH: 3 BA 2be ~~.!'!f',llCUa/c P.1.1. IPlllTll llYHI. Young,exper,rel pwt-ttme Mon-Fr1. 80UP9f ,,,...... X-ff'/ 16Q, IChoOI

...... • .. 95/ 1 Bd 1 ... - ... ut1 - $400 Call Joe '( y• upper - F"~ + 2 cw .._ --~ • T..&...h t f table, IC>Mk• Eng, mutt s.ndW:tl, 875 PeularlnO, j=~ 2 -- ... ,._ w / encloaed gareg ... mo ... upper .,.. Doug Ammerman WOf1I ...... . .,..... 780tf/15t5mo&45-9e29 ~ .. ~~,!~_._!>! dr!Y9.xlntM. 875-7048 C.M. &4Mle7 · ........ .r.-·--=:::. 1550/mo. 754..oiae unit. gar, Indy rm. clOM after Gc>m 9e1-3853 851•2000 7eo-et51 l'lme gar A S 12001.mo. Agt .... ......,,., ...,...., ........ , _ ... ,,_..,,....

tolhopl. I 1 ...,. 4 875-9170or9&4-3375 1-~.M.1Lii-iii"ii11iiii1ii1iim•1- oftoc:.llnelependenteor- -.alUIWD llUIHlllll Ing . Cell hm-5pm ,

28r 28a. 2 ear gw, trple, 1923 Pomone H • VERSAILLES 2 8 r, l•F•T llU porete bani(. Thie It en apply et Hewttiotne Cfw1e. Pert time. exp.. req. ~ 129 or aft. llpm frig, =~· WI~ TSL MANAGEMENT 2 IL•l Tl IUll ... llWI 2~.penthouM with Ylew, 4347 eq ft Ftee ltendlng .,.try po91tlon, requlr1ng tten School, t H35 IMM. 788-4222 953-3473 ·=Imo. t7=.:11 PALMHJe~6.f1PTS. ~~:-"" twntiM~i ·•-HWI WIUIWI ~~·p':fi 2 :r.~~ btdg. 8oc ft. N.N.N. =nl~·~!· tr= e'.Z';e;'.J;·2 Fountekl llUftlY --


D--. -n-,.-l/-O- r-th_o_ R_•_c_• _P 1t . 2 br Deluxe 2 b• Eutslde 2 Br. 1585. No new plu9h crpta a drpa IPIHmTI 6+4-0452 <7 t4>~49 to In other benklng tune- good ctmtng '9COrd eppty ~· ' 'A ay.. Exp

L~ec:,n;,:·~=.. rt!~~=~· Cell dahW9hr, loU of eloMta: ldeeily loceted In the hMrt ~ • ...., L ,.,.... ... tlon· ··· ····•·"• llDl I w .s . Circuit•. 'J: 1 req d. NB &42


$800/mo ~7211 egt balcony, a prvt petlo. of Woodbridge ....... 1 and 2 bf eet• 756-1880 WATERFRONT OfACE. - Subltltut• cl9r1!1 nMded Logan, SUit• J , • lllT1&.--11111n __,~~.,....,,,...,....,..__. ........ - 1aw.t 11k, pvt patio, utll Be1utlf~deeeped. Woodbridge Wlll9M of·..... M BLDG 1500 .af + ~ 151-9900 ~--Cell bxHunttnatoa9eecttC1ty Meeabtwn 12~ _.

*PENTRIDGE COVE• pd. lndry '510 + aee , ,.,. 1, 2 l 3 Bedroom p....o t c,__..1 fbrleett. $1.75 eq. 40 •ft fOem. EOcMIW/WH School Olatrk:t. h .92 __ ,__ ~p ,,,::: ~ 2BrD28a 8'>11t leYel, frplc, SfOO + ref1. 2038B 2.BrApt, OCMnvtew$775 Qualltyapertmenta. j .. ,~r;· ~._"':.:2/ ~~~· 2v914Laf~e llllllft p / hr . Apply 20451 ror~w~~~".':ore :c.:;,eonforour~ W/ , dbl ger, pool/ape Meyer Pt (Mgr 2039D) mo P•t•lre quiet n .._ · ..,..... - · ..... " ... , lllege), ,,...,t • Cralmer Ln H B Ph ..- '' .._......... . · ,..... $950/mo. 55e-9200 &42-3099 or 78()..9399. du .lflxu 119 H~ntl t~ Enjoy the numerou1 rec- Employed men 494-4459 h. Cell Beverly et 994-&898. D..ditne fM Good drlYtng record, 6 · 4 deV ..- ,

. 3BR 3b• condo. etteeh 2 SHARP W-llde duplex up- St.P960:.0725 or 49~90 r9T,::;~: teel~::C,~ Room w/kltehen prtv, nr 875-8100 TELLEll applylng 11/19/S. ~~~:C,. SJ~:;.':JY~E~t ~~t• .. , em 1

· • car ger. All emen111... t 1 2B 1 ... __ .... - ng r .._ bua route/Shopping •----..... ta rm '" LL ·~5 "7.,..

$975/ mo, 831-4300 •are. r .... ...... gar, CloM to bellch bechelor Leke,pwka&lhopplng Center Cel19e2-5780 --- .... Great WMtern Sevlnga ILDITYPtlT " •"'"' '"""" DENTAL RECPT/S C • W/D hkup, new drapea & w/crpta & drpa $425/mo. · SPIMffOXL REX&AGS hu lmmedlete opening• · - -,-... wllnaul'en<:e experlenoe $575/ mo 2 Bd iba. petlo, crptl S560+ deposit. No Incl utlla 53&-4837 ReMrve now fOf .... i lead Bil A~ In A" Mett.,. a for part time telier. et the muet type 86 wpm and -MHR n" 4 deya 546-3000 CM ' nie. Nltelde toeetlon, pet1. Mu1t stand credit o.c.tnber Occupancy Counlellng 1915 So El Costa M ... ornc. Com- h•ve good front office Muat beclMn, reeponllble1--------pool, lndyrm, clOM to all. check. 770-5629 •LIUlll2U PvtroomlnpvtC.Mhome C.,ntno ~ S ct9m peteuve...-andexoet- appHrence. Newport wtthgooddrMngrecord. 149 E aay 1 mlto bcir~rp1e encl gar (11• ) 111-Ull t>ov~ t0f-8mbulet- · Uo'd .-e2 ~ · lent kl~-ooridlfl6n FHhlon llJ•od. Call e.twn 20-30 ht• p/wk.. llftlll nl IUlllll.uT ·~~~~1~~~ ~: ~r: O/W, bltl~•. ~k• afrm: L.eulngOtfloeHra: oryllldyS550mo979-965e . · • ~.., Llghtwc:'ypl~ end ea! wkd•Y• hm-Spm , Apt>ty btwn 10-5, 21M E. Wented, muat heve own

M2-1IOI $495. 7 io w 19thSt. petlo, t11tetw pd S925, 9AMto8PM lttelaJltttll BM Ltltif.... HM handling expertenoe r• IM0-9951 CatHwy. N.B.&40-9012 vehlcle, 852-8562 536-3849 efter 5pm. - quired APPIY In ...,.,..., pa-• .. - Oemonatr1tor1 ,., .. RN t • ...,,. ..--o.1y

$625 X-lg 2Br 2Be 4-plex Two 2 Br'a. Avell 1211. IEAIJllllTIL to· · ...-.-·· ,_..__ """ 0-"'- u•

upper, w-w erpta. drpa, 1595. mo. Avatl. 1218, IUWlll Lieu Inc• 4 Wkly renteta now evell · Experlencled with atrong Fii JOI Commerdal er.dh Ac.-D/W, FIA hHt. frig , sseo. mo. Bth dn, no YILUIE 1er 1L w/erpt1, drP9'. 2 S126/wU up. 2274 New~ llUT WllTlll eccountlng ~ground. Are you t1CMnturou1 and count E.ltecuttw. No ool-

- r~ 196 Miner_. ~ 3 -bike to bc:tl teOOtmo. pot'! ~.C:M.-g.cg;.-rus- -. fftl 1111\ IM .....--11..... Computer- expeneit0r • need ~? Are you 1actton1 requited. No g{g..518~ nyon, 831-&8f2 New 1 & 2 Bdrm luxury Ceder Way. 494-8685 UUl1U l\U'1 . ,.. ._.. muat. O.C. Airport .,.._ brlgllt:·~1 groomed & pravloua experience

Beautiful, Quiet 2 Bd 2b•. 2 WI lffll a.... ;p:,~ 1~-;9~~ Beaut. 2 br ept w/lnc:red. IU I Ill LlllE ARE FREE 1200 ,.,. .... , • 7S&-eeo1 eager to !Mm. Trevel = ·pr:=:=

petlo. An nww Int 822 of ....,.. •· "-- V I •aU\ •~2-11~5 Newpot1 Beech. color TV --•• - w .. tern Stet• and A.- plete ··•'-' C II H lit Ron 546-0477 Went• M6ec:tlon . greet + .,.,....1, ,.,.n ... water· v..n u - - "' S125wk I ~ •~ ..... II -- ..,."" with _.,enee. •

em on- llvlng? we can offer eny- falls, ponda. Gu paid. 2807 Alta L.eguna 3026

w~·~-~·· Cal•, .,..,. '. & EXPER. DELI COUNTER IOrt .,... our auper- ACC . (317) 931-1712. Bright airy & new. Cpt1 & thing tr e emall 11Pt to 1 From Sen Diego Frwy • -· ~· ',_ , pet90ft needed tor cet«- vtaored met1t9tlng tMm. Ex1. 914 drapu 2Br H"o Be '8d hN. If l<><*Jng In CM, drive North on 9Mch to lllAIYll1f lnt1Ja It MJ-1111 l111al .... rfll8ity Ing bu1lne11 lmmed. J .P. Ettterptteea hel MV· 1-E- L_ E_ C_T_ R_ I C_ l _A_N--1 TwnhM. Mleto, trp1c, 2 NB, or HB think of ua ftrat McFedden and WMt on ~. 10 mlmit" ~m IUrt 2901 ... ._,., 1/-f/I 675-2628 LY9 meg.. :,~,:..~'::, ::'.'':! JOURNEY.MAN, min 5 yra car gar. w/opflfler. Lalt•. for that choice Ideal IMng. McFadden to Seawtnd .._vne your own .,. .... te I'"' offer metor medleat , Im- exp. Tenent tmprov._ 1trHm1 l w1terf1ll1. TSL MGMT &42·1603 VIiiage. (714)893-5199 oc.e.n view from Oen• BARBER-HAIRSTYLIST 1111· PAIT-Tm medlete lneome whlle on ment exper. helpful,

• Pool/apa, no peta. $975. NB REAL TY 675-1&42 WALK TO BEACH 18' POln~ blurr;•1LlkMCtu'*4 Whh dlen .... ror NB/CM With prlOt k~ & bf the )ob tr.intng. Exelflnt ctnn-evt, mult lrev• _~ 5'9-2'47 or 645-3115 WEITL.llE YIU.Alf w/ drepu a ce~pet• ~/den, xtr• 1!,:7,n. &48"9974t &45-S800x32' LOST: buff mMI Coekw, 1 lhop. Cell Ron, &42-2183 ex:per. MOltly evea btwn bonua progrem. High good driving record.

Gleen and lharp tower 1 & 2 Bd apta Pool ape $500/mo. 536-4637 vate petloa . Cell CIMn quiet non-.mkr, 2br eye. Vic. Plec.nlle & Ull• llllm 20-25 hre p/wk. Hogue eamlnga, trenapot1etlon Sete r1 nego tl eble . 1BR, 0/Wlhr, gerege, no ger Indy rm no pets . Im 44 960-8331 or M1-&«1 2be 'Ablk from bc:t1 $300 Adami, C.M. 645-7001 PIT help led De BarmlehM11, 845-3879 furnlahed. Stert lmmed, 770-0102 or 786-8094

• peta. "485, 831-5553 TSL MANAGEMENT at I l ..,52 +utllStevelM5-53MeveLOST Germ Shep Mix &wkw,:' c· u~· Mon-Frtbtwn10·11emor For eppt. cell JuneAleCler1tbenefttl APJ*f EASTSIOE 2 BA . 1'A &45-8122 LlfUI ital 6 ' Fem Pf.,_red to lhr 28r named Bleekle w/ehoke ~9191 I . • ' ~2j~m. ult for Doug Prldgen, IMW337 <Tue.- 9-11 AM~ See Petti 1001

beth•. patio. No pet•. W·llde nice 2 br 2 ba 2nd IUll llW1 1 Barm Garde n Apt 28&. $385/mo. ·~ blk to eheln & "- colter on BEAUTY Thura only t2noon-4pm) Quell St.,NB. 933-1300

--- S800/mo;Celf-~ n001 ~nb $fs';,f'r:01-.49t:221JM-' CCNn~-tff-emta ~ - Co1metotogl1t, to ual1t E-llde t8r, new carpet & avell now $575 780-8661 IPllTMllTI · F/rmmt 2 bcl houM w/frpl LOST M• Sheperd Mix. J .J ,'1,Selon. 107 Mein •••••• ..... *fLIUL * paint. No pell. 2563-A Daaa •• ,.. ti. 2i ... rt .... , 1111 on Bal. II. $260/ mo + utll brown/blk. Vety Beech a St.. B•lbo•. 875-&406 • * ...... *

• Elden $510 975-9291 Conveniently loeeted In flrr°1!50 d™ t;lg 11t/1Mt. 873-2587 Hid< Adema HB. 638-9802 Beau e ~OUN 2 br fed d, elderly Deluxe 3Br 2Ba w/ff'Ple, one ol lrvtne'I neweet Incl. No peta. c.t1 ' btwn Hert>or Ridge, Atty a Son REWARD: Ofeng9 eltered ty ; • fill Tiii

pref. No pet1 .~o motOf- blt1n1, gar. blllcony. No reslOentlal Mttlng1. 9em-..pm deity 54~5 wtll lhr tux Condo $550. mele cet, hu terget pet- IAIUTYUIT/AllllT • • 1., ....... .......,. c y c I e 5 4 8 - 2 7 2 0 peta 55 -7194 Wlndwood Glen offere I , 2 752-9442 D, &40-2' 3-4 E twn on aide & fD tega, for very busy eggreulve e : --··-- ••rrw

• &46-8541 -·a- & 3 bedroom apartment• 1Br Condo, 3rd noor_...-=. Vie. 4th l Avocado, CdM Nwpt Bch ulon . • FILL Tiii i:: .............. , .... -nHr Ideally 11tueted nHr gate, PoOI. aaune 17~mo M/ F evatl Dec ttt. H.B. 8 75-5695 Motlveted P90Ple only e • •

lg 1Br w/pool, lndry fee. Only 10 mlnut.. from eehool•. ahopplng end AEGIR PROPERT1 ~ from bMCti $315 need epply. Robert & Tey- • IFFIGE OLRI • weter pd $424/ mo. 1984 Lagun1 YOUf own Pffv•t• park•. 87S-..OOO 873-8821 Rod. mo., 11t/latt 64&-0922 PtrMUla Bil tor, &48-7197 • • IW•• I Jtart Monrovia. 548-0338 ooeen view from Dene • •

Point'• moat eeeluded For leulng lnlonnetlOn M/ F rmt• to ahr 3ar apt •t E ... Tl/ .. U ....... ........, • Very bu·~ c .·-u1at1'on Offle ha • ...Llpu ..... ~ Newly ~ .3Bd 2 b• eoenlebluff. Ukenew2 p leaH c e ll : (71') beh. BetPenlnS350/ mo. Outc:ellONLY835-91"9 -- (tiPE-lftENCED) • . "J '"' e 1

• ----.. , upper 25 x50 deett DIW. Br w/oen. xtra large pn. 559-5012 Monday-Sun- Incl Ba/gar ~785 tor MERCEDES BENZ. • an eatry lnel clerical potition • (114) 414-1111 lnds'brm, gar . No ~• v••• pet lo 1 . C ell dey8:30emto5:30pm M/ prof, n..mkltolhr2Bt luiwa0n. 4114 Beneflta. SH Petty • available for the right penon. : s7 831-6155 Aft 3 M HQ.-6331°'661-6'41 IN NEWPORT IEACH 28e 11Pf CM '250+1~ utll 9em-11ern. 1001 Quell : Experi~nce des ired but wilhrain. e ft.IUL lllllm

A to•' p4eoe to IM on IM + depQllt ~2179 St. Newi>ort Beech • P osition indudes anawering • N.8 . St1o9. Exper1ell0ed Pg•r Bey. Privet• Npt 8eh 3 br 2 ~ 2.ptex. BOOOKEEPER FUii-time, e p hones, filing, typing and data • Mu.t be creet."'9. FIT

clu hou1e1 & hHlth Hr bc:tl pool clubhouM Dane Point Chan iioaw e .• P9rrnenent. &45-7&45 apu, 9 tennla oouna. 7 1250 + 'dee> ~8314 Start your own Airport 493-1183 e proceHing. AppUcant t hou.Id be e .. -u .. a_ PoOla. cloM to bualneu, Limo Ser'Vloe for .. llttle • neat rk t L ' t h I d r.- ,_. OC Airport, FHhlon Prof fem to lhl apec .. S2,000 dn & '850/mo. UI- • ' 1

e 0

wora w a peop e an •. Flower Men 11 ~ to laland, convenient ltlOPS oenfmt 2 Br duplx )'Ml' 19M LIMOS only 4 leftl Approx. 31 hra p/ wk. • h ave 8 positive atti tude . 40 hour tr.in tor~ l dealgn on llght. round In NB, fully fum, lnternetlone l Mot or Apply In perton. Kerm • work week , Mondey·Friday. : Ing. Exoer. helpfUI. ~

$400 631·5&4-4 Coach 751-5481 Rim• Hardwe.re, 28M • Starting .. Jary it 1950/ month. • 2fee t . CoMt Hwy, N.8.

.. :.-.--- HOROSCOPE

Slnglel 1 & 2 Bdrm Apert- Prof'I F/ M non .. lmkr lg N.8 ... W ... SIM Herbor Blvd, Coet• Mela • Good comnany benelita. Appl y in = 840-9012 menta a TownhouM1 hme Wik to beh MOO+ I 18 546-t891 : r- II-'""'::".= -------

•••••••••••• from $720. (Allt •bout 839-8722 or 84s.eee8. 1/ 1 Tlllt ... /.. RESP. adult to cere for In· e perton, Mond•y· Thurtday, 2:00 • llllUl ..... furnllhed apte, complete Prvt "'"• IQ lBf' lBa hme Aetlw retli thc>p 1n CdM. tent , my CM hm. Mon- • to 4 :00 p.m. Ask for Eileen. • ~t?Uf 7~~· •t up With TV, llnene l U1.,.llla, I Ee tbli ft NB All Some edmln. Ideal for Thura 8em-5pm, Trentp e • 1=-.-,....,

1,-' -::-::"'"""=---


Thursday, November 15 ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19): What appears to be a trap is merel y a

temporary dela y Change' that favor your efforts will soon occur. Accent now on romarcc:. vanety. speculation. Elements of timing and luclc ndc w11h }Ou - you could h1t 1ackpot.

TAURUS t Apnl 20-May 20): Be ready fora variety of expcnences. u.nuc;ual contacts and '>pec1al message from member of opposite sex. Get ideas-on paper. '>uhm11 c;uggesuons, forma ts. Heighten secunty by removing safety ha1ard\

GEMINI (Ma) 21-June 20): Fam1I} gathenng decides on .remodeling program or actual change of residence. Keep resolutions

-:conccnung diet, nu1nt1on. general health. Short Journey may be nec.essary. L1bran pla~ 'i outstanding role.

.- CANCER (June • I-Jul} 22 )· Define terms. avoid sclf-decepuon.

. ·count your change. Man) an'iwcrs arc found behind scenes - you

.... could be ac;kcd to Join organ1za11on or appear before the media Pisces. Virgo nat1 vc'i figure 1n dynamic. cxcntng scenario.

~ .LEO (July 21-Aug. 22) < )~le high , you'll be at correct place at spcc~ficd moment This 1<; )'Ou1 power-play day! You arc capable nowo( making money and love You could get promoted or be gi ven a substantial raise 1n salary

VIRGO (Aug 23-Scpt 22): You'll finish project. you'll receive ~ial notice regarding "secret" meeting. Break free from burden not

rtJh.tly Y<?Ur own. Wide a~d1e~ce awaits you. you could actually be n1ning With fame. Anes I \ tn picture.

. LIBRA (Sept. 21-0ct. 22): Emphas1'> on romance, inner fccling!i, getting to heart of matters. Accent al\o on friends. ho~s. Hpirat1onli. Stress independence, creativity, wdltngnc\\ to make fresh start. Leo plays key role.

:• SCORPIO (q<:t 2 3-Nov. 21) You gain stronger foothold, you' ll , . 'have more emotional and financial -.ccurn y Spotlight on bu,inc ' · - career, dcahng.'i with superiors lntu1t1on nnRS true. teaching methods

prove succc~ .rut. Move ahead' " . SA~m ~~UUS (No~; 22-Dec. 21) Emphas1!. on travel, cunosity,

uruQue inqu1nc and a reason to <:t'lcbrate " Best qualit1c!i $Urge • forward - populanty increases. long-<11'ltance call provides insp1ra·

t1on. Gem1n1 plays memorable role CAP~ICORN (Dec. 22-Jari 19)· tick to practical 1 ucs. Punic

p1cce5 fa!J 1n10 place. p~uem evolve!. You'll be 111 tqµ ct\_ wictl d}n.mic, crcau vc:, Uboom 1nd1v1()ual who played role in your pest Scorpio. Tauru penon fiaure prominently.

AQUAJUUS(Jan. 20-Peb. 18)~ Chcck Sftlall print, beawareornccd for lepldocument,. McmberofopPos1te seit 1alh aboul hopes. dcs1rc motives. ul11m11e aoals. Be receptive, but make no dctin1t~ commitment Wi tch Virso!

P <Feb 19-March 20): lmporunt domestic adjustment l Ou ld 1ffcc1 rts1dcnce or marital lltus. BasK' tHks require a11en11on re.pa 1 r work 1 \ needed. dcfcco vc wiri na shoutd nc corrected Good new ' ~ome, ~onccrntnA hcal1h

• f

maybe rented for ahort •~It:_. .u .. 8'1 ~500 hcXIMWtfe. 720-9720 a refa req. 549-0561 • •. Gnr1 hel9 PIT-FIT to clean term Of longer). On Jem- - • ORANGE COAST ofc maintain land""•"'"' bor .. Rd. at Sen Joequln Shr vu hme w/ 2 ~. AllT al ADI OM.I I ... UAI • : weih cen -.c. Und-;M:.'"'F Hiiia Rd. rooftop petlo $216, tit, muat ~ knowi1Clge of PC>Mlble....,...rtH.8 . auper-- • DAILY PILOT • 9-5PM 875-23 11

144 .. 1100 '"'· dec>O ... Jd!tLMt-&479 C. ~·= ... end v1 ..

9. :...!~ °':t~ : 330 W e&t Bay Street : ........ ·

-------• ln\!llWuttll touch. full time poeltlon wlll conald• atudent. • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • for bu1y frofeHtone t. __ _..;,. _____ RIC:""'QU;t uo;m;; Ftni evelf. 895-3&43 Send quellflcetlona & • Mon-Fr1 hra /d *Lg 28r 2Ba Bluff a ..--... 1 Ai 2 .... -• ' reft. to· R. Stewna. P.O. e •• Oflwn 1io t p ay& w/ pool, 2 carport• i,'::/;pt :'J ar S.o'O:; .. 11111 PIYUU Boll 2712, Huntington • • " own tenap,

$925. No pet• 752-5822 nowt Pleuef~'"5 Oenerel ledger, chert of 8-eh, Ce. 926'7 •ee •••••••• e ••••••• ••••• • ~5:~C:d:~ LIDO WATERFRONT· Lge eccounta, bet* rec:.,greet •

t di 3B '2 b N/amkr rNte w/fWt look· oompeny. Cl m IC r • Ing to lhr In N8/CM/H8 Accompllahed P«aonnel. $1950/ mo IM. 873-8&88 1425. M4-373e Oya s.Mcee, Inc. FREE

Spanous \Ingle one 6t two bedroom aph



Retired exec: & Wife deelre hte nt bc:tl fOf Feb. onty. Non·1moker, refa . 854-7781 aft. 8e>m

3300 lrvtne NB 756-1680


II .. • •IWI Ill a.a ._1. u mtted °'*''~·· w 111

73 t*M,*~= St. ~':"'· C... 640- 321 ext.

............... liiilii.leoet• MeM 911-1181 -ruRNISHCO or OIHlt ...... Hi4 ~lrement fectlltY. 3-11, u NruRNISHED Ai 14x1i WlndOW OIC,.... 11.1. pert time& full u,,,..

cept erH 1310/mo. Good ~· __..,. 852· 1&41 or 75e)1315 •tmoepneN. * HOl!P+­H[AlTH


much mon•' Sorry no Pl't\ Model\

optn d6"v 9 lo b

~ Ntwpor1 Bodi So.

1700 16th SlrHI (at OovtrJ 642-511.J

Nn.port BtMll No. 880 l~1nl' Avenu,

l•l 16thl 645-110•

tel Ad. Newpor1 8Md\ H:.t::':.·rr::t: AMIWERINQ HAVICE . capt ~. 1700/rilo Incl Med. Elldl Npt Id\ EJq>. utlte &4&-Se71 • !l'!Ult:Od ,.., "'4.1511$

• V.-ted ltltft8. 64lo;t23I N8 d91UM offtoe llWilt, Incl utt!Jr•f. n-•IY'oker. Benk"'9

,1275/mo. &4A700 . 9" /lllPT lecr9teq tor ,.., ......

A•PllT 'm •... _. lucimlflll fnde.. 700 " • 3 ofb & ,..... pendent ... tn ~

1300 ., - °'*" ep peen. lleectl. ,....,. IW*'I Wll bl.Md to IUlt Nflo end ~ _,., edje 2000 " · AMdy for ,... bctow « OOflltNO­occpy. t 1.H . groH Uon toen ...,.,. NIDM. 162-t71_. A & H INVUT but not 1111Fl1l9' Tilill II

Of'ftoe llPIWOIC 200 ft(f ft en ~ IO oroet tHO/mo lftet utK t "-*' 1n ..,... ,.. _. )lnltoriel M·.f! ...W224 1• ~ MdOn9 Coal­

Pt•henalve ben•flt• •CdM dlx..,.... AC Mt01 ~.... 1e1ery oom-~o. "°"' 1221. nil a. 1MNUtMe wttt1 '**· COllt Hwy. '7MIOO ground ..-



111-llOO ,. •• tOIM/F/HfY


District Managers If Y04J enjoy WOfkin9 with y;;-,; boy1 & 9irlt ond detll job1 ore not for you, con.ider o cor"r in tti. MWlpPper circula­tion f~. Thh is o uniqve_pOtition with Ctoily cho ..... & rewords.

Our opening• ore immedl<M. AppUconh must hoYe o von, stationwcioon or truck. We off.r on excellent 10lory with o bonu1

, pion ond gos ollowOJQ, We h~ on ' excellent ~flt plan thot Induct.. ho'f)l­

totlzation lntvronce, libefol YCXation ond holiday..

Condidatet mvtt ho~ o ~r• to be wccetefvl ond be willing to worlt hard. If you thlntl you hG\19 the qualifkotlons, pt.en. capplV .In perlOft toa

• ~ lhN fr~ 9· 11 OfTI Or 2-4 Pfft

330 w. BIJ Costa Mesa, CA 92626

- . •

l ........... ........ .. ...... • •• ~ .... .... ..... Jiii ••••"'II . 1111nm1m ... .,. ~ .... · 1111aw..a --.:a• '~**•llPi.==~ ... ..:=: COUD6ewttht"'-«Hdttn NeedecS...-8lhefd~· SeYerel aepWtno C*10N1 ,_,..'1 Plf'I tlfM 11.,,,_~ , O SAT. Nov 171h, 1M condttl:,':;t:_\1~ loolc1ng !of help -e- 1ng l*90M to take or n..oect In I.A. ofb ~ '°"' ct.ye to your. 0eiy11..-. 152·1178 .: Oftttlegrounde

12, I , 1. Outtee ~ dettltl8A ottlce. Com: Raipld ad11aiioement Ho Mtfl .!.arn Sf, p/tW plul &;"-...Weed two lltvlN.VANOPARTHIR 23'MAK01nboerd ~ laundty, l'louW:lun6na. peny tr91nt no ~ •xi* n.c. Company ~ E"- phone PIT poeltloM .ftii for 1IOOW. eo..Hwy. ironina. encs IOl"4t Ohlfci n.c ueo pimo "q'*i: lrtlnlng PfcMded ueo. e52.ttt1 ~ ,_. e.ia. e>Mc9 lfl NeWpcwt IMdl cue Muat be non fl•d M'r Cer11on p / mo Mr Cheri... HI .,.. ~545 ..._ F~ 10C1•larn1WI M\Ok9r end .,.._. OWn M2·5844 ' M2·5a.43 ... ., .... -·· 8c>fn for~ COUMty .ntiqu., ~ 1r~1on. 20-40 Hr - PUT Tim- Urgently Maded by Hunt· ,.,..qujtt•I~. wtl , Nlaty Mgolleble. •111 L YIOI • lngton llWtl etty School -a•y holda'f decofatioM, 154-0tS<t If ~ Ila lnt9' .. 1ed In 17·50 pal:: .. With locel Olatrlcl Stier S5 t2 --·- ttr~cotn.

Hrnlng 135 000 to corp. :fL ~uallly j>/hr APPIY Y 20461 Areyoutootc1n9tor11anecy, ~~ed h M11•

1 THiii ~~-=-~~_:.1n~~ ~~~~':,,":'~.ii ~.f!:: ~_m~r ln , H . B . :=•~r:i:~ J:'!.~!°:=aw.

H •mp oymant OP· 1 WOfk • .., 964-2890 po91tlon. Cell I.It btwn AMEIUCAN Country Fun portunlilH. Stutlnft ;_ lh~~~11\ con- --NU TllllS 9am-11am tor lnteMeiw. mull Hll , mo11lng . top/paint. reblt q , f/p, ::;-!'4·60mf'hr . t1!~ RMltylelhemo.t= PUTTml Stop/ tit Muatbeab .. to 957.., 191 A Ilia " MU '41.5:1~ahbye~1· a1c

15750 oeo 542-52t1 Hwbof a~ eo.t.a t1g1ou1. moat growth Follage plent melnl9nance talk with publ~ No ••s>« ~!eT:r4SRYiM &1 onty pm Meta 831·9375Contact orlantadnttMlnrMI ... lnofflce't2·3deyuweak nec. Part/tlme&42·7211 lllllTMY cond 1150 4ee-1ee7 Aeedytoftah(dMCUltom A•ltlla ...... Mlke0..Art. 1111. PrJptra your"tr ll'Vln.. Mlaalon Vl4llO. Ex· At~youloot<tnglof11ari.ty, __ " ' • 21' CRYSTALINEA. Twin

now tor tM neJCt rw aa- ~ prtMNed. ~t problem IOMng, PfOiecJ Hot Pt trlQ 9(11d, II.Int cond 2 .e tttre OMC .. drl"" AMI LEGAL SECRETARY tata boom. CetMt op. havac::ar. 551-07.85 ..... If orlentet•d .. cr•tarlal 1250 06() 54a,.3432 Radar , ADF, Vt\F', 1-------...o"""""'-.

Otdlcetad legal MC for 1 portunltlH avallabl•. ---&TN Poeftlon. call ua btwn let~., & many xtraa 10 ettylawottic.. Utagatlon LIC*\alng training avalt. PUTTI• --- iam-11ern for lnteMeiw. lllT......._. 139,950. 478-1D91 H P dHlraabla. )(Int ab141. To ln1.,-vtew call Good tnOMy, 1110rt hours Mull M •x~ In all 9!7..8191 LES ff1.a133 t It 11111 .. lklMt. N/amkr pref. s.tMI Walt Macl~I or Vikki 1700. mo. Plul bonua. ph1M1 of new1pa1>9r AEFRIG 1., 1 1175 080 fu a-~ to; hiring S*tnat at Merrlll L_ynch Reelty at Own car. 3-eam. Reel- production. pontect R•nllY/ lllPI 87a.:5181 211 ~I. 3 Miiii. i«fiP _.,.I 115&2 MacArthur• bt¥d 54-93M or 8.-47-85081 ~~~~~. ,,_ca~ll

24 .. dr•a. Stllet 0.ttney, e:..2_.321, FUii time, one glt1 omc.. EW\rude OB. Rdmr 1t1t • U.

•425, 1Mn192715 IUllllUl.1.1, 759..o63oor 842-831S 9X1 394. =·I~=::=: R~.'c=~~~:29~~ec =~·1125att5 utMI klll Men/Woman, l.ocat .,... Coat• Meaa. 842-014' UMd t<ervnor. Gae df"/« hauled, 2 yi. ':r:-'MJ:. Part tim., Must~ own amen v.. PUY,Jm s110 842--3025 ase trvtM. 1aa.92 hide. can 640-2395 ext. 3 Phc)M appointment .... u•nm 1ng •000• ~ 14M..,

- -nl ting. No experlenc• *IEil. llTAR* flexlble achedule, 41Pf>1'0JC IW ...,f,,f • • ••t .. 30' ETHCEUS 22..0S 3t2 ....... (l:Qtr... wr""' "- necesaary. No Mlllng * ••• •1 * 40 hrl p/'#k, Qd ltlor1· t llll'MrWI - .. 8rtstol cones. Fll/ty t1gOad

Currently vwontlng/or Typing, fifing . alm!ll• Company tralna. Sant• ..._.. hand. typing. nllng akllll Nft Siding WOOCf window for ~ ,.._ aa161, ContlC1 P~u .. lFrt 9 bootee, phonea. New AAa offioe. Salary IS-S7 01-Hl..._..llffW ~. Nr MacAtttlur 6'1"x 3' $90 842· 2089 • trophy wivler. WlllJ eo-- 1'--8- 7i-50- Mel- lctl- M-l'1-• - lt¥d.--.J to 5 2802 ~ ornpany. Can be gr•l p/hr. Batbara, 882•5844 We at•• 39 year old flml & Jernbor•. Reply ~ c.pt hlot....t otter O¥er INana PMt

Ll¥e-ln vwy flt• dutlee, lme. 432·9420 for Inter· NI IPIUTlll aonally Opefated by Its 1151 Dow St. Sult• 220, · 121-IOll ' · ootY, for cateer Full - wtlOlly cwMd and I*· mall to: SECRE.TARY, C••r.;tm Hll l1~K PP Call 875-2402

aome m .. 11 for •m· view. anawwlng MrYlca •KP« founcs. Ml'Vlng IM Com- Newport e .. ch, Ca. Apple + comput9f w/ 2 Hobie 12' NEW, lst MOO ==------,..,~ 11111....W tit! bulatory male S...e.1030 pr•fetrld. Varltble ehlfta. m«clel, lnduatrlal, Apwt· 926&0 df11C dri¥ee and monitor takea! M l ·3630 ... ~==~..ft~~==

Artlat 642·1403 ment and Land Mmat. $1095&50-0707 Lido 14 #3255, fully ·-- -~- • 111111 ISWI 1••11E COAST We ar• not • tranchlN s.ctetary HS llte book· 9Qulpt. 2 NI.I Mil, 111r -• ... ..... Int, Uflder 41K ...._ prto.d 11 now accepting appu. "" PEST OlmlL branch or division con- keeping Hra 8· .. flax Vector Grapf'llc •Yllem S1800(818)792..eo37 '11· ... lm · t>etow ~ a,. caUona for·. 1••LJ PILOT t o1•-.. b 1 .. ~ 0 t .. - n/em.kr 893-1940 with prlnt•r. mod•m. Lo o.n..1:-. & "-·- Lo Dwn-£qty & ~ .. _ _.. .-.., -... ..__

IU 11011101111 r _, y o '"""I. n '"' aoftware, $ 13K New. Beal MONTGOMERY 17 Fluah _., "-'' (11 ....... 1111 ..,._ _..,., . .-- ......, .. llSTUS ,... 'POI m•n•g•nwit d.. SlllnUY Otter 85().1719 deck, Dey HI!«, trlr (11•)1111111 pee •· '°"own.. 831-1298 US.I h .. an oP9nlng 10< a Part· lloyd Peet ContrOI need clalona. Open door man· Organl~ed . bright. Mlf· . 15500 213/e&-5096 (•)QI 1111 # 121 (•)U2• llll # f2I '15 CAOIUACS

E¥ea. S75-0900 =~1ve~::~: 1:r~1~t·~0 ~~~1

.·~:t"~~':;'·~ =-~~t:O~~=~ ~t97ier wit~ goodh°::!: FrMttYI• MU SabOf~llrlr·unew -~---imumn-·---~ • tltt ~ produce quallty ad drMng reoord. Call Mr. tor2Comm«cl•l · lndu.. ac groun to • 2t'.\ yr Old rNJ; tG lamute 1500-673-8315/832·7894 ~WLI' .77 MGB w72 topa, Lt Conwwdllllae9e

lllml&HI leyoota, comps & flyera Taylor, 979·6021 ( btwn 8 trial people Wllh ability :::z~~li~o~ Mil<, neutered. hou .. Sanlana 27 Race/CrM S.._.seMce-Lfllllelna s.41 85 ALL-SAVERS tor Pf"llgloua apt. com- for a teat paoed dally am-12 MQnday) who wa"t the freedom to munic8te and Uliat u lrtlMd 675-0509 Honda OB Mooring •¥all ******.. - $2300 O:O~io-= (714, 432•19n r~~ !1~·J ;:11

• :rk~I~ ~~· sco~t 10 Pl&llll&lllTIUL :?~~o~':~~~r: z: admln. will. With P .R. Gotdln ~raMw Male 9 chMp 115,000 631·8245 DllU.ll'f IRD1NY 1---.. -.~-----trad" .... plumblng, • · on "'T !•oxen r:n: " ... WllUIH tam. PIM.. call tor firm. Call 7ea.2143 mo with p:;-to good ..... tin nnulJ\.J trlc, catpentry, air cond & W::k to· Steve ~ough Vitamin mtg hu lmmld 1n1erv1ew apPolntment. u•n&aT . home. 64Q., 293 ::•• :f.R!t.!1Af ~ ..,, ·73 11'. 6'dC, g;a cc;;;a llN.tlng, etc. Salary com- Art Director Orange openings for lndlvld. lo WllLIY I. TARll II P6RT TIME· Mutt bl ao.. S1enenat1lra terrier l'Ayra .!50cu~75-. 7


• 77 320l 4ap ale "8RFP S3 e o o o a o . ca 11 CADll.AC manaurata w/ ablllty. Cont OaltY Piiot, P.O. weigh vllamln powdera. 1CMoPla.u.Sulle280• curate typlat, non-amkr, FrQl~-lhots. Ndt - . v v 77320l4apalr403480 546-9102 PleMadOnotaNWerun· Box 1580, Cotta M ... Good math & engllah NewportBeactl flextva. 9e0-6591 yrldkl'.-..KldaM8· 7138 f; Deeb 7 80320l5epa/c2ald31 lAAGEST8B.ECTJOf( .... fully qualllled. Call CL 92828 akllla req. Full time. Wiii 11. / _ 80320l5apa/r 1w185 '79 911SC 8'k XJnt oond Oflat•modell. tow.,,... ~509 for Interview. train. Beneflta. A.ppty In SEllDAIT Fualtut 1125 BO SllPS for Power 80320l 5apalr lban796 S3IOO ON 080 t.o.p no Ced1Mec81n8ou1Mn\,

•••• ID iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l>ef$0n VltaTechlnt'llnc. '"·Cl10 PartUmeforgJowtngcon-1 Boels. 34 FT or Leu. 81320i5apalr10UE497 etedl1n.c. 845-7742,.. ~S.ue~

----- 2832 Dow Aw, Tualln. auuctlon company, to 7 wtngb-* 90f•, nu upnoi 642_.808 81 320! A/T ai r 10AG964 ...._n~ wt! 5•• 1 .. Annemg s.Moe, eo.11 832·9700 aet•up & maintain au In Hrttlt onu 1 150 P9r Ilk> . 81 320! S•>·s· 1dog860 ..,.. Me11 . Managem•nt PART·TIME.Vartedhours -------- 11ame.st aspect• 01 office worlc. 97&-2033o<855-0975 or~f~0r~~ 81320la/talrtb1b408 MT' I& 2t00Herboratwd. exper. pref. 24 hr. to Include early A.M. G~E ~? •N'!!ffll Antwer phonea, typing, Ill- &42·8100 8' Pecan Stwao Cabinet. Ketch Jim 879-0341 82320l5iapa/r 1dif145 I..... COSTA MESA raepone. Mneltts. Mutt weekanda. Muat have ct.. """ """""" ....., your Ing, aaalst proctuctlon, $400. 8«-1156 dayata71 -4&40 evae 82 320! Sap air 1eeM 18 1 Tl llllU raa.- ~=~i~~J!![! I~ locally. Call Mon-Fri. l*\dable ¥9hlcle (amall days to yourMlt? W• pay Call Ruth 54&-3814 SElllTMT p /n.t · 82 320! Sap air 3714521 r- i;: ~5. 642-3013 truck, 111n , 1tatlo11 tull time tor part time • Typlng,filtng, phonea. Stir AnUqueChlneMCamphor Two18ftlllpsa¥alt. Grand 82320l5apalrlfgp483 21R's

W11g<>n) to ualat neWs- houra. Must be IX• 11am1111T dent pref. Flex houra. Cheil1 $500. 49+7W Canal. Bal 1-'d. s2001-. 82320l51pal r1fdc103 TOCHOOSEFROM pap« dealer In lrvlM l>efleneedonphonea. $6 F/T-PIT , 50WPM·~Hllta 645-1623SP41nCe e..g.Sofe $300. one Bm 587-8720673-835-4 82320ISapalr1evd984 l..OUWdRad :.9:i .•. M~~nti:t ~ ~f:.~':i ~~~~n to Law offlc9. 752· 7283 SlllnUT . 111nyl Ctlr 175. 75&-<>MS Wanted 25· 11\p S.,. R9Y . ~ ~g~~ v:~~ 1-s.teelua Hyde Monday thru Frl<la HOIPTlllllT Typing , filing , slmple Cmptt l<·a wtrbed i1000 b11110I cond 547•7823 82 633cal alt leog442 Mtwean 9:30 and 1 . PltTI UI PlllTlll forTRAVEL AGENCY. o.- book.a, _phonaa. N•• new Sac S360 846-1041 dya 538-1952 evea 83 320l 5-e air 1rwt515 a.m. only. 842-4321 NOl'llsu exper. pref. 1 Hour pendable, rellabi-. type company. Can be gr•t I I llT F•llTllE icyc" I 320f 5ac)'S-.010"5"f2

l~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiill~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-Piiihoiiiitio.i64iiiiii6-i2i4iiii24iiiiiiiiiit 35 wpm, call Sherri. oppty tor career. Full LES 9578 33 ·snlaltk: c I 2311 63528E5apL'd958441 766-0666 Ume. 432·9420 tor Inter· · • 1 $ IOO n 87~:rs 83 528E a/ll'd 1HIWI09 Newapaper Receptlonlat Sat/Sun/ view. Love Seat 11%9 aofa bed, · rm 83 528Eall ~'.d 207194

Holldaya. Mesa Verde SIWIM l&OlllE IPI matchl:ll chair, lk new. ••ttrcycln/ 83320l5ao S 3909189

KIDS-EARN GREAT TR°'S AND p· RIZESI. Convelescent Hoapltal Sall making •XI*. helpful. ~~~2~~:1ey print . $400. lcteter1 IOll ~ Ir 661 Center St. 548-5585 $5-6. p / hr starling . 'UAed'AondoEUtemotor llECE"1111Sf NORTH SAILS, Hunt· Oak Antq Fum, Hanging acooter new Incl warr {J 14)1JI- 111

tor MW .Eacrow C-Omn.an'f lngton eeaq,. 898·123'4 B<aaa • 1amp. deak chr. helmet, $120i:r.!T3-Q88 208w. tat.SanttAna

AGES 11-14 EARN lW TO $75.00 PER WEEX

Wt now !lave I ~ optfll"CS lor JOU• nett bums to iecutt rtadtts for Tiit 0.a,.e Cont Dally Piiot Out crews stert at 3 30 pm llld

1WO<l until& lOp.111 llft~,s Oo~t11i~y. wt

I"°"• ltw more hours Yov wdl eirn many trips and pnzn, Mone witll tarn•• ,our own money

thtre is no deitWt 1111 or co#ectJon 1n'tOIYed If JOU ate 1nlt1ested, please tall Mr £art

'MCA COOl (714) 548-7058

.-- Mr Coler orient rug. baaket CLOSEDSUNDAYS In Fountain Valley. Mull 844-5965 or 844-7897 Tr&iltn, have outatandlng per· SIW W.EI T I I0" .. 1--------aonallty .Call Karen , If your're nol urning 11 New Qu .. n Walarb•d H" - LARGE SELECTION OF 962· ~654 9am-5pm least $2000. p/ Wll plus. Manresa, finer, & heater l'l'W'!'!!A"'N!llf !llEO- : -,~8'-or-i""ar_ger_ NEW a USED BMW'SI

you should call us. Quall· Sl75. 984·2485 Trevel Trallet. PP will pay L• .... llEOIPTilllST ty leads, belt sales pro- Sota, 8' Wht w/matchlng cUti. Call (7 14)992-8248 VOLUME SALES

Company r.aoc&tlng ~ gram lrrttle"coo111ty. C1lff c:tiatr & 1'tt0m~ ... 50 Laguna Hiiia. Oepend. t> t w n 10 am_ 1 Pm . gd cond &.«.9325 · Aatt WllDI-- -S~ct.~:6-lndlV needed 10 prOYlde 852-9158 •m... LONG BEACH awllchboard coverage on ,._ •-• new 1n a 100 System aa1ee -1111 ... n •• Liii (No. Cherry axlt-405) Exper pref Xlnl com- Stereo/TV sales PIT Leeslng.S-.. Rental <l1•) IH-lltl pany benefll• Please Atlantic Music 646-8895 ltattMI• Oomeellc·Forelgn-Exotlc 1ract..lnt Welcome contact Admln Mgr. 111-4al OPENSEVE.NDAYS

549· 9659 STICl!CUll POSH C...1 IU2 r.iiiiiii~=====::=~~~===:= ·EcE--· H lie Cf .. T_ -·- f Newport rn - Hatbof "-~ t " r1 .. IST PLUl ours x ....... m- pre . Rid t NII. mall -Qu

F.,t paoed O C Mag. over 21. C•ll tor appt. 7. ge. mus . • 1- ..... 111111111111-1111111111111 ....... --,,,,....,._,,._ ___ ..,,..,......,.

needs sharp, organlled, EkWetl StOfM 848-8655 otter Furn. •PPll •. 11'1· • •llfT .. . non· arnoklng front office tlquea Good cond. P¥t OMS '11·'14 peraon Good phone I*· pty. 7eo-a 192 NEWPORT BEACH Lo Own-Eqty & AMum aonallty, typing. gram· SWITOlllUI IPIS J ... ~ I If (l1')111 ... mar, lite dictation, shOrt· for Aoawe~lng Service DI P E 1 Aatt lerricn/ (IOOU•f l•H # lll ., ..... 128 500 7-.. ......... hand a plua. Send r• Swlngshlft. Full & pa11 amon ave tarn ty farts HIS ,..,. • - . ...,..........., aume- to NEW HOMES lme avall. Csll 642·3013 Ring, appr. 15500 Sac., .71 240z. mag llrM, .ir, 4 dy9/~7 e¥M

- -C~MHL C H EVROU . .

. . )4b- I 20 0

'74 Pinto rbtt q 7,900 mi nu trena/radla1or(S1150

rcpta)leOO obO ... llOll

"12mnm11111 Wire .._.. cowers. eulo trans, AMt A4 ster90. (18Jues5) .....


FORD iC1ft(l 1-4Ali80G ~' • (:

CO\IA M l ~A !>.I: , '1f

MAGAZINE, 3151 Airway $2250. 642-2255 Louvre fOf' C..tca. metal •nd gd cond In/out T~ l TELE,_E wllock• sso. 964-2485 ..,. • · 'l• ,_-..

Ave. Bldg J.1 , Coate lmlYllWtRS MltctllHMal 5 11 $3000. 759·1785 lo!.7P1...,""""'ia- .""'4-1Pd- . runs_..""g0'"°' ,. ~·•



I Madrtd cloak 5 ~pinnacle

10 The mofe remote one

14 E11c11ea 15 Room 16 Kanus town 17 OoV91' plea 20 Earller pref 21 Pot payment 22 Aptitude 23 Ample 24 Extend up 25 Rich l1brlcs 28 College term 32 Across· pref 33 Hair growth• 34 11tam caliph 35 Garden 1hrub 36 NFL team 37 Garment 38 UM up 39 Fountain drink• 40 Waterfall 41 Fought 43 Stlmul1tor 44 Lofty 45 E•OIOtt 48 ComlC I foil 49 Tyrol peak1 50 Holds In the

h&nO 53 NCAA concern 56 Ego on 67 Bloop4!r 58 Nell to Sask 59Patned~d 60 Horey sound 6 I skirt


I l odge 2 Seaweed

product 3 Jab 4 Long ttme 5 Disburses 6 Mike proud 7 Nallonaht¥ 8 Top player 9 Franc parts

10 Sir and Lady 11 CD or Julle

Wlfd 12 Actor Aide t3 Acidulous 18 Oltcomlor1s t9 Green epacea 23 S.Verage 24 SChttmt 25 Sutter 26 Loud 27 ANnM 28 Soup or -? 29 Ankle b<>M


30 HIQh society J t Mora mature 33 Archetype 36 Advanced

1ChOOl9 37 Pravenl

entranc. 39 Tlleeter 1rea 40 Go down roll 42 PurlOtAed 43 Common talk

45 Room su';'tace 46 WOflllless parts 47 Bullnng

contestant 48 AusS1an n1me 49 H&l~do lype 5-0 Ltglll Ctrci. 61 vocai1st 52 Hockey Shot 54 See NOie 55 Scrooge word

~==· b~~~u2:8~n~/pt. lor publlc opinion Polls, Antique enoUSfi hall tr• A1tn ·~··.. to2G 'll l&TSll" 1550. 64S-2683 ~~:s~ P/8, am r1ldlo $5.50 p/hr & up. Week· $350. Gas BBQ wtbutana SSS uASI 111 Cami* "*'· 4J>90, IPok• ·12 Corolla runs __., s- Q81

llEOEPT/ TYPIST day eves & days, call Or. tank $50. Klmball piano Junk & Tranaportatlon wheels. (235513) IPd $400 S..e.9267 ' · Good ~hone akllla, good Sar ah Ro ae n fl e Id . $200 Bluel whl 9x t 2 FREE TOWING 11111 THEODORE typlsl(55wpm)gdapeller. 856--4292 Oriental rug 1200. King Auu 2131424-8170 '72 Corofta Wagon 4 apd, FITS 1000 Of' P/T $6 hr. 14zecane headboard $50 xlnt lnina $600/obo, call

Carollne: 645-2251 TELEPlllll 12" blk/ wht TV S30 WE llY 831· 1058 IPIUTlll St ereo w / 2 flocir 1---------

Rn&JL SALES apeatters S35 673·8596 CLW CUI 'TITtTA •tLU Ex!* nlea pefson tor fine 11-10 t / ltr IHI H•• Holdlay Toy & Clothlnn •-Tll••s Auto. AM/ FM st-*>. PJB quality womens & mens ll Qualified ·.., -• .. (718XUF} shoe atore. Top com- Advert. Media. no expef. sale. Ttiura No11 15. pensatlona & Mnlllla. nee. Wiii train. FT/ PT 10-3pm Tlci<toc:ker Thrift Should eJ1pect to earn lmmed opening. Cash ahOO 540 W 19th at CM $24.000 flrat year Call Pt ld dally CALL : JOhn Wayne T9nnl1 Club Mr Anderaon, 759-9551 540-7321 ext. 5 Membet'lhlp, beat ott.r

TIU,_ 545-34112 or 848-6001 1,st1rt Crew + O.. ...-a-- LGE swecs1sn Fr"'"". blk • Book Stora & Restaurant ...-s-•-• ..-

la no hiring· Women/ Men earn $80 comp w/b ... & nu. S250 KITCHEN MANAGER p /day plus cuh paid 645-2939 or 84&-2139

BOOK CLERKS dally. No exper. nee. Wiii COOKS & BUSBOYS lreln. FT / PT S4~8

Apply Mon-Fri 2·8pm ext 8 3810 So. Plaza Dr .. SantaT ... elep--h-on_e_..,..Seles ___ _


Ana L-&L 1 ..,.a ,. ... ... s... Cloudy . Quest SAIL UIEI llllLY Pl.ft OIMI, Opine · Heckle

Cutting, layout. Exper. Ambltloua men & women. POCKETS pref. 15-a. p/hr atartlng. no exper. MC. Ctll now. " II t"9re·s one thing rve NORTH SAILS. Hunt- 540-6695 axl. 28 learned," Mid my eld•rly lngton Beach. 898-123... grandfatti.f , "I t'• that Mr Color TEUPlllE Wiii suoceas Is a ladder you

SALES 1 8 P.opte to n11 Of)9t'llng lor can't cllmb with your • agr ... lv• ndlv. phone~ S.Jl•rx no hands I n .Jou r

tor axcTttng n.w prod. "' Miii"". na •xnar * POCKETS " the Air Cond. fHMd. Leads · ·•· ,...... · __ turn Draw against comm. Compeny trains. E11enlng Supre,,,. beautv & talent Call John, 850-2945 houra. Call Carolyn , pageent 3·28 yrs Aleo

662·5843 baby dlvllloo Oorolhy SAi.ES TOP S$S Shre...,. Moelellno Sctlool

Do you think you can aa19? Females pref_ Mode.ls 1nd &. Talent ~ ~2-3050 tr ao call me now and Escorts (213) 866-1984 Off' , --,1- / starl making sorn. reel ICI 811 lrt money for one91 Call TRAVEL AGENT ~·ic•·• HU George , weak de ya , Exper'd . butlno c6om7~ ~.:!'5 3M ... t- r::t!! 494-54 10 expef. requ rad .,......., "" • ...,. ....,.,....

Good tor aman ottc apac. ..,_ WUTD/ WUTllU S625. x1ra pal>ef a ton9'

..... , ..... $5.50 Hr. BUSBOYS ii.so Ind Lag Bch 494-8555 Opportunity to Mii gour· p7hr. El1$>9r. P¥t club TYPEWRITERS e1.c 1200


FHilPPUll.U. Cormler· OeLlllO OllYllLIT

1112118~CH8LVO. HU NTINGTON BEACH .. 1-1111, ..... 1111

WIWllTYlll OWi 11111111 s.. Ronald 0909



io ... o 11&110• ~1vl' CO\ IAMI \ & t-4J 0010

,, • • A

IU t"r~ \"".._, .............. "'~

714-833-1300 Fiat tW '18 ){ 19 &;g owner good cond smog ce rt1119d $2 100 848-5492

.... t lis ·IO Acx:otd 6(. Auto. PIS P IB FM Cua, Sunroof SASOO 962-0048



106-0 H411lQe llVO COSTA lll h A &41 0010

........ , .... 11 ... A!r Cond, Roof R~.

PlBrak-. AM/ FM Stereo (932TNU)-.....

met fooda & gift.a let tlol- Varted day &. 9119 lhltt• a s1a et• 3642 w. ---....--r".~--~ ld•Y9 Rax hr., wttl treln. lnctd Mnda. •ve;516'r

w .. tcmi P1GI e..a-0e12 W&lllllll PllMI PiHM/ JUI 2 Fashion llland 840-8030 lmfMd. op9nlng In our CherrywooJ Hammond

J.... $139/mo +Ill $466down --11i'iD"iiiiiilil c ! COml'IWCflil .... ,.._,_R ALL.SAVERS

UUI PllMI lrvtne branch for a lhatp, Spinet Organ. mdl L· 100, v Raek*ltltll con1clen t1ou1 and mlntcondS300875-324f .., PrOl>eftY M9fnt .nerra-ttc s>«aon At .... , Lo w R v c o N s o L e v win Tr'Nn OMY911 of partaorwara- PIANO Like new ..... "-idsltlal lnoorM houaeexpef. r9q. Willing- $900/make olr. 840-7297 ..,.. eomnwclel neu to team • venety of •-=---,.......-----...,.... )(Int fatllltl ... good foba. K~ of Or· Storl&Clark atud lo cllentale constent ie.oa. ange County Mtpf\.11. Job #~ 127 xlnl C«ld, 1975.

VIP PRbPERTIES INC. r9QUlr.. • good drMng I 1 100 OBO t40.9097 815-2232 r.cord. FUn time or part _..f?. 1 illi

---,-- time C>091tlon •11111 Call 1.,.?::..-.;.;11...,...., ........ !'Wi.,..'"' ULll..... ~.,..tor IPP'· Tuntun u;;c;a; i158(pd

F~i:~ ~ ...... ~ IH"ll!rJ == ~11f" Muat •xs>« & Nf9 211/lll-7111 •



FIC1 aq\Hp'd. wl'loes of (7141432· 1977 xtru. Ready for lmmed

del (3"419)Cell"rodey.. :S2 Accord 4-dr 28K ml

•• ,".

auto lmrnac Must ... , $7950obo 559--0336 9't

O~~~T ~Honda Aocord. 4 dr, 2524 Harbor Coal• Mesa loadtld. take 0¥9f ieu..

.... -21 p • y m e n t s 2-4 1 3 e --- 845-9270 788-6415

FllEIUlllR * Hllll * HAS


• r•o•·• 11111 ••m YILllWllll/ lllZI

'll Plf••"' ..... Auto, A/C, AM/FM P/S,

PIB. Wire Whl ~ (10EM866)




We feature TRANS AM s with H1 Per­f o rm ance Equ i pmen t S t ic ks Suspension Package and MORE•



I I- \'.'\I· \ ( O' I I' l l'C , lf-.(,f-,D ...

THY. BITlllUIO. 1984 Mcmrat1 Bllurbo.

399 10.idfod with all tht otru 111clud1n9 lr d tht r bO mo CIO\t d r nd Ira~ Cap COH ~2b,l25 Down payrmnt ~ J 186 %cJ~h t r tr•dt

. tr ll<l071l .t

I 11131:1~C:l·ll l' I lllPO"TS

a "\,~"~~


~-~ -• •


$238 41 + nt• ,,., mo.

°""fli t<1~Hfl"""""',,. ..,._ • t-.w.., '4'""°,_..,,_.,.., #-- - ""''~'"--a.,,,\, "" ' J'~ ......... . ..,.,.,,.,,,.,./' # .. ,...,,,, ,...,. ~lv'Ms,i

A"••• we,,..,,, .,,,._ U'9

NEWPORT Iii I • • A Iii ... _____ 1'MW1-

! -&"-~ * OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK * 5 ,~ v JOE'S PICKS OF THE WEEK Pro Teams Sunday, Nov. 18, 19841 ..

D Cleveland -.... D at Atlanta ····· I­::> (.)

, I 1- D Detroit ::::>

~ D Seattle (.)

$ 6 6 9 6 • 2 o 111er eng ine w1new I D Dallas au1om111c valve ao- .:... iuster Double wall c argo ::::>

D at Chicago

D at Cincinnati

D at Buffalo


box• 1d1al 11r 1rn1ed O {] U. a----~ Q•es~~ area 119111 • _ _ -mlARtSOla

- -- ~oor carpe11119 llAM/FM Multiplex~ ::::>

----B at Dellver--------

0 at Green Bay

• •

Steering (202339) 0

l=euswu J 1


2833 HARIOR ltYD 3 640-4491 ~

Previously Owned Cars SOUTH COAST DODGE

I­::> 0 1-::> (.)


D Los Angeles Rams

D Kansas City

D Miami

D ·New England

D St. Louis

~--~D at Los Angeles Raiders -~

D at San Diego _

D ~t Indianapolis

1171 PLYMOUTH DUSTER Economy 6. P/steerlng. Space saver ~ D New York Jets package (448NPR) •1799 0

D at New York Giants

D at Houston

• .


1171 TOYOTA CRESSIDA 6 D Tampa Bay D at San Francisco

D at Philadelphia I Automatic

# 165XUF •3999 ~ 0 1-::> 1111 T-llRD

(1CM592) •4999 (.) I





D Washington

Pro Teams Playing Monday Night Nov. 12, 1984 (TIE-BREAKER)

[],at New Orleans

Games list will be published each Wednesday. Make your picks on your entry nlank-, cut out, mail or deliver to ' The Daily Pilot , ATTENTION: WINNER'S CIRCLE, 330 West Bay St .• Costa Mesa, ·c A 92626. Entries must be postmarked no later than 5 P.M. Friday, preceeding the Sunday game and Monday game. Late entries will not be counted. If more than one winner, a tie-breaker will be determined by the score of Monday night's football game. Winners will be published the following Wednesday. Winners may pick up prizes at The Daily Pilot office on Friday before 5 P.M. following announcement published in the paper. In the case of more than one winner, prizes will be divided.

(No employee of the Orange Coast Doily Pilot or their families ore eligible to ~er.)



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I ~I

FORICAIT8 ON A2 a1m1111111 . .. Wf· ONf SO AY N OV E:MBER 14 1984 <Jl~ ANGf COUNT i LAI H OH NIA • •, ( f N I ,

l'l,~Qd plan. slapped down agai·n . HB commissioners oppose plan unless ..county offers in writing to share costs

on Monday for action. The commissioners. w"o voted

Tuesday apinst recommending the cootrovcrs1al plan. held that the city should first recci ve a written commit­ment that the county will pay its share of the expenses.

note<!. Torrential downpours an March of

1983 caused water to slosh over flood channel banks. causing damage to 780 homes .

By ROBERT BARKER Of ... Oti4IJ,... ..

A proposal to upgrade Huntington. Beach's sieve-like flood control sys­tem by, using redevelopment money

Coast The Orange Coast Is par­t icipating In the Great American Smoke-Out that starts Thursday./ A3

Gambler offers some tips on making money-at the the blackjack tables./ A3

California Drunken drivers should llVOld Burlingame Friday night. Roadblocks are going up In that city./ AS

Nation Reagan 'taken aback' by newest estimates of the deficit./ AS

Shuttle crew makes It 2-for-2 by snaring another h.apless satellite./ A4


World A Sikh olice commando w.as arres e ay of-- -lndlra Gandhi's as­sassination./ A4

Rome ,, . The newest laboratory at UC Irvine Involves swlvel chairs and video ter­minals, not test tubes and mlcroscopes./01

Food The customary battle of the bulge after the hol­idays won't be necessary with festtve, calorie con­trolled dlshes./C1

Sports Corona del Mar High holds off Marina and Newport Harborin CIF waterpolo./81

Golden West College Is top seeded for the Southern Californla com­munity college water polo tournament./83

Entertainment ··Fiddler on the Roof'' Is

. back for Its fifth pro­duction at Sebastian's West.TAI -

Baahieu The takeover o~ Airspur Helicopters by an Oregon company wlll not affect local operations./ A 10


Bridge A13 Bufletln Board A3 Busineai A 10- 11 CaHfornla Newt A4 Cluatfled 03-6 Comics A13 Crouword 05 Death Notices B6 F•tur• 01· 2 Food C1-14 Help YourMlf 02 Hor08C<>P8 04 Ann la"'*9 02 Mutual Fund• ___ A10 Natlonet Newt A4 Optnlon A13 P~lcelog A3 Pubttc Notae BS. oo tn The s.rvtce A1 Sportt 81-4 Stock Market• A 12 Televtllon 02 n..ter1 Al-9 W•ther A.2 Wortd New1 •4.


7 to pay the city's share of the estimated $SS million repair bill has been slapped down a second time by the city's Planning Commission.

The plan goes to the Ci1y Council

"Without that (wntten assurance), it would be h)ce pounn~ money down a rathole fonhc city.' one observer

A cny staff proposal calls for tb.e satt of S2S million in bonds to improve tbe flood-prone areas, aener­

..ally in the v1cin11y of Adams and Atlanta avenues on the north and


Ed Melott, Steve Keefe and Ken Camden (above) remOYe boa. Camden, (below) grabe a tail.

Mechanic finds 5 feet ·of trouble

By ROBERT BARKER ''.l .r.eac.hcd. m and l 10uc.~.__...:..;.....;-+ 01111e .-, Ho11taii - something and 1t was real mushy~"'

Auto mechanic Bruno Steamer got Steimer ..said. ··My boss shined a the surprise of his life Tuesday while flashlight and then we could tell it was removing the dashboard of a 1982 a snake:· Volkswagen Jetta to find out why the And the snake didn' t want to come the car"s temperature light flashed on out. and off and the dash lights wouldn' t It was then that Steimer who said work. ~--e~·oesn-rfiKe snak - cspernittyrn-

A 5-foot boa constrictor had· cars he's working on - turned the job snaked its wa> through a hole near the over to Ed Melou. another mechanic steering wheel column and wrapped at South Count) Volkswagen and itself around the wmng and heater Isuzu 1n Huntin~ton Beach. ducts behind the dashboard. (Pleaee eee SNAKE/ A2)

Sketch prompts 150 phone calls in Laura kidnap By STEVE MARBLE Of ... Deir '*t '""'

Since releasing a sketch or a gray-haired man wanted for questioning an the kidnapping of a 3-year-old Hunt­ington Beach girl. San Bernardino Sheriffs deputies have been frov1dcd wllh more than I 50 names o possible suspects.

Shenffs investigators have been unable to locate the man or little Laura Bradbury but now arc concen­trating their search in the San Bernardino Mountains and around Lake Elsinore.

"The case has been refueled and so has everyone's interest." Sheriffs SPOkesman James Bryant said today.

Laura was abducted nearly a month ago from her parent"s campsite at . Joshua Tree National Monument near Twentynine Palms. Leads to the little girl's whereabouts

(Pleue eee 8KETCH/A2) Sketchofaaapect

Reagan 's trade advisor cites ·u. S. p~o~uct couf!.terf eiting By PHIL SNEU>ERMAN OflM0..,"94 .....

No dramatic changes arc cxpttted in America's international businc s policies during President Ronald Reagan's second four-year term, Am­bassador William E. Brock. Reaph's chief international trade advisor. said

Tuesday during a news conference in Irvine.

"We continue •o believe an free trade." he said. " We also beheve at has to be fair."

Brock. who is the U.S. Trade Reprcscntaftvc. said-a majol"l>riority will be to persuade othet nation to

OC businesses continue their vigorous gro~tfi

When lhe Park.cr·Hann1fa.n Corp. d.iscoveRd a year .,o lhat it was outsrowina 111 facilitie in Irvine. compeny official took a lont took at the Orlnte County area. its emplo • fMftt bat 1nd how much an ex· P1n11on here would cost.

When the dedaion was finally made. the aarcraf\ componc:nu design and manuflcturina firm chose to stay in Ora.nee Cou.nty1 wtth plan for conatruction of a )30 ~ua~(oot fidhty in the lnr1 ne lndu taial Com· pit\.

Bob " au. pre idem of the firm's aero Pitt aroup, said one of the main rusons for stayana was the cm­ploy_ttt.

"The pnnopel ('Oft('f'ft1 to us rctaan1ni the people -.eh.ad an Irvine. We didn't want to move so far awa)' tt\at we'd lo them.'' Rau said.

And with the opportunity to ex· pand 1t current wor~ fortt or 2,800 em·ployce an the new fac1ht1cs. Rau \ltd. Orange Count) provadcusaood an arta to dna~ upQn a :in)' an the Ute or countf\


pan1c1pate 1n new talks aimed at casing international trade restnc­llons.

Brock was at thC' Rega tf) Hotel to speak to members oftbe World Trade Center Associaton ofOrangt County. a ~()()..mem~ organ1z.a11on that

(Pleue eee BROClt/ A2)


Focus ON THE NEws Parkcr-Hann1fin's dcc1S1on to c •

pand an Ora,,.e Count)' \tt'hlle other companies mo"e or bc&ln here 1 typical of the economic irowth coun­ty bu\inc I dcrs s:a the arc no"'

T~ 1cholson. C.'<tt'Uttvc dat«· 1or of the Orange County lndu tnal Ltquc. said there arc no prcci$t numbers ytt available. but 11 1 clur the number of nnn st.a.runa or movana Ml"t far OUl\\e"M tho ltl\1"1-

"Thtte's 1u\t tremendous growth (Pl ....... BUSm&aa/ A.2)

south, and Magnolia street and Beach Boulevard on the cast and west.

Plannina missioners earlier voled down the I, fearing that high interest rateS uld increase the ultimate bill to abou 80 milhon.

Under the proposal.I. e city would wand up with about J million for flood control.

About$ I j "1illion would go to hne .

the earthen-bank channds wtm ~ cretc and $7 m111ion would ID fot • con1tructan' pumpina stations ~ hold1"1 buans.

Nearly SSO million would be needed from Oranac O>unty to~ to complete the work. accordu'& to officials. And fa1Jurc of Oranit Coun­ty offietals to commjt t.tJat-lmount as snaaing city action.

Retrial .

sought-indiver lawsuit Newport says· it can't warn of all dangers By JEFF ADLER ot. .. .a... .........

The city of Newport Beach bas asked an Orange County Supenor Court Judge to overturn a $6 million jury award and order a new trial lD the case of a 23-year-old Clare.moot man left pa.raJyud after a 1980 swimming accident near the Balboa Pier.

Newport Beach City AtlOmey Rob-, ~um.ham.. .con.fi..rmed.-1.b 1hc. attorney rc~nung the cit)' an the civtl lawsuit. Patnck Quinlivan. has filed for a new tnal.

If Judge Uoyd Blanp1ed. the trial judge. denies the city's motion. the case then wall be a Burnham==---- • said. -

John Taylor, a quadnplcgic con­fined to a whcelcbaJr sin~ has April 1980 swimming acc1dcnl, sued the city cla1mang the cit) negliJcntJy faded to place stans warning of hazardous off-shore conditions alon

c popular sfrCtdi o san near t e pier

The athlcuc. 6-foot- 1 fonncr surfer sufTc~ a m1d<erv1cal fracture ofb.Js spine when he Jogged into the ocean and dived into an m<ommg swell and struck an underwater sandbar.

(Pleue_-.e NEWPORT I A2)

Bullet train plan scrapped for lack of required funds Irvine mayor says funds would be better spent on highways By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of ,,,. Deir ..........

.\ failure to raise S50 m1lhon from investors has derailed plans for a controvers1aJ bullet train connecting Los Angeles and San Otego. with a kc) stop in Irvine.

Lawrence Gilson. president and ch1efexccuu ve of the Amencan High

peed Rail Corp._ announced Tues­day-that h1~~pany has-scrapped a 3-)car-old plan to build the hl&h· speed -trom because the firm hn!> C\hausted its funds. Cost of building the Cahfom1a bullet train. patternC'd after a Japanese svstcm. had been csumatd at $3.1 bilf ron.

6\t a news conference. Gilson said the company spent SI 0 mil hon on thr proJ«t but fell short of raising thl add1uonal SSO m1lhon 11 said 11 needed to rnake down payments on nghts of wa)' •and to keep operaun~ throufh early ne~t year. whC'n con· trucnon was to began. ··t f~I hke the dnvcr of a

stagecoach v.ho survived all the Indian raids only to die of a hcan attack Wlthan sight pf the trading ~ Gilson said. according to .\ssoc1ated Press reports.

The 160 mph train was to covtt the 13~ miles between San Otego and Los .\ngeles an 59 minutes, less than half the lime at takes conventional Am­trak trains. .\s recently as August, .\mencan High Speed had an· nounced that ronstruct1on woutd begin ne\t year. with completion due in IQ86

.\t that tame. the compan} released a llmetabk and a hst of fares for 114 ~"-~between Lo sclC$ and.-

n D1cao. Company officals stood b) their prediction that the system "-OU Id can) I 00.000 passengers daily. "-Ith Orange Count) stop 1n .\nahc1m. Santa .\na and Irvine.

Cnt1cs of t~ 1'f'OJ«t. howevcn claimed the August announcement was JUSt a last. de peratc attcrnpt to antcrt t in'cstors .\mencan Hag& ~had pledged ll would build tht

bullet train wtthout tax dollars. But the project drew oppo h1on

fr~m en' iron mental groups alona_ the route and nve city council . Foes (Pleue eee BULL&T 'ltAIR/ A2)

Irvine firm buying Texaco land valued at $200-3"00 million By ne At oe&ale4 Pra1

Tcxoro Inc ha rttment to stll at ~ll)' 0 11 farm holdinp b3scd an Balmricld to an lrvanc 1n,cstmcnt com pan)

Thebu"crwas tdcnufic-d by Te><aco " C'al·Wc t Propeni". a lf'OUP of C1hfom1a bu· ancs~ headed b)

mencan Aan.CO'l> oflf"\ inc. 1i11oh1ch ref~ romment on the purthaJc

Tenn, >Ac~ not d lo~ b) Te-.· aro Tuesday, but ppra1scn e ta­matcd the propen~ "'' worth $2


m1lhon to S300 mt I hon. Tc\aro of Wh ite Plain\, NV .•

acquired Gett • M 1nnchorna Land Farmrng o htn it merged ..,,lb tbt LM .~\cs-ha.Std 011 co~ny.

Th~ ~ompan) fonm about 77.000 acn:s mo ti) 1n Kern ount) . tnclud-1na 10,000 icm of W1nc and i.ble srapn and 9, f almoQd. appk. c1tru oh \f and other ltttS.

The sale also 1ncludcl a ~ pmc~.,1na 1.artlity, an aJmond-:~ult­ang plant and antc~t an cott n ains.


laimcd lhe bullet tram would ettatc noise and ot.hercnv1ronmental prot>­Jcms and eventuall)' would require a ovcmaient b iloul.

Galson said Tuesday that uch 11cism played no role 1n the

'\1cc1~ion to aivc up the pro1ect . he ~pointed only to linancuil hurdles.

· "There is no ~µfficlently large-scaJe funding ource of ri~k capital in the .. financial world," said Gilson. he bulk or the initial funding-came

, from Japan. The I hi hiba Corp. put ·up$7 milhon. while umitomo Bnnk put up SI mil hon.

•• ) Under Amencan High Srx-ed's ~utUne, bullet trains would have made more than 80 stops daily an

•Irvine. The Irvine City ounc1l took no formal stand on the projec't.

• But an an inten 1ew Tuesday nigh1. Jrv1ne Mayor Da\ 1d Sills said Amen· an High Speed's :.nnounccmen1

:didn' t surpnse him.

" I though't their financing proJl'C· tions macfe this a pipe dream." he said. " I wasn't too concerned it would ever exist."

Sills added, " Raprd trans1t 1s one ol those things that 1f }OU ask people 11 they favor it. they sa} )CS. But 1f you

.ask a second qucsuon. whether the) will use 11, they sa) no. Everybody wants their automobile. We ar'c an

automob1le-oricnted ~ociety in C.ah· fomia. and it's not going to go nway."

rhe lrvanc mayor ~Jd fund.$ wouJd be better ~pent on 1mprovina the iat • h1a.h~) ) tcm.

The bullet tram propo~I dad provoke !>trona protest from ~me centrol lrvtnc homeowner aroups. including the Colle&e Park Home· owners Associauon and the Irvine CitizeM League, The College Park group-coohb111ed S 1 ,000-tg...a...la~ u1t opposing the train

Pat Kcnnt>d~. a board member of both organ1zat1ons . ..aid today. "The bullet train would haw cut n$ht down the center of Irvine. coming within 50 feet or our homes - that's \.\-here our concern onginated."

R .:gard1ng Tuesday 's an-noun<:emcnt by American High \\peed. !.he !.aid. " My reaction was 1hat I'm !lo.glad 1t'6 over. It was two }'cars out ~>f many people's hvc!>."

Kennedy said the .homeownc~ do not oppo~ rapid transit in general, but had environmental and financial concerns about <\mencan High . peed's plan.

" It was simply the wrong tra'° and the wrong technology going through the wrong place at the wrong tame." sh.: \aid.

.\!though the cit}' of Irvine took no offinal sta nd. nearby Tustin joined


Ken Camden, anothl•r nwl han1c 1d.:ntified the ~nakc II\ a boa rnn,tm· tor. Camden said he had onl' a' a tx1)

Meanwhile. a small group ot on­lookers gathered to 1.1.itnl'~~ the drama.

With Mclou dmng the.· 1n1nca1c work and ( amden unwinding the.· !.nuke'~ 1a1l. tht: t1.1.o 1.1.erc.· ;ihlc.· IO remove the repllk in .ibout t\o\-O hours.

Thl' ml'1.han1l\ genii\ placed the.· snake an a c.'lrdboard bol. and at· tempted to ~cep ll warm 1n a blankc1 Service 1.1.ntcr JeO' Durling al<;o sprung for the sna~e·~ dinnc.·r

He bought a hve moU\l' for$ I Imm • a pet store and put 1t 1n the box with

tht: boa. " We think he ate 1t 'llowly," Durling said. "The ~nakc.· didn·t do an~ thing for a while but we checked back an hour later and th.: mouse wa gone

The snake. the mechanics said. lumcd out to belong to the car'\ o"' ner. Jack Rausch. who claimed 11 Tuesda} night.

Rausch told rescuers that the boa \lithercd awa) when h~ was bringing 11 homc for lhe first time from a pct uore about t ''a week.!> ago.

Durling \aid Rau$<.·h t>rought 1he rnr in for r..-patr~ because.· the cooling 1cmpcra1urc light flashed and the da!.hboard light\ didn' t worl. The \nakc wa., gu1ll}' on both counts.

several other cmes along the route 1n tllioa a lawsuit aimed at stoppm~ the bullet trajn, Even thouah Amencan High Speed's plan has been dropped 1 ust1n ity Manaaer Bill Hu ton ~1d the lllw uit would continue throuah the coun sy51em

He said the srnu.~ law that allowed the bullet trail) t>TOJCCt to proceed rernains on the bo<>ks. Huston nid the law allows tH exempt financing nnd frees ~uch project from meetina !>omc environmental gu1dehnes

The Tustin ollicials said the lawsuit ~ks to ha ve that law ruled un­constitutional. thus preventing any other bullet tram company from taking advantage of its provisions.

Amencan High peed has sold its plans and market tudies 10 Amlnlk for $200.000. Gilson said.

But Amtrak has no pljlns to build the bullet train ll!>elf. spokesman Arthur Lloyd told the.· Associa ted Press. The federally subsidized cor­poration bought the plans and market studies becnuse they were "very detailed. very good" and it would ha ve cost Amtrak more to produce us own. he sa1d

Amcncan High Speed is laying olT 1t~ 30 employees. but 1he companx will remain as an "inacuve entity.• Gilson said.

Durling '>•lid. Dr. Tom Scholseth. the new owner

of the Bal-Mesa Vetcnnary Hospitnl 1n Costa Mesa said he wasn't supnsed b> thl' tenacity that the snake dis· played in trying to sta) put.

" Boas arc not wont to go where humans wan1 them to:· he, said. "The}' use the environment to regu­la1e temperatures. It probabl y was ~eelong heat "

But boa_ LO~tnctors aren't lbe dangerous things ponra)ed in the "Tarzan.. movies. according to Scholseth. "They make great pc.•ts They aren't venemou' hut their bite\ can do.damage."

Partly cloudy and q. little warmer BY The Aaaoclated Pr ...

Skiff wllf be partly Cloudy 1nd temperaturff Jutt a bit warmer around South.,n Cal1torn11 on Thursday u weak high preuure tltta In l*'llnel the atorm ayatem lhlt moved through the tt11• thl• week.

After ~nJght Iowa dOW1'I to 50. Loa Angetee will wtrm up to a high In the 70t. the National w .. thtf 8efVtoe Mld.

Lowa from 25 to 35 W«• fOfecaat '°' the mountain•. with hight In the 501.

Coot nlghll and mttd day• were predicted fOf the deMrta. Lowa wlll range from 35 to 48 In upper deeerta and 45 to 63 In tower arMa. Highs will be In the eoa In the upper deHl'ta and range from 70 to 77, In tow d ... rta.

From Point Conception to th• Mexican border: Wlnda I04Jthwesterly to wnt 5 to 15 knot a In through Thursday with 1 to 2 root wind waves. Wnterly awell 2 to 3 feet. Variable cloudlnn..

Outer watera: Mostly northwest winds 10 to 20 knots through Thursday wllh combined Ma and swell ~ to 10 fMt.

,_ ................ -.. ............... ~--.·O

Variable cloudlneu, moatly high clouds. • -~<@~ :~::: CokJ~ Sl'IOwtr• R1111 l'luH,.S ,Snow Oc,lvd•O .. Stahon11y a.

N•- WMV>tr St"'<• NOU V r, O.o• >I C°"""t " • Temperature• Grand Rep1d1 41 21 0rMtf811t 60 21 GrMMllO<o,N C se H

HI Lo Heriford J9 Jl Al~ :s:J 21 HMn• 48 4 1 "'1bVQu4"Q1'41 .. 43 Honollilll ~ 75 A(nwlllO 80 52 Hout Ion .. 58 "-• 14 01 ~ 50 30 A-'9 $0 22 JecUon.Me 12 32 Alltnt• SI 32 Jlldleon\11111 83 31 Allellllc Clly 4ti 37 J ......... 28 23 l>,ualln 12 59 KenM1C11y 15 u Bammore 50 34 L•t 1199111 17 43 8l1HllQI 55 46 \.lllle Roch 68 41 81rm1nvt1am 58 32 Lot "::g:'" 89 54 8lemAICI< 5ft 30 LouleVl 49 H Bo<M 57 40 lUC>bOCI< 14 50 Botton 44 33 ~ &I 41 Btown1V11i. 80 17 M..,.,,.8Mcll 11 80 BuNelo 38 2t Mfdln0.00...e 71 50 8urtonglon Vt l3 29 Mllwell\I .. 44 30 C.14* 83 36 Mple-81 Peul 41 4 1 Clw1Mton.8 C SI 31 NN!lllllle llO '29 Oii-ton W V 48 24 '"-Or'->• 82 35 Chertolle.N e 59 H New Y()(t( 4 1 38 c~ 82 35 NorlOlll . Ve 50 40 CllQgo 47 38 Nonh Plane 83 32 ClnciMall 48 27 Oklanome City .. 51 CleYeiand 42 25 Oman• 11 51 Columllle.SC 61 25 o.rando 17 42 Colum~.on 4e 23 Phi~ 43 34 Conc«d NH 40 32 Ptloeool II SI o.tlM-f t W0<1'1 10 56 Oey1on 45 28 o.tl- 72 37 Extended 0..M~ 60 46 O.trOll 42 20 Ou4vlh 4 1 36 PW11y cloudy Thur.oay Mostly c:IMt Et Peto 77 51 evan1ll1H• 49 30 end e llllMI wer"* Frldey encl S elur·

Falrbenkt 00 · 21 <ley Higl'll In IM UPI* 80s l""'9c!ll)'

Fargo 44 39 and II 10 75 Friday and StllH<llY

FIMJsteN ... , 31 OV.ntgl'll IOW9 41 lo 68

Calif. Temps Surf report litgfl low, jWedpiteUOn lot 24 houra LOCA~ atZI IHAN

anc:tlng •I 5 • m Wedl>e90ey Hunllngton BMc;I> 2· 41•1r 10 Bek..-slleld &9 48 OOod Eurtllte 60 44 RI,,., Jelly NftPQfl 411lr 10 fr.no 87 41 gooc:t Lancasttf 80 45 40111 Sir.et, l*#POf1 411lr 10 l.otAng.IM 19 5" good Ollkland 84 49 Ullll S!rNI, Newport 411Lr lo l'aeo A.ollle• 83 42 OOod R.o BkiN eo 42 Bllboa Wec19t 4 lllir R«IWOO<I City 85 49 l lgUtl• BMc:h 2·3 ,.,, Reno 47 31 SenC,.,,,.,..le

,., QOO<I

S1e1-10 17 45 Water I-.> 83 s.,inu 4M 45 s .... cl<rlCliOn '°"'"-' San Oleo«> 68 57 SanFtMC*;O 63 52 San1a Bet 11a1 • 86 41 81oc1t10t1 56 4 7

Tides Hlgl'I. IOw. precte>1l•ll0t1 for 24 hourt encllng at 6 p m T IHNldey ' llarttow 70 60 TODAY 8ig e.w 50 34 89'ond n+gh 11 49• m so Bl9hoC> 59 3a 89'ond IOw e 12pm 02 lllylhe 77 S4 L.Of111 llMl;ll .._ se ™"'llOAY MontoYla ,, se flltl l\oQh 419em 37 Monl«ey 12 S4 , ... ,low 733am H Ml Wll9on 62 ~ Seconcl high 11lp.m 4 7 "'-Pof1 8-:n 116 IO Seoonc:t low g 11pm 02 OntertO es SS Sun Mii IOCley et 4 60 p m rllee Puec:tana 88 51 1.,..r.Oay ar 8 25 • m ""<1 Mlt llQaln at Alvarl4Cla 8<I 58 4 49 pm Sen BarnMOlnO 15 SI Moon,_ •• 10 05 pm •• Ml• ThUr .. s.,., G•l><lel 73 55 c:t•y •• 11 se • m enc1 r-eo•ln e1 11 13 Sen Jo.. IS so pm

Heather leaving hospital today Newport Beach Cit) ( oun­

cil"'oman Jackie Heather ..aid th1!. morn mg she planned to return home 1oday following treatment for a bmm hemorrhage that left h,,:r hosp1tal11cd since.- Tl\ursday. Nov . 8

OK to leave." • Heather suOcrcd the n emorrhage

early last Thursday and was rushed from her Newport Beach home to Hoag by paramedics.

hemorrhage was s1m1lar to the stroke she suffered in March• f982, Heather said.


" I feel fine," Heather said from her room at Hoag Memorial Hospital. ·-rm JUSt wailing for my husband to t·ome and \pnng me. I' ve ~wect· talked all the doctors and ttlc) say it'll

She had recently returned from a long trip to the Middle East, she said, and the return fl ight. coupled with the election activities Tuesday. left her physically worn out.

Te"'" th•" wl'ck determined Ute

The former mayor recovered from the 1982 stroke with the help of occupational therapy and kept up with her constant round of appoint· ments within weeks after leaving tht hospital.

Hl·athn ha~ served on the Cit) Council ~·nee 1978. ' Fro-m Al

an 1he count} thJt rca llv stan'> IAtlh the changing .itlltUdl' in SaLramen­to," N1rhobon '>aid "l ' nder the.· (Gov.) DeukmcJrnn udmin1!.tr.at1on, a tteatthy--hmmn~ t'hmatc 1s being · de ... eloped and Orange ( ount} 1-; in a umquc pos111on to ta~e advantagl' ot ll ..

.\ccord ing tn 1'J ll hol<,nn Or,mgl' ( ount} 1s an dltral ti\ e arc·a lor businesses bccau\e of '>C' era I fol tor'\

pun E:conom1cs. '-"h1ch chans the movement of bus111e'i!>CS into as wrll a'> within Orange Count) , said 80 percent of the new businesses in the cou11t) arci1rm~h1Ir.l-rr expamlrng. •\bout 15 perce nt mo1.e here from l o\ \ngeles ( ount) and other areas

\.\-here the pnn•., o t land I!. thl·Jpcr: S1m~1d

But tho\e rnm pan1c\ don't~take a Lot ofJol2!» with Jhcm~Sun..sl>. a -=---.111lll•lllliili arc more than made up for by 1e burgeoning gro'-'th of the hi-tech

industrre\ Jn •he counl) BROCK TALKS IN COUNTY ... For earh high-tech JOb that 1\ F A

created. Sim ..ard eight other> follow rom 1

fosters mternat1onal tra&. mapdate." the Senate. with s1x-)'cartcrms. would


" Thcn:.:s _a ht•althj l'COnom1c d1-vcrs1t} here." he .,al<J. =wcba\ c manuTactunng firm'>. re\Carch and development and an t."\ lensl' e r,up­pon services industry "

" The internal growth an Orange < uunt)' ha' hccn '>trong:· Durnham \.!rd "Companies arc moving out of their older fac1lit1elt and rnto newer. larfcr ones ...

h:crc -ba-s ~f 1hc-1ndus1nal firm\ to the nonhern pan of 1he counl y where rclauvely less l''pens1ve hou!.1ng for their em­ployees 1\ located. he said. but the firms do remain 1n Orange Coun ty

10 c;upport 1ha1 new position. 'The growth of the "sllpplicr infrastruc:· wr " m ma-nwfach>Rnj,::ilmHhe-;i:llb that it create'>. could be an important b} product oft he current groWlh in hi ·

At the news Lonferen~ Brock prcOickd i ncreasingl y Tucrafivc trade with Pacific Rim nauons. in pan thanks to the <1treng1h of the dollar overseas. But Brock said one of 1he kc} problems in this region is w1dc· spread counterfc1t1ng of American products.

..u;~.=~~~, ........... ._.... ........................... .-..-i:,cmam r~a11vety-mbfe. whilr-1~--:-"-i:!

Nicholson said the large numtx.·r of small· and med1um--;w:d bu~messes foundlnOrangc Count}' attracts large businesses. be"au'>c the c;maller firms can provide supphe' and adminl\· trat1ve suppon.

Busmessco; are alo;o a11racted b,· the work force which gl'nl'rall~ ,., bCttcr educated than 1n 01hcr Jrcas. auord· mg to Nicholson

The location ol the count-.. \.\-1t h proximity to Long Bl'Jl h and l m Angeles harbor'\ and It'. po!>lllon on the Pacific Rim. make' 11\ attractrvc to• businesses in voh.ed in 1ntcr­nat1onal trade. he ..aid

Other factor., 1ha1 attrall hu\lnl"'>'> indude the growing t.ultural and recreauonaJ opportun111cs lound 1n 1he county.

Busme!.ses lool1ng to move or stan rn Orange C'ountv lend to stud y the availab1lit} of hou'>rng to see 1f an adequate work force tart be found.

Rut In inc ( <>. officials. among othl'f'>. maintain that 1he ne.:d ,., Ot:rng filled \J\\ Did <:>1m . president ol 1hc lnrne lndu<,tnal Research and Dnclopmt:n t ( o a d11.1<;1on of the In me ( o

.. Whal we.· ·, c been tlo1ng wllh our hou\rng 1s m .:ogn11ing the fact that thcre'c; an rnadcquatc ~uppl) for the \oung. the ~n1or\ the fir\1-t1me homcbu\l'f' ... ~1m .,,.ud

tech 1ndustne!.. ~te"c Badolato. execu ti ve director

of the World Trade Center Assoc1a­t1on of Ora nge County. sa id he and the group'!> 300 members sec ©range County growing into a "tremcndoui. mctre>pol1tan area."

But bcs1dt:s th.: ""1del} ~hared prcd1ct1ons lor a sustained health> business climate an Orange Coun1y. Badolato says problem!. with trans· portat1on and housing need to be addressed.

"American (compuler) software IS

being routinel y !ltolcn. espcc1ally an cena1 n areasofthc Paci fic ." the trade official said.

Brock is a former U.S. senator and con1trcssman who served as national chairman of the Republican Pany before being named to his current post.

Regarding Reagan 's landslide elec­tion win last week. Brock quipped. ·-rm a bit surpnsed at how quickly people decided we don't have a

Brock said. ··1t was a fun elecuon. but I am troubled by whal happened 1n the congressional races. not as a partisan but as someone who is interested in the political !>ystcm."

He said post· Watergate reform'> have hmited the amount of money that individuals and pollt1cal panics ca n donate toa candidate. In the wak<' of this. political action comm1ttcc. or PACS. tui vc been formed to back candidates on behalf of special interest groups, he said.

Brock said these PAC'S almost always back only incumbents. a trend he described as "dangerous."

He said the U.S. C'onst1tut1on set up the two federal lcgjslat1ve bodies Wlth different length!. of terms so that

House. wllh 1wo-year tenfls, would reflect more current changes an the public mood

In rcc.:nt years. Brock said, .. The Senate ha' become less stable and the House ha~ become more stagnant."

Brock abo said the Republica n Pany's gains in leg1slat1ve races did not match the outcome of the popular vote becauSt' Democratic-controlled state legislatures ha ve gerrymandered or aligned rcpresenation d1stnct to help their candidates.

-He called for scrapping of the current reapponionment or rc­d1stnct1ng system that allows such gerrymandering so that elected rep. rescnta11on more closely follow~ the popular vote

The most v1'>fblc growth of late h<l '> been the surge 1n thc numlx-r of companies working rn hrgh-1nh fields. Nicholson said

I o cn\url' that a tom pan~ · ., wor~ lorll' t an find adl'quate housing 1n Orange.· ( ounty ~1m .-.aid the In 1111.• c n bu1ltl' !<O rwnc nl of 11<; ncw h11mec, "'1thrn thl· pr itt.' range oftho\c lit~Hrmr hmer\

\1 m 'k!IO rl'pOfl \ 111 fl rm~ IC<H Ing '>r.rngc.' C ount} °''" he C\aggerated

County 00ir1ah. have recogn11ed the need to prov1dc an adequate air and surface transportation system as well as a stock of affordable housing. .\nd though improvements can alway'> be made. several programs 1n place ha'c been helpful. according to John Stevens. an executi ve assistant to Superv1!\0r Tom Riley.

Through mortgage bond financ!nS . NEWPORT SEEKS NEW TRIAL.•• and multi-family bond financing programs. the cou nty provides hel p F A

The b10-med1Lal c.:ompanrl'\ tor example. arc attrac1cd both b> thl' skilled work force and c;chools like.· UC' Irvine that prov 1de reo;carch and development into area\ the fimv .. an; pursuing. In add111on. i.uch firm\ tcnd to attract others to tht• \ame area. ht· said.

forc:on'ltruct1onofhomcsandaimsa1 rom 1

But despite the tht:er" ecOllDmll picture. Orange <. ount}' h.is stopped attracting. 1f 1l isn 't losing. 1ho!.c bus1ncsses-lhal require a -Jot·<>I '>pe<e­a nd a large numht.-r or lt>\S"'ik1lled wo rkers.

" I uon't think you arc going to \l'l' .. any 'ilrong labor-intl'n\1vc rnanut;u

tunng industries lota11ng rn Or.tnl(l' County." Nicholson said " lhcn.:·., less 'p1ck-up-and-lca, e.' though th:.in companies who decide not 111 mm r here because of the co<it "

-SOb Durnham. prc<,1den1 of Nl·w-


.. I don·t ~no" ol an} e\oduc,. 1n f,1 1. t. I can"t thin ~ of an) <firms) that • ire.· lca' ing I he.· emplo) mcnt ha\{' 1\ 1n plaLc. \O ~uu um'1 c,a} "' c'rc.· r ha'iing pcof)k' il"'a} .'' hl· '><lid.

f·choing N 1t holo,un ·, v 11.·wpoin1. ~1m said d rnmpan1c<, are indeed lcu' mg Orangl' C OUnl\ for R1vcr.,1dc and ~an Berna1d1no tounucs. Lhe\ 're t) p1t:all} thu!.c thal n·qu1rc the u..C ol largt.• dffiHU-Oh of ~pacr. JTTt"IUd1ng wer~hou\t."., for dl'tnhuuon and other hU'>IOl' \\

r how t>m1nc.·"1·\ f\j'llt:.111} have k"'l' ' 1.·mpl11H·c.·<, 111 rdatwn tn the c,11e of the plant th.in tho\C found 1n Orange C. ounl\ \\ herj' real estate pntc\ are t1Jm111t·dh higher.

·· .\ <, an <trea hcu1mcs urh:in1;ed, )ou'll we thl· u1mpan1l'\ that require a lot uf,patt• natur.tlh movt· toarea\

making tho\e homes affordable to a larger group of homebuycrs. Stevens \aid.

In add1t1on the Orange County lndu~trial Development Bond pro­gram provide'> low-i nterest loan'i and bonds to businesses who want to eApa ncf 1hcir operation!>.

Even !.O. Nu.:holson said. members of the I ndustnal League believe much of rtle prohlem\ a<>soc1atcd with tntn'lporttt11on and housing are cx11g· gc.•ratt:d.

" l think we tend 10 get some bad prc!.s about the horrendous home pnc·c., and \o fonh 111 Southern California:· he said "There arc problem~ that nt:ed to be addressed, but 1hoc;e problem~ arc by no means keeping lOmpanJC!> from locating here "

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Daily Pilat H.l. 8chw•rtz Ill


Fr•nk Zlnl Managing Editor

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Aoeemerr Churchm•n Controllf'r

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Clrcul•tlon 714/M2..a33 Cl .. etfted edYerttell• 714/MI__,.. AH other depMtmente 142~1 MAIN OFFICE :)!)() Wesl 0..y SI C.0.le M.- CA M .. 1 •IJOf- Boo 1!1e() Cci61a MtM CA 9~8

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VOL. n , NO. 318

A JUr) awarded Taylor S6 m1lhon to cover has future medical expenses . the largest Judgment ever levied against the beach city.


Jurors agreed the city was aware that olT·shore conditions made swim· ming and diving dangerous in the area. but took no precautions to warn

beachgocrs The c:i ty contended rt would be

rmposs1ble to warn people of all the cond1t1ons along the beach that could lead to injury.


FOMCAITI ON A2 f ~llT 111111 ., . .. 'hf l>Nf C,OAY NOVlMBE:A M 198-l OHANla COUN I Y C ALIF OR NIA /'• <_ f r~ l' •

it~run eras

Coaat The Orange Coast Is par­ticipating In the Great American Smoke-Out that starts Thursday./ A3

Gambler offers some tips on making money at the the blackjd'ck tables./ A3

California Drunken drivers should avoid Burlingame Friday night. Roadblocks are going up In that city.I Al

Nation Reagan 'taken aback' by newest estimates of the deficit.I Al

Shuttle crew makes it 2-f or-2 by~narlng another hapless satellite./ A4

World A Sikh police commando was arrested the day of

1ncllra Gandhi' a-as­sassination./ A4

Home The newest laborato at

ne vesswve chaJre and video ter­minals, not test tubes and mtcroscopes./D1

Food The customary battle of the bulge after the hol­idays won 't be necessary with festive, calorie con­trolled dlshes./C1

Sports Corona del Mar High holds off Marina and Newport Harborln CIF water polo./81

Golden West College Is top seeded for the Southern California com­munity college water polo tournament./83

Entertainment " Fiddler on the Roof'' ls

. back for It• fifth pro­da&t.ton at Sebastian' S­weat./ Al

Baalne88 The takeover of Alrapur Hellcoptera by an Oregon company will not affect 1ocar operations./ A 10

INDEX Brtdge,,,. Bulletin Board ... nMI c.ltfornla Newa Cluaifted Comk:I Croeeword Death Notlcea Feetur• Food HefpYourMlf Horoeoope Ann.Landera Mutual ,unda NettoMt New9 Opinion Polee Log Pubic Nottcee In The 8ervtoe -8porta Stock Mlrkets TelevllkMi T...._a Weather WortdN.wl

A13 A3

A10· 11 A ..

03-8 A13 05 88

01-2 C1-14

0 2 0.

.... 02 A10 A4

A13 A3

88, 03 A7

81 .... A12 02

Al-9 A2 A4


.... OlllyNM,...._!lfLM...,._

Ed llelott. SteTe Keefe and Ken Camden (above) remoTe boa. Camden. (below) pa be a tall.

Mechanic finds -5-feet of trouble·

By ROBERT BARKER Of ... o.llJ ...... le.ft

-.a.mo~hirntc-BrontrSleimer·go the surprise of his life Tuesday while removing the dashboard of a 1982 Volkswagen Jetta to find QU1 why the ~We car's temperature light flashed on i . and off and the dash lights wouldn't

worlc. he doesn' t hkc snakes - especial! in - ~ cal'rlre'sworktng n---li t e

snaked its-waythroughTholen~rthc-over to Ed Melott. another mechamc steering wheel column and wrapped at South County Volkswagen and itself around the wiring and heater Isuzu in HuntiOAton Beach. ducts behind the dashboard. (Pleue He SNAKE/ A2)

Sketch prompts 150 pltone calls in Laura kidnap· By STEVE MARBLE °' ... .,.., ...... ...,

Since releasing a sketch of a gray­haired man wanted for questioning m the kidnapping of a 3-year-old Hunt­ington Beach &irl, San Bernardino Sheriffs deputies have been provided with more than I 50 names of possible suspects.

Sheriffs 1nvest1gators have been unable to locate the man or little Laura Bradbury but now arc concen­trating their search in the San Bernardino Mountains and around Lake:> Elsmore.

Laura was abducted nearly a month ago from her parent's campsite at Joshua Tree Na11onal Monument near Twentynine Palms. "The case has been refueled and so

has everyone's interest," Sheriff's spokesman James Bryant said today.

Leads to the little girl's whereabouts i;;_- ..&-~.&Jo,;...;J

(Pleue eee SUTCH/ A'2) Sketch of napect

. KidJ!ap victi-m-helcl 3 ~-ys, rapeO oer ore Oeing released

·A 23-year-old Laauna Niguel woman was reportedly kidnapped from a Costa Mesa parking lot by (our men and held captive for 31h days at a houtc where she was aJso raped, police said today.

Costa Mesa detectives a~ in· ve11iaatin1 the woman's report that she wu •bducied arou.nd-6 p..m.

Friday by four men while walking to her car in i,>aTlring lot at Park A venue and 19th Street.

Sgt. Dennis Cost said the woman was appa~nt ly forced into the back of a van ano dnvtn to a hou!C at an unknown location. where she was raped at least once. Cost said the victim was driven back to the parking

0€ businesses continue their yigorous gro;wtfi

When the Parker·Hann.ifln Cofl>. dalCOvered a ~r llO thlt at was outarowina its facilitaet in Irvine, company oftkiall took a tons took at · the e>ranae County are.. its employ· mtnt bne and how mlldl an tx· 1>1nlion heft would cost.

Wben tht dcc1tion was finally mack. 1M aimaf\ componenu dctian and manufactunna flnn cbolc to sta)' an Oraner County! walh plans for ('()1'1tl"UC'80ft of I J)(),00().tquereo-fOot fac1hty 1n the Irvine lndut&rial Com­plu.


Bob Rau. pre idcnt of the finn 's aerospace aroup. satd One of tht main rusons for tayina was tht cm­pto)tt .

.. The pnnc1pal con~m to us wa retainina the~ wt had in Irvine. We didn't want 10 move'° far a•'I)' tl\at e'd tote them." Rau 1d

And wtlh lht opponunny 10 ex· pend 11 cumnt work force of 2, employtts 1n the new f1c1ht1a. Rau smd.-OranacC"ount prov1dci111ood an •~a to draw upon a any 1n tht talc or count

• ..,

lot and released around 6 a.m Tuesda) .

<.. ost ~ould not elaborate on the incident. but said t~e woman did not receive any further IOJUnes. He added that some of her propert} was stolen. but would not Adenufv the- items.

Pohce reponcd the a tlanLs were all describcii as white.


Focus ON THE NEws Parkr-Hannifin's ckc1 ion to tll·

pand 1n Oral'\IC County while other compan1ts move or beJtn he~ 1s t)'pical or the «0nom1 crowth coun­t)' bu ine leaders say the) are now sttf"'"

Todd N1thl>tson, e\ u11,c d1~ tor of the Oranae ount lndu ln&I uaaue, said the~ arc no prtt1sc numbcn yet available. but 1t 1 cltar the number of finns tanma or movtna here far out"A'Ctghs tho lcavina. • "Thtrt" IU!ot tttmendou arowth

(Pleue ... 81Jtlll'f~88/ A2)

urts e

' . - -

river . ~

Car found in CM but motorist 's identity a mystery By STEVE M.AltBIZ Of .... O., .......

A motorist who ran dowu two restaurant kitchen workers aod drove off leavini them sprawled on a NeW{>On Beach roadway with critical injunes refuses to admit auponsi­biJity for the llOCidenl

Newpon Beach traffic officers sud they ~overed the siJver Datsun 280Z involved in Sunday's hi\4ftd­run accident but have not made an arfCSt because they can't prove who was drivinJ the car.

The rcgistcred owner of tbe car. which bears license plate 437Y AU, apparentJy was not drivini tbe car, investigators said. Police would not release the name of the car·~-owner,

Witnesses to the 2 a.m. accideot OD Dover Driv¢ arc bcina soucht by Newport Beach J>Qlioe aJooa wi1ll anyone wno saw tl\c-c.ar before or after the accident.

The driver of the sports car re.-. portedly rammed into the two 19-ycar-Old Costa Mesa men u they rode home on their biC)'cia in a marted bike lane, Newport Beach in­vestiptor Rick Bradley said.

Marpnto Aceves and Salvador Diaz. who bad ju5t finished their shift at tbe ~eu1'Cb E tee ralaurin apparently were thrown into the car's

· windshield and carried for an un­known distance before tumbfing to the road.

~potted the injured ~en .!f' called


pohcc. Bradley said be also is at­tempting to locate that witness.

Diaz sustained a broken neck and-. head inJunes that have left blntt paralyzed. Officws at Hoq_M~

al Jlosp1tif JO ewport~hf · -wookl- " not -1pccuntt "Whetber ~J would wallc apio. !

Aceves suffered major bead to-: junes and a fractured leg wh1cb1 required emergency surgery. ·

The bu-and-run car was found laterj (Pleae eee BJT-RUJI/ A.2)'

-- :j.

. Bullet train plan I

scrapped for lack! of required funds! Irvine mayor says funds would Qe better s penton h ighways By PHIL SNEIDERMAN °'-~ ..........

A failure to ra1~ SSO million from investors has derailed plans for a controversial bullet train connecting Los Angeles and San Di~o. w11h a key stop in Irvine.

Lawrence Gilson. president and ch1cfexecut1vc of the .\mencan High Speed !Uil C~oounc~l"U8-day that his company has scrapped a J.year-old plan to build the high­spced tram because the firm ha\ e'haustcd its funds. Cost of building the Cahfornta bullet train. patterned after a Japane~ S} tern. had be-en est1matd at $3.1 b1ll1on.

.\ta news conf~rence. Gilson said the compan) spcmS I 0 m1lhon on 1he project but fell short of ra1s1n~ the add1t1onal S50 m1lhon 11 said 11 n~ed to make down pa)'menlS on ngh1s of wa)' and to keep opcratin@ thrOUfh early ne;itt } C'ar. ~hen con· ~lruction wa' to begin

.. , feel hke the dn,,er of •

4 stagecoach who survwcd all thCf Indian raids only to die of a bearl attack w1thm sight of the tradinl post." G ilson said, according to AsSOC'latcd Press rcporu.

The 160 mph tram was to covcrtho 132 miles between San Diego and Los .\ngclcs in 59 minutes. less than half the 11me 11 takes conventional Am trak trams. As recently as Auguslf Amencan High Speed had anJ nounccd that construction would begin next year. with completion due ID 1986

At that time. the compan) released a t1~..tabk aRd-a hst-effarttforfjl tnps daily between Los An&eles an San DT~o Company officsaJs st b) their pnxhc11on that the ystem ~ould can) I 00.000 passengers da1t.Y! with Orange County stops 111 Anaheim. Santa Ana and Irvine. •

C'n11cs of the project. howcve_1 cta1mcd the.crAuiust a.nnounceme~ "a~ JUSt a last. desperate attempt to interest investors. Amencan Hi&lt

peed had plcd&ed n would build thi bullet tra10 without~ dollan. •

But the project drew opfFi'~U from eov1tonment.al_JDlllpS route and five city l"Ouocils. OCI (Pleue eee BULLST TaA.11'/ A2)

Irv.ine ~ompany · to buy Te~a(}o's

·Ge~ holdiligs Bf Th Auoclate4 Prut 1 m1llton to S.300 m1lhon

Te-.l<'o Inc ha \irttmcnt to sdl Te:taoo of White P111n N V • Its Gett) 011 farm hold1n N~d 1n acquui~d (1elt)'$ M1nnehoma Land a Bakersfield to an Irvine '""~tment farm i n~< o. when It me w.th \be c.ompan Lo A lt"S-ba'iCd 011 t"OlftO&ft •

The bu cr"'a 1dent1fi~b~ Te:t C'O The company farms abc>ut 77.000 <al-We t Proprn1c,. a aroup or tt mo 11> 1n Kem County. iaclud-

Cahfom1a bu incs'" headed b 1n1 10.000 ·~ of v.lDC lad ..-. mencan "SM.Corp. oflrvsnc. \\'h1ch va~ and 9.000 acres of almoM.;

rtf u~ commtnt n the purcha~ applt. c"ltru • oh~c and other trea.. Term ~err not d• lostd b' n,. Tht ~le aJ 1n lu a ll'lft

co l uc~" hut appn11 !'\ C\r,. pmct'-\~1n ranht . an almond.;tua.U.. mated the nrnpc:11, wonh $100 1na rlnnt and 1ntcrc t sn Mtton &fnL .


imcd the bullet train would crcntc · 01sc and other environmental prob­ms and cvcntuaJly would require 4 vcmmcnt b&aJout.

Gilson said Tuesday that uch ' ticism played no role in the

cetsiOf\. to aivc up the proJCCt; he intcd only to finunciaJ hurdles.

• • "There is no sufficiently Large·scale nd1ng source of risk capital in the .S. financia l world," aid Gilson. he bulk of the initial funding came

ftom Japan. The l ~hi hiba Corp. pu1 p $7 million. wlnlc um1tomo Bank ut up SI million.

Under Amcncan High Speed's utlinc. bullet tr.un~ would have nde more than 80 stops dally m

rvine. The I rvin~ Cit) C'ounetl took f)o formal stand on the project

But in an 1n~crv1ew Tuesday night. .Jrvme Ma}or David ills said .\mcn­-'an High Speed's :snnounccmcnt

. '11dn'1 surpnse him.

"I thought their financing pr0Jec­t 10n~ made this a pipe dream." he

,:taid . " I wa.~n ' t too concerned it would ever exist.

•. ills added. " Rapid trans1t 1s one of ' hose things that 1f you ask people 1f

they favor it. they say yes. But if you k a second quc!>tion. whether the)

".~111 use 1t. they say no. Everybody • wants their automobile. We arc an

automob1lc--0nentcd society m Cali­fornia . a_nd 1t'~ not aoma to go away."

T he lrvJ ne mayor said funds would be bener spent on 1mprovina the state-'~ highway ~ystcm.

The bullet train proposal did provoke strong protest from some: central Irvine homeowner groups. including the College Park Home­owners Association and the Irvine Citit.eni. League. The Colleac rark group contibuted $ t.000 to a lawsuit opposing the train /

Pat Kennedy. a hoard member of both organilallonc;, ~1d today. "The bullet train ~ould have cul riJht down the center of lrv10e. coming within 50 fect of our homes - that 's where our concern onginated "

Rcgarding Tuesday 's nn­nouncemen1 b} Amencan High

peed. ht: s:i1d ... M} reaction wu!. that I'm SO glad u·~ O\Cr. It wa!. l"-0 }Cars o ut of man} people's li ve ..

Kennedy said the homeowners do not oppose rapid transit 1n general. but had environmental and financial concerns about Amencan High

peed's plan. " lt was simply the wrong tram and

the wrong technology going through the wrong place at tht' wrong time.'' she said.

Although the ci ty of Irvine took no offi cial stand. nearby Tustin joined


Ken Camden. another mechanic. 1dent1fied the snal..e as a boa constric­tor. Camden said he had one as a bo' .

Meaneh1le. a small group of on­lookers gathered 10 w11ness the drama.

With Melon doing the intncatc work and Camden unwinding the snake"s. tail. the two were able to remove the reptile 1n about two hours.

The mechanics gcntl} placed the snake 1n a cardboard box and at­tempted to kt'ep 1t warm in a blanket. Service writer Jeff Durling also sprung for the snake's dinner.

He bought a live mouse for $1 from a pet store and put ll 1n the b0>. with ..

the boa. " We think he ate 11 slo~l y ," Du rling said. "The snake didn' t do an) thing for a while but we checked back an hour later and the mouse was gone.··

The snake. lhe mechamcs said. turned out 10 belong to the car"s owner. Jack Rausch. who claimed 1t Tuesday night.

Rausch told rescuers that the boa slithered away when he was bringing u home for the first time from a pct slore about two weeks ago.

Durli ng said Rausch brought the car 1n for r\!pairs because the cooling temperature light flashed and the dashboard lights didn't work. The snake was guilt y on both oounts.

several other c1t1cs along the route m filing a lawsuit aimed at stopping the bullet train. Even thou&)\ Amcncan Hiab ~d's plan b.as been dropped. Tu tjn City Manager Bill Huaton~d the law uit would continue thr6ugh the court ystem.

He id the state law that allowed the bullet train project to prooccd remain on the books. Huston sajd the law allows Lax exempt financing and frees such projects from mec1ing some environmental guidelines.

The 1 ui.110 oflic1als said the lawsuit seeks 10 h3 ve that law ruled un­const11u11onal, thus preventing any other bullet train company from taking advantage of its provisions.

Amwcan High Speed has sold its plans and market studies to Amtrak for $200.000. Gilson said.

But Amtrak has no plans to build the bulk't tr:un Jtsclf. spokesman A.rthur Lloyd told ' the Associated Pres!.. The federally subsidized cor­po~11on bought the plans and market studies because they were -very deta i l~~ very good" and it would have cost Amtrak more to produce its own. he said .

Amcru:an High Speed ts laying off its 30 employees. but the company will remain as an ·· inactive entity," Gilson said.

Durling said. Dr. Tom Scholscth. the new owner

of the Bal-Mesa Vctennary Hosp1taJ 1n Costa Mesa said he wasn' t suprised by the tenacity that the snake dis­ph1ycd in trying to stay put.

··Boas are not wont to go where humans want them to," he said. "They use the environment to regu­late temperatures. lt probably was seek mg heat." ,

But boa constnctors aren' t the dangerous th1J1gs portrayed in the "Tarz.an•· movies. according to Scholse1h. ''They make great pets. They aren't venemous but their bites can do damage."


where the pnces of land 1s cheaper.'' Sim said

1n the count) that rcall) starts with port Economics, which charts the , the changing a111tudc in Sacramen- movement of businesses into as well

to." Nicholson said ·· under the as within Orange County. said 80 (Go'.) DeukmeJian adm1n1stra11on. a percent of the new businesses 1n the

--- ~!thy- bus1nes chmt1te 1 be.ulg couniy are-fiml~t..are.u~ding... developed and Orange C'ount) 1s in a About 15 percent move here from Los unique pos111on to take advantage of Angeles County and other areas 1t." "The internal growth m Orange

But those companies don' t take a lot of JObs with them. Sim said. and are more- than madC" up for- b)' tfle­burgeomn3 growth of the hi-tech industne!> in the count).

According to Nicholson. Orange County has been strong.'' Durnham Count\' 1s an attract" c area for sa1d~ompames are mo.YJng nut of

----ousinesses bt.-cau~· o( several factors. their older facilities and into newer. "Thctt's a healthy ~onomtc- <h·- hn:ger ones."

vers1ty here:· he ~1d " We ha'e There has been a shift of the manufacturing firms. re~arch and industrial finns to the northern part development and an cxtens1\C sup- of the county where relati vely less port services industry... expensive housing for their em-

Nicholson said the large number of ployees is located. he said. but the small- and medium-sized bus10csses firms do remajn in Orange County. found in Orange Count) attracts large Businesses lookrng to move or start businesses. because the smaller firm s in Orange County tend to study tht' can provide supplies and admin1s- availability of housi ng to see 1f an trative support. adequate work force can be found.

Businesses are ali.o attracted by the But Irvine Co. officials. among work force. which generally 1s belier others. maintain that the need is educated than 1n other area'>. accord- bemg filled , says Dick Si m. president 1ng to Nicholson. of the Irvine lndustnal Research and

The location of the coun t) with Development Co .. a d1v1s1on of the proximity 10 Long Beach and Lm Irvine Co. Angeles harbors and m pos111 on on " What we·ve been doing w11h ou r the Pacific Rim. makes its a11rac11ve housing ts recognizing lhe fact that to businesses 1nvoh cd to inter- there's an madequate suppl} for the national trade. he said )Oung. the seniors. the first-time

Other factors that attract busmec;s homebuyers ... Sim said. include the growing cultural and To ensure that a com pan) 's work recreational opportun111cs found 10 force can find adequate housing m the county. Orange Count} . Sim said . the Irvine

The most " 1s1ble growth of late haf> Co builds 80 percent of its new been the surge in the.· number of homes w11hrn the price range ofthoSt' compames worktng in high-tech first-11me bu)crs. fields. Nicholson said. ~1m said reports of firms leaving

The b10-med1cal com panies. for Orang<.•< ·ount) may be exaggerated example. are attracted both b) the ··1 don 't know of any- exod us. in s~i lled work fo rce and schools like fac:t . I can't think of an y (firms) that UC Irvine that provide research and arc leaving. The employment base is development mto areas the fimH arc in pla<.·e. so you can't say we' re pursuing. In add1t1on, such firms tend chasing"people away, .. he.· c;aid. to attract other~ to 1hc c;amc area . he Echoing Nicholson·s v1cwpo1nt. said. Sim '>aid if compan1e'i arc indeed

But de~p1tc tht• cheery cconom1c teav1ng Orange Cou nty for R1 verMdc -~icture..-Orangc. C.:ount> has stopped and San_ Bernardi no counllec;, they're

attracting. 1f 11 1\n·1 losing. tho!>C typ1call) those that require tbc use of businesse\ that rcqum· j lot of \pace large amountc; of space. including and a largl· numha of le\\· \k1llcd warchou~s fur dl\tnbut1on and other worker\ bu-c;1 nesc;.

.. I don·1 th1nl. \OU arl' going to \CC Those hu\1nc\SC'> l)p1calh have an) strong labor-1ntcn\1 \ c munufa(- fc\.\er cmplo)CC~ m relation to the !>Ill' tunng indu!.tncs lo<:a11ng 1n Orange of the plam than tho5e found in County:· Nicholson ..aid ... 1 here«, Orange Count) . where real estate less ' p1tk-up-and-lea' c.' though. than prices are adm111cdl) h1ghrr compamec; who decide not to mo"l' · A'> an area become\ urban11cd. here because of the cos1 ·· }UU 'II c;ee the companies that require

Bob Durnham. prcs1dcn1 of Ne~- ::i Im of spare naturalh mu\ c to area\

For each high-tech JOb that 1s crcatcd... Sim.said~lhers .follow to suppon that new position. The growth of the ·-supplieT infra~ ture" in manufacturing. and the JOb!. that it creates. could be an important byproduct of the current growth 1n h1-tcch industries.

Steve Badolato. executive director of the World Trade Center Associa­tion of Orang" County, said he and the grou p's 300 members see Orange C'ounty growing into a " tremendous metropolitan area."

But besides the widely shared pred 1ct1ons for a sustained healthy business cl imate in Orange County. Badolato says problems with trans­partation and housing need to be addressed.

County offi cials ha ve recognized the need to provide an adequate air and surface transportation system as well as a stock of affordable housing. And though improvements can always be made. several programs in place have been helpful. according to John Stevens. an executive assistant to Supervisor Tom Riley. .

Through mortgage bond financing and multi-family bond financing programs. the county provides help for construction of homes and aims at making those homes affordable to a larger group of homebuyers, Stevens said

In addition. the Orange County Industrial Development Bond pro­gram provides low-interest loans and bonds to hus1nesses who want to expand their operations.

Even ~o . Nicholson said. members of the J ndustrial League believe much of the problems associated with transportation and housing are exag­gerated

.. I th1nl. we.· lt'nd 10 get some bad pres\ about the horrendous home price\ and so forth in Southern < altforn1a." he said . "Ther~ are problem~ that need to be addressed. but lho-.c problems are by no means kc~ping rnmpames from locating hcrt· ··

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• • \


Partly cloudy and a little warmer 8y Tht A.atocl•t~ Pr ...

Sklel wlH be partly cloudy " ttmperatur• Juet a bit warmer •round South«n Callf0tnl• on Thurtd•y .. WMk high preeeura fllfl In behind the atorm ayatem thet mowd througl'l tfle •l•t• thl• wet!<.

After OYel'nlghl low. down to SO, LOt Angelet wfM warm up to a high In the 701. the National w .. thet Service aald.

Lowa from 25 to 35 were foracaat for the mountain•. with hight In tha SOI.

Cool night• 1nd mild daya 1"f• pr~lct~ tor the d9Mf11, Low. wlll rqa from 35 to 48 In uppet <MMrt• " 45 to 53 In lower araaa. High• wfll be In the 601 In the ·upper detaf\I •nd range from 70 to 77 In lowdaterta. •

From Point Conception to the Maxie.,, border: Wlode eouth1Weatarty to weat S to 16 knot• If\ throogh'Thur9d•Y wltl'l .1 to 2 foot wind w1vat. w .. t.,ly swell 2 10 3 feet. V•rlable oloudlp ....

Out., w1ter1: -Mol11y northweel winds 10 to 20 !(not• through Thurtday with combined ... and aW911 8 to 10 feet. variable cloudlneaa, moauy high clouds. • ~~~:::co~ .. ~

Snow1h A11n n,,,, ... $now Occlud•O - S llh011¥Y ...

NellOIW Wtl- 5'11. 0 "IC)U V \ OtOI -" C_.. ~ Temperature. O•aodr 4' ti GrMtF l50 1t ~o.NC se 21 .. Lo H111t10td ,. 31

Al'*'Y S3 21 ~ ' 49 41

Albuquefque N 4 "°"°"' ~ 75 Calif. Tempe Amotlllo IO $2 A1'Cn0tego 14 01 Nllovlllo so 22 Allanla S8 32 A06ntle!C11y 41 37 Auahn 12 Sii 8alumor• so ,. ~ 55 48 llirmtngl\atn 56 32 BIMl.,c~ 55 30 80iM 57 40 Bolton 44 33 8•0Wf\.Wlo IO 17 Buftaolo 31 28 B<Hllnglon. VI 33 28 Cll'l>O' 13 36 Cl\atlOeton,S C 5e 38 Cll•rleelon.W V 46 24 Oh1rlott1,N C 5e 29 Cheyenne 82 35 ClllOllOO 0 ,. Clnc:lnn11I 46 27 Clewl11nd 42 25 COlumbll.S C 81 25 Columbut,Oll 4t 23 ConcO<d .N H 40 32 Dollu·FI WQtlh 70 68 Dl)'lon 45 28

°"'"°' 72 37 O.Moinot eo 48 DolrOll 42 20 Oululh 4 1 36 EIPNO 17 51 hem•lllt 49 30 Felrbanl<t 00 ·21 Fat go « 3 11 flocnllH ... , 31

Houaton 68 69 lndlenepoloa l50 :JO J41Ck80n.MI 62 32 J9CUOnY\Mo 63 31 Jut-.. 21 23 K-1C.ty 15 52 LMV~ 17 43 U Hlo AOCll $1 41 Loe.:r .. 54 lou 49 " Lubbock 74 l50 Momphle 511 4 1 Mlomi llMcn 72 eo Mkllnd·OdoMt 71 60 MltweuU• « 30 Mpl .. StP9UI 48 ,, Nuh¥111o 50 29

N.- °''""' 82 35 Mn VOrll ., 3t NoftOlk,Va 60 40 Noflll Pl•ll• 83 32 OtclllW>ma COy ea 6e On\ella 61 61 Orl1ndo 67 42 PNllClelOlll• 43 34 PllOonlx II 68

Extended Partly oloudy Thuftdl)' Mottly Clo.

...a e Miiie watmer Friday wid SalUI'· day HIQN 111 ,,,. llPPtf eos fhu<tdey end 68 lo 75 Ft':l. and S.tUl'Oly 0..rllglll io... 48 to

TOOAY 11 4llam a 12om


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City asks new trial in diver's suit By JEFF ADLER Of IM OIMJ "411 II.ti

The city of Newport Beach has asked an Orange County Superior Court judge to overturn a S6 million j ury award and order a new tnal in the case of a 23-year·old Claremont man left paral yzed after a 1980 swimming accident near the Balbba Pier.

Newport Beach City Attorne) Rob­en Burnham confirmed that the attorney representing the city in the c1., 1l lawsu 11. Patnck Qoinh van. has filed for a new tnal


If Judge Lloyd Blanpicd, the tr11ll Judge. denies the city's motion. the case then will be apptaled. Burnham said.

John Taylor. a qu.adnplegic con­fined to a wheelchair since his April 1980 swimming accident, sued the city claiming the city negligently fai led to place signs wa rning of hazardous off-shore conditions along the popular stretch of sand near the pier.

The athtetic. 6-foot -1 former surfer suffered a mid-cervical fracture of his spine when he jogged into the ocean


had all but disappeared until Tuesday when authontlt's released a drawmg of a man suspected of being the kidnapper.

Brya nt said several people at the cam~ound recall seeing the man. He said another witness identified the man as the person he saw driving a metallic blue van along a back road about 1 'h hours after the girl van­ished.

The back road. usually only traveled by four-wheel dri ve vehicles.

leads from Yucca Valley to Big Bear, Bryant said. He said the time and location of the confirmed sighting is consistent with the girl's .disap. pea ranee.

The sketch released Tuesday de­picts a bearded man 1n his 50s wi th unkempt shoulder-length graytng hair. The man is shown wearing glasses and a baseball cap. Deputies said the man's beard . though graying. is believed to have a strawberry hue.

Detectives also believe the man


the same day hidden between two con4om1n1um complexes on 20th Street in Costa Mesa - less than a mile from the accident scene.

"The w1 ndshield w~s shattered so badl} that it's Just about impossible to sec out of 1t," Bradley said.

He \31d ha tr from both victims was found 1mbcdded in the windshield and that other strands of hair from one of the victims was discovered on

· the sports car's sunroof. The case bears some similant1es to

' ..

a 1981 hit-and-run accident in New­port Beach in which a 26-ycar-old Newport man was IUlled as he crossed Balboa Boulevard while waJking home.

The death car was found a day later abandoned at a Whittier shopping center.

Police initially had difficulty estab­lishins who was driving the car even though they knew who owned the vehicle and had been contacted by the owner's attorney, who refused to let

and d1vt·d 1010 an in-coming swell and struck an underwater sandf>ar.

A Jury awarded Taylor $6 million to cover his future medical expenses. the largt'Sl judgment ever levied against the beach city.

Jurors agreed the ci ty was aware that off-shore conditions made swim­ming and diving dangerous in tht' area. bul took no precautions to warn bcachgocr!..

The city ~onl{•n<jed it would be impossil>1c to warn people of an .the cond111ons along the beach that could lead to inJul)

wa!'> driving a !.htn} blue van with large !>Ide windows and ~ss1bly having bc1gt' curtains in its rear window!..

Brya nt said the response to the composite drawing has been stagger· ing. ·

" We've received up to I 50callsand I'm sure will have 300 by the end of the day," Bryant said. " We've had people coming forward who resemble the guy just to let us know it's not them.·

his client answer any direct questions from police.

Through descriptions from wit· nesscs, officers ultimately arrested the car's owner. The driver later was convicted and sentenced to a year in Orange County Jail.

In a later newspaper interview. the youthful hit-and-run driver said he was so troubled by what be bad done that he wanted to confess immedi­ately. He said his attorney, however. advised him to stonewall poljce.




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How do I email the Newport Beach City Council? ›

Contact the City Council

Send an email to all Councilmembers, the City Manager also receives an email, at citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov.

Is Newport Beach open tomorrow? ›

Beaches. Beaches are open for passive and active recreational use that follow physical distancing guidelines during normal beach hours (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.), 7 days a week. Parking lots, restrooms, the oceanfront Boardwalk, and Newport and Balboa piers are open.

What county is Newport Beach in? ›

The City of Newport Beach is located in the coastal center of Orange County, with Los Angeles County to the north and San Diego County to the south. It has an estimated permanent population of 86,738 but during the summer months, the population grows to more than 100,000 with 20,000 to 100,000 tourists daily.

What is the zip code for Newport Beach? ›

The 92661 zip code in Newport Beach is most of the beachfront property in Newport Beach. You will find the Fun Zone, the Ferry to Balboa Island, lots of sandy beaches and the Balboa Pier located inside the 92661 zip code.

How do you write an email to the council? ›

  1. Address the Councillor (Make sure to use the propper titles Dr, Mrs, Mr, etc.)
  2. Introduce yourself. ...
  3. State the cause you are supporting. ...
  4. Include your own experience.
  5. Use 2-3 specific points.
  6. Include solutions or action you want the councillor to take.
  7. Bonus: Ask their position on the issue or include a question.

Who is the mayor of Newport Beach, CA? ›

List of mayors of Newport Beach, California
Mayor of Newport Beach
Incumbent Noah Blom since December 13, 2022
Term length1 year
First holderJohn King
2 more rows

Why is Newport Beach famous? ›

Located about 40 miles (64 km) southeast of downtown Los Angeles, Newport Beach is known for its sandy beaches. The city's harbor once supported maritime industries. Today it is used mostly for recreation. Balboa Island draws visitors with a waterfront path and easy access from the ferry to the shops and restaurants.

Is Newport Beach expensive? ›

The cost of living in Newport Beach is 150.3% of the national average.

Is Newport Beach high end? ›

Newport Beach is not only renowned for its upscale lifestyle, but also for its extraordinary connection with nature.

Is Newport a City or state? ›

Newport was founded in 1639, incorporated as a City in 1784, and rechartered in 1853. The City operates under a Home Rule Charter, adopted in 1953, providing for a council/city manager form of government.

Is Newport Beach Urban or Suburban? ›

Newport Beach is a town in California with a population of 85,159. Newport Beach is in Orange County and is one of the best places to live in California. Living in Newport Beach offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes.

What is Newport Beach area code? ›

The 949 area code covers most of the southern part of Orange County, California, including major cities such as Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Lake Forest, and Newport Beach.

How do I email the Huntington Beach City Council? ›

If you are interested in meeting with a Council Member, please call the City Council office at (714) 536-5553 to schedule an appointment. You can write to the City Council at 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. You can also send an email to City.Council@surfcity-hb.org to reach all seven City Council Members.

How do I email the Newport Beach Police Department? ›

Email it to info@nbpd.org.

How do Newport Beach City Council members get into office? ›

Its seven City Council Members are elected by district, but are voted on by the population as a whole. They serve four-year terms.

How do I contact the city of Newport News? ›

If you don't see the service you need, call us at 757-933-2311 or by dialing 311.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.